#! op account / mod main
hhhyperbole · 19 days
this is @gamdaughter! I just wanted to make sure, but thank you! you can expect something for one of your blogs soon HAHA
i think i do anyways, i think ive seen a post where your oc interacted with another one that belongs to my friend rei :) natalia i believe? i might be wrong but hiii :D
i’ll be waiting with bated breath :3
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atamascolily · 6 months
I saw an incredibly interesting theory on Reddit that has unfortunately been deleted by the mods, so I wanted to discuss it here because I've never seen it anywhere else. OP began by pointing out that there are 13 timelines in Scene 0 in Magia Record, and the ending implies that the main anime timeline is Homura's 14th loop overall.
This contradicts Urobuchi's oft-repeated statement from a con panel in 2013 that that the number of loops was "approaching 100", which a lot of fans take to be canon, but was never clearly defined in the original series. (For what it's worth, Urobuchi has also gone on the record saying he didn't think too much about the mechanics behind Homura's time travel, so I suspect this is one more example.)
If there are truly 14 timelines, then it would go along way towards explaining why there are 14 Clara Dolls: each one would thus be a metaphorical--and quite possibly literal--representation of one of Homura's time loops. You could also make a case for a possible 15th timeline after Madoka's wish resets the world to account for the "missing" 15th Clara Doll; I personally believe that "Ai" is the Homura we follow for most of Rebellion, so that isn't strictly necessary, but you do you.
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As a bonus, it would also retroactively explain why there are 14 "strings of fate" binding Madoka and Homura in episode 11 - this might have originally been metaphorical, because the animators didn't want to draw so many strings (though I suppose they could have), but it would now be literal as well.
I know a lot of people are emotionally invested in the idea of 100+ loops, but this idea makes a lot of sense. Up until now, the exact number of loops has not been a major plot point (and only 5 are explicitly shown in the anime), but it will be interesting to see if this comes up in any capacity in Walpurgis no Kaiten.
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theminecraftbee · 11 months
Who are all the Hermitcraft admins? For some reason my first thought was Joe Hills being one but I feel like he'd be too afraid of accidentally breaking the server
joe hills HAS been one! the main ones I see doing admin things are xisuma, hypno (especially re: owning the website), tango (often as a backup contact when xisuma and hypno aren’t on), and joe (also as a backup contact). there are others I’m pretty sure HAVE had op at some point—doc had to have had op during big moon since that was his contact’s mod, cub I’m pretty sure has had op, scar has had op, hilariously I think evil x’s account has op, pretty sure ren had op during the charity event—but I think that’s because the hermits generally trust each other to have op if someone needs to have it for a Thing.
however you ALSO aren’t wrong about joe being afraid of accidentally breaking the server. have you ever heard about the time he accidentally, while trying to clear a bunch of chat messages, deleted his own inventory instead,
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˗ˏˋ Welcome to Kickin Star ☆ Cafe! With our manager and only staff, KickinChicken! ࿐ྂ
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Welcome to Barista!KickinChicken Blog where you can ask or chat with the one and only KickinChicken! This KickinChicken is very flamboyant and a bit sassy but even with that sass, he is still the lively, cool and out-going critter! He even tell you a few tips of how to be cool just like him!
What is Barista AU or Barista!KickinChicken AU? Barista AU is an AU where KickinChicken cartoonic world were destroyed, Kickin doesn't remember how it got destroyed but when he woke up, all around him is just white... nothing but white, until his star pendant started glowing, transforming him slightly bigger than his usual size and wearing a barista uniform! A cafe also appear out of nowhere. Kickin understand that his new role is now helping lost travelers that got lost in traveling AU's or helping someone that needed to relax and talk in peace.
Does this AU inspired by someone? Yes, indeed it does! This AU is inspired by @cafeowner-damian-pena and @cafe-pet-account-2 but it also inspired by Trader!Howdy and FluffyTale AU (whoever is an undertale fan, you know this AU for sure–)
My other blog
Main Blog -> @mod-latte-here-to-haunt-you
Lovesick!Bobby BearHug Blog -> @protective-mama-bear
The Silly Critters Blog -> @ask-the-silly-critters
Sweet & Candy AU Blog -> coming soon...
You may call this KickinChicken as 'Barista', Barista is a very chill and calming critter but can be firm whenever someone make a ruckus in his cafe! Now, for the info of the responds and the tag!
"This is Barista!Kickin Talking"
"This is Barista!Kickin whisper"
This is action
'This is Barista!Kickin thought' (which i rarely use it)
This is Mod Latte speaking
kickinchicken -> Barista reply
smiling critters -> anything related to Smiling Critters
barista!au -> The AU
roleplay blog -> a roleplay
my art -> an art that created by me
barista!au canon -> a headcanon for Barista!AU
barista!au quotes -> just a quotes
ask blog -> not a roleplay
mod latte here -> where i'm included
Now, for the rules! And i hope all of you guys will follow this rules.
