arisdaughter · 4 months
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Hiya, I'm Serene Zhang!! Younger half-sister of Frank Zhang, Daughter of Ari★*⁠.⁠✧ Apollo ☀️☀️(apollo has been disowned)
14 years old, Birthday 22 December!(Yes, the winter solstice)
Here's a bit about me!!
I am a Greco-Roman Demigod
Bisexual 🩷💜💙
Hera is her patron goddess (that kidnapped her and put her through intensive training since she was 2)
Former spy from the Titan Army to watch Camp Half-Blood 🤫🤫
Has a jade dragon bracelet that gives me the power of invisibility🐉🐉
Starting my own army to better the world🔥🔥
Cheese fanatic 🧀🧀
Excels at anything concerning the arts🎨🎭
Ability to control light and use it as a weapon ✨✨
Archer 🏹🏹
@morpheus-child-phobos-legacy Kaden!! He has a nickname for me!!
@that-asian-child-of-aphrodite STEPHIEEE MY BEAUTIFUL KIND BESTIE<333
@love-lightning-forethought BROOKIE!! my super amazhang hairstylist
@demigod-jack-hearth Jack! Dude's basically a god at this point, has like a thousand patrons and kids-
@daughter-of-the-storm Darya! She adopted me as her sister! Very cool very cool
@if-chaos-was-a-boy Calix! Mildly concerning but otherwise pretty slay 💅
So, this is me!! Welcome to my world!!
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#serene rambles #serene answers = ic/ask answers
#zahrawrasaurus rawrs = ooc
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that-smart-apollo-kid · 3 months
Greetings, Earthlings‼️‼️
oh bejeesus that was loud
Hello, Bonjour, Buenos Dias, 你好, G'day, Konnichiwa, I'm Zahra, Daughter of Apollo and Legacy of Athena ☀️🦉
Self-insert OC of @/zahrawr-likes-red ✨✨
Fun fact!! I'm 12 so NO NSFW. NO. ZIP. NADA. ZERO. 🤗🤗
Birthday is 30 December!!🎂♑
My favourite colour's red but I like pastels and blue too!! Oh, and yellow, and green, and pink, and purple, basically all the colours!! ❤️💙
DNI if racist, transphobic, homophobic, aphobic, sexist ❌❌
Straight as a ruler 📏📏
Call me Zaza, Zahrawr, Zahrawrasaurus, Zahra, Zee, yeah 💯💯
Not a year-rounder at Camp Half-Blood because I still have school, but whenever I'm not in school, I'm here💫💫
Heads up, I am either very energetic, or very done with life 🙃🙃
More fun facts!!🤓☝️
I draw, dance, sing, act and debate🎤🎬💃
I've got a pet cactus named Mickey🌵🌵
I know boxing and judo🥋🥊
Archer 🏹 🏹
Singaporean, half-chinese and half-malay🇸🇬🇸🇬
Friends 👯‍♀️👯‍♀️:
@athenas-weirdo-daughter Clara!! My bestie<33
@onyxsdemonics Onyx!! He's a super cool dude!! My honorary big brother! Always buys me sweet stuff hehehe!
@morpheus-child-phobos-legacy Kade Kaden!! Grape lollipop guy!! He's a tsundere, so if he says we aren't friends, he just doesn't wanna admit it.
@this-is-homophobic Li- Lit- Litera- Litye- LITYERSES! YES! His name is a pain to spell but he's a very fun and cool guy, trust me guys, he's not the Reaper of Men anymore!!
If you wanna be friends, send an ask so we can get to know each other better!!
#shhh im having a thought★*⁠.⁠✧ = all ic posts!!
#you called? i answered!!★*⁠.⁠✧ = ask answers!!
#the girl behind the blog★*⁠.⁠✧ = ooc posts!!
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Genderfluid but mainly he/they/it
Pronouns page
15 (16 in February)
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Marauders (FUCK jkr)
Old Disney art style
Analog horror
My ocs
Descendants: Rise of red
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Music I likeeee
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Kaden posts - silly shit posts
Kaden asks - Asks (self explanatory)
Kaden oc shit - Posts about my ocs
Kaden ask games - Ask/emoji games
ONE BY @shapeshiftingtherapy HERE
ONE BY @aesthetic-writer18 HERE
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BLINKIES (I really love silly photos guys)
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(INTRO TEMPLATE INSPIRED BY @aesthetic-writer18)
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maddstermind · 8 months
Do you have any writerblr recommendations?
