#// though you remove all of that and to the kobayashi's she's still their bunny
usagimen · 8 months
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            Shibuya might just be the only time that a Kobayashi remained close to the Zen’ins. Considering their feud, it would start to show the gradual change in trajectory that comes with Sayuri, who has no idea this is foreshadowing into her future. The intent for her was to always become the equalizer in the clan, which is an irony, for middlemen the Kobayashi’s bicker amongst each other horrifically. At the current state, they are not pleased with their Matriarch who understands the controversy surrounding her. Hatsuko’s choice to pick Sayuri as her shadow was never on the basis she raised her as a daughter but more politically aligned; she was prepping her to grab the position. This is something Sayuri has fiercely defied even in her youth, she actively stated it’s not in her interest to become clan heiress, even if it’s her birthright. By the time the Perfect Preparation Arc begins, the elders believe she is equipped for it due to her survival && fortitude in Shibuya.
Sayuri’s decision to uphold the status is not of self serving but of genuine belief she is capable of lifting this miserable curse that plagues her kin. It is her benevolence that comes with malice for all that was taken from her, truthfully, her family did not wish for her suffering. They do love her immensely as the binding factor for the Kobayashi’s is that each soul within their sanctum is precious, they will do anything to protect each other, they also at this point revere her as a deity that dwells among them. There is great pride she has managed to ascend higher than any of them, it is the atonement they seek for taking so many lives throughout history && demolishing each other to remain secretive in order to assure their own survival. She is no longer referred to as the God Hand but the Matriarch of the Kobayashi Clan within her title && presentation. They strip away her bindings, braid her long white hair && await a new order.
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