#+ some other things i can't say rn cuz spoilers
laugtherhyena · 1 year
Actually this may come as a surprise for the people who know me from Asoot/the Nijiue siblings but i really don't like Iroha at all, i remember not liking her that much even back in the day when chapters were still coming out.
And it's crazy because i would never have made them if it wasn't for the voidswap au where i was like "huh since Iroha is taking Yoruko's place who could she talk to in that scene from chapter 6?" Then i started thinking and working on Hitaru, Jiro and Akemi to use for that, which ended up not even happening since voidswap was canceled.
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velvetyvoyage · 5 months
Hey there li'l fella!
sypnosis: how some of the bsd charecters react to you (their lover or s/o or spouse or whateva) gifting them a silly lil pet.
includes: fyodor, nikolai, dazai, kunikida
a/n: i honestly should have stopped after fyodor and nikolai but oh well.
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the following convo happens through text
->"Fedyaaaaaaaaa when r u coming home???"
"I'm pretty sure I'll be back late tonight. Why? Is there something wrong? or something you need me to get?"
"no no, i don need anything rn" "i just got you a lil something"
"oh? And what might that be?"
"no spoilers!"
"alright alright. I'll try come home as soon as i can"
"okieeeee" "get me ice cream on the way!"
"[insert ur fav ice cream/s]?"
the following happens in real time
-> you're kneeling down on the floor to admire the lil dark-grey furry friend with a white cotton hat in front of you when you hear someone opening the front door downstairs [don't ask me how ur able to hear a door opening downstairs, u just can. ok?]. assuming it's fyodor, you rush down the staircase.
"why are you awake at this hour?" he says, closing the freezer door.
"i was simply waiting for you" "come! i wanna show you something"
"alright, lead the way."
*Insert Time Skip*
"..." "soooooo, what do ya think?"
"Love, why'd you bring a rat into the house?" "says you" *insert a v big side eye from you to him*
"what's that supposed to mean?" "ohh nothing!"
"well... is this your pet now?" "our pet* " "guess what i named it?"
"what?" " i named him... Phyodor. p-h-y-o-d-o-r"
"Dear, doesn't that name ring a bell?" "oh what ever do you mean?" you say, very dramatically.
-> just stares at you like 🤨😐😑
-> "And what if i don't want to keep it?" "well, then I'll simply "donate" phyodor to a near by orphanage or something"
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the both of you were on a stroll outside and decided to sit down on a bench in a near by park
-> "y/nnnnnnnnnnn watcha got there?"
"a dove" "it's so... pretty" you say. as you were feeding a flock of doves, one of them perched up on your lap.
"i wanna take it home"
"QUIZZZ TIMEEEE" he shrieks twirling around. "QUESTION 1: why do you, y/n l/n wanna take it home!?"
"because it's pretty and i wanna admire it every day? but... i can't take it home"
"interesting answer!" "QUESTION TWOOO: why can't you take it home? what is stopping you?"
"you." "HUHHHHH!?!?" "even if i want a pet bird, i know damn well that you will set it free and also i don't want to confine it between bars." you say with a perseptive look on your face. "besides i don't really need a pet"
"ohh? why so" "cuz i have you to take care of?" *dramatic gasp* *flabbergasted*
"I! am not a pet!" "but i still have to take care of you" "hmp!" he says as he puffs his cheeks, shuts his eyes and turns his head the other side. (ur looking north (at the birdies), he's facing east)
"why would i admire a mere bird when i could admire you instead" you murmured, a pleasant smile playing on your face.
"what was that?" "oh nothing"
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-> why? just why would you give him a pet to take care of? he's one himself and you know it.
-> the poor thing... :(((
-> whatever the animal is, it'd probably take care of him instead.
*cough* @🍣 *cough*
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-> does he really need a pet? like cmon?
-> also if you're in a relationship with him, no matter how responsible or independent you are, he'd have to take care of you too.
-> goldfish. he'd have a goldfish
-> it's the most fitting tbh
-> it'd just be minding it's own business in its lil fish tank unlike a certain mackerel.
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the pics at the start were only for aesthetic (which failed but oh well) and is not at all relevant to the post.
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low-budget-korra · 2 months
Comments on House of the Dragon S02E08
-DAENERYS TARGARYEN she is the prince that was promised!!!!! OMG. Watch them using one of the upcoming animated shows to remake that awful Game of Thrones finale.
Haelena and Daemon seeing each other was cool af, but she shouldn't have been given spoilers like c'mon.
- Well, know that Aemond was aggressive towards Haelena, their shippers can't say a word about Daemyra 🤷 (ps: I'm not Daemyra)
Also, Aemond burning and killing innocents just cuz his ego was crushed , and some of the team green said the Black's are the evil ones.. btw, he is a sexist asshole. Hate him. A good villain tho
- I'm really curious to know what they would do with Hugh. He will still betray the Black's? If he does, how this will happen? Cuz so far he is being such a great guy honestly.
Now, Ulf is actually the worst. He is def gonna betray the Black's but it would be a nice twist if that asshole actually turned out to be loyal and died battling against Vermithor and Hugh.
