#/ rookheeya khademi-khan / headcanons
noblehcart · 1 year
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Khademi Siblings List (Oldest to Youngest; top left to bottom right)
Kian (FC: Ya.n Feld.ma.n )
Masoud (FC: Ar.iya Ghahra.ma.ni )
Nasrin (FC: M.elody Za.ra )
Laleh (FC: Arien.ne Ma.ndi )
Jahan (FC: Bah.ram Rad.an )
Rookheeya (FC: Naz.anin Bonia.di )
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noblehcart · 1 year
HC Dump: Khademi Family
The Khademi family would be a family seemingly haunted by good wealth and family tragedy. Erfan Khademi came from a long line of merchants and traders that had profited for many generations dating back to the Achaemenid period; it is because of this long line of success that an ancestor had married royalty and added a few precious drops of prestige to the family. Marrying young, he took Cyra Almasi as his first wife and they had a healthy and strong boy, Kian, very soon after, however its two years of attempting to conceive and struggling to do so through miscarriages Erfan took a second wife, Azita Khodadad and they shortly after had Masoud. Masoud didn't have the loud vigorous cry that his elder brother Kian did, but he was a far more temperate babe and child.
Its another year and a half after Masoud's birth that both Azita & Cyra were expecting again and would give birth to two girls, Nasrin (by Cyra) first and then Laleh (by Azita) following a few months after. It would be a seven year lull (though there were still a few miscarriages & stillborns between both women that never survived) between children for both women as the household accepted that this would be the last of the children and thanked Allah for the blessing of two boys and two girls, but at the seventh year does Azita give birth to another boy, Jahan. Jahan was a difficult delivery and would prove to be a difficult child to raise within the household as he was the youngest and the most wild- often getting away with every sort of mischief. His mischief was tempered just slightly however with Azita's passing when he was four years old due to tuberculosis.
Efran was also infected with consumption but would recover eventually though is forever weakened after that and would succumb to a heart attack three years later and just a few months after discovering that by a miracle Cyra was expecting once more.
It is now that at eighteen years old that Kian assumes the role as the head of the household to care for his siblings and expectant mother. The last of the Khademi family is born and she is named Rookheeya. Rookheeya would only know her mother for a few short hours before it was discovered that she was hemorrhaging still from the delivery and passed away after. As his baby sister was placed into Kian's arms does he realize how the family now rested entirely on his own shoulders and mind thinking of how the infant in his arms would never know either of their parents and would look to him first.
Kian takes the next two years to settle further into the family business and trade before marrying to allow his siblings time to recover and get their bearings before he brought in another member to their family. Rookheeya, growing up, would look to Kian as something of a father figure and to the other women of the household as mother figures as Nasrin would take on a distant role as a sister and Laleh followed after Nasrin in tow. It was Rookheeya's brothers that would dote on their youngest in all manner of affection and over-protectiveness with Kian in his success in business supplying her near every desire, Masoud's patience with her curiosity and Jahan as a playmate-fellow mischief maker. As the years would pass Rookheeya would see both her sisters marry young to upstanding well to do men and, in a final tragedy to the Khademi family, lose Masoud to a fever that swept the area.
Rookheeya would grow up to be beautiful in form and in heart with a deep curiosity that was only outdone by her compassion for people and love of her family. She loves listening to the violin music and the setar, pours over maps and books thirsting for the rest of the world and her wit is as sharp as her skills on the chessboard. She befriends people of every class and station and saves a man from the side of the road from death, who then becomes the family's protective guard, and looks forward to having a family of her own one day.
Efnan Khademi
Cyra Almasi
Azita Khodadad
Sibling's Ages at the time of Rookheeya's birth.
Kian (18 )-
Masoud (15 )
Nasrin (13)
Laleh (13)
Jahan (7)
Rookheeya (0)
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