#&& reindeer are better than PEOPLE ( sven. )
hockey-and-timbits · 8 months
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Fast-Forward a Few Years…
You feel what you feel and those feelings are real. Come on, Kristoff let down your guard.
—Sven, Frozen II, “Reindeer(s) Are Better Than People”
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sketchysketchiness · 5 months
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achaotichuman · 9 months
Acotar AU but it's just the plot of Frozen. Where Tamlin is Elsa, Feyre is Anna and Rhysand is obviously Hans. Lucien is Kristoff and Jurian is Sven, Vassa is Olaf. Amarantha is the Duke of Weselton. The Vanserra brothers and Helion are the rock trolls.
Someone give me the plot for this cause all I have in mind is Amarantha doing the chicken dance around a very uncomfortable Feyre in the middle of the ball. And Tamlin's magic exploding and him running to the mountains and bursting into song and dance.
This would also make Tamlin Vassa's creator.
Rhysand- "I mean its crazy-"
Feyre- "What?"
Rhysand- "We finish each other's-"
Feyre- "Sandwiches!"
Rhysand- *Visibly getting the ick* "That's what I was gonna say?"
Feyre- "Do you wanna build a snowman?"
Tamlin- *Hiding in his room* "GO AWAY FEYRE!"
Feyre- *Sadly* "Okay bye."
Lucien- "Reindeers are better than people, Jurian don't you think that's true."
Jurian- "When was the last time you felt the touch of a woman?"
Rhysand- "But he-he froze your heart."
Feyre- "The only one with a frozen heart around here is yours." *Punches Rhysand off the boat.*
Vassa- *Comes to life* "Wtf???"
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meltthefrozenheart · 2 years
Frozen/Frozen 2: how Anna's relationship with Elsa influenced her behavior around Hans and Kristoff
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When Elsa was shutting everybody out, Anna desired Hans attention and company above everything else, but when the sisters were finally reunited, Anna excesive worries and fear to be shut out again by her sister brought her to unconsciusly shut Kristoff out.
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Of course, Anna was happy to have her whole family helping her and Elsa in their journey to the Enchanted Forest and trusting Grand Pabbie to look after their people, a great sign of maturity compared to leaving an handsome stranger in charge and going after Elsa all by herself.
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Still, I think this narrative parallel between Hans & Kristoff comes at an interesting point when they get a relevant scene before the Anna & Elsa main moment (when they meet again in the Ice Palace/when they find the remains of their parents ship):
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Hans is of course taking action to win the Arendellians heart, leading the royal guard, while Kristoff is trying his best to open his heart to his "feisty, fearless, ginger-sweet love", surrounded by Ryder and many, many reindeers. Both are waiting for Anna, but when bad news arrive (Anna's horse returns without her/Yelana informing she left with Elsa), Hans sees it as a chance to act heroic and brave, thinking her foolish behavior put her in danger, while Kristoff feels left behind, because he knows she can handle herself, so he feels useless, and only Sven can confort him (Lost in the Woods).
A little additional detail I find curious is how, in those same scenes, they are both speaking to other characters outside of Anna (and, in both cases, they are in completly new territories):
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Hans contrasts the Duke of Weselton mirroring his behavior "I won't hesitate to protect Arendelle from treason!";
Kristoff gets along with Ryder thanks to their common love for reindeers "Wait! You talk to them too?";
Now, leaving behind the whole proposal arc (very little to add about it, sincerly), how Kristoff appears in the ending strikes me because it reflects a lot the first scene with Anna & Hans in the first Frozen:
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They surely could've done more with Kristoff, also because he is Samii as the Northuldra are (and they share a lot of similarities with the Trolls), but I also think that, in a story where Anna & Elsa family history is at the center, and we follow mainly Elsa's journey, than, my only regret is that Kristanna could've been written better in certain scenes, that's all:
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[image: a purple banner with the words Work in Progress Wednesday in a cursive font]
Work in Progress WednesdayCreators: work on or post something from your WIP. This is your weekly reminder to get something down on paper (real or virtual). It’s also a chance to share your progress with your followers and give them a sneak peek of what’s to come!