-The Gullet will happen right in the first or second episode of s3. I dislike those people cuz they will...u know...anyways, but that lady? Damn she is something else and she is a LESBIAN. I can't be against her I'm sorry
And Tyland is probably the honorable and nice Lannister ever.
-Gotta love/hate how Alicent. When she is winning, she is all a bit cocky but when she is losing , she comes to with her 🥺 eyes. Rhaenyra owes her nothing. I only feel bad for Haelena
She was actually willing to sacrifice Aegon , a son for a son. When Rhaenyra takes KL, after losing Jace, and don't find Aegon, she will think Alicent lied.
I know there's a lot of haters for Rhaenyra x Alicent, but there scenes are gold. And not Alicent asking Rhaenyra to runaway with her 😭
-Its so satisfying to learn that Aegon doesn't have pepe anymore. I bet the maids are partying rn. Larys was a real one tho, he saved Aegon's life by taking him out of KL
-Alyn gagged Corlys so bad. Damn
-I bet sir Alfred shit his pants when he saw that Daemon isn't a traitor or a usurper. If he is so eager to go to battle, why don't he go to KL and challenge Aemond for a duel.
-Not Crispin Cole trying to pep talk about honor. Bruh if you are so afraid and depressed after seeing the dragons dance, just to to Essos sell your oranges
-This season is a slow burn, people complained about it but honestly? For things to have the impact they should have, it is necessary to have a built up to it and that's what they did.
A lot of people talk shit about s1 being too rushed, and now are talking shit that this one is too slow. I've read people complaining that this season was just "old men talking around the table" 😭 and I immediately thought "did yall see Game of Thrones?"
S3 is gonna be wild. With Gullet and Rhaenyra taking KL probably in the first half episodes. The Winter Wolfs coming(maybe the Lads too), Tumbleton happening.
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jasper-juice98 · 1 year
Ok probably cringe but my entire existence already is soooo-
Hopper and Julio (oc) headcannons cuz these bitches gay-
Despite Hopper being, well, Hopper he's actually a decent partner. He's not entirely used to being in a relationship as he's used to being alone and emotionally distant. He really tries though
Like sometimes, he'll try to bring Julio flowers (or those tiny flower buds that's down to their size) or food they can share. By Hopper's standards, that's a big deal for him as he'd never share food of all things with ANYONE
Julio on the other hand, is very lovey dovey and romantic, and adores even the smallest gestures from Hopper.
Because Julio is a singer, he dedicates some songs to Hopper ever so subtly. Mostly because they're in general love songs that don't go into specifics and they're all in Brazilian Portuguese, in which Hopper doesn't understand lol
Speaking of Julio singing, he's a big Bossa Nova fan and regularly sings in that genre. A lot of Julio's friends say he's stuck in the past because of this and the way he acts/dresses (i say dress very loosely because they dont wear clothes other than Julio's little hat) but Julio isn't bothered. There's certain things he liked about that time period and embraces it despite the time change
Hopper finds it somewhat charming actually but he'll take that to the grave
In fact he'll take many of his feelings/thoughts about Julio to the grave
Like how he loves the way Julio sings, and how it's enough to actually make him blush about it. And Julio's overal chipper attitude even if Hopper acts like it's mildly annoying or naive
And if he admits any of these to you, you're probably going to die in the next couple of seconds
Also, this storyline takes place after the events of the movie in as if he survived the bird attack. He made it out alive (barely) and fled and had to fend for himself for awhile until getting himself trapped in a transport truck while foraging that went all the way to Brazil where he first met Julio
Julio helped him navigate this strange new land of Rio de Janerio, with the added benefit of also somewhat protecting him from the many birds/parrots that are found there
You see, Julio is a violet-winged grasshopper, getting their name from their blue or violet wings they flash to warn predators that they're poisonous to eat, hence why Julio lives virtually worry free while Hopper flinches every time he hears a mere squawk of a parrot (and spoiler: he hears them a LOT)
Hopper is protective AS FUCK, and defensive. You give him or Julio a dirty look and he'll make your insides outsides
Julio is also very touchy, very often is seen hugging Hopper, kissing him, holding his hand, leaning against him, nuzzling up into him, etc etc. It makes Hopper feel all fuzzy and warm on the inside but almost nobody would be able to tell and he makes sure of it
The most you'd see from him is a small smile, but I can't stress the "small" enough
And once in a blue moon, Hopper is the one that shows affection first
I'll be honest when Hopper first felt feelings for Julio he deadass thought he was having a stroke and/or heart attack-
During holidays like Carnaval or New Years, you bet your ass Julio brings Hopper to those celebrations and they always have a great time together
That's what I've got so far. I plan to write a little more since my posting schedule is shit rn. I should post more fjskfnsnfkskfjsk
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speakyskelly-1999 · 9 months
so i know i've been doing fuck all for a while
i've had a lot of work to do and i've not been the wellest of people
and like i have other anime i need to talk about first but errr
i just finished watching I'm in Love with the Villainess and errr i don't know whatt o make of it
it was like fine for the first 7 episodes, hell even good
but then it throw me a massive curve ball, tolerated it. watched the the next couple episodes. and err let me tell you thoes curve balls just kept on coming and just kept on getting worse.
