sugarrose64 · 2 years
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A Spanish engraving of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, referred to here as Our Lady of the Light and of Graces.
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sugarrose64 · 2 years
Sleeping Saint Joseph
Saint Joseph was known to receive messages from God (through an Angel) in his dreams. As such, he has a devotion known as “The Sleeping Saint Joseph”. And here is how you can incorporate this devotion into your spiritual/witchcraft/folk practices.
Write your petition on paper, fold it away from you if you are petitioning something out of your life, fold it towards you if you are petitioning something to come into your life. Place it under the sleeping Saint Joseph & pray that he takes care of your need as he dreams, allowing you to sleep in peace - Knowing Saint Joseph is working it all out!
Dress the paper with olive oil/oils of choice & burn corresponding incense for extra oomph. To add in some candle magic - Dress a candle & pray over it. Hold the paper and wave it around the lit candle (carefully) 3 times clockwise to bring in. To banish something out of your life wave it 3 or 9 times counterclockwise around the candle. Visualize and/or feel what it would feel like if your petition were already true. Pray to Saint Joseph (I posted one of the prayers below). Then place it under your sleeping Saint Joseph.
If you don’t have a statue, a candle with his image, a printed picture of the sleeping Saint Joseph or prayer card or even your own drawing/painting are all great options!
Saint Joseph, pray for us! <3
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sugarrose64 · 2 years
“Her tarot readings were reputed to be so accurate that several of her friends nervously refused to let her tell them their fortunes. After the family moved to Vermont in 1945, she never had fewer than six cats at a time. A friend of her elder daughter recalled a dinner when a grey cat jumped on Shirley’s shoulder and seemed to whisper in her ear, at which point she announced that the cat had told her a poem - which she then repeated. Joanne reported another light side to her witchcraft. She kept all the small kitchen tools crammed in one drawer. When she wanted one, she would slam the drawer shut, call out the desired utensil’s name, and open the drawer. According to Joanne, it would always be on top.”
— on Shirley Jackson, from Ladies Laughing: Wit as Control in Contemporary American Women Writers by Barbara Levy (via lotstradamus)
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sugarrose64 · 2 years
Prayers are confidential conversations with God
Crystals are energetically charged earth diamonds 
Astrology is the realest shit ever!
Yoga is the body connecting back to itself.
Dancing is the body letting go
Meditation is the mind resting for a second.
Affirmations are helpful reminders about who we really are.
Journalling is free therapy.
The Aura is your true colours shinning through
Grounding is the true connection to earth and all things nature provides.
Sun gazing is ultimate body rejuvenation. 
Moon gazing is a boost awareness of the natural worlds, within and around us.
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sugarrose64 · 2 years
If anyone can help out with gas and laundry money please lmk. I'm doing tarot readings for $10 right now (message me if you're interested) and there's also the Etsy you can check out!! Thank you 🥺💖
Cashapp • Paypal
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sugarrose64 · 2 years
Real bodies are sexy.
Real bodies have stretch marks.
Real bodies have acne.
Real bodies have scars that don't go away.
Real bodies have disabilities.
Real bodies are all shapes and sizes.
Real bodies are hairy.
Real bodies are sweaty.
Real bodies can be broken.
Real bodies are misshapen.
Real bodies are loved.
Real bodies are fuckin sexy.
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sugarrose64 · 2 years
San Miguel Spellbag
Items needed
A needle
red thread
red fabric
A clove of garlic
A pinch of salt
A small piece of paper with the St. Michael prayer written on it.
Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil May God rebuke him, we humbly pray And do thou, The Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the Divine Power of God Cast into hell, Satan and all his evil spirits Who wander the world seeking the ruin of souls Amen.
Having prepared two square pieces of fabric, sew them together, leaving the top length free to add the items, while saying the Saint Michael Prayer (The Wanderer State). When this has been done, do the following:
Take the salt and cinnamon and add them onto the piece of paper with the prayer written on it, saying as follows:
Saint Michael, Saint Michael, Protector and Warrior, Defend me in day, defend me at night.
Twist the paper up to form a little packet, saying the Saint Michael prayer again.