Fans: leave a comment on an unfinished fic and let the writer know how much you love it. Reblog an artist’s sketch and let them know you can’t wait to see the final product. Send someone an ask cheering them on!Feel free to repost this image!
thanks @annas-hair-donut for tagging me!
Agreeing with you, taking a little break from all the smut after Frozen Smut Week... (cough, cough...) does me good, too... lol
So, this week, I´d like to share another snippet from my kristanna long-fic WIP "Love can see beyond" (the sequel to Love can see the good on AO3), a canon verse compliant post Frozen 2 fanfic.
Background: Kristoff is crowned King alongside Queen Anna of Arendelle, and right now the married royal couple spends some time abroad icognito (for the time being)... and this fic is going to be a crossover... Note: This snippet is not edited yet... (please, forgive grammar and spelling mistakes...) but a huge thank you @hiptoff who has beta-read this passage a pretty while ago already!
Gerda had served them a hearty breakfast when Kai announced that he had received the full list of guests so that the royal couple could prepare themselves for the banquet. All those names, titles, noble houses, and then sorting kingdoms and stately connections. Kristoff groaned by the mere thought of the lesson he would receive from the senior Steward later the day. But then, who else could explain all those things better to them than Kai. And so, the young king sighed, dutifully acknowledging the awaiting task.
Only half an hour later they headed down the servants´ staircase and casually walked around the castle gardens and towards the stables. Kristoff smiled to himself. He liked that incognito disguise and tugged at his comfy vest and adjusted his sash, while Anna looked around and marvelled at the variety of flowers around her. It was truly a beautiful parc, Kristoff had to admit, too.
The two reindeers greeted their friends with a happy snort, raising their heads from the last bit of hay that lingered on the ground. Anna went to gather more from the stuck in the adjoined barn and Kristoff started mocking out the stable ground.
Soon, they were done and led the animals out of the stall to give them the opportunity to move about.
“What about we head down to the beach? I am sure there are not many people, and we could let Sven and Fiona run a bit?” Anna pointed towards the path which led away from the stables down to the shore.
“That´s a great idea.” Kristoff smiled and then helped Anna mount Fiona before he swung himself on Sven´s back. He begun to enjoy his time here more and more.
They rode down the path and some people who walked by turned their heads upon the unusual sight of those animals with antlers, and who was riding them? Kristoff and Anna smiled at the passers-by and kept going without another word than good day and hello. It was so easy and made them feel so free.
Once down on sandy ground, Kristoff turned to Anna and grinned, “fancy a little galop?”
“You mean a race?” Anna grinned back.
“No, just a galop.” Kristoff shook his head.
“And I call it a race.” Anna laughed and clicked her tongue on which Fiona snorted happily and set into a cant along the lagune. It was simply wonderful, only that they left the man and reindeer behind them completely flabbergasted.
“Come on, Sven, you would not have your lady running off, will you?” Kristoff laughed and Sven shook his head only to sprint after his friend. It was fun and it didn´t take long for them to catch up and the four enjoyed themselves immensely while galloping close to the water gushing in on the animals´ feet. Anna squealed and reached out so Kristoff could take her hand. She felt more than happy. This was fantastic since they had not such a beach to run like this in Arendelle.
They let the reindeers slow down after a while and caught their breaths, too. But both laughed and their faces glowed from all the joy. Sven and Fiona snorted contentedly and trotted peacefully along the sand now. Anna looked around, breathed in the fresh air and let out a sigh of relief.
“I could get used to that.”
“No comment to that.” Kristoff glanced at her with a wink, and Anna playfully stuck out her tongue at him, “will you tease me now on every sentence I speak about that place?”
“No, Anna. It just sounded so fitting to what we talked about this morning.”
“Alright, alright, I surrender, and I am sorry. And you are right, this is really….”
“Hush!” Anna held up her hand and pulled at Fiona´s rein, staring with narrowed eyes further down the beach.
