#// this isn't aimed at anyone in particular this is just a general thing
flamesignite · 27 days
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// I know I've been super selective lately and I know people really want to interact with me, and I am trying my best to work on that. Like, I know people say to take my time and stuff, but I am planning on actually sitting down one day and work on bigger threads I owe.
Thank you for being patient with me though, I know I've been focusing on specific threads more than others, I just want you to know that just because that happens doesn't mean I don't wish to interact. I really do.
Lately I've been burnt out and just replying to what is easier for me to reply to.
Like the threads with the most muse? Cuz Roy's pretty fickle and I hope that's not like a deal breaker, because Roy is very much like this all the time.
I don't want to lose writing partners because of this, but I understand if you do decide to leave or unfollow because you've been waiting for me.
That's why right now if anything I'll be sending asks from Roy more than doing a million threads. I feel like that helps me get more muse going and if I have inspo I'll make a thread out of said ask. That way I am not leaving anyone out.
I am trying not to overwhelm myself, and I want to try to do better about getting some sort routine going for when I do threads. Mostly when I have a lot to reply to I put them in a queue to roll out once or twice a day.
I am going to see if that helps me any because I really want to interact with more people, but I also don't want to overwhelm myself when replies start shooting out left and right.
but thanks for reading if you got this far. Honestly, the people that stuck by me since I started this blog, you guys mean so much to me and I really am grateful to anyone who's been here just watching me from the dash too. I see you guys liking and reacting on the dash about roy and it absolutely warms my heart.
I also can't wait to start writing with more of you guys that I haven't got to yet.
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kenzan-kiwami · 7 months
to be completely frank i think most of the people i've seen with major complaints regarding RGG 8's story are forgetting that 99% of what they're saying can be applied across the whole series
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lanonima · 11 months
sometimes I think I can be a real bitch but then I see the things that other people post online, and are proud of, like
no, I'm good actually
"If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all" is literally kindergarten level social courtesy, come on
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genericpuff · 2 months
With LO being done, a mass layoff apparently happening recently, and high profile creators like that of Bugtopia bailing from them, do you think Webtoons is gonna last much longer?
So I had heard about the layoff through the grapevine (as in, pals that I know who are aware of the situation) but honestly, I don't think this is the end of Webtoons as an app... I think this is definitely an end of a version of Webtoons that we were all familiar with as both creators and readers. I've been noticing this shift over the past couple years and now it seems to be coming to a head, a status quo shift from Webtoons being an earnest "anyone can find success with us" community of readers and indie creators to just another enshittified corporate platform that's only interested in churning out content to keep up its bottom line.
Before I continue, obligatory reminder that I am not an Originals creator, just a former Canvas creator and avid webcomic reader. None of this post is to accuse Webtoons of foul play or spread misinformation, these are simply my opinions based on my own experiences with the app and its staff, research that I've done into Webtoons' practices and history as a company, and firsthand + secondhand accounts of experiences on the backend from various Originals creators who have willingly spoken up on the matter. Take the following dissection and rant about Webtoons with mountains of salt.
The biggest sign of this shift I've seen has definitely gotta be the reduction of greenlit Canvas series in favor of imported Korean series. Now I will say there was a time that there genuinely were too many greenlit series, back when they used to do their launch weeks, and I think scaling that back isn't necessarily a bad thing to prevent oversaturation, but oversaturation is still very much happening, it's just through imported series now.
Though I will say a counter argument to this is that Webtoons' own audience has a habit of believing that EVERY piece of work needs to be read and kept up with. This is surely a side effect of Webtoons going from being a smaller platform with only a few select Originals series to suddenly launching hundreds more over the course of the last couple years, there WAS a time you could genuinely keep up with most of the series on the platform if you wanted, but now that's no longer possible, and while some would argue that's a flaw, I'd argue that greenlighting so many series isn't necessarily an invitation for you to read them all, it's just to buff up their library with more choices for those who are more particular about what they read. Do you enjoy isekai but don't like the one about the girl being reborn into her favorite medieval romance book? Well there are 50 other isekais set in medieval times for you to choose from.
That said, the ratio of greenlit Canvas series : Korean imports definitely feels like it's skewed more towards the latter over the past couple years, as we're now seeing them simply opt to import and translate series from their Naver platform. Some people don't really care or notice the difference, and there's certainly lots to be said about the popularity of many Korean works, but many other readers are now feeling iced out by the platform's sudden shift in art styles and storytelling tropes because Korean webtoons and manwhas do generally aim for a different audience than what a lot of veteran Webtoon users are used to. Plus from the creator side of things, it's undoubtedly making the playing grounds feel uneven where greenlit Canvas series now have to compete with the webtoons from overseas that are made in studios with teams of people and seem to also be paid far better than what NA creators are being paid. Webtoons already severely limits what series they choose to advertise and that's only gotten worse over the years with the ongoing oversaturation of the app's library.
That's only regarding quantity though, as there's surely lots to be said about how a lot of the higher quality stories are ones here made in North America, and a lot of that I feel has to do with the benefit of them being comics written in English by people who natively speak English. Unlike Korean manwha/webtoons, they don't have to go through the process of translation and localization which can unfortunately cause an otherwise well written manwha to lose its subtleties and specific writing choices due to rushed or poor translating (people who read scanlations of manga and manwha or who even just watch dubbed vs. subbed anime can certainly attest to this.)