Please don't send an overly NSFW ask! I'm uncomfortable with that kind of ask but it's okay if it a tiny bit suggestive jokes, just as long is not overly lusty, that just nasty...
Please do not make your character to OP because that wouldn't be fun and not only that, this isn't anime–
Please be patience with me if i'm slow in replying your asks, i'm an anxious and sensitive person and not only that, i have a life outside this blog and still in school. Please respect my boundaries.
You cannot kill Barista!KickinChicken, you can hurt him or traumatized him a bit but do not kill him!
If you're being rude to me or being very direspectful then please, leave this blog or i'm blocking you but if you're in anonymous then i will deleted that rude ask.
Anon magic is allowed, minimum 7 ask.
Also, if you want to know more of Barista then check this post out! Barista!KickinChicken Data Info
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"Well, aren't you a new one? Haha, come inside, dear customer! If you need someone to talk to then i'm here for ya but if you just wanted to relax then order the list of foods and drinks in my menu! And don't worry for the prices, your happiness is already enough."
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And that is all! Come and ask Barista!KickinChicken or order his menu! Barista will be waiting for your presence! Now, i'm outta here *jumps out of the window*
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conjunction-of-crows · 9 months
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This is my @op-secret-santa gift for @/incorrectnoe on Instagram! I've already posted it there but I almost forgot to share it here as well. I had quite a bit of fun drawing Crocodile, Buggy and Mihawk going over business stuff (even if Crocodile is the only one actually doing anything lol). Below the cut are closeups of the three!
(also I realized that I put my main account on the form instead of my art blog, so in case it's an issue for the mods my main is @knightlycrow, sorry)
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dextixer · 30 days
Yknow, at first i thought i would just make a thread telling everyone how manipulative this post about how "I dont hate critique but critique bad" is, to warn people about snakes in the FNDM hiding in the grass.
But then this utter clownshoes decided to invoke Monty, to talk about Montys wishes. To weaponize a dead person as a cudgel for a fucking internet argument.
This is why i hate most of the RWBY FNDM, because they are all sunshine and rainbows, all progressive, all nice people, or at least they portray themselves to be until they take off their fucking masks. And then all of these supposedly nice people reveal themselves to be manipulative ratfucks.
So, lets be very clear. If you invoke Monty in your shitty internet arguments, you are just a morally defunct person, you are lower than fucking trash. He is a deceased man. His corpse is not there for you to parade him like a fucking puppet for your own arguments.
The fact that it follows a fake ass "nice guy" facade is just the icing on the cake.
Despite the claims of the OP, they were not "suggesting that hate discourages people" they were being a snakey fuck by at first saying "Criticism isnt bad" and then outlining literally EVERY single tired anti-criticism buzzword phrase in existence. Everyone fucking knows that most of the time "Im not saying x is bad BUUUUUT" leads to the person revealing that, yeah, they are saying that X is bad. Its the most fucking elementary silencer for any argument in existence.
We have the ol reliables of
>"If you no like, just leave" >Conflating criticism with hate >Implying that people should not criticize passion projects >Implying that RWBY receives unique kind of criticism that no other thing does
Alongside that we also have some weird implications that RWBY is disliked for being "cringe" and of course, more instances of conflating criticism with "hate". If one pays attention they could easily spot a pattern, take a shot of your favourite drink anytime you see the word "hate" or its synonim when the supposed thread is supposed to be about criticsm.
As far as for the second part of the post that comes after my reply.
Criticism does not have to be constructive, its good when it is, but if a person can see something wrong, they can say its wrong without offering a solution. I dont need to be a professional doctor to see a bone sticking out where it shouldnt be etc.
And lets get back to the old sticking point "Oh, but why does RWBY have separate critic communities".
Because the fandom MADE it a fucking necessity! Just like with shows like Game of Thrones and many others! You think critic spaces or subreddits are some kind of never seen before thing before RWBY?!
The only reason RWBY has them is because of the fucking Fandom!
The RWDE tag on tumblr only exists because people were ASKED for criticism to be something that people could avoid, by tagging a post as RWDE anyone using this platform can easily blacklist the tag and NEVER see anything from it! And yet the Fandom instead of doing so CONSTANTLY comes into the tag, and then constantly bitches and whines about how criticism exists!
The critics subreddit exists because most people there were slowly pushed away from the main sub. It didnt START as that, but it became that when the mods of r/RWBY decided that instead of moderating discussions they would rather throw out all the critics because fans would NEVER behave in critical posts and would either mass report them or cause conflict!
Whether someone likes RWBY or not has NOTHING to do with personal morality. Its also extremelly ironic that there are constant "uwu, people say me bad because i like RWBY" claims with nothing to back them up while on places like twitter you can see RWBY twitter accounts say that anyone who dislikes RWBY is just a misogynist or the like.
I would rather take the most toxic critic foaming at the mouth about how RWBY is bad over people like op, ratfuck snakes who pretend to have no problem with criticism while sneaking in the same fucking anti-criticism shit into their threads.