“What is it?” Kristoff followed her glance and then gasped just as astonished. They got down from the reindeers and led them behind the dunes and further down the beach hidden behind the sandy hills to get a closer look. They ducked behind a lager dune and left Sven and Fiona graze behind them, while the king and queen of Arendelle crawled up the dune from behind to peep over the top. They could hardly believe what they saw, but it was awesome. Kristoff glanced at Anna who stared with almost watering eyes. He knew what she must be thinking and whispered hoarsely, “it´s magic!”
“Yes!” Anna whispered back. “Look, she moves a bit like Elsa.”
“Yeah…” Kristoff stared ahead.
Can you guess where they are and who might be the mysterious figure they have detected?
tagging (with noooo obligation) @firawren @true--north @thecassadilla @sidepartskinnyjeans
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true--north · 10 months
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The Ice Cutter, the Redhead, and Desperation For Healing Hugs | All Is Found fanfic
Spoilers for the book, pre F1, pre Kristanna
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The Great Ice Skating Race has finished. With a loss for the Ice Cutters. All because of her, that girl in boy's clothes.
Kristoff Björgman, standing on the sidelines as always, sipped his hot chocolate enriched with delicious cream and hazelnut syrup. The spicy sweetness brought him back to life after the hour of frantic race through the wind and snow.
He looked at the Redheaded Girl who had caused them to lose. She had overtaken him and his mates in the most daring way! She got down low, setting her silver skates one before the other in a straight line and then swiftly zipped underneath their arms. Just like that.
The Redhead Girl wasn't dressed like the other town girls. Those had dressed up in their fanciest outfits in honour of the Festival of the First Frost. No, the Redhead was dressed in boy's plain trousers, cloak and sweater. Practicality and comfort, he valued that. And her red braids were like tongues of flame as she flew past them at breakneck speed, looked back and smiled at him. Her cap fell off, and that's when everyone realised that the Redhead was a girl.
There was something so familiar about her; like a friend he has always known. It was weird.
Now she, the Second Place winner, was standing in a cheer crowd of people on the shore of snow-covered Arenfjord, congratulating the First Place, a girl in a blue hat, apparently her friend.
"You like her, don't you Kris?" The older Ice Cutter suddenly came up behind him and clapped him on the shoulder, "Because of that feisty pants, I lost the three krons I bet on us coming in first place!"
Yeah, they only came Third. Sure, they had a prize too – a new kerosene lantern, which other adult Ice Cutters had already nonchalantly handed over to Kristoff, but it was nothing compared to the gifts for the First and Second places: a hundred krons, a rosemailed saddle and a harmonica and a splendid folding knife with a screwdriver, awl and corkscrew.
"Whoa, you can't take your eyes off her, lad." The Ice Cutter chuckled, obviously mocking Kristoff's first crush.
"Are you alright?" Kristoff felt himself blushing, so he hurriedly summoned his special grumpy and unfriendly look. "What made you think such a nonsense."
"Come on, there's nothing wrong with it. Let me come over and introduce you to the lass? Don't be a troll, boy, let's get to know each other, have a chat! After all we're winners too."
It would be a strange dream: to meet in the town on one of the Yuletide Nights when the streets and buildings of Arendelle are adorned with lanterns and fir branches. To meet each other and skate together with the Redheaded Girl until their exhausted feet failed them. They might even try those tricks where the man beautifully lifts the girl high in his arms and they draw exquisite spirals on the ice with their shining skates. And then they'd sit side by side in the Town Hall Square and drink hot chocolate, he with a hazelnut syrup, she with a caramel one. There would be magic and so much fun.
The man took a few steps forward, expecting Kristoff to join him. "Kris?" Turning around, he saw no one. The younger ice cutter was gone. "Come on, Kris!..'
He took Sven, his brand new loaned sled, the lantern, and headed out into the lonely mountains. To work. Reindeers were better than people. They didn't mock your feelings.
Kristoff Björgman didn't need any of that. He'd be better off as he is.
