stella-aureum-blog · 8 years
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stella-aureum-blog · 8 years
Brook nodded understandingly. Not that she had many heavy things, but the copious amounts of clothes that she did own would probably break the lady in two. But still, maybe she could still tag along just in case this police officer turned out not to be as great as she made him out to be. Then another thought popped into her mind. Maybe they had a little thing going on, that’s why she was so adamant about having him show up at SEAD to come “help Brook”. She chuckled softly at the idea.
“You’re probably right.” She said rubbing her hand and laughing slightly. She knew it was going to work, yes, but a girl with strange new powers that she didn’t know how to control could try, right?
The staff that hung around the lab all seemed pretty chill. She might even be able to get use to all of their prodding eyes. She rolled her eye to herself at the thought. Maybe one day she could learn how to make herself intangibile to their stares. But who knows. Lily made the place seem like a miracle office. For all Brook knew, it was just a science facility.
But even with all of that, Brook still grew excited about the thought of her new room. “I would like that, yes.” She followed closely as Lily let her back to the lounging area and pointed towards the row of doors and motioning towards which one was hers. Brook nodded and put her hand on the knob and opened it. The sight was strange though. The place was so clean and empty. 
The bed though… It was hug and looked like a damn marshmallow. And on it sat the clothes she was captured in. They were clean and nicely folded towards to foot of the bed. The room itself wasn’t very small either. It had a desk, a nice sized bathroom, a walk in closet; it was like an efficiency met a hotel room. She could totally see herself living her for a while. “Whoa..”
As she led the way back downstairs, through the wooden double doorway, and into the lounge, Lillian pointed to room 5 out of the 10 rooms. Slowly, she followed Brook who had pretty much rushed off to see what her new room would look like. The girl made a small comment which made the redhead smile prominently as she reached the room as well, “Yes. Think of it as a vacation.” 
Her nose wrinkled slightly as she smiled a bit wider, then she reached down into the pocket of her dress jacket and pulled a key on a blue key-chain with the number 5 on it. She held it out to Brook, “You’ll be needing that. There won’t be many of you staying here as of yet, but still, if you plan on bringing anything valuable, lock it up just like you would at your home. Unfortunately, SEAD cannot be held responsible for lost or stolen possessons, yada yada. You get the point.” 
She paused before saying shortly, “Well, I’ll let you to it.” Turning, the redhead started to walk away, but just before she reached the double doors out of the lounge, she looked over her shoulder and shouted out, “Oh- the wifi password is stellardiscovery. All lowercase, no space. And I’ll send George to help you soon!”
Just as she exited the lounge back into the large corridor, Lillian turned left and took the very last door on the right. She entered into an office of people hard at work at computers and various machines testing DNA and blood mostly. This was her main branch. She sat at a desk, dialing George Russell’s number and as soon as she heard his gruff voice from the other end, she spoke in a teasing tone, “Georgie~ your favorite little lady is awake and alive. And I know you’ve just been dying to see her, so come on by. I told her you’d help her to get her things from her apartment, too. But I know you don’t mind being volunteered for that task.” There was a satisfied grin on her lips as she finished speaking. 
Safeplace || Brook & Lily
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stella-aureum-blog · 8 years
Brook followed absentmindedly  being the read head. She would like to go grab some of her things. And a helping hand would be nice but she shuddered at the thought of a police officer helping her. She remembered what happened  before she ended up here. They shot at her, ran after her, grabbed her, and who knows what else. Brook’s top lip curled in disgust. “Does it really have to be one of them? Can’t it be you?” She felt more comfortable around the women. After all, she was the first person she met here.
As Lily opened the door to the gym, Brooks arms and legs started to hurt just looking at all of the equipment. She rolled her eyes and looked at the red head as she excitedly spoke about Brook possibly being able to phase through everything and phasing things through other things if that was even a possibility for her. She looked back at the treadmill and walked up to it.