I dont even criticize RWBY that much anymore and i mostly just tell the critics spaces to not even talk to the larger fandom, and its because of dipshits like the OP.
Because the RWBY FNDM is full of these nice presenting, nice writing manipulative jackasses who are just smiles and rainbows while saying the same tired bullshit as always. Just a reminder, just because someone is "polite" does not mean they are not full of shit.
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uwukeres · 2 months
Re: Writing a massive CoD tea post
Disclaimer: I don't often write long posts on tumblr so my formatting may be way off here, so bare with me while I get my footing a bit. The original thread by @jazzybot4 that is (as of 24/7/23), on-going can be found here. This thread will be in response to all three parts, as I'm tired I've watching someone swing behind the genuine belief of misinformation. This post will primarily be in defense of @zyomih, as OP has made several claims against them that are backed up by little more than smoke and mirrors. jazzybot4 makes some points, such as the previous mod team mishandling some aspects of moderation, I won't argue with that; we were a small team that was fit to moderate a smaller server and not one that had over 1k members. However, where they lose me, and a lot of other folks is when they begin pointing the finger at @zyomih and saying that they are a "Generally unpleasant person, howling screaming tantrum throwing anti." who has apparently abused Leech (formerly known as Maggot-- I will more than likely alternate in between their names, as I knew them primarily as Maggot) and is heavily implied to have sent death threats, used a sock puppet to bypass blocks etc, etc. Lets start at the beginning, if you want to see the same handful of screenshots from the original twitter thread that OP reposts in every single part, use the link above. I'm tired of them rehashing the same two-three screenshots for their argument. Zyo's original posts can be found here (1) (2) and I encourage you to give them a thorough read through, and not just a light skim. (2) is where they first mention Leechknot, as can be seen below:
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This is, and continues to be their only mention of Leech in the context of this drama. But, still the comments persist that Zyo is apparently disparaging Leech:
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(Taken from the first posts comment section-- sort by oldest, and its the second or third response. This was in response to me asking when exactly in the first post they went word-for-word and proved-- anything really.) So lets take a look at their dm list on their main account:
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This screenshot is their last interaction, which is dated June 27, 2023 which was the day of the server hand-over. They have exchanged no messages since-- and there are no deleted messages, as then there would be long-stretches where Leech was seemingly talking to themselves. Note: Leeches messages have been blacked out in order to not leak their private dm's. This screenshot was taken 2024/07/23 (Today) and is current with Leech's current profile picture. While I appreciate the faith you have in my friend to juggle several sock accounts to block evade/send death threats, its simply not true. Zyo has always been the type of person to say them directly. Lets make something clear, I'm not saying that Leech isn't receiving death threats at all; but I know for a fact that they aren't coming from Zyo. Yet still, Since you insist on being a pariah of truth and receipts (of which you don't provide yourself the majority of the time) here is their entire dm list from their only alt discord account (The 'Dart' dummy account):
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This screenshot is, again, taken from 2024/07/23. The user on the top of the friends list is NOT another alt account, but a mutual friend. Their name has been blacked out for privacy. Something I wanted to highlight is the fact that NEITHER of these screenshots show any evidence of Zyo sending threats or any type of abuse towards Maggot. Moving on to the allegations that Zyo made and the latter half of comments which you ignore. You incorrectly identified what their main issues with the server are, and I'm assuming this is so you could strengthen your stance that Zyo is, for lack of a better term, full of shit.
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Screenshot from the third post, and lets actually go line by line since you seem incapable of following the structure of your own posts. 1. "Hosting Illegal Content."-- This claim is made because the server hosts threads that talk, in detail about Rape and Sexual assault. These are not support threads, as it clearly states in the rules that there is no venting channels. There is no sexual assault depicted with these characters in the screenshot below, nor is there within Modern Warfare games with the exception of Ghosts comic backstory.
