#+17 degrees Celsius
samirafee · 8 months
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#TOMMY👁️🧡👁️ME…tucked in on the garden bench😸📶
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spitinsideme · 5 months
demon ragatha trying to seduce nun pomni (the first tine ever esrly on in their relationship)
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birf · 10 months
SNRIs sweating is so real and it is saving me on the heating bills
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theflyingfeeling · 10 months
my new mantra for cold weather is "well, at least Olli is happy I guess" 😭😭😭😭
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jainkoa · 6 months
It is fucking cold cunt
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byakuyasdarling · 1 year
I used to also like to apply the classic “stoic touch-starved man = cold hands” to Byakuya trope,,, but like…
He’s a male over 6ft and allegedly is very athletic, a big coffee drinker, and very active — so he’d naturally have an excellent metabolism and burns a lot of energy just keeping his body going. By all accounts, this man would be a heater; he’d be so warm.
Meanwhile, despite my quite good metabolism, I have extremely cold hands due to anxiety and just being a female. So he’d warm me up <3
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anzheshyphae · 2 years
aaahhh why is this place like a fuckin freezer, it was so much warmer inside at my mom's place. came back home just to fuckin freeze huh
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zaddyazula · 2 years
season 1,3 and 4 mako have my entire soul, but season 2 mako????
i’d leave him in a ditch on the side of the road when it’s -17 degrees (celsius) outside and laugh as he freezes to death.
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hydnes · 2 years
i’m so cold right now it’s actually kind of nice
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tamamatic0 · 2 months
Jesus fucking christ it is cold today AUGHHHHH
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arbitrarydreams · 7 months
it’s just me, my pulled neck muscle, and ice pack against the world.
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irisbaggins · 10 months
Is bloody cold in our store!!
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ammoniteblue · 2 months
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Not a Hero, Just an Author (p.1)
kenji sato x reader
Her latest novel a flop, Y/N is starting to worry she wasn’t meant to be an author. She’s 24, lives alone and most of her college friends are either married or in more traditional jobs. she feels like she’s being left behind. That is until a charming baseball player finds his way into her life and shows Y/N that it takes more than talent to be a star.
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“-And we’re expecting light showers this afternoon with heights of 17 degrees celsius. So make sure to pack an umbrella. In other news, the Giants are about to welcome legendary Japanese baseb-“
The morning radio rambled quietly in your car, some light background music on your morning commute to work. Today you’d left too late, a delay caused by your alarm clock not going off on time, and now you were paying for it. The traffic jam was long. At this rate you were going to be late for work.
You sighed, drumming your fingers against the steering wheel impatiently. If you were even five minutes late your editor was going to kill you. this was a super important meeting, one Sana had been fighting for for months. It could make or break your career, taking you from a small time author to the real thing. An international bestseller. A book adapted into a screenplay. A movie. A show. World wide recognition. A dream come true.
You could feel that dream slipping away as the traffic in front of you crawled forwards.
There was a ding. Your phone. No doubt Sana asking about where the fuck you were. A cursory glance at your watch informed you had twenty minutes to get down town.
Was your heart racing from the three cups of coffee you chugged this morning or the stress ?
Another ding. And then another. Oh my god.
It was wrong, perhaps even evil. something you’d never admit aloud. but a tiny part of your brain wished, just for a second, that a Kaiju would drop down from the sky and rid the streets of traffic.
A great scream tore through the air. It was unlike anything you’d ever heard before. Beyond animalistic. a noise only a monster could make. Horns began to blare ahead of you and as you strained your neck to look up you realised why.
“Be careful what you wish for…” You hissed to yourself, as a towering reptilian figure appeared ahead of you.
It was easily taller than the surrounding skyscrapers. The Kaiju resembled a lizard, a knock off version of Godzilla. It’s beady yellow eyes didn’t seem to blink and as the creature took a step the ground trembled. earthquake like ripples shook the earth, sending your cup of coffee teetering over in your car.