With all that in mind, my own personal theory (*again, this is my opinion and tinfoil hat suspicions, not fact) is that Webtoons/Naver has essentially been outsourcing to North America to build up their app through titles like Lore Olympus, and now that that audience has been built, they seem to be bringing in their Korean series to benefit off that audience while reducing the amount of NA Canvas series they greenlight, particularly their most popular genres like Romance, Fantasy, and Action. How much they'll benefit, I can't say for certain, considering this is a company that has been operating in the red for years and IIRC they even practically admit to this in their IPO proposal (it's actually really funny to read if you're familiar with legal jargon and Webtoons as a company)
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Fact of the matter though is that despite Webtoons building up that audience through legacy NA titles, they seem to have forgotten one fundamental thing - most of the people in that audience just don't seem to be interested in the content they're now trying to sell. Credit where credit is due, the aggressive marketing campaign surrounding Lore Olympus for the last 5 years did a great job at pulling in new people to the app, many of whom never read webtoons before. In all its flaws, Lore Olympus is very beginner friendly for people who are new to Webtoons, with guilty pleasure romance writing that a lot of NA readers enjoy nowadays and an art style that was very unique at the time.
But out of all those people who were attracted to the app through series like LO, how many do you think are reading Korean manwha? I don't have the numbers to back up this argument 🧂🧂🧂 but I personally doubt it's very many if all the complaints about Webtoons becoming 'samey' over the years is anything to go off of (right alongside the complaints of LO being marketed way too much lmao)
So no, I don't think Webtoons as a company is going anywhere. They've made it this long operating at a loss, mostly in part to their parent company Naver injecting them with funds (and for anyone unaware, Naver is essentially the Google of Korea, they're a massive tech company that owns Webtoons as a separate venture, not too different from Google owning Youtube in a sense) and now they're turning to public funding.
I do think Webtoons as we know it is dying and changing, for better and for worse however you may define it, and regardless of which way it goes, it's going to come with the consequential shift in both audience and creators that such a transformation brings. I was there when it happened to Tapas, I was there when it happened to DeviantArt, and now we're seeing it in real time with Webtoons all over again. Whether or not they rise from the ashes reborn anew or simply fester like a dying animal, that remains to be seen, but considering this is the same company that's currently exploiting and underpaying creators to keep their bottom line afloat, developing AI tools, and running an app that's held together with staples and glue and doesn't even have tagging implemented, I'm not holding my breath for the best case scenario. The company and its app may live on but the Webtoons that we knew for years is long gone and may never return again.
And that's my many cents on that.
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coffeelomort · 5 months
On using the #Fragari_Art tag on Twitter
It seems that a few JP users on Twitter have been getting irritated by the use of the #Fragari_Art tag on Twitter by mostly fans from outside JP.
They're not against fans outside JP posting fanart, of course, but in the JP fanbase, there's generally rules that are followed when it comes to using main tags. Generally, the criteria is:
OK to use tag:
Fanart of the Fragaria Memories characters
Fanart of the knights and their lords together (as long as it isn't shipping art)
Manga/comics of the characters (as long as it isn't shipping)
Joke fanart
Duo/trio/group fanart (as long as it isn't shipping)
Not OK to use tag:
Shipping fanart (this includes both canon/canon and canon/OC, anything even hinting at shipping is generally avoided from being tagged it seems)
Fanart of OCs (including yume characters)
Fanart of girls (probably? I'm not quite sure what the tweet I'm referencing means by this, but considering it's a joseimuke at heart it's probably exactly what it says)
These rules are generally followed across each fanbase on JP Twitter, by the way, it's not just a Fragaria Memories thing. I know that artists just want their art to be seen by as many people as possible, which is completely fair. But it's just the way that JP users curate their experience in the fanbase. You see this a lot on Pixiv; shipping art won't be tagged with the series they're from.
Also notably, the #Fragari_Art tag is an official tag that was created by the company itself, so it seems like some users are worried that the company may even prohibit the creation of fan content altogether if people keep misusing the tag. I'm not sure how based in reality this worry it, but considering how trigger-happy the company is with lawsuits, I don't doubt it.
Edit: People aren't asking people to delete their art if they've used the tag or anything, it's more just a plea to be more mindful of using the tag in the future. (Nor is this aimed at anyone in particular, since there are quite a few fans outside of JP that do follow the rules.)
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molsno · 1 year
hii so im kind of confused about the general inner workings of transmisogyny as an extension of transphobia and was hoping you could clarify. basically, transphobes & terfs in particular say that trans women are men, however they treat trans women differently than men, dehumanizing them on the basis of their gender. i always interpreted this as a form of gender discrimination that aims to define trans women as a lower or subhuman class, a third gender of “not quite men but undeserving of the title of woman”. does this conflict with the concept of bioessentialism, i.e. that trans women are fundamentally men? i see people say that “transphobes see trans women as men” but from experience that’s not quite true. men receive privilege and rewards for being men that trans women don’t. sorry if this is incoherent im just trying to get a better understanding of it
your understanding is pretty good to be honest. trans women are a separate gender class - an underclass to be specific - and transmisogynists are aware of this, even if they claim to see us as men. does this conflict with bioessentialism? not necessarily, but in some ways it does.
the thing is, though, logical consistency doesn't particularly matter to bigots. that's why basically all of the laws designed to oppress trans women, despite all of the fearmongering about how some technicality in how they're worded will result in them targeting cis women and other tme people, are ultimately only going to be enforced to the fullest extent against trans women. for example, tme people would rightfully be furious if a teenage cis girl was subjected to a genital examination due to the suspicion that she's trans and playing in a high school girls' sport. this would unambiguously be sexual assault, after all. but ultimately, she would be allowed to continue playing (not that she'd likely want to after something so traumatizing, but I digress), and she would probably (not certainly though) have some kind of recourse available to her due to the backlash this incident would cause. if this happened to a teenage trans girl, though, would anyone care? would there be outrage about this? she would have gone through the exact same kind of sexual assault, but the law in that scenario would be functioning exactly as intended. no form of recourse would be available to her. sure, you could make the case that a cis girl might not be able to sue the school district due to financial or other barriers, but a trans girl would have no ground to stand on, legally speaking; she would have broken the law, no matter how unjust and discriminatory the law is.