Place this in the bag. Thereafter, place the piece of garlic in the bag and sew it up, saying the Saint Michael Prayer again. Enliven the Bag by an empowerment ritual, this can be done by the breath or some other method and then say the Saint Michael Prayer over it 10 times or the St. Michael Chaplet over it.
An additional method is to offer it to San Miguel. All through this ritual you have been invoking his essence into the ritual by saying his prayer so you've garnered a fair amount of his attention, so offer it to him on a plate with some incense and water and ask for his blessing upon it to grant you protection.
Keep this in the home where it is near you for most of the day. If you spend most of the day in the office, place it there. If you're a driver, in your car. If you're in the home, somewhere there. Charge it every other week with a prayer and give thanks to San Miguel for his protection.
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sugarrose64 · 2 years
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sugarrose64 · 2 years
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Serbian Orthodox churches made inside oaks.
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sugarrose64 · 2 years
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St. Mary’s Church, Krakow, Poland
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sugarrose64 · 2 years
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this is so compelling and heartbreaking and important and i wanted to share it. this is the reality of getting an abortion even with roe v wade in place and it's about to get worse.
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sugarrose64 · 2 years
An iron nail in a red bag is a good source of protection against most spells.
Similarly, the Abracadabra Charm or the Sator Square in a Blaclk Bag hung around the neck is good charm against witchcraft.
You can pray the Lord's Prayer or a suitable prayer for protection over olive oil 3 times a day for three days and use it as a potent protection oil. Alternatively, placing a St. Michael Medal, a copy of the Lord's Prayer or Psalm 91 in a bottle of oil for a few days makese a potent protective oil.
To the same, an enchantment over salt with either the Lord's Prayer, Psalm 91 or another suitable protective prayer can be said and it can then be carried in the pocket or in a bag on the body for spiritual protection.
Taking a key or a coin and marking a cross on your hand three times is a protection spell when you go out, you must leave the key at home, however.
Carrying a representation of Algiz is a good form of protection, so too is the carrying of rowan or oak.
Creating an effigy of the self by way of poppet magick is a good way of redirecting malignant magick from the self towards a fake person.
The mano cornuto followed by the charm "Contrere Brachia Iniqui et Lingua Maligna Subvertetur " is a spell used against malefica.
A braid of garlic, chillis or onions kept in the home are strong protective wards. Chillis are specifically good at warding off Malocchio and Malefica, Garlic is good against all forms of evil, including spirits (as it is seen as an incarnation of San Miguel) and onions have specific power when it comes to protecting against spirits and sickness.
Alternatively, a spirit trap can be made with red thread, nails, an onion and salt to trap and exorcize evil spirits that wander outside the home.
To the same, a bottle with a tangle of thread, salt, red pepper and a piece of iron can be used as a spirit trap.
In case you feel something malignant, throwing salt over your left shoulder never fails in a pinch.
Daily baths in salt water help keep the self pure and protected.
The Mano Cornuto and the Mano Fico are very good at protecting against Malocchio.
Keep a thorny branch over your door to ensure that evil spirits do not enter, replace with pine to attract good spirits.
There's an old belief that certain spirits like counting things, putting a bowl of salt or sand outside and declaring that spirits cannot enter unless they've counted every grain of sand or salt is a good protection measure.
Keeping a bag of rice over the door is also a good protective measure, so too is onions, an iron knife (safety first), or a needle. Alternatively, St. Brigid's Cross, religious symbols such as the Crucifix (or other images) or even an iron nail hammered into the threshold are potent protective techniques.
Blue is a potent colour against spirits and evil eye, I've seen charms use it with the addition of things like black-eyed peas (All-Seeing Eye), Corn Kernals (Ears that Hear Everything), salt, nails, tangles of thread etc.
A bowl of salt water or rice can be kept behind the door to prevent negativity from entering.