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Once upon a snowman review ☃️ | Analysis
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Cover created by me
I'm cryingggg!! I just saw Once Upon a Snowman on Disney plus and it's beautifulll ahhh! It's only 13 minutes but it's so heartwarming. If you haven't seen it or heard of it, it's of Olaf from the second he was born to just before he meets Anna, Kristoff and Sven.
Here's a brief summary, if you don't want spoilers if you haven't watched it, don't read this bit: ↓
We open with, a few seconds into "Let it go" when Olaf was born, and then as Elsa lets go of her cape, it goes in Olaf pushes him down the mountain. He has a mini cute identity crisis and walks along the mountain. He sees Oaken's Trading Post and Sauna and as he approaches it, he hears Kristoff sing “Reindeers are better than people" from the barn. Just before Olaf opens the door Anna bangs the door open exactly like she did in Frozen as it's the same scene. An easter egg I didn't notice until now is that there's a statue of one of the tills outside the Oaken's shop. He goes into the shop and we see Oaken selling Anna's coronation gown for 55. Oaken likes Olaf and helps him find a nose but Olaf doesn't have any money but Oaken the “fuzzy man fear” as Olaf calls him, let's him off generously. The noses Olaf tries on after being told the last carrot was just sold (to Anna for Kristoff) are, a mini Arendelle flag, a ping pong aka a paddle ball, a snow globe, a glass bottle of some green liquid, a plunger, a comb (as a moustache lol), a live fish and then finally an old fashioned view master (like binoculars but you can add frames to make you see that scene, like virtual reality). Oaken tells Olaf it's summer and he puts in other pictures of Summer which we see in "In Summer", in Frozen to see and that's what triggers Olaf's love for summer. And as he discovers this, "In Summer" instrumental music plays 🥹 Seeing Olaf fall in love with summer, he gives him a “summer sausage” nose! Just seconds before Olaf leaves, we see Kristoff, Sven and Anna leave on the sled on their journey to the North mountain. Now Olaf is set to find his name out. But the sausage smell triggers the wolf and they cause him down cliffs. While Olaf's being chased, we see a tiny glimpse of Kristoff telling Anna “You got engaged to someone you just met that day?!”, a different angle of the scene when Kristoff recognises Wolves are nearby, and another smaller glimpse of Anna telling Sven “Get ready to jump, Sven!”. Falling down a cliff, the wolves run away but the baby wolf makes sad hungry noises which make Olaf give up his nose. And then here comes the best part of the short; The baby wolf licks him and snuggles Olaf before running into the sunrise then Olaf says “That felt just like a warm hug”. He then hears voices of young Elsa and Anna playing and Anna saying “Do you wanna build a snowman?/ Do the magic!”. And then the realisation 😭 “(Gasps) I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs”, all the whole "Do you want to build a snowman?" instrumental plays in the background. The most beautiful thing isn't just Olaf's realisation of who he is but right when the sun rises, Elsa finishes her song and has found who she is, in a way, transforming into her new gown. The final scene is Olaf walking down the snow covered forest seeing Kristoff and Anna. And we all know what happens from there!
I don't know why I didn't watch this before 😭😭 Indeed water does have memory. His memories consist of Elsa and Anna's too. All this Frozen content is making me love the entire thing so much more, and right when they're about to hit it's 10th anniversary! Fun fact, Olaf's birthday is the day after Elsa's coronation and is in the summer too! Speaking of the 10th anniversary, I expect something revealed or announced on the day cuz I'm hungry for moreee! ❄️
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princesssarisa · 2 years
Character ask: Olaf and Kristoff (Frozen)
Tagged by anonymous
Favorite thing about them: His general lovability. I like his joy and sweetness, the way his lines blend childlike innocence with dry, deadpan humor (my Norwegian-American mom has praised how authentically Norwegian his understated line delivery feels), the comedy of the various ways his body can come apart and rearrange, and his touching love for his human "family," especially Anna.
Least favorite thing about them: Nothing about his actual character, but I think he's been slightly overused by Disney in spin-off material. But then, Disney often does this with popular sidekick characters. I'm sure that '90s adults felt the same way about Timon and Pumbaa.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I tend to be cheerful and fun-loving most of the time.