now did i enjoy the final episode. well kinda. ignoing the first errr 6 minuets it was fiiiiiiiiine. but holy shit
and like they're not really curve balls in terms of plot exatly. they impact it of course but like it's more how they chose to drive the plot thats bugging me
some spoilers by the way
claire, who's the love interet looses her maid whos been with her for ages. fine plot point. WHY SHE LEAVES. ERMM!!!! lets just say forbidden love in the forgers christmas ad variety
ha ha ha i'm in so much pain
then we get some one who tests rae and claires love (rae loves claire but claire hasn't realised that she loves rae yet basically)
i need ceral break one sec
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okay i have food to get me through this trying time.
it's so yummy
so err yea character who turns up to shake up the relationship
me: okay show whos this person
show: claire's first love
me; okay like a kid next door kinda thing
show; her sisterrrrrrrr
me: say sike rn
show: hahaha yea that's not her sister
me: oh thank god, weird that she calls her that but i guess if its a they were really close as kid but driftedf apart or what ever that's tolerable. as long as their not related i can tolerate-
show: sheeeeeee her cuuuuuuuuuuuz
me: kill me now
so like you might be wondering why i stared watchging
i'd like to nkow the answer myself
i think i reached a level of dispar that destoryed me mind body and soul that i had to know if it got worse
it did
cat break
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aaah that cat doesn't have a care in the world
no work, no school just moew moew
okay is everyone refreshed
good back tot he shit show
now the show does a bait and switch but not really , i think
the concept of claire's cuz (i cannot fucking spell her name and i don't want to) is that in the game (yes this is a reincarnated into a video games one, i had some idea of the quality i was getting into but geez) she's one of the only ally characters to the protagonist (rae) to hepl her get with one of the love interest that she likes. now in the game you can only pick from one of the three princes but rae is going after the villainess (hence the title) so she doesn't know whoch side she'll be on.
now to save everyone some trouble, claire's cuz was deliberatly playing the "bad guy who gets in the way of their relationship to make it deeper" cos claire still haddn't realised her feelings for rae really (it is a bit odd tho cos claire's cuz also just says she was actuaslly trying to get with rae at one point and i wanna die)
god call me errr junko what ever the fuck her surname is cos that despare vortex has be by the fucking neck
okay back to it. the way. THE WAY in which claire's cousin goes about her fucking plan, her fucking deal is the worse. she flerts with claire infront of rae to deliberatly provoke her into a fight. this dosn't work so she just straight up chalengers rae and almost FUCKING KILLS HER. so i was like "ah shown your true colores now, this was the plan, no one will like you anymore and you'll leave."
rae lost the bet so she had to quit being clair's maid beacvuse thoes there the tems and conditions tehy came up with for the fight in essence.
tells rae that she dosn't really care for clair cos she gave up. rae states that like by law they can't be together and also claire dosn't like her back. manaria (i fucking learned her name for this, are you happy now. it's claire's cuz i didn't know if that was👍🏽errr) talks about how she had a love who she didn't wanna say anything and then ended up hurting her. sounds like weirdly placed moral support considering you caused this to happen and knew rae couldn't win against you in the fight but okay i guess
the thing that manaria did (well "did" cos idk if she was just bullshitting to get them to get back together or, as she states later, just wanted to see rae mad cos she thinks that's cute) is not nothing you lie about if she did lie. AND DEFINATLY NOT SOMETHING TO LIKE THE MORAL HIGH GROUND ON HURTING THE PERSON YOU LOVE. because rae just quit her job. manaria did something incredibly horrific. and i'm moving on cos i don't wanna talk about this part anymore
look another emotional support cat
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ain't he just a darling
that's a good cat right there
you can tell i'm coping hard
yea so erm fuck
ultimatly love wins. rae and claire end up together, yay/ manaria goes home, thank fuck. and all the side characters are happy (that deserve happiness). cool is that the end of the show now. can i go home. they semi set up a season two
ooooh they semi set up a season two
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yea idk man like the first 7 episodes get a 7/10 and idk what the fuck the rest of it gets. it broke my scale
don't wantch it, but like if you want to just watch the first 7 episodes and you have a decent enough ending. don't watch the next time.
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mistfallengw2 · 7 months
Spoilers from SotO below, first impressions ramble time
Tl;dr: Mixed opinions about story. Hope they won't flunk the landing after setting up neat stuff. Gameplay and rest is all fine. (Exes theory?)
Story was... okay, I guess? 🤷 It's the typical "that part where stuff goes bad before the final part" of other expansions, so it fit my expectations for the most part, so I'm not unhappy. Granted, I wanted a bit more meat cuz I feel a bit starved rn, so now I'm just gonna hope the final release will have as much meaty substance as the amounts of it scattered around this expansion's maps, because it's not bad, just... not as good as they can clearly make it. I'm really hoping it's just teething pain of the new expansion structure and that the next one will be more well-rounded, but honestly? I'm not sure they're gonna catch all threads they've woven so far this far into this expansion. Like, I'm perfectly fine with waiting and the setups are all juicy stuff, but the lack of payoffs or further building on the setups is killing my interest a tad (kryptis civil war is fine, but I want to see more astral ward stuff that was interesting (because I want to tear a bunch of it down along with the old bald blueberry if he says one more shitty thing)). The interesting stuff done in the first part WAS GOOD, and just... Come on! I want to love it even if it wasn't my jam at first (I'm a diehard dragon saga fan), not feel "eh it was okay" when thinking about it :/ Anyway, one interesting thing coming out of this chapter might be the fact that Eparch seems to have genuinely loved his queen, and no one in the audience™ expected that. Maybe in the final update he'll get built up in a more interesting way than he's been so far (not at redeemable levels, but more than... faceless tyrant who is way too much into royal roleplay and vore?), given we've known him only through perspectives that are defiant or more-or-less fearfully devoted. I just hope it's not gonna be another missed chance .-.