so violence against trans women broadly isn't recognized as violence against women because we aren't viewed as women. but we're not viewed as men, either. for another example, let's work through the lens of sexual assault again. if a tme person of any gender accuses a trans woman of sexual assault, there is little to no doubt that she will be viewed as guilty automatically, both by other tme people and by the law (the trans panic defense is still legally admissible in many places). in the best case, this will lead to her ostracization and isolation, putting her at higher risk for instability and suicide. in the worst case, this will lead to her imprisonment or death - REGARDLESS of if the accusation is actually true or not. the justification for this is that trans women are secretly perverted men who are trying to prey on innocent cishet people, but the basic idea underlying that premise isn't even something tme people truly believe! if they actually viewed trans women as men, then her guilt wouldn't be quite so certain. men can commit sexual assault every day and face no consequences for it, even when brought to trial with clear and damning evidence, because patriarchy ensures that men won't be held accountable for their actions. of course, this isn't always the case, marginalized men often do face intense scrutiny, many times involving violence. but even adjusting this analysis to account for additional factors such as racism, trans women still receive absolutely none of the same solidarity, leniency, or respect that men of the same demographics as them do.
fundamentally, trans women aren't treated like women or men in society. we're treated as a disposable and undesirable underclass of women that everyone else is free to abuse without consequence. any claims by transmisogynists about what gender they see us as is posturing. we are treated in unique ways as a result of our status as transfeminine. that's exactly what we mean when we talk about how transmisogyny is a unique form of oppression. bioessentialism certainly plays a part, but its contradictions are so obvious that it can only be understood as one piece of a much larger puzzle.
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namisweatheria · 10 months
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Conversation from these posts-
I'd like to address both of these at once, because I think they're very much related.
One Piece is not actually very interested in explicitly condemning almost anyone. Constantly, characters who have done things many may view as beyond unforgivable, are still portrayed in ways that make them likable, and are accepted by main characters. Not because the main characters approve of their past actions, but because as they're not actively harming anyone at the moment, they see no reason to disapprove of them. Or, because they have no inclination to judge them and simply take them as they are.
There are countless characters whose terrible deeds are not censored or sugarcoated, who are still made to be enjoyable, likable characters. Their motivations are not just explained, but portrayed with the full depth of their emotions. This could be interpreted as sympathetic, but I think it's rather matter-of-fact. There's a wide spectrum of this, and it may come across that those on the lighter end of it are being justified or forgiven by this portrayal, but taken in the full context of what One Piece has to say about these characters, I think it's clear that the judgement is left up to us.
In a lot of simpler stories aimed at younger audiences, the main characters are moral guides for the reader. One Piece is not one of them. Not that I don't think it's not trying to teach us anything, but rather than right and wrong, it's how to enjoy life to the fullest. Right and wrong is left for us to discern ourselves without the overt cues of a morally didactic story. I think the depth of the portrayal of bad and questionable actors is primarily to be compelling and enjoyable, but it's also a candid expression of humanity.
I don't think Shanks is a perfect moral character, nor is he supposed to be. He's Luffy's hero, not ours. Same with Roger.
It's true that being called to the sea is given a particular romance, but their misdeeds made in the name of following it aren't just glossed over. Rather, I think the focus on it is very much on purpose, because the same will lives in Luffy and The Strawhats.
Who aren't just avoiding the same mistakes because they're inherently better, but because they're informed by the mistakes of the previous generations.
Usopp, like Yassop, longed for the sea. But he anxiously made sure Kaya was on the way to health, taken care of, and okay with him leaving before he left. He's looking forward to coming back to see her. As much as Usopp has always had a kind heart, you can't say this wasn't influenced by his experiences with his parents.
Luffy, like Roger, longed for the sea. Like Roger and Garp, he has deeply selfish inclinations. However, Luffy is sensitive to the suffering of others, and would never leave anyone behind. This has a lot to do with loving Ace and Sabo, respectively victims of Roger's selfish pursuit of his dream and the institution of injustice Garp carelessly lives by.
I don't think it's a stretch to say Nami was influenced by Arlong's inability to forgive humanity, strengthening her resolve to break the cycle and forgive Jinbei for letting Arlong loose.
Anyways, I think the lack of judgement on the part of Luffy and Shanks is a big part of their power to get people to follow them, and a big part of their successes. But the narrative isn't telling us to also accept murderers and deadbeats, or that they're actually great people. It simply shows them how they are, which is human.
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darcytaylor · 2 months
I get people who are saying he appears to be outgrowing his friend group, however it honestly seems like he is firmly committed to them regardless of his growth. The one constant thing we’ve seen has been the presence of at least A through all the promo and she seemed to be very involved with everything and everyone else in his life apart from Bridgerton. I believe she was even seen with his cast mates from TSOT recently.
I hate to say it, but I am starting to see Bridgerton as the outlier that doesn’t seem to be built into his life, but instead kept separate. The issue for Luke is that Bridgerton and the persona he is/was around it is what he’s known for now, and by seeming to do all he can NOT to be identified with it as his defining role, I think it’s causing problems. Again, not saying any of this is fair or even right, but it isn’t unexpected and I do hate to see this sort of thing playing out so publicly for someone who we know historically struggled with anxiety (although I know some people who have been around awhile and seen him in person have said he is noticeably different as a person now and more confident/not the dorky guy he was… that’s part of why I feel like Bridgerton Luke is not really him anymore).
You have made some very good points in regard to Luke’s commitment to his friend group (and also good points in general). But just because someone is committed to a particular path doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best choice for their life or that they’re fully aware of its impact. The choices we make affect our lives, and sometimes these impacts are not always positive for ourselves or those around us. 
In Luke’s case, while it's true that his friends are posting about his private/personal life, he is still responsible for setting boundaries and making choices that align with his personal and professional goals. His current approach suggests that he may not fully be aware of the progress he has made or the level of growth he has achieved. It appears he is not surrounded by people who match his professional aspirations, which could be hindering his career. (This is all speculation on my part).