*I can be slightly naïve.
*I like warm hugs.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I don't like hot weather.
*I wasn't brought to life by magic.
*I can't rearrange my body parts.
Favorite line:
It's hard to choose because he has so many good lines, but I'll narrow it down to these:
"I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs."
"Oh, look at that. I've been impaled."
"Love is putting someone else's needs before yours."
"Some people are worth melting for."
"I just thought of one thing that's permanent. Love."
"I love happy endings. I mean, I presume we're done, or is this 'putting us in mortal danger' situation going to be a regular thing?"
brOTP: Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, and Sven.
OTP: Just happiness.
nOTP: Anna or Elsa.
Random headcanon: Having been created by Elsa and Anna, he's technically their closest living relative, so until Anna and Kristoff have a child, Olaf will be the legal heir to the throne of Arendelle.
Unpopular opinion: I don't think I have one.
Song I associate with them: "In Summer"
"When I Am Older" is fine too, but I like his first song better.
Favorite pictures of them:
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Favorite thing about them: Like Olaf (though in a different way), he's a likable character in general. Strong, smart, and down-to-earth, yet quirky and funny, with a nice character arc of becoming less misanthropic and learning to love Anna, and then of course there's his steadfast, selfless devotion to her by the end of the first film and throughout the sequel.
Least favorite thing about them: His belief that all men eat their boogers. But more seriously, I do think his romance with Anna in the first film is a little underdeveloped. I'm glad the sequel reveals that they don't actually become engaged until three years later.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I have some Scandinavian DNA.
*I sometimes think animals are better than people.
*I don't care for uncomfortable formal clothes.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I'm female.
*I wasn't raised by trolls.
*I've never harvested ice.
Favorite line:
From the first film, his snarky dialogue with Anna about getting engaged to a man she just met.
From the second film, his proposal:
Anna, you are the most extraordinary person I've ever known. I love you with all I am. Will you marry me?"
brOTP: Sven, Olaf, and Elsa.
OTP: Anna.
nOTP: Any member of his troll family.
Random headcanon: He's partly of Northuldra descent. This reconciles the original claims when the first film came out that he was Sámi with the sequel's introduction of Sámi-like people whom he doesn't belong to.
Unpopular opinion: I'm not sure if this is unpopular or just disagreeing with a few loud critics, but Anna's reliance on him in the first film isn't "anti-feminist." The idea that a strong heroine should be able to do everything by herself is nonsense, especially when she's a sheltered princess venturing out into a frozen wilderness and climbing a mountain for the first time.
Song I associate with them:
"Reindeers Are Better Than People"
"Lost in the Woods"
Favorite pictures of them:
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@true--north, @the-blue-fairie, @themousefromfantasyland, @superkingofpriderock, @ariel-seagull-wings
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Top 10 movies
I was tagged by @whereforartthoumisthios. The first time I ever got tagged, thank you 🥰
Avatar The Last Airbender
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THE TV SHOW, DEFINITELY NOT ANYTHING ELSE… (there is no movie in Ba Sing Se)
Not a movie, but still the best series of all time. It deserves to be mentioned and it deserves to be number one. Nothing compares. Labelled a kids show but it is so much more than that. The Asian culture, the redemption arcs, the characters, the plot, Zuko. I genuinely feel bad for anyone who never had the pleasure of seeing this.. and I don’t mean that in a degrading way. Many adults have recently watched this for the first time and love it. It’s a masterpiece. It changed my life and I will love this show forever.
Les Intouchables
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The last movie I ever watched with my grandma before she passed away. It’s such a beautiful story of the meaningful friendship between two men, one who’s just trying to survive and scrape by and one who is fully paralyzed and is looking for a caretaker. Probably the most inspirational movie I have ever seen. It’s a French movie but with subtitles it is very enjoyable and I HIGHLY recommend.
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Perfect. I love this movie so much. It’s my comfort movie. Probably because I too was raised in a tight, close family with my grandma being the matriarch. I love Mirabel and as an autistic person I really relate to her and her struggles of not belonging and being left out constantly. (I’m doing much better nowadays, don’t worry haha) I also love the Colombian culture and the story. The songs are bops too. It’s so refreshing to see a Disney movie that doesn’t entirely revolve around the female main character being obsessed with a handsome man. This story is about family and it’s beautiful.