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And, an accompanying list of those who were active within the top thread (Important note: Mod roles are defined by [Sgt.], [Lt.], [Cpt.] and [Cpl.]):
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Which shows that mods were active within these threads. You are right, their unacceptable content list is well within the recommended list that Discord provides. However, underage nsfw has been shared there before:
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--and that has a mod engaging positively with it. They are lenient when they come to their mod staff and their more well-respected members (AKA, those with a significant following.) An example of this is here, when a member is asked by a mod to not stream a game that may or may not have some SA undertones in it:
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Which does imply a bias, which I don't think is fair to ignore. If you're going to base your entire arguement over accusing Zyo of acting in bad faith, its really pertinent to include the whole context, and not just cherry picking what does and doesn't work for your argument. I noticed in all of your posts, you've always neglected to approach the Underage aspect of the accusations. Which are, by the way, prohibited by Discord TOS:
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I can hear the argument already, that members of the server are not trying to 'Normalize' child abuse. However, as the definition goes on to state-- "Do not post content or engage in conduct that in any way sexualizes children.... [in] any type of digital creation." Fanfiction, by law does count under digital creation. As well, if you look at the top of the screenshot from Discord, you can see the searching the phrase "Underage" yields about 55 results; if we assume that at least 5 of them are from mods asking for the content not to be there and at least one of them is dedicated to their unacceptable list, then that still leaves 49 instances of where the content was discussed in the server. 2. "Engaging in Censorship and Silencing pro-Palestine Activism."-- Once again, no, Zyo was not commenting on them silencing Pro-Palestine Activism. They stated (And their thread has been unrolled for a neater screenshot, the original can be found here):
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Which is referencing this tweet where the mod-team asks @/aquasuperbat to remove their comment that Elliot Knight is a Zionist. Jazzy, you say in your first part that you will get back to these allegations later but you never do-- so for the record, Elliot Knight (Who plays Gaz) actively follows and has liked several pro-Israel posts on his twitter. A source is included above. Considering how exceptionally online most folks who are in fandom spaces are, Jellycakes more than likely went into it with the assumption that the original poster knew this, and still wanted to gush over him anyway. How does this relate back to Zyo though? From an outside perspective, the deletion of the comment made by @/aquasuperbat and the immediate deletion of the comment made by @/recentlydeceased implies that the mods are, in some aspects, uncomfortable talking about these topics. This is well within their right, however I'm not sure how they can adhere to the no-politics rule when they have allowed charity fundraisers for Palestine in their server. Is that not also inherently political? Or is it only against the rules when it goes against someone's favorite character? Musings aside, you also claim that 'Real' Silencing would have been mods outright deleting the comment without asking first. While not completely wrong, this also doesn't actually reflect what social silencing is; Silence Theory suggests that those who think that they hold the majority opinion are more comfortable expressing their thoughts and opinions. The mod team is comfortable with expressing that they don't want individuals discussing a current war in their server; their opinion holds the most weight since they are in a position of power; therefore their opinion is the majority. THAT is why the server comes off as being a bunch of Zionists, and why Zyo et al. took issue with the screenshots that were raised. So far, you have done nothing to disprove this fact. Rather your more comfortable with insulting them, calling them names and making baseless threats (ex. Threatening to go to the FBI for death threats Zyo has not made.). You've turned them into the architecture of a villain that you need to have in order to excuse the fact that Leech, for as good as a person as they seemed, still allowed Sexual Assault, Underage and suppressed folks who were Pro-Palestine. You attack their moderation style, for their organizing of a server that they passed along over a year ago. You call them an abuser based on what? Vibes? Because it sure as hell isn't evidence that you've shown-- and if it was as damning as your hyping it up to be, why wouldn't you show the evidence? You have constantly said that these accusations have no weight to them, when in reality it's just showing your lack of reading comprehension when it comes to anything over 100 words. Moreover, your moral posturing is laughable, embarrassing and screams of someone who wants to be the main character of a story that they were on the outskirts for. Take a step back, experience some whimsy in your life and accept the fact that you exist solely in a echo-chamber of people who are confirming your bias. I know you want to defend your friend, I get it, I really do-- I wouldn't be writing out this whole damn post if i didn't, but completing a character assassination on someone whose been mostly inactive in the cod fandom for the last year? Maybe I just don't get it because I haven't been active in the Cod Fandom for a while either, but I don't understand where you get off putting Zyo on blast for every small thing that they have ever done to apparently wrong both you and Leech. Just to reiterate: Zyo hasn't had any contact with Leech for almost a full year. If they wanted to get hateful on main, they would do it from main. They're not going to ban evade and hide behind a dozen different sock puppet accounts just to terrorize the lot of you. That's a significant effort for a dying server with a mod team whose views don't, and will probably never align with ours.
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tango-of-the-tek · 3 months
Blog Information
Disclaimer: This is a role-play and ask blog for the Hermitcraft/Minecraft YouTuber Tango Tek. All asks will reflect Tango as a Minecraft character, not a YouTube personality. This is a non-RPF blog (Real Person Fiction)- Tango is a cubito, all role-plays and asks will be cubito based. Asks can be anonymous but must retain the same sort of rating that Hermitcraft has as of season 10 (Roughly Pg-15). Asks will be tagged appropriately- any shipping asks will be tagged under 'hermitshipping' or 'trafficshipping'. Role plays can be prose or simplified- I will follow as needed. Anything NSFW in regards to Role Play must follow Tumblr guidelines, and users must be over the age of 21 as I am not comfortable interacting with anyone below that age for NSFW. Not affiliated with Tango Tek, Hermitcraft or Minecraft, this is solely for entertainment purposes. Anything said or done here does not reflect actual Tango opinions.