Yeah totally! I assume this is the same anon from last time <3
It's fun to seek out writers who do the same type of stuff as you, but it's also fun to just connect with people! And hearing about other genres and the like can be eye-opening for your own work :>
I would recommend checking out @moon-and-seraph and @writeblrgarden, as these are big communities that connect a lot of people (I know moon-and-seraph have a directory of writeblr blogs, in fact!)
Other than those groups, here are some people I follow/am friends with that I enjoy seeing on my dash! - @worldsfromhoney - BEE is super friendly, they're one of the first people I started talking to when I joined writeblr, and I love their blog very much!! - @halleyuhm - I think Halley is very cool and I love her wips!! Her blog is also just very pretty... - @the-grim-and-sanguine and @planets-and-prose - Concerned and Ten are partners and I love interacting with them both! They've both got super cool stories they're working on!!! (You're gonna hear me say this a lot, I think everyone's stories are super cool lmao.) - @k-v-briarwood - Kaden is a very cool and wonderful writer, and also super friendly (and very active! I feel like I see him every day lmao) - @saintedseraph - Seraph is one of the mods of moon-and-seraph and she's so nice!!! They're also very good at keeping active and community stuff, both through moon-and-seraph and their own blog! - @moondust-bard - Luna is the other mod of moon-and-seraph, and is also so wonderful! In addition to their great writing, they're also a great artist!!!
These are just some who come to mind (and looking through my notifications), there are tons and tons and TONS more writers out there that I'm sure would be happy to connect!!! The point of writeblr is community, and we'd be happy to have you :>
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wombatttttt · 18 days
Intro Post!
I'm Cat (or Cal), 35, long term sufferer of Star Wars: Republic Commando. I’ve been writing fanfic, RPing, and making OCs around Repcom/Mandalorians, the Clone Wars, and Early Empire eras for TOO LONG.
A few things since I've been seeing Opinions™:
In this house we accept Kal Skirata for the flawed character that he is
I don’t clone ship as an FYI, but you all do you <3, it doesn’t super bother me
I have opinions on the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars but I promise you I am not a Jedi hater
But I mean... Team Mando'ade all the way
Arligan Zey. I'm thinking about Arli rn probably
Etain lives, okay? Cool
Currently working my way through The Bad Batch
My OCs (to name a few):
Clone Commando Sigma Squad: Gev, Jatne/Jaro, Morj, and Sprocket
Jatne Shadlaar (Mandalorian OC)
Cael Ukar (Arkanian Offshoot underworld doctor, very married to his Mando husband)
Jedi Knight Avan Kaden
Sith Inquisitor Arkady Kaden (Avan's twin~)
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chasseurdeloup · 1 month
Gone || Solo
[pm] She wasn’t possessed. It was her dad. She’s gone. She’s gone, but I […] we couldn’t stop. He’s gone, too. I think. He’s gone. I have something for you from her. 
You know, I don’t think I ever really told you this, but you’re one of the strongest people I’ve ever met. Not, like, physically — I know you’ve got the big, fancy hunter muscles and all that, but you’re in a town full of supernatural people, dude, working out is so not impressive! — but in the more emotional sense. I know you’re probably making a scrunchy face at this paper right now and, like, spouting your putains or whatever saying I’m wrong, but I mean it. You get knocked down over and over and over again, but you always get back up. I don’t think there’s anything stronger than that.
That’s why I know you’ll be able to handle it when I tell you I’m going away. Knowing you can handle it doesn’t make me any less sorry to say it, though. I’m sorry to add to the list of people who have split town on you. I know it was rough when Andy left. And Alex… Well, I know I could have handled that a lot better, and I’m sure you struggled with it, too. But you kept going. You always kept going. I don’t think I’ve ever told you how much I admire you for that. You’re kind of amazing, you know? Even if you are super French. 
I know I don’t have to ask you to watch over people here, because I know you’ll do that anyway. You’re a protector. I knew it the first time I met you, when you were going up against hardcore Sonic the Hedgehog. (Did you ever Google that, by the way? You should. I think video games would be good for your stress levels.) I am going to ask you to take care of yourself, though. I think you forget to do that sometimes. You’re always thinking of everyone else, and that’s great. That makes you a good man. But I think you forget to think about yourself sometimes. I think sometimes, you’re so worried about keeping everyone else together that you forget that you need to stay together, too. The world needs you in one piece, Frenchie. I do, too.