Onto the good part, map and meta are more of the first part of Nayos, which is nice for me (I like the aesthetic and vibe, and the fairly-mindless continuous grind of events is good whenever my brain does the funkies). Might need some tuning and fixing in some places, but it's quite enjoyable in the "map you can both grind away or do quickly" kind of way. I love the little houses around the place and I hereby declare that all chonky lil' kryptis are under my protection, and I'll be soon looking into legal adoption. Now to delve into legy armor crafting, playing around with the new weapons and all that, since that and gameplay in general kinda seemed to be the main servings of this patch. That part I'm ready for, and I may have the medium set mostly pre-farmed already oops.
And last, THEORY TIME: Isgarren and Eparch do feel kinda similar, not just for the rig, but specifically in that way of bitter exes who can't even stay in the same realm of existence because the other is too similar to them for comfort. Tell us what you're hiding, you old pair of farts >:T This whole Astral Ward vs Kryptis thing derived from their break-up, fight me about it >:V
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marikosenwrites · 10 months
little omori main cast head canons when you're dating
a/n: my first time writing an omori fic, and in fact, a fic! hope you guys like this. ONTO THE MAIN STUFF! (p.s. all banner are made by me, and the pictures that you see on it, are from pinterest!)
ships: basil, sunny, aubrey, hero, kel(i tried)
tw: FLUFF YASS, possible spoilers(?)
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‣firstly, this guy is a complete cutie
‣you need to protect him at all costs. AT ALL COSTS, YOU UNDERSTAND?
‣he loves you so, so much though seriously
‣will name a few plants after you
‣loves playing with your hair like after making flower crowns or braiding it
‣calls you his favorite flower all the time (sometimes your real name) (is his fav flower sunflower??) and you call him "my love"
‣watches tv with you on the weekend (in fact, your parents are as good as dead and you inherited the house so you work like 12 hours one day to get the money you need)
‣makes you herbal tea after a difficult day at GINO'S or wherever you're working at
‣you stand up for him when the hooligans (aubrey takes the lead) bully him
‣he loves cuddling with you in bed or on couch, either is fine for him, he loves it either way
‣goes to sunny's house too, hoping to see him come out some time but isn't brave enough to knock on the door except when you encourage him to but he's usually sleeping (IN HEADSPACE RN)
‣that inner demon he has scares you sometimes
‣when polly said he went missing you were freaking out so hard
‣you wouldnt sleep until you found him and was searching for him in faraway town like everywhere until like kel hero and sunny showed up you finally got a wink of sleep BUT NOT MUCH
‣da gang FINALLY found him and you heard from polly (who called you) that basil was in the hospital
‣you rushed there ofc
‣you were crying next to him and basil was like "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY SUNFLOWER??"
‣you were crying tears of relief
‣he is definitely kissing you like no other boyfriend would and could he missed you
‣HAPPY ENDING basil told you the truth a long time ago (did i forget to mention that)
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⁍give him affection will be the first thing i say if not last
⁍after shutting himself out for 4 years, i would say he doesn't crave for attention
⁍but he does like someone patting his head from time to time
⁍if you call him darling, he gets really flustered so you call him that every where
⁍he calls you by your actual name like "y/n" and you can't say you don't like your name coming out of his mouth like that
⁍when you give him saccharine affections, he just *chef's kiss rn*
⁍he doesn't exactly favor pda (public distribution of affection), so you usually shower him with affection when you're in his house or what not
⁍your mom and dad loves him they want him as their child (LIKE BRO)
⁍you listen to him playing the violin all the time (you bought him a new one ur rich)
⁍him playing the violin is simply stunning
⁍then you ask him to play all the time
⁍he gladly does it for you
⁍when he ends up in the hospital, you're just outside waiting for him to come back and then you learn that he lost sight in one of his eyes
⁍you immediately go to basil's room, hoping to find him there
⁍you're next to basil asking him what happened
⁍he says to wait for sunny
⁍and then sunny enters, tells all of you the truth
⁍you didn't know, so you hugged him SO HARD the doctors asked you to stop
⁍"i'm sorry i wouldn't tell you sooner y/n, i wanted to tell everybody at once. basil knows."