Brook stared at it strongly before whispering, “I’m in bootcamp.” She huffed softly and straightened her back. With her arms laying straight at her sides, she took in a deep breath and focused all of her energy. Now was probably not the time to be doing this but she though, why not? Brook extended her hand and moved it towards the treadmill hoping it would pass right though. she closed her eyes and, with her hand right over it, she moved it down quickly.
To her immediate surprise, pain made it’s way up her arm as  it collided with the solid metal object. She grasped it close to her body and laughed aloud. “Well, maybe that wasn’t the best idea, right now.” Brook walked back over to Lily and smiled, trying to lighten the mood. “Sorry, I just wanted to try cause it sounded interesting.”
“As much as I’d be willing to come help you,” Lily answered the girl softly, then held up a thin pale arm, “He’s got the muscles. I’ve got angel hair pasta arms. Plus, he’s a good guy. He’s the one who brought you here, made sure those other bastards didn’t get their hands on you.” She didn’t mean to sound so bitter. In fact, Lillian didn’t get along well with police officers. She believed too often that their power corrupted the men and women in that field. Plus, a lot of them-- too many of them knew her father. 
Which is why it was so odd for Lily to have found a trusting friendship in a detective. 
“If you insist, I’ll come, but I think he’d be much more suited for the job,” that was the last thing she said on the topic before leading Brook into the training room. At the comment made from the other girl, she chuckled and shrugged her shoulders. Then narrowed her light blue eyes to watch as the girl stepped closer to the treadmill. 
She would allow Brook to do whatever it was she was trying to do, and was curious to see just how much control she’d already mastered. Unfortunately, as the girl swung her hand down and made contact with the metal object, it seemed to answer Lillian’s questions. She did her best to keep her composure, not to laugh at the other woman as she made her way back. 
Her face was twisted into a smile that she was trying so hard to mask, but failing miserably, “Perhaps you should allow yourself a few days to rest before karate chopping anything.” It was a lighthearted, teasing comment followed by just the slightest chuckle. “Well, SEAD Labs is a very big place,” she got back to business, “Unfortunately, I can’t show you everything in one day, but as the days go by, I’ll introduce you to more areas and wards if you’d like. And if you have any questions, any of the staff would be more than happy to help. Would you like to see your bedroom now?”
Safeplace || Brook & Lily
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stella-aureum-blog · 8 years
Brook looked down at her knees while Lily spoke. So they didn’t really know anything about what she was going through. She really was alone through all of this. Well, sort of. The feeling of being an outcast was one that was probably shared but nothing beyond that.
She simply nodded and stood to follow the red head. This place was looking like the only solace she’d be able to get. She was sure that by now everyone at the office heard about what she did. Or at least some freakishly stretched version of it so there wasn’t safe. And it’s not like she made any friends while working there so staying at friends was out of the question. 
Then it dawned on her. It’s not like she could talk to family either. When she moved out, that was it. Brook tried not to think about it. She didn’t have anything to lose by coming here. Probably nothing to gain either but at least she wouldn’t always be alone. And if she needed a break from all of it, she could go for a walk or whatever. Maybe she’d be able to explore the facility in more depth one day.
But first, she’d have to learn more about her ability. Learn how to control it and, most of all, learn how not to exhaust herself by over doing it like she accidentally did last time. “Please don’t call me that.” Brook spoke quietly, but sternly. “Call me Brook.” She tried to soften her tone. “If I’m going to be staying here and training here, I figure we should probably get on a first name basis, right?”
Both of Lillian’s eyebrows raised in shock at the sternness behind Brook’s demand. But nonetheless, she nodded her head, “I apologize. Brook it is.” A lot of the time, the redhead focused too much on trying to be professional. She noticed that often times, this could be off-putting to those she spoke with. “Yes, you’re right. And I’m sure we will be seeing quite a bit of each other,” a small chuckle softly came before she opened the double doors they’d come through. 
She turned and stepped back out into the large corridor, gesturing with her hand held up for the girl to follow her. Taking a turn at the very end of the hall, there was a wide granite staircase. As she started climbing the steps, she allowed Brook to catch up to walk at her side. “You’ll probably need to stop by your home and grab a few things to make this place feel a little more like home,” Lily informed her casually. 