This isn’t going to be a forever thing. I don’t want to stay away forever, and I definitely don’t want to stay away for so long that I can’t see you again. That means you have to stay alive, okay? You have to stay alive until I get back so I can make fun of your stupid fluffy hair and convince you that the moon is made out of cheese or whatever. I know hunting is dangerous, but you have to be careful. I really need you to be careful. Plus… Wicked’s Rest still needs a superhero, and you’re my best sidekick. Robin got to become Nightwing eventually, you know. (Or Red Hood, or Red Robin, or Spoiler, or Signal… there were a lot of Robins. Batman had a serious Robin problem, no joke.) It’s your turn to move up. I know you’ll make me proud.
I hope that’s not weird to say. That I’m proud of you, I mean. Because I am. I know it’s been really tough for you. Alex and Andy left, and I’ve been an asshole. But you kept on going anyway, you know? I think that’s really cool. You’re so much braver than I know how to be.
I need you to do one more thing for me, if you don’t mind. There was a hunter at that creepy hunter bar, and I hurt her. I don’t know if she deserved it or not. I think she might not have. She was just trying to help someone, you know? I don’t know what happened to her after, but… if you ever find her, could you just… I don’t know, make sure she’s okay? Tell her I’m sorry? I don’t think it will mean anything to her, but I think I want to say it, anyway. I’m sorry to you, too. For everything. I hope you don’t hate me now, but I’d get it if you do. It wouldn’t change anything I said. I love you for free, okay? You don’t have to love me back. But if I see you again someday… I hope we can still fight crime together.
Love, Cass
She’s gone.
Kaden said the word over and over in his mind as he stared at the letter in his hands. Gone like Andy was gone or gone like the farm was gone? Gone like Mack was gone or gone like Damien was gone? Gone like something he might see again or gone like something he could never ever touch again. His heart ached for it to be the former. He needed it to be the former. He needed some sort of false hope that he’d see her again.
He pretended that was true as his eyes glazed across the words on the paper. He might have managed it, too, if his vision hadn’t blurred halfway through the stupid letter. Putain, he hadn’t even registered what it said, not really.
All he could think about was the word “gone.”
She was gone. 
And this was all he had. 
His knees gave way and he found himself sitting on the couch, hunched over, still trying in vain to read the last words he would ever get from Cass. All he could see was the rocks on the coffee table. None of them were for him specifically. These were the rocks she had brought for the cabin, the ones that she said fit the three of them while they had all lived there. When it was Andy and Alex and Kaden all under one roof. When Cass would come over and he would conveniently have something to do at the farm to give them some time alone. When it was superhero movie night and the place sounded like laughter and smelled like popcorn. 
The rocks she had given him specifically were gone. Brought to the farm house. Maybe they were still there in the rubble but it didn’t matter much. They were gone.
She was gone. 
She was gone.
Kaden threw his fist into the coffee table, wood splintering and blood splattering on his knuckles in response. 
No. The letter. The letter, he couldn’t get blood on it. It was all he had left. He’d lost too much. It was gone. So much of it was gone. He couldn’t lose this too. He couldn’t lose a single word to a goddamn bloodstain.
The ranger whipped around and placed the letter on the counter, hoping that would be safe enough from the animals in the house while he went to run his hand under the sink. 
Gone. Gone. Gone. 
It was all he could hear in the water as it poured out form the faucet. 
Once his hand was clean and bone dry, he returned to the letter, peering over it, and read every word over and over until it was nearly memorized. If only it could make any of it make any more damn sense. None of it made any fucking sense. 
She thought he was strong (even though it was a miracle he was standing). She was proud of him (that was stupid, there was no reason to be proud of him, and he was proud of her first). He’d have to ask Van about video games (and maybe batman, too). He was still her sidekick (and he should have tried harder back at the cave, he should have done more). There was a hunter he had to track down (then again maybe he didn’t have to look too far). She’d loved him (even if he didn’t know why she bothered with him but he loved her, too). 
And she was gone.