Muse Information: Pertinent information only (Full Bio Link). Tango has been a Hermit since season 3, but he had a guest appearance in season 2. He also was OPed until season 9 when he asked to have it removed. Tango also has knowledge of modding Minecraft itself as well as using the Create mod. Tango has been a part of the Life series as well as his own modded Create Series. Hermit UHCs or MCCs will also be included if Tango was involved. Mod head-canons Tango as a Nether Hybrid showing traits of Blaze and Ghast mobs (yes, he has a tufted tail). His hair and tail fluff are blond but will flare during high emotions. Blue fire only appears when he is enraged or in fight/flight mode. Yes, he is short and no, he doesn't care. He feels his sized helps with with redstone! Mod Information: I have been a Hermitcraft fan since season 3, though I did watch a small bit of TFC's Season 2. I have watched all of Hermitcraft, the Life-Series, the Hermit UHC series, Naked and Scared and even Moonlight. Tango is also one of the streamers that I consistently watch (live or VODS). I have conversational knowledge of redstone and hockey should that be brought up. I have over twenty years of Roleplay experience, yes I started on Geo-Cities. This blog is intended as an RP blog but is also open to Ask and "Anon Magic" suggestions. I will not main-tag this blog save for this post. You may call me Mod Metztli on this account.
I am not affiliated with @ask-tangotek but do also recommend that blog for any asks.
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gothamcity-official · 11 months
Q: How many mods run this account?
A: There are three of us, although we have been told by our supervisors that Oracle can and will send alerts through us. To talk to us, say one of our names, “Maxi”, “Samuel”, or “Rusty”, if you want to talk to one of us specifically, or “Mods” or “the Mods” if you don't care who answers.
Q: Do any of you have specialties?
A: Rusty knows the most about the vigilantes and their histories. Samuel supposedly knows the most about the rogues, although he's never had to prove this. Maxi proofreads most posts and knows the most about mundane aspects of living in this city.
FAQ continued under the cut (OOC information at the bottom)
Q: Mod pronouns?
A: Mod Maxi uses she/her, Mod Samuel uses he/him, and Mod Rusty is genderfluid and won't care.
Q: Do we report villain or vigilante sightings to you?
A: You can, but you should probably send them to BatWatch or a crisis line. Since there are only three of us, we aren't on 24/7 like the crisis lines.
Q: Do I report it if I saw Batman and Catwoman making out on the roof?
A: We've seen that, everyone has seen that, please stop sending us pictures.
Q: Do I report it if I see heroes or vigilantes that do not live in Gotham?
A: Like BatWatch but unlike the crisis lines, we have filters for out of towners.
Q: Red Hood is a crime lord, not a vigilante, stop reporting on him.
A: Die mad about it. (Edit: Maxi and our supervisors said we can't say that.)
Q: Why do you talk about Wayne Enterprises so much?
A: They have so many events that you should try doing things in this city without running into something done by them.
OOC Information
Mod Maxi, Mod Samuel, and Mod Rusty in respective order
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This blog is run by one person! If you want to talk to me specifically, talk to me in an ask by calling me “Ali”, “Mod”, or “OP” (my pronouns are she/they)
If you want to get in touch about things not pertaining to this blog, my main is @nookisms
All links on posts will be relevant to the content that's in the posts.
If you send an ask, it will either be answered as soon as I see it or scheduled for a day or two into the future.
You may notice (in the future) that I have posted about the same events multiple times. Since I'm running this like an official city account, I would think they would have monthly or annual reminders for their citizens. I don’t know if they do this irl.
Most neighborhood names are taken off several maps I could find of Gotham, but sometimes you just gotta ignore if things are canon and go with what feels right.
Will there be canon events? Everything is canon somewhere.
This blog's intended ambiance was inspired by Welcome to Night Vale, which is a normal podcast to Gothamites.
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hhhyperbole · 19 days
wait with bbaited breath indeed /threat (KIDDING KIDDING) I'm going to attack your ocs with starters
hit em with the mischief >:)
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What happens if we just ? *Fixes the antena from A-120*
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Sorry for the very late ask!!! I wanted to do something special to announce my 3 VERY important announcements!
Firstly, me the op, will be getting more and more active on my other account (@melat0nin-gummi) along with posting behind the scenes and extra content over there!!
Second, The blog is getting a new mod!!! I’ll still be here but now there will be someone else to manage the account!! (We are currently working out regulations regarding the blog along with some technical things expect him very soon!!)
And lastly effective after this ask, We will be doing fun facts about the characters below the main ask! Though sometimes they may not be relevant to the character they will still give you all some proper world building for this blogs au!!!
Anyway, I hope everyone has a great day! Enjoy your night!
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anthroparis · 1 year
I'm going to continue this bit because honestly the way people are interacting with me is getting significantly more and more annoying.
thinking about tti occupies like, half an hour of my total day, and I didn't even think about it at all when there were no updates.
this blog represents a very tiny, insignificant part of my life and making judgments based off of how I post here is extremely weird. even making assumptions about me based on my main is weird!