I think Luke can still maintain his friendships while also focusing on networking and advancing his career with people who share similar goals. What’s being shown publicly should ideally reflect his professional image rather than his personal/private life. His recent choices to spend time with his current group, especially when aiming to build on his success with Bridgerton, seem counterintuitive. But I will say this again, until we know his specific career goals, it’s hard to say whether his choices align with them.
Maintaining a separation between work and personal life is healthy. I think everybody should strive to do this. The issue isn’t that we keep seeing Luke’s private life, but that his private life keeps intruding into his personal brand (I brought this up in a comment to an ask). Every celebrity has a personal brand, which they use to market themselves. For Nicola, it’s her relatability, humour, and advocacy, which she effectively leverages (she's damn good at her job). In Luke’s case, the overlap of his private and professional life seems to be damaging his personal brand and creating a conflict.
But people do evolve and grow, and I don’t think it is uncommon for actors (or anyone) to undergo significant personal and professional changes, which sometimes can lead to a disconnect between public image and personal life. I also don’t think it would be easy to manage these perceptions either, but I do think it is crucial for Luke to find a balance that could allow him to embrace his growth and maintain a coherent public image (that works and isn't holding him back) at the same time. 
(also sorry this was so longwinded, but you know me, long drawn out paragraphs are my specialty!)
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krispdreemurr · 5 days
re: reset theory, more the general idea of "this isn't the first time kris is doing Their Thing," but also if you want to talk about a different way you interpreted the first ask & your favourite subset of reset theory or whatever, that's cool too. i just want to hear your thoughts!
no I just wanted to check and make sure that there wasn't like a specific defined version yet like Device Theory or the like haha
i do believe that this is a remade timeline/second try, yeah! it's what this weird fucking diagram I made is about. i tend to think that the first loop ended with darkner (or something) gaster making an unstable fountain-like thing in a crumbling world that basically dumped everything through the dark sea and into the void, which fulfills the "fell into his creation" requirement set for him and also kinda broke him personally and left him unable to participate directly in further loops (because you can't build a timeline from the inside, or whatever)
but yeah there's a lot of evidence, in particular I'm always drawn to "I look forward to creating a new future with you" because that's Fucking Evocative. but all the stuff about time going around/the new or old year/etc in the hidden valentine is another big point.
i don't think kris as we see them in game is aware of this. in fact, i think ironically here the protag might have the lowest reset awareness level of anyone, because the thing that persists through a reset (their SOUL) has been replaced with the device connection. (i do, however, sometimes wonder - if it is true their SOUL is out of them, maybe with gaster, then maybe the second voice that discards the vessel wasn't Chara)...
oh, also, i think the shadow shards are pieces of the broken original timeline, indicating some of the things wrong with it in the light world (like Susie and Kris being at odds). more out there, I think newest new girl was set in that timeline, and I also think the stain on the carpet may be from it
also also. i think Dess died in the original. her vanishing into the bunker instead was sort of gaster "saving" her by hiding her from the narrative
the exact nature of what went wrong and why gaster thinks a player needs to be involved im indecisive on. no single theory doesn't seem to run into some level of convolution. i do tend to think there will be something asked of us that kris would never do, some act they would never take that thus requires us to take it (be it as the vessel or as Kris). murder is a big obvious choice but who fucking knows
i did end up with friends with a whole thing where original kris was a cool supervillain type aiming to cast the world into darkness, working in concert w the secret bosses and gaster, and they like have one eye that's an endless hole leading to a single shining star, and it's Very sick and cool. please understand.
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guppygiggles · 6 months
Look, this shouldn't be a surprise if you read my pinned post... and I generally don't get involved in discourse, but I want to be explicit about something. This is NOT a callout, or aimed at anyone in particular, and this is the only post I'm ever going to make about this.
While tickling usually isn't sexual for me (only with my partner), it is intimate.
I obviously don't feel "normal" about it. I get flustered, I blush over it, I get excited, I feel cuddly and loving over it, I get in playful moods... I feel a lot of things about tickling that "regular" people don't. I mean, just look at my art. Look at what I write. This shouldn't be shocking, right?
Connecting with my friends in the community via teasing them, tickling their characters, and generally just "playing" with them is how I show I love and care for them, or even just that I really enjoy their characters. It's how I cuddle them through a screen. It's a fun and unique way we interact that I don't think people outside the community really have an analog for, which is why it's so hard to articulate.
For what it's worth (and, sort of, the whole point of this post) -- I am friends with people who are knismos and kinksters, who are into the very NSFW side of tickling. That aspect of it doesn't really interest or appeal to me, because I'm demi and I only feel those feelings with my spouse... but just because I'm not interested, doesn't mean I think it's wrong. We are adults, we communicate what we're okay with in terms of interacting with each other. It's a bit different with each one of my friends, and that is completely okay with me; I am more than happy to learn and respect their boundaries and nuances.
If you understand this, then it should make sense to you why I don't want minors to interact with me, regardless of how sfw my content is. I don't want physical -- even as an idea -- or emotional intimacy with minors.
I want to make this clear, too: I'm very sex-positive even though I'm on the ace spectrum. I do not like the puritanical attitude that some people in the sfw community have toward the nsfw community, like they're immoral or gross because they enjoy tickling in a sexual way, or as a fetish. I might not be in their circle, but I'm on their side.
Most people, on both sides, have a "live and let live" attitude about this discourse, which is fine; I'm not talking about you, okay? But if you're sending hate to the nsfw side of the community for no other reason than you just think they're weird, gross, or you think you're superior for some reason because you only enjoy it in a sfw context, etc... just know that those are my friends, and if you're against them, you're against me, too.