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faggotbenry · 9 months
I'm sharing my Frenry spotify playlist. these are songs personal to my taste and my idea of Frenry, so if u dont like it, too funkin bad i suppose. the playlist will keep growing as long as i keep liking Frenry and listening to music i am taking suggestions if u have songs that fit the vibe 👍
list of current tracks, in no particular order, under the cut (will probably update as i remember to)
To My Enemies - Saint Motel
How I Survived Bobby Mackey's Personal Hell - Lincoln
Tear You Apart - She Wants Revenge
Bad Ideas - Tessa Violet
I Love Hating You - FrankJavCee
Robbin' a Bank - Bug Hunter
hedonic treadmill - KevinKempt
Easy To Hate - Waterparks
Deadlines (Hostile) - Car Seat Headrest
Want You Gone - Portal 2 OST
Blah Blah Blah - The Oozes
Turtleneck Sweater - marinelli
Pigeon - Cavetown
Backstabber - Kesha
Bad Romance - Halestorm
Rory - Foxing
Drunken Lament - Ludo
Worry - Mother Mother
Banks - Lincoln
Ghosting - Mother Mother
Cause for Concern - Lovejoy
It's All Futile! It's All Pointless! - Lovejoy
...well, better than the alternative - Will Wood
Animal - Sir Chloe
Absence - Rio Romeo
Love Me Dead - Ludo
Stalker's Tango - Autoheart
Soft Bitch - Rio Romeo
Sweet - Phemiec
Butch 4 Butch - Rio Romeo
Microwave - Ricky Jamaraz
despair - leo.
So Alright, Cool, Whatever - The Happy Fits
Diet Soda - Starbenders
The Room Is Filled With People That Love You - Foresight
Wet - Dazey and the Scouts
Bloody Mary, Kate and Ashley - PUP
You Make Me Feel - Archive
Platonic Best Friend - Bug Hunter
Doing Things That Artists Do - The I.L.Y's
Boys Club - Ivory Hours
Do You Want To Die Together? - Stars
So Beautiful - Creative Differences
VR - CreepP, Disko Warp, Michaela Laws
we've got history - The Garages
Sick - Barcelona
FUCK ABOUT IT - Waterparks, blackbear
[Reboot] - Waterparks
Arizona - Kevin Creel
The Edge - Panicland
Honeywell - Clem Turner
Problems - Mother Mother
This Is Love - Air Traffic Controller
Arms Tonite - Mother Mother
Let's Fall In Love - Mother Mother
Two Time - Jack Stauber's Micropop
Gossamer - Fashion Jackson
Champagne - Machinery of the Human Heart
WasteUrTime - Kevin Walkman
Benjamin Alphabet - Super Whatevr
Normal People Things - Lovejoy
Fall - The Terrordactyls
3:30am - Kevin Walkman
Needs - Verzache
Kiss With A Fist - Florence + The Machine
Under My Skin - Jukebox The Ghost
You Give Love A Bad Name - Bon Jovi
Said the Spider to the Fly - The Paper Chase
Don't Tell Me You Love Me - Follies & Vices
Knives, Guns & Bed - Rare Americans, Clare Twiddy
I Hate You So Much - Anarbor
Who Said Anything About Falling in Love - Within Ruins
Virus - Andrew Stein
Potential Breakup Song - Aly & AJ
Super Psycho Love - Simon Curtis
Call Me What You Like - Lovejoy
Breezeblocks - alt-J
Orange - Alex Unknown
Blast Doors - Everything Everything
Oleander - Mother Mother
Community Gardens - The Scary Jokes, Louie Zong
Obsession - OK Go
Foolishly Wrong - Autoheart
Bugbear - chloe moriondo
Your Stupid Face - Kaden MacKay
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insertsona · 1 year
you should vote for him because i like him and hes cool and also gnc as fuck and also i'll share cat photos on main if he wins lmao
anyway . who even is cupid? i shout about him occasionally and claim hes super important but i've never once explained him . well . heres his toyhouse . but also im gonna talk abt him under the cut :D
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cupid is not the protagonist of the story hes in even remotely . in fact its kind of hard to be when he's not even around . he had a few close friends and generally had a pretty normal life . he Was a naive, easily trusting lover boy .
cupid was the first of 8 to 'work with' Michael (michael now being an incredibly well-known celebrity, but at the time was far from it .) and disappeared february 17th, 2008. cupid had been manipulated, used, and discarded once he outlived that usefulness.
