#// went for echoes ending since u said kliff.... Sea Travel Time
sireneia · 4 years
@nessblessed​ sent:   “ talk to me. ” {From Silque to Kliff!}   //  misc sentence starters.   
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   “ about what? there's nothing they need to know. ”  he's not too surprised at how silque accosts him though. she must've picked up on that far-off look in his eyes as of late, and if there is anything kliff can call silque now, it is that she is a meddler — whether it be out of some genuine connection she felt between him and her or whether it be because of her attachment to her quarry and his own friendship to him.
alm's heart is big, regardless of all the other things about him. it's his heart that changed his plans from returning to ram to instead deciding to make a place for himself in valentia's political affairs. that heart will surely crack a little to find out it is a road he will likely take without all of his friends.
tobin and gray might stay behind for him. as much as faye loves alm, kliff knows she's seen she's been beat and will retreat to the home she loves just as much. kliff will not join her. he will not just tobin or gray either.
least of all, he will not join silque. they will soon be parted once more. he is running. that's what his own heart feels. it's asking him what he's afraid of. but his mind doesn't see fear; it only sees curiosity. nurturing the bonds he has, the bonds he has found again — it doesn't come to him. the sea engulfs him, threatening to sweep him across from one coastline to the next.
archanea. he's only heard of it, but he wants more of it. he feels as if going there will give him some deep answer. who is he? he knows his own name, of course, but what is he beyond that?
he must go.
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he extracts silque's hand from his sleeve, looking her in the face so that she might see the determination in his eyes.  “ i'll tell you, but only because you were planning on leaving me anyway. ”  he's well aware of her plans to travel all around valentia, helping everyone she might come across. it sounds noble, but it is not the endeavour for him.  “ i'm leaving for archanea. i'm dead set on it. ”
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