An idea dawned in her mind suddenly, remembering just the man who’d brought her here in the first place, “We can call someone to lend you a helping hand and keep you safe in case anyone from your work decides to act irrationally.” Once again, she was being brutally honest, but she’d already promised herself she wouldn’t lie to this girl except for about her hidden identity. That was irrelevant. “He’s a police officer and a good friend of mine, so you can trust him,” she assured Brook with a small smile. 
As they reached the top of the stairs, there was a door to the left and to the right. Lillian led Brook through the door to the right, into a large gym. There were treadmills, stair-climbers, weight-lifting machines, ropes for climbing, mats laid out on the ground- all of which were rigged with equipment meant to take vital signs. “At first, you’ll basically just be working out. A strong body is a strong mind and all that jazz,” her lips curled slightly at the edges, “But I have heard some researchers talking about the possibility of you later practicing on phasing through objects, or perhaps even phasing objects through other objects. They might even create a cool gadget to help you train if you peak their interest enough.” Lillian raised an eyebrow.
Safeplace || Brook & Lily
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stella-aureum-blog · 8 years
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stella-aureum-blog · 8 years
Brook nodded then sat down on one of the chairs nearby and contemplated. Was she ready to give up some freedom to find answers? Was she willing to go from being the girl that no one really looked at to one that these scientist would never stop looking at?
“What do you think could happen to me?” Fear crept up her spine, a seemingly recurring thing recently. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt someone. If she hurt herself, fine, but not someone else. “All I can do is hear things.” She shook her head. “And apparently go through things.” Her eyes dropped to her knees. “What kind of harm do you think I could be to someone else or myself. Be honest.”
Her eyes peered back up to Lily’s, pleading because she couldn’t think of anything. But she wanted to know what actual risks she posed on the world. That thought right there made up her mind. She was going to stay here. She was going to help these people figure out what’s wrong with her and hopefully help others going through similar things.
“We don’t know exactly,” Lily answered immediately following Brook’s question, “Until we’re able to examine the scope of your ability, chances are that we could never know until it’s too late.” The girl looked at her for a moment, placing a hand on her hip and wishing somewhere deep inside of her that she could tell her that she knew exactly how it felt. To fear threatening the safety of others. But for this girl, it was different. Unlike Lillian, the power she had was somehow embedded in her DNA. This was why the young woman felt such a need to be here helping those less fortunate than herself. 
But still, if she was to properly help these people, she needed to give them the truth. “The truth is, we’ve had people come in here with small abilities. Strange abilities,” a small laugh came, an attempt to lighten the mood, “A man who could make his clothes disappear, but could not make anything else disappear. A woman who could make her head go bald and grow it all back in five minutes flat. An older gentleman who swore he had a heightened sense of smell and smell alone. Upon tests, we did realize that he had quite the adept olfactory sense.” 
The redhead blinked a few times then shook her head, “But phasing through solid walls? That’s one of the most progressed abilities we’ve seen so far. The list could go on and on about what could go wrong, Miss Redds, but that’s why you’re here. To make sure you know to control your power before you hurt yourself or anyone else.” She stepped closer to the chair where Brook was seated and gently laid a hand on her shoulder, “Would you like to see where you will be training?”
Safeplace || Brook & Lily
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stella-aureum-blog · 8 years
Brook’s eyes widened at the comment about her organs. Her hands darted to her stomach and up at Lily. Thankfully she was just joking but the thought lingered. Was that a thing that could actually happen to her? Hopefully she would never have to find out. She nodded while Lily explained what the place was and what everything was there for. She’d went through the exhaustion thing only a couple times but this last time, when she was captured and brought here, was the absolute worst. 
Brook continued to walk behind the red head as her eyes wandered like a child in a museum. She wanted to touch everything but she fears it would break. She kept her hands close and her eyes wide open to retain everything she could. Once they walked into a loungey looking place, Brook felt like she could wander a little. She never strayed too far, just looked down the hallways and at at all of the furniture. 