he was missing for three years .
both cupid's presence and lack of presence in the story are what make him incredibly important.
how quick he was to fall in love influenced how michael treated his later victims.
his sudden disappearance is the reason his friend Lucifer (another charavter very key to the story) changed so irrevocably . though not even remotely intentional, his disappearance was responsible for deepening the wedge between lucifer and Kaden (one of lucifer's siblings . also like . one of the actual protagonists lmao) letting mike's later involvement deal that much more damage
in fact. most if not all of lucifer's actions in the main story link back to cupid and his disappearance .
the date he disappeared - 02/17 - is the passcode for the safe containing the ways to fix all 8 of the malwares mike gave to each of his respective victims. (the malwares is a whole other story just trust me on this)
him being found and helped lets lucifer finally Heal .
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cupid and his story is loosely based off my deltarune oc Loveluck (who is also very pink), but he's a seperate character !!!!
he eventually gets a boyfriend that actually treats him right lmao
his birthday is valentines day !!!!
hes pansexual :}
he was just barely 19 when he disappeared ! hes 22 as of the current point in the story (late febuary 2011)
his favourite colour is red !
without him rrfd Would Not Be The Same
his spotify playlist has like three entire one direction albums in it
contrary to what youd expect, cupid is one of the few characters that doesnt forgive michael for his actions . however, hes willing to move on from it and hopes michael is doing okay with kaden
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Wait, wait, wait, Ghost!
I just realized that the two main artists/bands you talk about are AJR and Lovejoy, and there's this character from one of my main fandoms (Tim Drake from DC, if you want to know), and I kinda just personify his music taste as AJR and Lovejoy.
Do you have any other artists/songs that are similar to Lovejoy and AJR? I'm not super familiar with music of that drama other than it kinda deals with existentialism (basically, nothing matters, let's do stuff about it, let's give it a meaning) and absurdism (nothing matters, we can do whatever we want, yolo). My two years of Lit classes are coming in clutch randomly.
Have a great day!
Ooooh, okay, this is a fun question :D
Here’s a list of songs I find similar to AJR and/or Lovejoy!!
Blunders - The Polar Boys
Maybe IDK - Jon Bellion
Blu - Jon Bellion
Morning In America - Jon Bellion
Burning Pile - Mother Mother
Spring And A Storm - Tally Hall
Nobody Likes The Opening Band - I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME
Grapes - James Marriot
Scrawny - Wallows
So Alright, Cool, Whatever - The Happy Fits
Passing Through - Kaden MacKay
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ieatadoptmepets · 2 years
Official intro post! Reupdated 10/22
Hello :3 I'm tommy
this part used to say some not too crazy things but stuff that makes me cringe reading it a year after i made this account. you can know im autistic cause that's cool and im obviously gay so there's that 🤗
I use they/them pronouns 👍
fandoms I'm in (ranked in order)
titans (live action)
diary of a wimpy kid (mostly rodrick)
community (obviously)
unwind dystology (books) and the rest of the neal shusterman books (so far have read unwind series, roxy, and like half of dry) ❣️about a year later, ive read all of dry and the scythe books except for the epilogue !!!! i love books❣️
less big fandoms I'm in:
manifest, lucifer, bobs burgers. I'll probably not post about these much unless something sparks those special interests again
roblox and roblox youtubers like flamingo, kaden, dani/polarcub, etc if you know the group
i also have an ao3/wattpad if anyone's interested :3 both under the username transgendertommy, i post some og works from my creative writing class and some fanfiction. i hope this to be like my thing but your girl is tired and there's about a thousand things to write.
but I'm super proud of my writing skills and you should check it out :-P
I guess that's it?? this was a kinda "get to know me" rather than "get to know my blog" but eh
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The doors open to reveal the entire Avengers team besides Thor. They were sitting on the couch, on the floor, standing, or floating in Vision's case. "Hello, I'm Steve Rodger's." Captain America holds out his hand. Andrew takes his hand shaking it vigorously.
"I'm Andrew. Is it true that you met Dr. Erskine and you were his choice for the super soldier experiment?" This took him aback as he was used to being the one fanned over, not his mentor. He had a growing smile on his face.
"Yes and yes. Dr. Erskine was a good friend of mine and was the reason I even got a chance to be in the Army." Andrew started getting giddy.