⁍you said it's okay you'll be fine
⁍happy ending...? he moves away, but still comes back on the weekends with his mom
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⁌you call her auby cuz its cute
⁌you hang out with her and the hooligans
⁌you're always working when aubrey's "talking" with basil
⁌when you find out
⁌you try to convince her to not
⁌and then m a r i comes to your mind and why she stole the photo album
⁌everything makes sense now
⁌so you comfort her and give her cuddles and let her stay for the night at your house
⁌your parents love her so they allow it
⁌she emits warmth
⁌when hero kel sunny and the hooligans visit, you're with her in the attic and like "who's that??" because hero kel sunny haven't interacted with you guys in like 3 years
⁌you find out it's the guys when they come up and you're just hugging aubrey (auby 😭)
⁌you guys look through the album after the photos hero gets the photos from her mirror(?)
⁌so many good memories...
⁌all of you are there when sunny says the truth
⁌and boy were you shocked
⁌but it's still, a happy ending. perhaps it will last forever!
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∙head over heels for you. definitely.
∙when he's in college, you guys face time a LOT
∙when he's back, he definitely spends a day with you WITHOUT FAMILY around him and well
∙he loves pda
∙showers you with kisses when you're outside
∙he loves cooking for you whether afternoon morning or night
∙call him husband material HE BEAMS LIKE THE SUN
∙so sweet when you're around
∙if someone dares disrespect you, he'll be like "i'm sorry, but my girlfriend/boyfriend here (emphasis on girlfriend/boyfriend), is also a human, and you should treat her like one, not like she's/he's some alien that just landed from outer space."
∙they back down >:)
∙makes flower crowns for you often
∙asks basil for ideas and if he would give hero his plants so he could make you flower/grass crowns
∙if basil had extra, i think he would
∙but unwillingly (he loves his plants)
∙kel loves spending time with you too, as his future family, though
∙you, hero and kel love playing card games, and with sunny and aubrey later on
∙when sunny and basil go into the hospital you guys are just like "what in the world happened"
∙but its a really happy ending and you all end up forgiving basil and sunny
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⚪bro is clingy
⚪and silly
⚪but you love that side of him
⚪you prepare with him whenever hero comes home and you personally go to mari's grave
⚪sometimes he goes with you
⚪made you drink that acidic-ly sweet orange joe once
⚪your stomach disagreed with it
⚪he was saying "SORRY SORRY SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO" over and over
⚪"kelsey- i'm fine-"
⚪he was shocked when you called him his full name but he loves it
⚪he loves the way his full name comes out of your mouth
⚪you're like a proud mom/dad when kelsey stands up for sunny and basil
⚪you cuddle with him all the time in his house your house is usually partying because your mom and dad love bringing people over and you just sneak away
⚪quality time is your love language
⚪when basil and sunny say the truth y'all forgave him and wrap everyone in a GROUP HUG that was directed by kel(sey)
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a/n: hope you liked this head canon, really, if you have feedback, you're welcome to tell me!
©all banners, dividers, and stories are made by marikosenwrites and the pictures in it are from pinterest. i own none of the OMORI characters mentioned here.
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gay-salt-amber · 2 years
How about a ask based off a mall trip? Weird I know, but I'm craving that 7/11 rn and reading your Valentines Day fic sparked the idea somewhat The prompt basically is everyone in the dorms minus the some are separated during a break and that's not sitting right with everyone so they all set up a plan to take a day in the city! (All while "abducting" Riddle and Idia from their parents home, Floyd says it's not abducting it's saving). They go to the biggest mall in Twisted Wonderland and spend time there, dares were made and they shopped until they can't hold their things that much, but before that they spend some time and watched a film in the movie theater (I see some shippy moments of Kalim holding onto Jamil and Floyd being a smart ass giving him a thumbs up before Riddle or Azul smacks him, also I can't get the image of Trey and Jade behind Riddle who's between Cater and Floyd both getting popcorn and snacks from his lap and he's just RED like O////o "help") and the gang eats in the food court and they all just have a fun ol time.
It has nothing to do with the next gen of my previous ask but ye!
Also, I have a solution of your multishipper heart that I suffer with as well; Mixing
For me I like Riddle x Floyd and I also like Trey x Jade but also like Trey x Riddle and Trey x Cater, so I made them into kind of one big poly ship or wrote them as neighbors
Because of that when I saw Epel x Savanaclaw but also First Years as Poly I was like, "Oh, perfect mixing opportunity!" So, for me at least how I see it up to you, it'd be Epel, Deuce, Sebek, Jack, Leona, and Ruggie as one large relationship. I'd add Ace too but I like KalJamAce so I literally only see-
Ace: "You two are just jealous I'm dating two second years"
Epel: "Bitch we're dating each other, a second year, a third year, AND all our boyfriends can easily kick your boyfriend's asses!"