I once had a complete stranger reblog one of my joke posts and literally tag it as "no offense op but I have learned everything I need to know about you as a person" like you guys realize why that mindset is extremely creepy and weird, right?
would you say those kinds of things in a conversation with a classmate? a cashier? a new coworker? a distant relative? no! you wouldn't, because that would come off as extremely invasive and stalker-y!
so when you send this blog weird jokes on anon, I can only assume they're jokes, because again, you might joke around with your friends about being homophobic but I don't with mine. so I can only guess that you're kidding and referencing an internet humor thing I don't understand because I'm an adult and don't really use social media anymore.
and what happens in these parasocial relationships you build with internet personas is that you put someone on a pedestal as this untouchable force, you start believing that you are entitled to their time and kindness when these people don't owe you anything. you crave their attention so badly you start sending them dumbass asks either kissing their ass or trying to provoke them because it makes you feel better about yourself, I guess?
but then when the person in question does something that catches you off guard, or that offends you, or that you just don't like, you feel betrayed and hurt, and you turn to attacking them or vagueing them or whatever it is.
this kind of behavior is what leads to these incredibly uncomfortable situations like what happened with mod courtney.
like when I was around 16 years old on an old personal account, I started receiving some pretty inflammatory comments getting mad about the way I was criticizing a piece of media I didn't like. eventually, over private message, a mutual IN HER 20'S admitted to sending them because she felt personally hurt that I was criticizing something she liked. this grown ass woman, who I had never had a conversation with before, had grown such an attachment to me that she took me not liking one of her interests as a personal attack. I was 16 years old and expected to be responsible for the emotions of an adult woman because I made her feel rejected.
this also goes the other way around btw like I have been idolized by minors and it makes me so uncomfortable. PLEASE be safer online, you have no idea who's going to turn out to be a terrible person.
anyway. just because someone is online does not mean it's okay to act like an asshole? I'm so sick of you freaks thinking it's all fine and good to be dickheads because it's words on a screen. you understand that you're talking to real people, right? they're probably reading your asks while taking a fat dump on their grandma's toilet. they have faces. people faces. and lives outside of the internet. and it's disturbing watching you treat other people like entertainment just because they post sometimes.
there's a certain threshold of time between following someone and becoming friends that you need to learn to be respectful during. it's perfectly okay to mess up sometimes and it's okay to feel upset when someone sets a boundary because of you. rejection sensitivity is hard, but expecting everyone else to cater to you instead of working on your internal reactions to perceived rejection and social slights is manipulative.
also purposefully sending people annoying asks to get a rise out of them really isn't funny. are you my five year old little brother now. are you going to sign off each anon with "problem, officer?" can you just call me fat like the good old days. can we just bring back rickrolling instead.
no tldr you read the post or you don't.
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scarecrow-in-a-hatake · 7 months
Info Post
[This is a canon-compliant Hatake Kakashi RP blog. Feel free to send asks, reblog, or tag with rp starters! Generally speaking, responses will be in the same format as the inciting text, although most posts will be written in first-person POV as if the muse is running the blog.]
[This character has two different versions you can interact with: Agent Hound from his days leading Anbu Black Ops Team Ro, after Minato's death, or the Sixth Hokage from the Blank Period between the end of Shippuden to Naruto's inauguration in the epilogue. Unless one or the other is specified, the version that responds will be whichever seems more fitting in terms of the timeline.]
[As of March 2024, this account is high-activity.]
For RP blogs who want to interact from a sideblog: try submissions, your main blog pfp won't show
For reference to rp and topic threads, here's a wip masterlist
For tag searching in case the archive function is broken again, see below
#rp chain — all interactions with other Naruto RP blogs.
#in the spring days || other faces — interactions with characters that Kakashi has little personal connection with, including but not limited to OC muses and anon asks. #in the summer days || unwelcome ghosts — interactions with characters that Kakashi would canonically consider an enemy or opponent. #in the autumn days || old friends — interactions involving characters that Kakashi considers comrades, friendly acquaintances, and of course, friends.
#in the winter days || lonesome ramblings — posts where Kakashi is not directly speaking to any other characters, such as giving life-updates
#anbu days — posts where Kakashi is responding as Hound, captain of Team Ro/Team Six, age 18-24 #blank period — posts where Kakashi is responding as the Sixth Hokage early on in his term, age 32-35
#ooc — [out-of-character posts from the mod, @macchiato-dreaming22, which will be written in brackets such as this.]
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emilyelizabethfowl · 6 months
in a nutshell
This blog is a mishmash of everything and anything. Do not expect any sort of cohesive theme from me ajshdfkjhasd
I do not tag anything; Don't ask me to, I won't remember to. I use tags as a commenting space for things I don't wanna force people to have on the post if they want to reblog it from me.
📌 Emily - they/them - 24
📌 AO3: Emily_Elizabeth_Fowl
📌 Carrd: Main (now mod-centered) || Fics (now also zine contributions centered)
📌 Side-account for fic stuff: @fowlfics (occasional tumblr-only drabbles)
📌 Zines whore; currently contributing in:
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Note: zines are moved below in increments of 5 (so once I have finished five of the above zines, they will be moved down simultaneously; for exact progress check out the side-carrd)
📌 Previously contributed in:
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📌 Standard yearly goal: 24 for '24!