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necroangelz · 6 months
community rant time 🤝🤝 not ranting about anyone in particular im just relaying my personal observations
okay so to me, typing quirks affect the way uu type (like my you = uu thing) while speech quirks affect the way words and sentences are formatted (saying pawlease, purrfect, nawt, etc bc those affect the spelling of certain words only; as well as 3rd person), so when i say speech quirk that's what i mean, that's the difference between tq and speech quirk at least to me
anyway i fucking hate it when people layer so much speech quirks into how they post. a few small ones are okay but some mfs gotta stop collecting all tqs/sqs like stfu this ain't pokemon uu don't have a pokedex uu don't have to catch them all. ∆i Cw∆n ' t Rwe∆d W∆t Kyu ∆re S∆ying ∆nd Fw∆nkly ∆ Lwot Of Other People C∆n N∆wt Re∆d It Either Tew Be Meownest . . . ! [ I can't read what you are saying and frankly a lot of other people can not read it either to be honest ]
and also babytalk overly forced cutesy talk is so . ew LOL pls get a real personality 😿😿 sawrry too harsh it's just . weird and uncomfortable. i don't like babytalk in general like babies don't even speak like that???
and this one last thing is such a minor pet peeve and I'm gonna sound like such an English teacher but it annoys me when people put pronouns in the wrong cases, like switching around subjective case (she, he) with objective case (her, him) i see this kinda often with neoprns that match regular prns, like shy/hyr, che/cher (I'm not the only one who sees this as basically she/her right? lmao), etc. it just bugs me when people go like "I'm friends with shy!! hyr loves making gifts for me (: " when it's SUPPOSED TO BE "I'm friends with hyr!! shy loves making gifts for me"
one does NOT say "her went to the park today. i met she there, i had a short conversation with she, and parted ways after her realized her had to be at a meeting in five minutes" in real life, so shouldn't that rule apply to neoprns inspired by regular prns as well????
if one does any of the things I mentioned, more power to uu i suppose, i don't really hate uu as a person but I'm still allowed to dislike things, don't let this get uu down though xoxoxooxo reminder again this isn't anything personal nor aimed at anyone im just bored and willing to rant
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Ugh okay I’m not sure if this will really fit with ur ideas but whenever anyone brings up group yanderes I’m always drawn to a specific scenario: Reader, by some miracle, gets a significant other outside of the group that, again, by a miracle, they don’t know about (I’m thinking, in this scenario, Reader travels through universes often to hang out with different spiders, and in a universe they visit frequently, they sneak off and see someone whenever the local spider is doing their spider stuff). Said s/o breaks up with Reader and they’re obviously upset. The group starts freaking tf out because their darling’s upset and not telling anyone what’s wrong, while Reader’s going through a whole internal conflict because they know they’ll be in trouble if they tell the truth, but also they know their ex will be in MAD trouble, so they’re desperately trying to hide the whole situation, which only makes things worse as the group descended into chaos, knowing that their darling is hiding *something* and not telling anyone. The whole spiderverse is working together to manipulate you/figure out what’s going on. People like Jess, Pav, and Gwen try to approach you as sympathetic friends who you can vent your issues to, while characters like Miguel and Hobie are much more upfront in telling you to tell them what’s going on, not even asking. When the truth does inevitably get revealed, it’s hell on earth for both you and your ex. (Bonus; imagine if said ex actually hurt you in some way other than breaking up, like admitting to cheating or was generally cruel to you either during the relationship or just in the breakup. The fury of your captors would be biblical)
God and from their perspective some/most of it is justified because you're walking around SIGNIFICANTLY more depressed than before, you're starting to become more anxious and jumpy, and with some people you're outright lashing out in anger if they press you on the subject, so like, even if some of the Spiders are trying to invade your privacy or even manipulate you, from their side, there's no telling how serious this problem actually is, or if it's nothing to be concerned about (in the grand scheme of things, you having a fight with your partner isn't some world shattering event, but to THEM it's 'wait Reader's been dating? who???' And like virtually no matter who it is, if they're a Normie they aren't good enough by the Society/your group's standards. Although technically if dating could potentially interfere with any of your future canon events, well, then you have a particular spicy papi very upset with you...)
So like, I haven't seen all clips of Miguel's scenes and speaking lines yet but I've been spoiling myself to a little more (I aim to see spiderverse on the big screen this weekend so I was kinda leaving some to surprise, fucking hid all my wax and edibles, im gonna dry out for a few days and hit some dabs and see this shit in IMAX and itll rewire my fucking brain shits gonna be so good) but oh my god this man gets so fucking scary. He's just on his brooding platform already stressed as fuck which is a constant state he lives in at this point and here's Jess and Peter B as concerned parents to fill him in on their concerns, what they've seen from you: sudden increased self isolating, crying more, becoming more withdrawn and quiet, refusing to talk to them about it, trying to spend all your time alone. Miguel just, trying to tether the last pieces of his mental sanity together as he decides to go visit you personally, and he can immediately tell you're hiding something from all the darting glances to the fact you don't want to look him in the eyes.
