#//'quiet nights in quaint company' holding incredibly true rn
reflections-of-mobius · 11 months
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@familylightfox asked:
Never let it be said that Volt didn't know how to relax. With the village returning to normal, post festivals, the hybrid had plenty of time on his hands. Which meant he had plenty of time to sit down on the couch next to his partner while they were sketching. Careful to not bump their arm, he made himself comfortable by leaning against them with a purr.
[Unprompted! | Always accepting!]
With all the festivities (for the time being) complete... Node was able to focus on other things once more, though it hadn't been lost on them all the chaos of the past week or so. Now...they were about people'd out, content to hide in their sketchbook and pencils. The gentle sound of scratching lead on paper was like a soothing balm, each stroke on the page slowly building the image.
They'd been partway through when they realized that they wouldn't be able to quite finish the piece- it was just off-center enough that the final figure was partially off the paper, driving them to reset to a new page- the flick of material accompanied by the couch sagging by a degree as a new weight joined them.
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They didn't pause in their sketching- they'd grown accustomed enough to realize who had joined them without truly glancing over, but hazel hues still flashed for a moment- relaxing that faintest bit at the recognized brown and red fur. The fox remained as quiet as ever, even as Volt leaned against them. They could feel the purr in his vocals reverberating- like a steady buzz in their own ears, a soft white noise.
Node continued to sketch away- but a faint purr began to rumble in their own throat. They were tempted in part to stop doodling, but...they didn't want to break the moment. The mobian tilted their head for the briefest moment, nuzzling their partner with a soft sigh. There were a number of meanings to it- relief, comfort, love...each flickering in and out of each other, even as Node returned their attention to the page.
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Their pencil moved to a small corner- two quick strokes forming a small heart. And then they were back to the main sketch...though they did lean their head a little back, against the hybrid's form. The others might still be running on those post-festivity highs...but they were grateful that they could hide with Volt.
I love you.
A silent air to the room, where only soft purrs and the faint scratch of lead on paper could be heard.
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