People had begun to panic. Pedestrians turned and ran in the opposite direction, not afraid of pushing each other out of the way. In your rear view mirror you watched as an office worker knocked an old lady over in his hurry. He didn’t bother to stop.
Now you’d never call yourself a hero. You weren’t particularly brave or even outgoing. Maybe that’s why you became an author. It was a great gig and one you got to do alone. So it came to a shock to you when you found yourself getting out of your car and rushing into the crowd.
People barrelled past you, mothers clinging to their children, workers evacuating buildings. even cats and dogs had taken to running for the hills. You did your best to push through them until you were there, standing over the old lady.
She was struggling to pick herself back up, her cane discarded to the side. Quickly, you grabbed it and with your free hand helped her up to her feet.
“Thank you my dear, you shouldn’t be putting yourself in danger.” She said her voice wobbling a little.
A quick glance down informed you that she’d been hurt. blood was trickling down her left leg. she needed medical attention.
“It’s okay, we need to find you hel-“ You began to say only to be interrupted by a thundering roar.
A ray of purple light shot only metres past you both. It hit a row of cars near you, each one vaporising into nothing but debris and ash. From where you were huddled you could feel the heat radiating off of it.
The old lady let out a scared scream and as you glanced up you realised why. The Kaiju’s snakelike eyes were trained exactly on you. You blinked as your body suddenly went numb. It was unlike anything you’d ever experienced before. To be under the glare of a creature so big, so terrifying. A primal instinct in you told you to run. to leave the old lady and turn and save yourself. But you didn’t. You stayed. Whether that was out of nobility or fear you didn’t know.
It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered. Not when in mere moments you would be dead. reduced to nothing but ash on the sidewalk. No big meeting, no movie deal. You’d die a small time author no one has ever heard of. Your parents. What would they think ? their only child dead. They wouldn’t even get to say goodbye.
goodbye mum. goodbye dad. I’m sorry.
There was nothing you could do but try to shield the old woman as the Kaiju opened its mouth and roared. There was a great flash of purple and heat. heat unlike anything you’d ever felt. and then nothing.
Moments passed and you realised you weren’t dead. Neither of you were. The attack hadn’t come. But how ?
A feeble glance informed you how.
Stood only mere feet away from you, shining in silver and red was Ultraman himself. The city’s hero returned after months of absence. He was here. He was back. He saved you.
“Ultraman.” You breathed, staring in wonder up at him as he used a shield to divert the attack.
It was almost beautiful. the way the purple ray clashed with the blueish shield creating a symphony of light and colour.
The attack stopped and his shield dropped. Before the Kaiju could move, he raced forwards and tackled the beast into the ground. the impact sent tremors through the earth, one’s that almost sent you and the old lady toppling over.
“Quickly, let’s find shelter.” You slung her arm over you and used this diversion to try and drag you both to safety.
Soon after the KDF arrived, and emergency services. A paramedic saw to the old lady, Mrs Tanaka, who repeated endless apologies to you. She held your hand in hers and said:
“my dear you saved my life. i can never repay you. i am forever in your debt.”
Then as you started to cry, overwhelmed by stress and sheer relief at still being alive, she brought you into a hug. it was warm and homey. it felt like you were a kid again. like everything would be alright.
When you did finally turn up at your editors, six hours late and covered in scratches and blood, some yours and some Mrs. Tanaka’s, Sana flung herself into your arms. Your boss bitch editor, the self proclaimed Ice Queen of publishing, bawled in your arms like a homesick baby. The meeting was pushed back till you felt better and she demanded you take a few days to rest and de stress.
By the time you got home you were a shaking mess of nerves, trauma and exhaustion. if not for the blood and dirt you would’ve flung yourself on your bed and promptly passed out. But a shower was sorely needed and after the shower you realised how hungry you were. Saving an old lady’s life hadn’t left a lot of time for lunch.
There was a ramen shop below your apartment. a nice cosy spot run by a sweet old man who’d gone out of his way to actually read your book, after you’d finally told him you were an author. you’d been a regular there since you moved into your apartment a year ago. A nice warm bowl of ramen might just be the thing you needed.