Like can you imagine, I guess it depends on how you see Reader "going about", like do they have their own home universe or whatever, but, Miguel hasn't confronted you himself yet and he decides, fine, you want to keep secrets, good fucking luck, and all of his dimensional watches he's given out are probably connected to the same servers and systems so he just, looks up your travel log and quickly identifies that you've been visiting the same universe repeatedly, but none of your friends seem to know why you would be going there. Say you've been hanging around in Gwen's universe and Miguel assumes, oh maybe you're spending time with Gwen, maybe that emo little drummer said something to upset you, but Gwen looks confused (and a little upset) when it turns out you've been apparently popping in her universe without even saying hi? And Miguel is gritting his teeth because he's starting to form a theory on what's going on and he doesn't like it one fucking bit
He teams up with Jess and Peter B and Gwen and some of your other pals and he starts triangulating your bracelet and. Wow what the fuck you're in Gwen's dimension RIGHT NOW. So then they all race towards your location to watch from a distance, some real loony tunes, "all 6 or 7 of us are hiding behind the same tree" bullshit, and, there you are from a distance, out of costume as you're clearly very upset, talking to someone that, most of the Spiders recognize instantly minus characters like Pav and Jess and Miguel and there's this resounding GROAN OF DISGUST "oh god, NOT FLASH THOMPSON" (for Spiderman lore newbies this is literally the character that bullies the fuck out of Peter Parker in high school like literal actual shoving him into lockers shit)
Peni uses her mech to send out a listening device and everyone is comically gathered around as they eavesdrop and start getting progressively more furious as they start piecing things together: you HAD been there to visit Gwen initially, but somehow you met Flash out of costume and the jockey SOMEHOW managed to woo you, but the relationship quickly became manipulative and controlling until you eventually caught Flash with another person. They're all GRITTING THEIR TEETH as you're in tears, asking him what you did wrong, where did you mess up, and Flash basically tells you to your face, "you're nothing special, I got bored of you"
Your little groupie gang of platonic and romantic yandere WITH STEAM BLOWING OUT OF THEIR EARS as you whimper "but... you-you said you loved me! We SLEPT together!" And he just. Fucking laughs in your face, SHOVES YOU, and calls you a slut before walking away with someone else on his arm
Gwen absolutely seething as she reflects on how Flash treated her Peter and Pavitr is swearing curses onto his entire family line meanwhile Hobie just like "oy would it break canon if I smash my guitar over that pisser's head". Peter 'I just wanna talk to him' B Parker as he hands Mayday off to Jess while cracking his knuckles. Miguel is, well, upset about like 10 different things because God fucking damn it, how long have you been hanging around with non-Spiders in other universes? (Do you think the Spider Society would be like, more than just a little possessive and insular, since youre supposed to be part of the Ha Ha We're All Spiderman club and they catch you hanging with normies over them) Is there anyone else? What have you been doing? He's just instantly a mixture of furious and hurt because damn it don't you know you're like his favorite, why the fuck are you running around potentially flirting with canon, don't you know how dangerous this is
But also deadass he wants to tear that man apart with his claws and he's considering checking the canon events of this universe to see if he can make it so
The Gang just watching as you pick yourself up but can't stop crying, and you drag your feet as you head to sit in a park or something, seeming like your entire form and surroundings are nothing but a depressed, deep blue. You're in a park or something so they can't exactly approach you normally because there are people around, but you just sit there crying for ages before you eventually pick yourself up and draaaaaag your feet, seeming to walk around aimlessly until, eventually, you go to a dark alley or under a bridge somewhere and they all pop out at you just as you're about to warp home anyways and you're just immediately bombarded by all these people
"Hey, you know what he said isn't true, right? Dude's a punk bitch!"
"Scuse me? I take that personally. He IS a total fuckin wanker though"
"Hon, you can't let what some ego-tripping blonde who peaked in high school said make you feel like this! He ain't worth it!"
And you're just standing there looking at them as your heart breaks a little more because you HAD been wanting some kind of support in all of this but you're muttering out with disbelief, "you guys followed me...?" And you're really hurt by that, but, here comes Miguel, stalking forward, putting a hand on your shoulder that's one part sympathetic comfort, one part possessive anger as he glowers at you with chestnut eyes that almost look RED, "anything else you wanna share?"
Miguel marching back to the weekly We Love Reader meeting and slapping a graphic up onto the wall with your face like a PSA "THIS Spider FUCKS and only YOU can stop it" fhfjfjg no not really but like non yandere Spiders are doing their own thing when, from a secret meeting room somewhere in Nueva York, the ground practically shakes with dozens upon dozens if not hundreds of voices crying out in agony "NOT FLASH THOMPSON 😩"
Bonus points if like, one of the things The Gang had witnessed was you crying and all that right, but, what if Reader had specifically said to Flash, "but I gave you my VIRGINITY" like. Mayhem. Pandemonium. All the Spiders have a sudden "aha!" because wow no wonder you suddenly started talking about how you're worthless and don't matter, this DICK HEAD lured you into a false sense of security and trust and then took your virginity and bounced while calling you a fucking loser and judging by that shove, has maybe even put his hands on you before? Like fuckinnnngggg The Society and your entire friend group freaking the fuck out one day because you have a black eye one day you were trying to hide with sunglasses and you say it was from a Villain but they're all like Nah Fam That's Sus because how would a villain pop one off on your face when you have super strength and Spidey Sense and they get you/intimidate you to open up and it's like, oh, that was because your "boyfriend" didnt like how you thought you smelled someone else's perfums/cologne on him and he lost his temper when you pressed him for answers, and even when you tell them the truth you're still crying with a small laugh, "it was my fault, I should've backed off and realized I was upsetting him"
Reader just gets surrounded by all their friends and "the cute Spiders" like the cat Spiderman and oh my fucking god there's a plushie Spiderman and just, gosh, they try to basically smother you with love to cheer you up and bring your confidence back but your heart has been wounded and needs time to heal 🥺 regardless, later on Detective Stacey is having to investigate and finds Mr Thompson in an alleyway with a busted knee that permanantly ends any sort of athletic career and the words "CHEATER" cut across his body in multiple places while he's covered in scratches, bruises, bites, and he keeps mumbling the weirdest most incoherent shit under his breath that gets him hospitalized
"The- the pig... it TALKED... it pulled out a HAMMER... from its POCKET... the pig... had ... POCKETS..."
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cattistic · 2 months
My Thoughts on Being Called Weird and a Freak
This post isn't aimed at anyone in particular, i just wanted to express my thoughts and feelings around being called weird as an autistic who doesn't mask and barely understands some social rules.
I was yapping on a Discord server about how autistics are oftentimes seen as weird due to their social rules and social struggles.
And some responded that not all autistic people are weird. I understand that, but to me, i consider weird to be someone that's not well versed in social rules. They also talked about how some allistics can be weird too.