Everything was so clean and well organized. And the list of commodities was amazing. Definitely better than anything she ever owned or grew up with. “This place sounds like a dream.” Brook looked back at Lily with a skeptical look. “What’s the catch?” Even though she wanted to believe that there wasn’t one, there had to be. “Surely you’re not just going to give me a place to live and just say, “Okay, now just practice and you’ll get better! Have a nice day!” cause that, though it would be awesome, sounds super fishy.” 
Brook bit her bottom lip after she spoke and looked around. She didn’t see anyone lingering about. Where was everyone? And only ten bedrooms? Is that all there was? “How many people are here?” She voiced her concern without detail. The quietness made her a little uneasy about the whole thing. 
Lillian stood back, allowing Brook to have as much time as she needed to explore the area. After all, it could be the very area she was living for the next few months at least. When she returned with her skepticism, Lily nodded her head, “The catch is that, at times you may feel like a lab rat here. We surely don’t mean to make you feel that way, but we will need to observe while you hone your abilities, study why things go wrong, take your vitals and blood tests often...” 
A short pause filled the air between the two young women, “At times the scientists and researchers here might seem to be breathing down your neck. The least we can do is to provide a comfortable living quarters for your help.” Lillian realized she might need to explain a bit on that, “SEAD Laboratories believes their may be answers to various questions about the incident months ago hidden in these special abilities you’ve developed. In being here, temporarily or permanently, you’re aiding in finding those answers.” 
At the next question, Lily looked down the small hallway for a few seconds before back to Brook. A small smile graced her thin lips as she responded, “So far, you’re only the third that has considered staying. Not to say that this place is terrible- I know it must seem bad, but waking up in this place, many are afraid the way you were. But... fear tends to make people a bit reckless. And violence against the staff here is a deal breaker. We can’t help people who aren’t willing to be helped.” 
Sucking in a deep breath, the redhead ran a hand back through her straight hair before continuing, “We do have more people who preferred to return home and come in on only occasions to practice their abilities. And due to spacial limits, we unfortunately can only offer boarding to those with power that could be potentially dangerous to themselves or others. That’s not to say that you are dangerous, but if not kept under control... you never know.” It may have seemed blunt for Lily to say these things, but she was not going to sugar coat any of this for brunette before her. These were the facts and Lily was a woman of facts. 
Safeplace || Brook & Lily
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stella-aureum-blog · 8 years
Brooks eyes widened. This place sounded pretty sweet. But almost too good to be true. She looked around at the small room she was being kept in. Even this place was nicer than her actual apartment. She wrapped her arms around her body and nodded for Lily to lead the way.
She stayed close behind and watched her feet move against the ground below her. That’s when other questions popped up in her mind. Could she phase through the ground? What if she got lost somewhere down there? What if while she was sleeping, she woke up in the room below? At that thought, she took a deep breath. Brook was never really an anxious person. She usually lived like day by day without much thought. Surviving was always her main focus. If she could make it from point A to point B, she felt successful. 
“Would I be staying in that room?” Her voice was small when she asked. She felt like speaking too loud would be rude in a place like this. Her arms were still wrapped around her torso as she looked around, waiting for what the things around her to be explained. 
Living here wouldn’t be too bad. At least she’d never get lonely. There were people all around but they probably didn’t want to be bothered. A few tore their eyes away from their work to inspect her as she walked by. Most of them offered her smiles and nods of hellos, things she tried to return without coming off as too shy. When they came to a pause, Brook looked over at Lily to see what she was focusing on.
Once Brook was at her side, Lily exited the room. Outside of it, there was a big U-desk which nurses, doctors, and others in scrubs and lab coats  scurried around busily. Another small laugh came at the girl’s next question and Lily shook her head, long red hair shifting slightly as she did so, “No. This is the medical wing. As long as your vitals remain stable and your organs haven’t phased into one another, you’ll be out of that room within the next day or two.” 