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NOT RELATED TO ATLA (no movie… Ba Sing Se…)
A classic. I can’t find the words to describe it. It’s just a beautiful, inspiring masterpiece. It’s insane how ahead this movie was of its time. Humans truly are the bad guys for a lot of living beings. If you haven’t seen it you really need to. The spirituality, the love story, the alien culture, the LANDSCAPES OMG.
Frozen 2
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Better than the first one imo. And that’s saying a lot because I love the first movie. I just love the story and the sisterly bond between Anna and Elsa. I love Olaf, I love Kristoff, I love Sven. Reindeers are truly better than people.
A Cure For Wellness
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My favorite horror movie. It’s such a mindfuck. It’s creepy, disturbing and it keeps you thinking from start to finish. Such a unique concept too, a horror movie in a wellness resort. It kinda makes my want to go there too if I didn’t know what happens. I highly recommend if you’re into psychological horrors/thrillers. There are no jumpscares.
Get Out
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A horror movie again, but without jumpscares (maybe some tiny ones but they aren’t too bad). Without giving too much of the plot away, the stuff happening behind closed doors…It’s so messed up and it’s so sad that this is loosely based off of current racism POC are still facing. I do think the story sends a very good message though and I am glad it was made by Jordan Peele who is POC himself. The main character Chris is a very funny and intelligent person and it’s so satisfying to see a main character in a horror movie make all the right choices though.
folklore: the long pond studio sessions
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I love Taylor Swift and her album folklore.
Miss Americana
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I love Taylor Swift.
Barbie as The Princess and the Pauper
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Sort of an honorable mention because I actually haven’t seen this movie in over a decade, but I still love Barbie movies and especially this one! It's my favorite! I used to pretend I was Erica lol. The music and the story are so good! I’ve been trying to find a dvd of it in thrift shops but so far no luck.
Thanks again for the tag girl!❤️
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music-in-my-veins14 · 10 months
Reindeers are better than people Sven, why is love so hard
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woodcastle · 2 years
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FROZEN Reindeers are better than people Sven, don't you think that's true? But people smell better than reindeers Sven, don't you think I'm right? (Kristoff) • ❄️ 29 x 19 mm watercolor miniature. Originals, prints & commissions @ woodcastles.de - link in bio 🔍 https://www.instagram.com/p/CmqhLtwIGxU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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faithfulwarrior-og · 4 years
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Kristoff and Ryder fistbump
Everyone else rolls their eyes
Except Sven of course
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meltthefrozenheart · 2 years
Frozen // Frozen 2: Kristoff trying to reach Anna to save her // Kristoff feeling abandoned by Anna
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And the greatest irony and evolution here is that all his efforts were in vain the first time, while in F2 that sense of abandomnent became irrelevant the moment he had the chance save and help her:
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It seems that Kristoff's arc in Frozen 2, even if the directors had to limit it to favour Anna & Elsa relationship, was rewritten in order to reflect that he became so unsure of his relationship with Anna because of his abandoment issues, caused by the fact that he's an orphan, with only Sven on his side (Reindeer' Are Better Than People).
Which perfectly reconnects and gives a deeper meaning to Olaf's joke about him and the Trolls:
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hiptoff · 3 years
Frozen came to the world to tell us we don't need a man to save us: we need a reindeer!!
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Geralt, singing: Horses are better than people, Roach don't you think that's true?
Geralt using a high-pitched voice: Yeah, people will beat you and curse you and cheat you. Every one of 'em's bad except you
Geralt: Aw, thanks buddy
Geralt: But people smell better than horses, with goosberries and lilacs and lute oil, Roach don't you think I'm right?
Geralt, as Roach: That's once again true, for all except you
Geralt: You got me, let's call it a night
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menboong-ahh · 5 years
Frozen was just an introduction to the real story which is Frozen 2
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