It was a good discussion and we discussed multiple things after we got that all cleared up. But i'd like to talk about being weird as an autistic who's a low masker, and someone who only self isolates as some form of masking.
I was called weird and i call myself weird because of my autism. I'm definitely not normal. I'm honestly abnormal, and all of that's because of my autism. I don't really remember a lot of my social skills i was taught in social skills night camps, nor do i have any friends. I barely remember certain social rules.
I mask a bit when i'm at school, yet some of my symptoms still get past the mask. I don't really mind but i was bullied for my loud vocal stims, and prompted some of my classmates to come straight up to me and unkindly ask me if i was r worded. I know that masking is very detrimental for your health, so i try not to mask the whole of my autism, just some bits that gets me into trouble like my meltdowns.
I don't like being so weird that i get bullied and have to mask my weirdness caused by my autism, but i don't mind being weird in general as that's who i am. I'm not exactly proud but i gotta accept it as i can't change the fact that i have autism.
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walkawaytall · 10 months
bring back the turkey, you cowards
Weird thing none of you know about me: from about 2015(?) until about 2019 or so, I had a very specific and weird obsession: Lisa Frank's social media presence (and, to a lesser degree, Lisa Frank's collaboration deals clearly made in an attempt at making a comeback).
Now, I will go ahead and correct a commonly held misconception amongst the people who followed me on Facebook at the time: I was not obsessed with Lisa Frank the person (as mysterious as she attempts to be, I think I have her mostly figured out), Lisa Frank the manufacturer of my favorite childhood school supplies, or even Lisa Frank the company as it stands today (though this Jezebel article, Inside the Rainbow Gulag: The Technicolor Rise and Fall of Lisa Frank, is wild and I think everyone should read it; it may not hold true today since they've had so much change and turnover, but it's still fascinating). My obsession was primarily focused on Lisa Frank's social media presence. And that's because Lisa Frank's social media presence was batshit insane.
Keep in mind, when I first started following them on social media, they were not banking on Millennial nostalgia. They were still primarily selling school supplies. The adult coloring book (not adult like smutty; adult like...those therapy coloring books that were so popular ten years ago?) sold by way of an exclusivity agreement with Dollar General hadn't been announced yet, nor had workout gear or the SpongeBob collab (sold only at HotTopic). As far as anyone knew, Lisa Frank was still that rainbow school supply company whose target audience is nine-year-old girls.
Which is why all of the housemade "memes" were absolutely bonkers.
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This is peak Middle-Aged Mom Humor, so why is it being presented to me by the company making pencils and folders for elementary schoolers?
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Glad to know we are encouraging fourth graders to day drink.
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This one isn't actually aimed at any particular age group; I just find it funny that captains of pirate ships are inherently pirates, so I don't know what this is supposed to mean.
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He won't. He will not fly. He is a flightless bird. This is a terrible lesson and you are a homicidal mother penguin. (Also using slightly altered lines from poems without attribution is theft, but whatever.)
And the image that started my obsession:
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This...isn't a joke??? What is this???
I don't know who was behind these posts, but considering how small the company was at that point, I always suspected that Lisa herself was recycling old artwork with the help of an intern or something and creating the social media posts...because it just sort of seemed like that's what was happening? I have no proof of this; it was just a vibe I got.
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But, during that period of time, even though the posts were inscrutable and sometime just straight-up Minion Humor, they were at least interesting.
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Well, I mean, sometimes they were interesting because they were like acid to the eyes.
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Okay, and sometimes they were interesting but also sported questionable messaging about one's relationship with food and exercise.
Anyway, I digress. In 2019, Lisa's son Forrest Green (yes, her sons are named Hunter and Forrest Green) took over the social media presence and it became...very palatable for the masses, I suppose. It was a lot of photo edits of old boy band pictures with Lisa Frank designs superimposed on tshirts -- it was very nostalgia-driven and very much directed at Millennials and thus I lost interest, because if there's anything I hate, it's being the target demographic for a sales pitch.
Anyway, my point is that for several years in a row, Lisa Frank would post the same holiday-themed images, so I got used to seeing a certain Thanksgiving design that is, and I cannot prepare you enough, one of the most chaotic and hideous things you'll ever lay your eyes on. But it was tradition. They posted it like three years in a row, and then as soon as Forrest took over, this design was never posted again. And all I have to say on this Thanksgiving week of 2023 is: bring back the turkey, you cowards.
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russenoire · 3 months
7, 14 for the ask game :) 🌻
from this MP100 ask game! :}
7: what’s the most hilarious moment to you?
[note: i'm terrible at picking 'one favorite thing' as a general rule, and have too many Most Hilarious Moments to count (anime and manga). so i'm just gonna list random ones that kill me if more ppl ask me this question.]
and i called it! i will answer question 7 as many times as people ask; i simply adore this story's flavor of dry humor.
anime: in s1e8 during ritsu's attempt to pick a fight with shigeo, shigeo sincerely congratulates ritsu on finally obtaining ESP after his younger brother attacks him with it. he then launches into embarrassing parent mode and starts describing, for anyone within earshot, how ritsu used to bawl his eyes out when they were younger because he couldn't bend spoons. ritsu doesn't deny this; he just says, 'that hadn't changed up until recently.'
manga: the meat omake. OMFG. i can't decide what's funniest about it: shigeo's absolutely based refusal to clarify an awkward misunderstanding, or teru's emptying reigen's wallet and hanging it out to dry.