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sugarrose64 · 2 years
The Paper Doll Experiment
Primarily a creation of necessity but one that worked well, the paper doll became a part of my practice. It serves as both petition and poppet, allowing for an easier construction and handling. Outside of its capacity for writing, the ability is has for other things such as combustion, varied colours and the like, it did serve quite well for its purpose. I based it as follows:
Write the name of the person on the head, the seat of consciousness. Write what you want to happen across the chest and belly (if it is to increase) and on the back (if it is to decrease), apply appropriate symbols as well as handle the rest of the poppet as needs determine (for example, cutting off the feet and hands to bind, drawing chaotic squiggles over the head to create confusion, drawing a heart and colouring it in while chanting a prayer or incantation to draw the person to you and so on). WHen done, offer it to a spirit or deity to consecrate it to the working for empowerment, alternatively, use an awakening ritual
Examples of Paper Poppet Works
To make a person kinder to you - name on forehead, petition on the front side with a small heart drawn and coloured in green while saying a command for the person to be kinder to you. Then take syrup and dot the heart, the hands, the feet and the head (so all their actions to you will be better). An extra addition is to add sugar, rose petals, chamomile, lavender, catnip or another herb of the such onto the syrup which will be sticky and allow it to bind onto it.
To curse a person with ill health - name on forehead, reductive charm of the word health on the back. Take a yellow or black pencil and scribble over their body parts saying an incantation that they shall be afflicted with ill health, headaches, sickness, fevers, leg pains, head pains etc. take the poppet and place it in a jar and add vinegar to it.
To heal a person - name on forehead, increasing charm of good health on the front, an orange pencil is used to create the charm and is again used to write petitions on specific body parts. It is placed on a plate with oranges, salt and an orange candle where it can be worked on from one sunday to the next using suitable prayers, taking off the oranges as needed.
To make two people kind towards each other - two poppets are made with the corresponding names on their forehead, a heart and a petition on each of their chests. The hearts are coloured in green and syrup is applied liberally to the bodies of each person that are then stuck together (face to face). This is wrapped in white, pink or green ribbon and kept in a secret place.
To make money stick to a person - a poppet is prepared, name on forehead, draw a crown, a dollar sign or other representations of wealth on the chest with a petition. Place a syrup on the petition and on the hands and sprinkle witch cinnamon, thyme or chamomile (to make money and good fortune stick to your hands and to you as a person).
Reductive Charm of Good Health - literally
*Heal can be written in a different but suitable colour as to distinguish two different petitions in one. A petition to Heal and a Petition for Health.
Additional Ideas
If I wanted to afflict someone's eyes, I could do it when the Moon is in Aries (as Aries governs over the eyes) and reverse a candle or light a black and red candle in order to use Aries's energy for that purpose. Then I would draw eyes on the poppet then take a pin, hold it in the flame of the black candle to empower it, then scratch out the person's eyes. This would be to make them blind to me or to legitimately harm their eyes. On the flip side, I could light a red candle at the same time, draw eyes on the poppet and anoint them with oil that has been charged to aid in healing. This can be used to open someones eyes to a situation or to heal their eyesight. In both the former example (afflicting) and the latter, St. Lucy is good to call upon.
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sugarrose64 · 2 years
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This is a really good point. I don’t think libraries have ever been more important to protect and support. As a very popular post out there somewhere once pointed out, can you imagine if libraries were proposed today? They’d be tossed away as “social garbage.”
So yeah, support them and actually USE your card too. Most library systems have apps for ebook borrowing so you don’t even have to go in.
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sugarrose64 · 2 years
The Irish peasant carefully hides or burns the cuttings from his hair, or the clippings from his nails; if he loses a tooth he throws it away over his left shoulder or into the fire; a mother will not permit the nails of her infant to be cut until it attains a certain age. Sir Thomas Browne, commenting on the superstition, says: - "The set and statutory times for paring nails and cutting hair is thought by many a point of consideration, which is, perhaps, but the continuance of ancient superstition. To the Romans, it was peculiar to pare their nails upon the Nundinae observed every ninth day; and it was also feared by others in certain days of the week." Clippings of the hair and nails of a child, tied up in a linen cloth, and placed under the cradle of a sick infant will cure convulsions. Here the disease is supposed to be absorbed in a representative portion of the body of a stranger. Traces of the Elder Faith in Ancient Ireland
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sugarrose64 · 2 years
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Keep me, my Heavenly Mother. For I am yours. <3  
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sugarrose64 · 2 years
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