How it works: The challenge is to do 24 instances of a specific thing. To up the difficulty, I am running three consecutive tallies; for creating art pieces, for writing fics & for applying to zines.
'24 year progress: (year is 69% complete)(NICE) Art: 504% ✅✅✅✅✅ || Writing:117% ✅|| Zine apps: 92% 📈
23 for '23 challenge stats: Art: 117% ✅ || Writing: 139% ✅ || Zine apps: 191% ✅
📌 Special Goal: write enough OP fics to have it beat BNHA on my AO3 dashboard
Progress: 31/211 (15%) ▨◧◫◫◫◫◫◫◫◫
📌 This pinned might be updated at any point. Current as of 9th September 2024
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skzrpf · 1 year
Hello, Stay! We're SZKRPF ✧.*
We're a new open network here to help spread skz rpf writer's works. We want to create a safe and welcoming space for those who are migrating from different social medias into these sides of the internet!
We will reblogging all posts tagged #skzrpfnet ! Feel free to use this tag in all of your posts that you want to uplift! (WipWeds are welcome!)
Below are further rules & comments regarding how we will be managing this network!
✧ All posts tagged with the hashtag will be reviewed and reblog by the mod. After checking everything is on par with our rules, we will reblog it with OP's username in the tags, rating for the work and ship for the work.
✧ All ships are welcome! (Yes, even crossovers one!) As long as the main focus of the work is an skz member, it's more than welcome into the net.
Here's what we will be allowing, what we won't.
✧ Allowed
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NSFW (only posted by +19 writers. we will check).
Dead Dove (properly tagged).
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✧ Not Allowed
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Pedophilia or Underage content in any capacity.
Lastly, we will not be allowing Y/N or /Reader content. This is network for SKZ SHIPS Only. We apologize for the inconvience!
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✧ Last Few Things To Note...
↳ This is a sideblog, so we will not be following people, or liking content.
↳ We are not affiliated with any of the writer skz accounts on twitter.
↳ Please be patient as there is currently only one mod working on this project! Allow me a grace period as I figure stuff out. Human error will be a thing, so please, be kind with your concerns and comments! Thank you!
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Please stay tuned for possibly future fun events! (Rec week, anybody 👀?)
✧ Love, 🦋mod.
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byemizumikahago · 10 months
R/Danganronpa's moderators; Lies, Deceit, and Censorship
(DEC 16 EDIT: This post now has outdated information. Please read here.)
Firstly, I'd like to apologize for going silent so suddenly, and for such a long period of time. I had not been recieving new information on mizumi in so long, that I assumed there was simply nothing left to be said.
Well, you can imagine my surprise when I saw that I was wrong.
On reddit (one of the sites where Mizumi is still active, meaning she still hasn't recieved consequences for her actions, meaning that she can now go on to interact with more minors, leading to more of her sexually abusing them, and creating more victims who have experienced something that no one should have to go through), a post was made by someone who followed the instructions I laid out in my pinned post. This is all fine and good, until the thread got locked.
For those who aren't familiar with reddit, "locking" a post is when a subreddit's moderators cut off the ability to comment on that post. It can't be done by the person who created the post, only moderators (aka, the people with power and authority over others) can do it.
Before the thread was completely locked, however, a moderator by the name of u/FutureCreeps had this to say:
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And later, the person who created this post sent me a screenshot of the message they received from the mods (thank you very much to them):
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Now, there is quite a bit to go over for each of these images, which I will do now. I'm going to break down and respond to each of these comments, and debunk the claims that the subreddit's mods have levied against the MizumiKahago Situation.
Image 1
"Both accounts are banned from previous incidents unrelated to this entirely."
Already off the bat, this statement is a complete bald-faced lie.
Firstly, while yes, both of mizumi's former accounts (u/MizumiKahago and u/MizumiKahagoArts) are now gone, they were never banned. When you go to a banned/suspended reddit account, it will say, "This account has been suspended". But what does Mizumi's account page say? That's right, it says "This user has deleted their account". Reddit itself didn't step in to ban Mizumi, she deleted the account herself, in a sort of loophole that ensured that she could make a new account without getting targeted by reddit's ban evasion system. Now, this is a perfectly fair mistake to make, and I don't blame the mods for getting this mixed up. I'd like to assume that they did report Mizumi to reddit itself, and then saw that her account was gone the next day and assumed that the job was done. I'd even chalk it up to Mizumi being smart enough to know that she should delete her account now, if she wants any chance of getting back on the platform. I'd like to assume all that, but later, I'll show you indisputable proof that the mods KNEW that Mizumi was back on the platform, and did NOTHING*.