In sweats and glasses you padded out of your apartment and down the stairs.
It was only nine thirty and the streets of tokyo were very much alive. People shuffled up and down the streets. groups of giggling university students, no doubt on their way to a bar or club. Oh to be young. Office workers were only just now leaving work, slumping down the streets like zombies. Their briefcases hanging limply in hand.
You shuffled into Mr Ozami’s ramen shop to be greeted with the savoury smell of veggies and meat. It was fairly quiet, a lull between the dinner crowd and night walkers. The booth in the back, your favourite spot, was free. Mr. Ozami didn’t even give you a menu, he nodded from behind the counter and went to whip up your usual.
It was nice. the pair of you exchanged barely any words but had somehow forged an unlikely friendship. right now it was just what you needed. quiet company and a warm meal.
Prompt as always, Mr. Ozami slid a bowl in front of you, popping a pair of chopsticks down. He nodded again and like that returned to his spot behind the counter. He knew you’d leave the exact amount of change for the meal after. Never a tip. you’d tried the first time you came and he’d immediately handed it back.
It was perfect. down to the last minute detail. Warm broth flowed into your stomach and slowly your nerves began to fade. an ease settled over you. tonight you’d sleep well. despite the absolutely harrowing day, you’d sleep well.
Or so you thought, until a stranger walked into the shop.
at first you didn’t notice. your whole face was almost in your bowl of ramen, too fixated on slurping noodles to realise someone else was in the shop. Maybe that’s why you were so startled to notice a guy standing by the counter, examining a menu in hand. Or maybe it was because the longer you stared the more you realised he looked familiar.
Too familiar.
And that’s when it hit you.
Tall, lean and dark haired. the man in front of you was Kenji Sato. New addition to the Giants and legendary baseball player.
Holy shit.
He looked up not giving you any time to wipe the broth off of for your face. a noodle hung limply from your mouth. for the second time today you were shocked still. The moments of eye contact were unbearable. His eyes flickered over you and you could see in his mind he was weighing you up.
Of all the days to be wearing sweats and slippers.
Thankfully he must’ve registered you as disgusting because he glanced away and back at the menu. With his eyes off you, you were free to slurp the noodle up and wipe the broth from your mouth, while trying to ignore the gentle stab in your gut.
Of course a superstar like Kenji Sato wouldn’t find you attractive. He wasn’t just a stupidly talented athlete, he was also good looking enough to be a model. in fact he did model. you’d seen the giant billboards with his face on, the flying blimps with him eating food or drinking something. not to mention in one fashion magazine there’d been this pic of him half naked with fake tattoos a-
No that was enough. stop it. today had been hard enough and you came here to relax. this person, because at the end of the day Kenji Sato was a person just like you, would not ruin that for you. You needed to sleep tonight. You needed to stay calm.
“Hey I saw you staring so i thought you might want this.” And there goes staying calm.
Kenji Sato was stood in front of your booth, looking like sin itself in his varsity jacket and sunglasses, holding out a signed baseball card to you.
For the third fucking time you froze. seriously it was becoming a problem. clearly you could only take action when it came to saving little old ladies. but anything else ?? nope not happening.
“Here then, i’ll just leave it on your table.” He half chuckled, sliding the card next to your bowl.
It wasn’t till he turned away that your brain finally started to work and your stupid mouth opened.
“O-oh uh thanks. that’s very nice of you but maybe you should save it for someone else ?” oh my god. what the hell were you saying.
Kenji paused and half turned to face you. one of his eyebrows was raised.
“It’s just,” you quickly tried to save yourself, “i’m not the biggest baseball fan and there’s probably a fan out there who’s really like it.”
nope yep you made it worse. why were you telling like the best player in japan, maybe the whole world, that you didn’t like his sport ?? Did you hit your head today and just forget ? It had to be the exhaustion talking, it had to be.