Nothing to do with that, just wanted to let you know and hope it amuses you. I'm awkward in ask since I'm a sly blob who thinks I'm weird, so hi. Shy blob here and shy blob is gonna start drawing some art based off your helpful headcanons, hope you're having a awesome day. - Raven/Rae (she/they)
So, I already did the first one a little bit but, I will write about the foot court and theater one! This wont be a full fanfic but it'll be snippets since ig that's my thing now! Also im putting Epel x Savanaclaw and Floyd x Cater x Riddle x Che'nya in here cuz this is my blog and I can :/
The film they go see is prolly a comedy, Rook and Vil wanted to go to a romance movie but were outvoted -w-
They over-do the butter on the popcorn but who's complaining? Certainty not them
Ruggie was gonna bring in his own candy but Leona bought him as much as he (and Epel) wanted when they got there... No matter how much Ruggie may have protested
Ruggie has his head on Leona's shoulder the whole time since there's a tall guy infront of them (One of the Leech twins prolly) and can't see the screen otherwise
Rook and Vil would be talking about the filming job and Vil would be like, "Thank goodness I didn't take this movie offer" and the movies worth like 1M with like a bunch of older and richer actors and it weirds everyone else out
So, Kalim cries from laughing very easily so he just has his arms around Jamil while crying-laughing into his shoulder
Riddle def is the one who smacks Floyd for laughing
Che'nya pops up next to Floyd, Riddle and Cater and they all quietly gasped, gave him kisses and hugs then went back to watching the movie with their other bf
Epel is trying so hard to not laugh at the dirty jokes cuz he knows Vil will flick him over the head for it (Rook is trying to hold back too dw) so he goes and sits with Leoruggie and just dies laughing at the next joke
So, Jack is sitting right on Leona's left side and Leona is whispering spoilers to him, bonus is that he's never seen the movie, hes just whispering random shit to him like, "He ends up dating her" or, "They get their head blown off"
During one of the final songs of the movie, Idia hacks into the speakers are Rick Rolls everyone
Floyd, Lilia, Kalim and Cater don't stay for the after credit scene because "We wanna be surprised for the next one!"
When they go to the food court, Che'nya wanted to do the Lady and the Tramp pasta thingy and Riddle goes, "Well how are we gonna do it? We don't have a four-way pasta noodle." And Floyd, being the dirty minded boy he is the second he heard four-way he started dying laughing, the other two joined in and it took Riddle 5 seconds to get it and he turned beat red
Jade and Trey get pastries and Cater films them reviewing them like their fucking Gordan Ramsey
"we drink boba tea to satisfy our ancient & innate urge to slurp up tadpoles from a puddle through a reed"-Ace Trappola 2xxx
They went clothing shopping and Epel and Kalim were trying on some things and asking their partners opinions, only one out of four of them gave any feedback and that was Leona since for some reason he wasn't overly flustered by how pretty Epel looked
Riddle wants help to look more androgynous and the minute that was said Che'nya was ALL over that shit like what did Riddle want? Shoes? Skirts? Pants? Hair stuff? He didn't care if it made Riddle happy so be it
Epel gets nervous when it comes to holding Leona's hand until Leona just sighs and initiates it and says, "If you wanna do it, just fucking do it."
Floyd gets them onto the roof somehow and they go up there and chill despite Riddles protest about it at first
They gave Rook the aux cord on the way back, big mistake
Leona buys them all alcohol afterwards and they all go to the Ramshackle dorm to enjoy themselves for the night
Ik this is like super short but y'know ;-; also good luck with the fanart im really excited to see it :D -Amber
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veeveex3 · 2 years
bro, just a quick late night thought (keep in mind, im only caught up to twst's story up to the english translation and only know about book 6 via spoilers -_- so if im wrong then please don't spoil anything that happens in book 5 part 3 and onwards)
alright, here it is: i don't think that twst is gonna end at book 7. i dunno if the devs ever said the story was gonna end at book 7 or not so correct me if im wrong but i feel like there's so much we don't know that i feel would only be rushed if the game's main story were to end at the end of book 7.
for example: anything about crowley! all we really know about him is that he's the headmaster, claims to be very generous and kind despite being a lazy prick who dumps all his issues on the dorm leaders + yuu, and seems to avoid getting yuu home at all cost, either cuz it's tiring for him (which would be funny but sorta disappointing) or cuz he needs them at nrc.
another example: mickey fucking mouse. i think the plot with mickey is gonna be resolved in book 7 but i still can't get over his existence (#antimickeyclub ig lol)
i know the whole point of the game is to focus on nrc and the villain students but id like to see more of royal sword academy. like, i think rn the main purpose of rsa is to juxtapose itself to nrc as well as to be the school niege comes from since he's based off of snow white and you get the point
ive seen one theory on tik tok (ill put their @ at the end of the post at a later date) or somewhere else but the theory goes that the reason as to why overblots seem to be happening so often is bc the stone you were trying to get in the prologue is inside nrc and probably affecting the students more. i wanna add onto this more by saying that overblots are deadly, meaning the spirit attacking you in the prologue is either the dead dwarves (yikes) or the spirit that appears after the overblot victims either fused with the dwarves or roaming free after the dwarves deaths. im really tired so idek where this is going but that's just another reason ig that the story would feel pretty empty after book 7 if it were to end there
another thing is malleus. assuming that he's going to be the next overblot victim and the final boss for his book, that would be really weird to end the book after that since, after defeating each book's boss, prologue included, grim (like the little dumbass cat he is) decided to eat the overblot residue rocks that are excreted at the end of the fight (which also give a flavor profile of the person who overblotted ??? which is sorta funny ngl). and im 1000% certain that this isn't just a read herring and him eating the rocks is going to lead to, as most people suspect, grim overblotting himself (during the tutorial, you even fight a boss that looks like grim but with characteristics of the other characters: dragon wings (malleus) more agressive blue flames (iida) a lion like face / muzzle (leona, which i know is a reach but still) as well as some of the abilities introduced in each book (idk i didn't really pay much attention to the tutorial lol)
so yeah, tldr; it doesn't make any sense to end twst's main story at book 7 unless they either add an epilogue where grim blots or at the blot sequence after malleus' boss fight, which would be pretty cool ngl, sorta like a little curve ball
im sorry this is so long, I just had a lotta thoughts and dumped them here lol
edit: I KNOW I JUST POSTED THIS BUT I JUST REMEMBERED SOMETHING! y'know how there's 22 students in the game? well, there's also 22 cards in the main arcana. given how clever the game can be, i don't this is just a coincidence. might make another post just on this specially since i like tarot cards and stuff like that
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mrskurono · 4 years
Wifey soft thoughts coming in!! Okay we kinda talked about it earlier but I wanted to send something in! Hehe
Okay so we all know that Nori is learing cursive right now, right?
