#&& ––  golden child; lion boy; tell me what it’s like to burn // ANATOMY ❜
ofrosetrees · 6 years
wassup i’m iris i’m 21 and i still never learned how to write an intro without a vine reference. i bring you my super softy joshua, although he might not appear like that at first. onions have layers and all that. (if you read that in shrek’s voice i love you already) anyways i’ll keep this short, please like this if you wanna plot and i’ll come at you when i have time!
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name: joshua leo parrish faceclaim: finn cole age: 20 birthday: 30th of january, 1999 gender & pronouns: cismale, he/him godly parent: iris
- death tw, car crash tw
joshua parrish had a pretty normal life for the first twelve years of it. he lived with his dad, his stepmom, who his dad started dating when he was two years old, and his little sister who was born when he was eight. he was loved, and he loved his family in return. sure there were some weird incidents, which only seemed to get worse as he got older but he never really worried too much about it. or about anything, he was a happy, optimistic kid with a bunch of friends at school and good grades and a talent for both drawing and mischief.
this picket fence life (or fire escape life, since he grew up in an apartment in new york) quickly changed when he was twelve, when one of those ‘weird incidents’ caused a car accident. he was driving home from a beach day with his family, down a dark and empty road, because of course nothing good ever happens in these kinds of places. someone - josh now assumes it was a monster of some sort but he never got a good look at it - jumped in front of their car. they hit the figure, swerved off the road and slammed into a tree. his parents died on impact, josh and his sister were unconscious but eventually josh woke up, called the emergency services and they got rescued. however, josh was never really the same.
he and his sister moved in with their grandparents, his stepmom’s parents. joshua tried to conform to his new life but it never actually worked. his grades started dropping, he skipped classes, fell in with the wrong crowd, ran away from home, the list is endless. it’s safe to say he lost himself for a while. eventually his grandparents kicked him out, since they didn’t want him around his sister like this. he was supposed to go into the foster system, but never did. at this point he was thirteen and he lived on the streets of new york for a while, hanging around with this bad crowd of his; a bunch of other streets kids or kids that just hung out more in shady nooks and corners than at home. he assumes they kind of saved his life, since he wasn’t really attacked by any monsters around this time. one of the kids he hung out with turned out to be a satyr, sent to bring him to the safety of camp halfblood. when a monster finally did attack them, he was quickly swept off to camp, too quick for him to realise what exactly was happening until he was at camp, and then the truth of his parentage was quite a shock. he tried to walk away again, but returned after the first encounter with a monster outside of the camp borders almost killed him.
at camp he kept to himself. observing, training, drawing his little heart out. the first few months were hard and he was not a nice person to be around. the only time he showed his softer side was around the pegasi and the few little kids around camp. when joshua came to camp he hadn’t been claimed yet, but he was claimed as soon as he stepped foot inside camp basically. the satyr that had been keeping an eye on him had him down as a hermes kid, since he’d never really shown any powers. he turned out to belong in the iris cabin however, and his powers started to show up soon enough: generating rainbows, energy blasts, rainbow fire manipulation, and he’s also particularly good with animals - mainly pegasi.
he came to camp after the two wars had taken place, and he hasn’t been on any quests. that isn’t to say his life as a demi god has been easy. he still battles with a lot of mental scarring from the events that lead up to him coming to camp. he really had to take some time to settle down, feel safe and to start showing his more soft side instead of the cold boy that he had become. right now he’s kind of a mix. what has really helped is working the the youngest campers, the little kids. they remind him of his sister, who he misses a lot. last summer he finally went to visit her, after a difficult process of getting in contact with his family again. he’s still very much figuring out who he is, and what he has to offer as a halfblood. fighting has never really been his strong suit. he’s definitely not bad at it, but he really doesn’t like to fight unless it’s necessary.
- his zodiac is an aquarius, also known as the idealists of the zodiac with describes him pretty well. behind his aloof demeanor is a soft boy, a dreamer who wants to make the world a better place and have some fun along the way. - he’s actually pretty happy with his godly parent. from what he knows about her she seems like someone he’d get along with. he doesn’t really crave more contact though. he had two parents already, those are his real parents and nothing can ever replace them. - this boy? emo as fuck. but only on the inside. he’s a stylish hipster babe who loves his flannels and doc martens. not that much black in his closet. he loves colour, obviously.
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ofrosetrees · 6 years
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