"That's so cool. I came up with a theoretical serum that might have similar effects. I need to go over and fine-tune it." Steve looks at Tony and Bruce as if asking if it is even possible. Tony looks at him with equal surprise on his face. Lyra takes his hand which is still outstretched silently. Kaden reached out his hand to the soldier. Steve takes his hand and shakes it. Steve sits down beside Bucky. Kaden walks beside his twin who is rubbing her wrists together. Bruce Banner walks over and starts talking to Andrew who goes and sits with him on a loveseat.
"Did your brother just steal my science bro?" Lyra nods smiling. "Well, we can continue introductions during dinner." He looks at Wanda who was responsible for dinner this week along with him.
"I made spaghetti," She looks at the Scott siblings. "I didn't know what you like to eat so I made something easy." They sit down to eat and Lyra sits in between Wanda and Natasha, who is next to Clint, who is next to Pepper, who is at the head of the table, beside Pepper and across from Clint, is Tony, next to Tony is Andrew, next to Andrew is Bruce, next to Bruce is Bucky, At the other head of the table is Steve, and across from Bucky and beside Wanda is Vision.
"So have you heard about this new trio of superheroes? The ones in Nashville?" Natasha asks Tony. Tony nods while his mouth is full. He swallows before speaking.
"Yeah, Their powers are very complex, and people seem to love them. Multiple petitions are going around for them to get government funding to help them continue, but the government can't seem to track them down. The worst part is that the youngest looks like they're a kid." Tony comments obliviously.
"They seem well trained, but they try to help them first, they need to learn that will get somebody killed," Wanda comments. Lyra acts like nothing said affects her, but deep down she wonders if she is doing the wrong thing. It hurts coming from her favorite Avenger. After everyone is done and the table is cleared Tony and the Scott siblings go down to their floor. Tony motions for them to sit down.
"We need to set a couple of ground rules. One, Everyone does their chores and cleans up after themselves. Two, everyone in the Tower has one week on cooking duty and one on kitchen cleaning duty, Andrew you'll likely be exempt from the cooking." Tony lists before being interrupted.
"Aww, but I can cook. We all used to cook at home." Andrew complains. He crosses his arms and slumps back.
"Three, no uninvited guests anywhere but your floor. Fourth, you eat with the team once a week at least. Five, if you're going to be out late let FRIDAY know. The same applies if you are spending the night with a friend. Six, you'll be enrolled in school, I expect you to keep good grades. Seven, don't wake up the three Assassins in the middle of the night, even if they are screaming, they will attack you. Eight, you have a safe room on your floor, if there is an attack on the Tower I expect you to be in there. You aren't Avengers. Now I am going to bed. Goodnight." Tony stands up, walks to the elevator, and leaves the siblings alone together. Lyra turns to Kaden.
"Tonight, hack you know what. Place the security protocols." Lyra instructs him. "I'll get Andrew asleep." She picks up Andrew who was tired from his ADHD acting up today. He didn't get his medicine that morning, so he was tired. She walked to his bedroom and tucked him into bed. She stayed by his bed until he fell asleep. Once his breath evened, showing that he was asleep, she walked to her room. "Friday?" Lyra asks into the empty room.
"Yes, Ms. Scott?" Friday responds from the hidden speakers in the room.
"One, please call me Lyra, I feel uncomfortable with my last name right now, my mom used to call me that when I am, when I was in trouble. Two, could you please alert me if Andrew wakes up, he doesn't sleep for more than four hours at a time." She explains to Friday. She gets into bed.
"Of course, Ms. Lyra. Do you wish for me to alert Mr. Stark?" She shakes her head.
"Thanks, but no. Have a good night Friday." Lyra lays down in bed and starts to fall asleep.
"No problem, Ms. Lyra." Friday says quietly in the room. Friday turns off the lights, and feels something fond for the child, who would change her sleep schedule for her little brother.
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tomatosoupa · 4 months
Well class of 2024, we did it. We finally escaped from the treacherous prison of public high school. It was a wild ride, but it's finally over. But I'd really like to write this post as a letter to just about everyone in my class about my honest thoughts about them. No one but Jade will probably see this however.
Let's start strong: Derrick Winfree. You are incredibly hot. I've had a thing for you like forever. I never said anything because of Phoebe obviously, but now that you're broken up, you should totally hit me up sometime.