So you live with your sweet Kamo bois and this is like a few years in the future. Anyway, Choso finds a notebook in a box in a closet, cuz hes just looking through things cuz hes bored lol and he finds a reallllly old notebook with weird writing in it. He flows through it and can't really make out anything in it.
Spoiler alert, it's a notebook that Noritoshiused in high school to practice his cursive and even had your name and his name all nicely written all over the pages. Some writings are declarations of his love for you and others are just names and words here and there.
So Choso goes to Noritoshi and he asks what it was. Of course this makes Noritoshi all soft and embarrased all over again just like a high school boi.
Needless to say now Noritoshi is helping Choso learn how to write in cursive and its so sweet and really cute to watch 🥰
Before you know it, you're getting little notes here and there from Choso with his cursive handwriting that he spends a good amount of time on just to say something like, "I love you"
Which in turn had Noritoshi writing sweet things to you all over again in his lovely cursive writing.
I bet they both have really pretty cursive 🥺
You know that little cursive hand writing tid bit had me loosing my shit like- god created a perfect being and it is Noritoshi. There’s no if’s and’s or but’s unless it’s Nori’s butt getting the best boy award.
Legit rn don’t know what’s cuter, Nori keeping his old high school note books or Choso going through things in the house bc he’s bored and nosey and you have a 6′5 curse hunched over in the closet flipping through scrapbooks. Who am I kidding they’re both cute af 🥺
Nori is particularly proud of his hand writing so when he goes through to show Choso you can really hear that underlying smugness to it. It means nothing to Choso but still, it’s Nori. When asked to help do the same thing Nori jumps on the chance to flex his writing ability. And honestly this is the best thing they’ve bonded over thus far? Yeah the shared curse ability is a good starting point but they’re both not super into fighting so stationary and cursive is so much better.
Back like he’s a love struck teen again Nori is drafting you love letters. Of course to “show” Choso how it’s done. But honestly he’s gonna tuck them under your things later like a sly little shit to see you read them. And Choso, oh sweet Choso. He’s got the spirit but it takes him a moment to decide he likes who it came out of not. Leaving you with the cutest little “I love you” note that he brings to you. 
God they’re just both so cute, can I marry both of them pls 🥺
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clownmoontoon · 3 years
I just found out about the whole bn///a and tow things came two my mind: 1) the fy k. 2)THE FUCKK!!!??
I used to read this manga when it first came out and i honestly though it was going to be good they had a good story coming out and nice or cool characters desings but then came the anime (wich surprise me to go 3 full seasons but i undertood) i try to keep up.wirh the manga cuz that was i start it
But.as it goes futhure it lost its charms amd i lost interest ( the fandom they were too much) and left (the school festival arc wasn't even starting)
Once in a while a random post of them would pop out and see it some spoilers of them (da__bi was one of the most i saw at time)
I try to filter them.......looks how that turn out
But really, what the actual hell is happening?? Is super hell all over again but much worst,
And i can't stop laughing of how much non sens and caos is in this
Oh man,this would end in blood i tell you (also if you could tell my what the hell is happening to de\\\ku i would thank you forever)
⭐️ p much everybody in the main cast knows deku inherited all might's power and that all might and all the other grown ups expect him to take up the mantle of "symbol of peace"
⭐️ All For One (the big baddie) has possessed shigaraki's body (the hand guy) and is causing a fuck ton of chaos bc he broke out all the baddest villains from bad villain superjail aka Tartarus, and lots of heroes have died and if they havent died a lot of them quit
⭐️ SO deku decides to leave school and go villain hunting full time, he knows everyone expects him to be the Greatest ™ and he wants to protect everybody AND KNOWS AFO IS AFTER HIM SPECIFICALLY TO STEAL HIS QUIRK(S) so he figures leaving is the safest option and all might supports him (and regrets it later)
⭐️ he leaves his classmates all a letter saying hes leaving (they dont take it well lmao)
⭐️ deku can communicate w the previous (dead) users of One For All in his mind space and can now use all their quirks + One For All so hes just this mASS BALL OF POWER STUFFED IN A 16 YR OLD
⭐️ deku starts to feel like he shouldnt rest until he finds AFO so he hasnt been eating/sleeping/cleaning himself off after each fight and now when ppl see him theyre like.. genuinely terrified of him bc hes covered in dirt and blood and looks like this
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⭐️ FINALLY HIS FRIENDS STEP IN AND ARE @ THE ADULTS LIKE "HEY THIS IS RLLY UNHEALTHY AND FUCKED UP CAN WE GO BRING HIM BACK" and they decide ye maybe we shouldnt have put all are hopes on a fuckin teenager's shoulders that was kinda messed up of us actually (also they were using him as bait .. he agreed to it but WOW.. ADULTS PLS DO YOUR JOBS)
⭐️ SO all his classmates from 1A work together to bring him down and tbh they cant, even all together, hes just too powerful now so
⭐️ as theyre fighting him (hes fighting back bc he still believes he shouldnt stay/be around ppl for their own protection) they start yelling all the ways hes inspired them and how they wanna stand with him and not be protected behind him
⭐️ finally iida is the one who catches up w deku (w help from bakugo bc even if iida is the fastest in the class w all these quirks deku is faster now) and quotes deku back at him saying "a hero's job is to help even when they arent asked" or smth like that and that finally makes deku break down and theyre both crying!