Secondly, FutureCreeps makes a point to state that BOTH of Mizumi's accounts are banned. Not "all of Mizumi's accounts are banned", BOTH. As in, TWO. This does not, however, take into consideration Mizumi's current third account, u/MizumiKahagoArts (the one where she added a single letter to the end and nothing else), which the OP (original poster) LINKED. RIGHT THERE. IN THE SCREENSHOT. You can clearly see that no, Mizumi has NOT been banned, she is still very much on the platform. If the mod meant to clarify that MizumiKahagoArts was banned from the individual r/danganronpa subreddit, not all of reddit, then 1. I would like to see the message sent to her, informing her that she's been banned, and 2. THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU REPORT HER TO THE MAIN REDDIT MODS FOR BAN EVASION???? (*here's the proof that the mods knew that Mizumi was back on reddit: link)
And thirdly, the claim that she was banned for "previous incidents unrelated to this entirely." So, you mean to say that mizumi being banned for grooming a child is... unrelated to the discussion about her grooming a child? What?? Are??? You???? Talking????? About??????
This claim confused me a great deal, at first. But as I thought more about it, I came up with a not-so-far-fetched theory on why the mod might think that this discussion is unrelated. Mizumi has a long, documented history of harassing komahina shippers, specifically on reddit. Multiple times, the reddit mods have had to step in and stop her, which could presumably lead to them growing increasingly more aware, and tired, of her antics. They most likely wanted to ban her for a very long time, but couldn't find a good enough excuse to do so. That's when the victim messaged them their document, and it gave the mods the perfect reason to finally be rid of Mizumi. The komahina shippers incidents were just the, but the document was the catalyst.
The mod who locked the thread and made this statement, FutureCreeps, has actually been a mod since after Mizumi's ban in March 2023, which you can check on the r/danganronpa mod list. So it's highly likely that the rest of the mods that were there when the situation was taking place simply told FutureCreeps an abbreviated version of the story. I can believe that, but even then, that makes FutureCreeps's behaviour here even worse. They should not be making statements, or locking threads, on behalf of all the mods, especially not ones that were THERE when the whole thing went down and can better explain the situation.
Image 2
"Post and comments have been locked because we do not wish to promote a hostile environment with posts such as these gaining so much traction. The user in question has already been banned previously."
"Hostile Environment" my ass. Look through the comments on the post. I'm serious, actually LOOK through them; do you see a single person being mean or hostile? DO YOU?! And even if they were being rude/hostile, I'd say it's justified given that, oh, y'know, we're talking about a fucking child groomer?
And I've already gone over the "the user was banned" statement previously, so there's nothing new to say here.
Image 3
I'm not quoting the whole thing, since it's very long, much longer than the others, but that's fine, since I don't have much of anything to say. It's a fairly standard response, filled with the usual garbage drivel that I've already debunked in this post, as well as numerous others in the past. The thing I do want to point out, however, is at the end:
"The user Mizumi for example has been banned since March for the reasons in your post, it's relatively old information that did not need to bring up in the subreddit"
First, if this information is soooo old, then why do the people in the comments act shocked by this information? Why is nobody coming forth and saying that they already knew this? I'll tell you why; it's because it's not "old news". This is buried news; news that was suppressed, but was dug up and is being shared around to protect and educate people. Second, I don't care how old the information is. To quote myself from a previous post, "Okay, sure, it happened nearly 2 years ago now, but that time-gap doesn't mean anything! It should still be looked at [...] The perpetrator has gotten off scot-free for two years, that means the time to act is now, before it's too late"
There is something called the Streisand Effect. According to wikipedia, it's "an unintended consequence of attempts to hide, remove, or censor information, where the effort instead backfires by increasing awareness of that information. It is named after American singer and actress Barbra Streisand, whose attempt to suppress the California Coastal Records Project's photograph of her cliff-top residence in Malibu, California, taken to document California coastal erosion, inadvertently drew far greater attention to the previously obscure photograph in 2003. This phenomenon is something that the danganronpa community should contribute to. To anyone who has gotten to the end of this post, I don't want you to just like/reblog this post or whatever. I want you to log into reddit, message the r/danganronpa mods, and make them explain why they're defending Mizumi. They claim in image 3 that they're not defending her at all, yet all the evidence I've shared contradicts that. So, I want you to not stop until they've released a proper statement.
Before I end this post, I want to draw a few parallels;
When the author of the infamous danganronpa fanfic, Lavender, was outed as a child groomer, did the mods lock all threads talking about it? No! They allowed it, and some at-the-time (and even later hired) mods contributed to the conversation.
When Danganmandy, or Aeris Akamatsu, or any other awful large figure in the danganronpa community was outed as a terrible person, did the mods lock all threads talking about it? Nope. They allowed it.
When someone posts a single post about Mizumi, showing what she's done, did the mods lock the ONLY thread talking about it? Yes, they did. Why? I haven't the faintest clue. I can only speculate as to what has changed, but I probably won't receive a real explanation. Here are the facts, however, as I've laid out in front of you. You are free to make up your own theories:
The mods know that Mizumi is a child groomer.
The mods know that Mizumi has evaded her ban, and has returned to reddit on a new account.
The mods haven't reported her to reddit's moderators.
The mods have locked the only single post talking about her, in an attempt to censor and suppress the information brought to light about her.
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