Next up, something slightly scandalous. Nick Torrez, I'm a much better kisser now. And it also really hurts my feelings that you didn't care enough to stick around and you just wanted someone who's already good at everything. I hope you know that means you're gonna end up with a whore.
Landry White. Everyone and their mom knows you have a crush on Coach Vanliew. Quit flirting with him. He's married and way older than you. Also your ass is like completely out in those pink Lululemon shorts. No one wants to see that.
Laney Butts. I had so much fun at graduation with you. You're still just as funny and sweet as you were in middle school and I really missed you. I'm glad you and Luciana are still friends :)
The Ball Twins: Jamie, I love you, but Jenna will always be my favorite.
The Neuenschwander Twins: Joe, you're an excellent journalist, but you're really annoying so Kaden is my favorite.
Lucy Mantilla and Kailey Morgan: literally dream team. Slay pussy queen. I love you two. Stay sassy.
Kaes Bull: I literally love you. Also Matt is never going to like you back sweetheart.
Tommy Bushong: You're awesome and I'll miss you.
Jason Brock: you're literally so mean. I don't know what makes you think you can come at me telling me I'm negative and whatever when you've literally never said anything nice to or about anyone except maybe your boyfriend Trent.
Trent Seneca: Pretty much same thing as Derrick except there hasn't been a girlfriend interfering, I just feel like you don't like me. I had a lot of fun working on the podcast project with you, though.
Brock Langford, Preston Isom, and Landon Richardson: If one, if not all of you come out as gay eventually, I'd be genuinely shocked. My money is on Brock honestly.
Daecee Ellis: just tell me you love me back please.
Parker Weinheimer: not surprised you picked Daecee over me. She's so much more normal and quieter and I'm annoying asf.
Tyler Grant: you're pretty cool and thank you for never judging me for the things I tell Daecee.
Bella Lindsey: okay hear me out. You're super nice. And sweet. But you get literally everythinggggggg. Like I know you work hard but sometimes I feel like things are also handed to you a lot of the time.
I can't think of any more right now, seeing as I'm exhausted. But congratulations seniors and I hope to never see you ever again.
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staciass · 10 months
So I don’t normally rate/review the Paranormal books I read but since I’ve had trouble getting into my next read here we go!
I’m currently reading/listening to Beautiful Mistake By Nancy Corrigan / Gary Furlong.
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I was strolling Audible and it’s free with their “Plus Catalog” and it looked pretty interesting so figured I’d try it as I’m still deciding which book to buy next and … I was pleasantly surprised actually. I mean I wasn’t expecting a 5🌟 book but I’m also super fussy about books I read or listen to and I was hooked in straight away.
I mean it’s not super complex but I actually really like our MMC.
So the book starts out in our MMC’s pov which I’m always super picky about because I rarely ever like the male pov but his voice/words are the first I hear and he’s like this big strong alpha kitty but he’s such a teddy bear it’s just really interesting, his world view and we learn pretty much immediately that he’s like jaded and damaged but in a sort of way that doesn’t overtake his pov. It’s there and you feel it but it’s not too otp or overpowering. I actually really like him and his pride-mate/best friend Kade or Kaden (will have to check this back).
So I’m on chapter 4 and we’ve just been introduced to the FMC pov and she’s tough but vulnerable in a very human way that’s just yeah. I can already tell they will balance each other out really well.
I’m guessing we will find out more about her family and foster sister as her pov continues but I’m here for it.
The only thing that maybe isn’t perfect or the best thing is we have the ye ol’ thing we call “insta-lust” it could border on creepy but I hope it doesn’t because he’s tough, hot & sweet and she’s cool, strong & sarcastic in the best possible way lmao. It’s yeah.
The spice, yeah.
So like I said I am only 4 chapters into this book and because of the “insta-lust” (on both sides btw!!) there is already steam and they sort of kissed? Idk. It’s weird I don’t think she kissed him back? Maybe idk. I just hope it doesn’t go into the creepy rape-y territory or almost-rape because that shit is not sexy, it’s not hot to force yourself on a person because you are horny. I cannot get with it if consent is wonky or not given.