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crowning-art · 4 years
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I finished book 2...
I was a fool
A whole clown
A goddamn circus
I acc didn't want to read it, I was like nahh I'll read it later, but then I'm like noo if I keep procrastinating, I'll never get to cute stuff like the coffin scene djekekkekeke
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^^that right there is a comment written by a clown who thought angst simply meant someone died. A WHOLE DUMB CLOWN IS WHAT I AM
@maauthulhu and @silvia-moon you guys WARNED me, but did I listen? Did I take you guys seriously when you said it was going to rip my heart into shreds? NO. AND NOW IT'S MY FAULT THAT I DIDNT MENTALLY PREPARE FOR THE ABSOLUTE WORSE SCENARIO
I don't even know if I have the energy to write what I think.. it was just so much and so dreadful
MXTX wrote the fall of Xianle so beautifully, I cannot do anything but praise it. I literally felt Xie Lian reflected in myself as I read: in that we both helplessly were watching something we loved fall into ruins, something that once stood so tall and we looked on so proudly towards to it. I've read so many books of all genres since I was a kid cuz I'm a huge book worm, but no scene has EVER made me feel this way. God, I'm gonna need a few days to recover from this
I see how the ridiculous hope and reverence the people of Xianle gave Xie Lian just made him want to help them more, and it's kind of their fault for how Xie Lian's feelings of worthlessness came about, but at the same time, u can't blame them because they were so helpless and they needed that small ray of hope..but...ugh....sigh
The sound of the Yong'an victory horn gave me shivers, as if I heard it in person
What the hell??? Why does Lang Ying have the aura of a king?? Did he seriously make a deal with the devil to get immortality?? OMG what if the bandaged boi from the future is a descendant of this dude?? I don't trust bandaged boi from the future
The AUDACITY of Lang Ying to ask why the rain STOPPED??? HOW DARE HE
WHITE CLOTHED CALAMITIE'S FACE WAS THE SAME AS XIE LIAN'S???? Acc I had a feeling it would be cuz the pictures I saw of him with the white robes and brown hair just reminded me of Xie Lian, but I guess that wasn't his actual face....but maybe it's some family member or someone he knows well??
God, I already said this but I'm going to say this again, the fall of Xianle was so beautiful. The way the golden statue represented so many things literally and symbolically was just *chef's kiss* I mean it represented Xie Lian's literal fall, the literal destruction of his temples, the destruction of the palace, the destruction of the capital, the fall of Xianle. The moment it fell over was also the moment when Xie Lian's mental and physical strength gave away as well...I literally CANNOT shut up about this
My little ray of sunshine, my hope, MY LOVE, Hua Cheung out here making me crack a small smile in this hellscape with his cute and precious promise of never forgetting him
Ugh that reminds me and fills with me dread CUZ he has to go back to heaven and things are NOT gonna go well it's the first banishment isn't it
I am WORRIED for Xie Lian's parents
I am so depressed and triggered rn. I mean I have this playlist that I listen to every time I read and usually I change it up, so suspenseful parts have more suspenseful music and other parts have ancient chinese music and stuff like the TGCF ost. Anyways, I had to turn it off cuz it was setting the horrific mood way too well and I'm like no, if I continue this, I will cry, and So I switched to the OST and I WAS LIKE SHIT SHIT NOPE GOD IM GONNA CRY NEVERMIND, so I switched to something completely random and listened to Ariana Grande's song side to side and the lyrics came: "I've been there all day, I've been there all night" AND I GOT TRIGGERED AGAIN CUZ IM LIKE OMG HUA CHEUNG WAS THERE ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT AND HE SAW HIS BELOVED FALL BROO I NEED HELP
My heart:
Xie Lian's face was white as a sheet, his eyes blank; countless hands were shoving him around, and there was even a pair maliciously strangling him. Finally, something hilarious happened. He was clearly a god of heaven, but at that moment, there was a tiny voice crying at the bottom of his heart;
"...save me-"
I just....
I can't even type anymore
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