Amazingly, Kenji didn’t balk at your words. Rather the corners of his mouth twisted into an amused smile. He considered you for a moment and maybe he would’ve said something in response, if Mr. Ozami hadn’t come over with a take out box.
“Here.” He said plainly, handing the box to Kenji.
Kenji took it with a thank you, maybe a little perplexed at Mr. Ozami’s blunt way of speaking. he had been in the states almost his whole life. They probably did things differently over there.
“So um yeah…here you go ?” you held the card out to him, trying not to blush in embarrassment at your awkwardness.
everything that had come out of your mouth since he walked in felt stupid. it was like you were a completely different person. Why were you acting like this ?
Kenji glanced between you and the card. His amused smile never faded.
“You know what,” he grinned, “keep it. might just make a baseball fan out of you yet.”
He gave you one last look and it took everything in you to not turn bright red under his gaze, before turning and walking out of the shop.
It wasn’t till many minutes later that you glanced away from the doorway where he’d disappeared through. The card in your hands was shiny, a small laminated rectangle.
There he was, bat in hand, dark eyes shining, a self assured smile on his face. at the bottom was his signature scribbled in dark ink.
you flipped it over, expecting to find nothing but a blank white space. what you saw sent your heart into a cacophony of thumps. the blush you’d been holding back spilled over. every part of you felt red and hot and horribly unnerved.
scrawled across it in lazy handwriting were the digits:
+81 3 1234-5678
Kenji Sato’s phone number…..
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useless-catalanfacts · 8 months
A new record: temperatures are so high, that yesterday Gavarda (a town in the Valencian Country) registered the highest temperature ever recorded in Europe in January: 30.7°C (87.26°F). This would usually be the expected temperature in early May. The previous record was set in 2021 (29.8°C in Alacant). We are record after record, and it's not good.
This adds on the drought that the Catalan Countries have been suffering for 3 years. We have water use restrictions and many farmers have lost the harvests for months because they're not allowed to water the fields. And there's no prospect for generous rain any time soon. Experts have been warning that for every degree Celsius that temperatures rise in the Mediterranean region, annual rain will reduce by 4%, and since we're a region that is already naturally prone to summer droughts, this will mean 20% less water resources.
The Mediterranean region is one of the places in the Earth that heats the most because of climate change. There will be 40% more days with extreme heat (days with temperatures higher than 35°C=95°F), which will have effects on health, particularly on open-air workers, and will suppose a 17% decrease in agriculture produce. That is, without counting rising sea levels.
The Mediterranean region is inhabited by 400-500 million people, out of which 150 million live on the coast. Experts calculate that the sea will have risen 1 meter (it's not out of the question that it might have risen even more if polluting emissions aren't reduced) by the end of the century. Considering that 37% Mediterranean coast is very low, on sea level, this means that this rise of the Mediterranean sea will put about 42 million people in extreme danger. One of the first victims will be (and is already suffering the early effects) the Delta of the Ebro river, a mostly-agricultural area in the South of Catalonia which is also a Biosphere reserve due to its great biodiversity.
And some people still say climate change isn't real 🤦
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ayeforscotland · 2 years
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Some areas of Scotland are hitting -17 degrees Celsius and the British government are encouraging people to turn their heating down.
Honestly, the UK is a failed state.
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mindblowingscience · 10 months
The global average temperature on Friday was more than two degrees Celsius hotter than pre-industrial levels for the first time on record, Europe's Copernicus climate monitor said Monday, adding Saturday likely continued the unprecedented warming streak. ​Months of extraordinary heat are expected to make 2023 the hottest year in history, with droughts, massive wildfires and fierce storms ravaging swathes of the planet. ​According to new data, global temperatures on November 17 were 2.07 °C above the pre-industrial average, the EU's Climate Change Service (C3S). "This was the first day when global temperature was more than 2 °C above 1850-1900 levels," said Samantha Burgess, C3S Deputy Head on X, formerly known as Twitter. Preliminary data suggests the record continued into Saturday, with temperatures around 2.06 °C above the pre-industrial average, Copernicus said on X.
Continue Reading.
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