Anyways I also like the sort of soul-mate/fated-mate system we are introduced to like straight away it’s a bit complicated I think but it will more than likely make more sense later on. So imma store that info for later but I love a good “fated-mates” trope. I know it’s not for everyone but I love it sfm. That and “Touch her and die” trope are my favs.
I’ll add more later I gtg listen to some more because I am LOVING this right now. ❤️😂
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viva-la-topknot · 1 year
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This will be part one since Tumblr will only let you upload 30 images at a time. You can see part 2 here!
Let's kick off with a look back at this sketchbook by looking at my color sample pages! I'm not sure what the notes on the top half of the top image are for. I think they're probably super early Artifacts notes, back when it was called "Passive Aggressive".
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This sketchbook had SO MUCH good stuff in it. This is a full color drawing of garish in which I used sharpies, colored pencil, gel pen, and fine liners. Her markings and piercings are now out of date, but I still /really/ love this one.
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There's actually a lot of cool Garish art in here. Here she is sitting in one of the boarder rings, doing some fabric repair.
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Here she is checking some of the markers on the boarder, which is part of the job the King sentences her to.
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This is still one of my favorite things I've ever drawn.
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This one's great too, Gilda with Brag, Gin, Tonic, and an unhatched Shaman-Ai. Gilda's markings are out of date and the Furred no longer have breasts, but other than that I feel like this one holds up well. Perhaps a candidate for a redraw?
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I wanna draw hair like this again.
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In this sketchbook I spent some time, in this drawing, figuring out how I wanted to render hair in traditional media. The bottom drawing led to the way that I now render hair digitally, too! 
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There's a few sketches of her as well.
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More hair experiments, this time with an alternate universe version of Kitti named Kitt. 
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Here's another drawing of Kitt.
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I think I drew this one right after the one where I did the hair rendering experiment with Kitti, this time the same experiment with Lilly. 
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Taxi, lookin' cute.
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And Taxi along with a character that isn't cannon anymore.
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There's also some neat Kaden art in here.
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I like some of these Kaden drawings more than others, like the one of it leaping from the right to the left I'd like to re-draw sometime, but it's cool to see how many times I drew it.
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Full color of Hally O-Ween. :D
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Jill and flowers.
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Rose and Jack, from back when the two stayed together in the Knights of Nodd story. 
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Rose only appeared 3 times, but here she is as myself, as a Pokemon trainer. And Speaking  of Pokemon, there's also an anthro of Sylveon. 💫 Knights of Nodd ✳️ Less Than Three 🎨 More Sketchbook Tours 🎨 General art tag.  
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1c3312 · 2 years
how was today? i was a little productive today!! while i was putting away groceries i also decided to wipe down the fridge a bit, and it looks quite a bit nicer! mom was home for a decent chunk of the day and it was amazing seeing her. i gave everyone their gifts and i'm proud to say that everyone loved their gifts!! mom was super excited when she saw the shirts. i'm excited to see what she gets me! i think she got me a new bra or two, a pair of the jeans i picked out, the sweatshirt, the stars, and the clay. also painted an orange tulip from minecraft which turned out cool.
todays overall mood: happy, content
last nights dream: i think it was another rental house but idk why. don't remember much more than that
a memory i thought about today: kaden spoiling the christmas present i got dad in first grade
favorite thing that happened today: giving everyone their presents and them loving it
internet drama update: just more andrew tate shit that doesn't matter, i hope he rots
how much did i smoke today?: 4 times i think
did i work today?: no, still a bit sick
todays weather: another cloudy and rainy day, high of 44 low of 40
final day rating: ★★★★☆
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@monstersfear [pm] Should have known you'd be into that shit. He'll help you paint your van, but I'm not picking up a [...] brush. [del: Or whatever you use for that.]
But it is good. It'll be good. He's going to [...] help with the bind shit. 
Don't ask him about that.
[pm] Sweet, I want a sunflower van because I’m a ray of sunshine... or something. Either way, I can see the color yellow and it’ll look cool. Yeah, yeah, you can watch and drink beers, boss. 
Good, if he’s a warden he’s gotta be smarter than us. 
Why would you tell me if you didn’t want me to ask? Of course I’m gonna ask now. 
Super unrelated, but I have an exorcist stopping by. She said I shouldn’t be alone right now, so uh, if you wanna spend time alone with Teddy just drop me by Kaden’s first. And don’t crash my van because I will punch you if you do. 
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