14: are there any MP100 fanfics you HAVE to rec?
my tastes lean towards deep character study and the whump side of angst, so take that as you will. most of these are ongoing/incomplete. in no particular order:
kegare (can be translated as 'spiritual defilement' in japanese) by zillasafe. an organization looking to solve the global energy crisis kidnaps shigeo after the confession arc for their aims. skilled scrambling of narrative chronology and use of an unreliable narrator, visceral depictions of the effects of long-term sensory deprivation. [mature, graphic violence, 95K words]
a breach of trust by phantomrose96. what if mogami'd sunk his claws into shigeo early... and he and teru never crossed paths? preternaturally naturalistic dialogue, willingness to challenge fanon interpretations of canon characters, thoughtful examinations of how trauma can warp the psyche into violence, OCs that give me life. it's a serious long-read. [teen+, graphic violence, 384.6K words]
the brassica heresy by scribefindegil. captures the unnerving atmosphere of the psycho helmet arc perfectly. what if psycho helmet got his wish? and why doesn't anyone remember shigeo? a mystery from tsubomi's perspective, and she's fascinating. [teen+, creator chose not to warn, 27.5K words]
a murder of crows and a kaleidoscope of butterflies by redberrysoda. slowly sketches out a seductive world of palace intrigue and burgeoning trust/love between the princes of two kingdoms. shoumob. i'm not much of a shipper, but i found myself wanting more of this pair in this world. [teen+, 23K words]
blackhole by dmyy20. river-of-consciousness internal monologue that ripped me apart in all the best of ways. what if dimple hadn't been there to talk shigeo down after he saw his family in the fire? [teen+, graphic violence, 2.1K words]
childlike wonder, in the palm of our hands by nanayon. high school slice-of-life in which shigeo stretches his wings tests the limits of his ESP, with ritsu's help. exploration of dissociative identity disorder/system dynamics, lovely sibling bonding, shigeo learning to enjoy his powers for once, dammit. [gen rated, 11.6K words]
can i recommend one of mine? i'm proudest of this one... a friend described it as melancholic fluff: kain no shirushi (the mark of cain). it's a slice-of-life story where thirty-something shigeo's quiet intensity and his powers end up intimidating others unintentionally... and then later on purpose. from my summary on AO3: 'Inspired by that scene in canon where high-school boys attempt to bully young Shigeo and he ends up saving them from his posse. There, he isn't yet sure how to defend himself without causing others physical harm. Here, he's managed to figure something out…' [teen+, 2.9k words]
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second-wife-playbook · 4 months
"O-oh! How do you do?"
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"Ahh...introductions, introductions-"
"Um. Welcome! My name is Coronis, of the Ars Goetia. Er...you're probably not here for me though, my older brother Andrealphus isn't here I'm afraid. Wait...no? Um. Stella then? I hope she hasn't crossed you or anything-....oh not her either?"
"Wait...m-me?! S-seriously?"
"...ahh..ahaha! O-okay! Well, if you have a question of any sort, please, ask away! I'll try my best to answer to the best of my ability. Er...please! Take a seat, make yourself at home. Can I fix you a drink?"
"...I...I'm just going to make something for myself. E-excuse me."
Rules and Guidelines And Character Introduction Below:
Name: Coronis Sex: Female Age: 32 (at time of marriage) Birthday: October 1st (Libra) Sexuality: Bisexual (panromantic) Demon Class: Goetia (Black Cuckoo Dove) Location: The Royal Circle (Pride Ring)
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Summary: The sister of Andrealphus and Stella, Coronis is regarded as the "black crow" of the family due to her social anxieties and overall unimportance to the family. Recklessly neglected and mistreated, Coronis is very much a recluse and lives at the bottom of her social circle. However, she still holds out hope that someday she might live a free, happy life with friends and a family of her choosing.
Special AUS;
(Art by trissschmidt!)
Welcome! If you're new here and haven't read the Second Wife Playbook, essentially this is an RP blog of my own personal interpretation and depiction of the Protagonist from my fanfiction. I was encouraged primarily by @helluvaoutlaw to make this RP blog as a fun way to interact with her character in between writing chapters for both the Second Wife Playbook and my more recent publication, Heaven is Empty (Was it Ever Full?)
-First things first, Coronis is an Original Character above all. It is not required to read the Second Wife Playbook to interact with her, nor is it required to insert her to the fanfic to enjoy it more. If you appreciate Coronis as an insertable character, by all means do so. But this is mostly me being an RP-monster who just loves playing with original characters. -As Coronis is an OC, the events of the Second Wife Playbook are NOT going to be considered as "canon" to her storyline. I will most certainly offer them up to RP partners who wish to play out the story their own way, but for the most part it is optional. As it stands, there is no obligation to follow the story as I write it. -To fans of the Second Wife Playbook, this is also an opportunity for them to ask questions for Coronis to answer IN CHARACTER. That means that a fanfic specific question will be answer to the best of her ability. And since she's not a fortune teller, she can't spoil the future chapters either :p -Please do not waste anyone's time here with hate mail or negativity or uncivilized behavior aimed to harm. If I see an anon message I deem as toxic or otherwise unwanted, I will delete it. If you want to plan and plot out an RP together, that's fine, but if we can't come to an agreement, please remember to be understanding if I can't cater to your every need. -I am okay with RPing most things, however, I will not be roleplaying nsfw things with minors, as expected. Please remember that if you ARE a minor and are actively reading the Second Wife Playbook or interacting with this blog that there are mature themes and contents. Read at your own discretion. -My primary goal on this blog is to have fun. If you think Coronis is a cutie-pie, feel free to flirt! But Coronis is also totes shy and socially awkward, so don't expect an easy conquest. Also if you want to plot angst or adventure or horror, talk it over with me. I am open to all sorts of avenues for writing. -Coronis is presently suffering from alcoholism and severe social anxiety. If you are sensitive to these topics, I cannot say whether or not this blog will be right for you. -I am open to RPing smut, however, we should definitely talk that out before moving forward.
Thank you all for your patience and understanding! I hope you enjoy and if you're interested, check out the Second Wife Playbook on Archive of Our Own!
All artwork and face claims for Coronis are by @trissschmidt! You can find them on Discord, Twitter (X), and Tumblr!
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