She paused, realizing that her joke about the organs might not be appreciated by the scared girl at the moment, “I’m only joking, you know. We’ve run X-Rays and MRI’s and everything has come up clear. You’re perfectly healthy.” Lily cleared her throat then, offering a small smile to the girl and gesturing around the medical ward, “You probably won’t be seeing too much into this section of this building. It’s here in case of accidents for both scientists and people in training like yourself. And we’ve figured out that it is easy to bring on exhaustion, migraines, fevers, nosebleeds through pushing yourself too hard. Really it’s just a precautionary measure.” 
The girl started walking again, leading the brunette behind her through a glass double doorway. They came out into a large hallway with granite flooring which had recently been waxed. “I’ll show you where you’ll be living if you do decide to live here first,” she said, looking over her shoulder at Brook, “I’m not walking too fast, am I?” She knew she had a tendency to just take off. That was just how she normally walked. 
A few doors down, she turned left through another double doorway. This one was solid and made of a dark wood. They were in a lounge-like area which led off into a hallway lined with doors. “This is the residence wing. Before the incident, it was an employee lounge with rooms for researchers who decided to stay late to catch a few hours of sleep. Recently it’s been renovated for you guys.” She pointed down the hall lined with doors, “There are ten bedrooms, each with a small bathroom and shower. Comfy beds. Desk. Dresser. And the television, refrigerator, microwave, and gaming systems out here are pretty much free reign.” 
Lillian smirked and glanced over to Brook, “Well, what do you think?”
Safeplace || Brook & Lily
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stella-aureum-blog · 8 years
Brook couldn’t believe what she was hearing. There were others here? Just like her? She’d heard of people gaining some kind of ailment but it was all just speculation. In fact, that kind of speculation is what wound her up in here. But if she wasn’t alone…? 
But then, the want to go home was a deep desire. She put her back to the wall she was previously trying to go through and slid down it to sit and thing while Lily continued. She acted like she’d said all of this before and, frankly, the more the more she talked, the more Brook thought about staying. 
She was shocked to hear that she came here feverish though. And at least she knew some random people weren’t just changing her clothes while she was out of it. That was a little more comforting. Her head then swarmed with a bunch of questions, but a tour of the place would be interesting. Maybe she’d get to see some of the other people and what kind of state they’re being kept in. Just to judge to see if Lily was being 100% truthful.
“I would like to go on a tour of the place. But I have a few questions before going.” Brook stood up and straightened her clothes. “If I decide to stay, what about my apartment? Or my job? Or probably lack there of.” She pondered that thought for a moment. They could totally fire her strictly for having an ability. It’s not like there was any law against it. Frankly, she didn’t know if she wanted to call to find out.
“Am I just suppose to chill here while I learn how to handle this thing?” She motioned to her body like is was a physical thing that could be seen and shook her head. “Is there, like, rent here? What are the finer details before I agree to this?” She could feel anxiety creeping up her neck so she paused, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. “Sorry, I just want to know what I have to do.”
Lillian watched as the girl sunk down to the floor, then as she spoke and once again took a stand. It was obvious that this girl had questions and concerns floating around in her head. It was obvious they were weighing her down. She nodded her head as to tell the girl it was okay to ask any questions she may have had. “If you choose to stay, you can keep your apartment as long as you can provide the funds to keep it. As for your job, seeing as they’re the ones who called the police, you may want to look elsewhere for employment. But whether you stay or not, you will still have the right to your own home and income.” 
A soft laugh came out at the other girl’s comment, “Well, you can chill here or go home and come here to train in your free time. Whichever you choose.” At the next question, though reasonable to ask, it was the way the question was posed that almost had Lily bursting into laughter. She held such laughter back, though and shook her head, “No rent. Think of the research you’re allowing us to perform as payment for your stay here. Food, clothing, and other basic amenities will be provided free of charge as well. And the free medical evaluations don’t hurt.”
The shrug of her shoulders led the redhead to stand from her place at the edge of the bed, she turned and walked to the door, opening it before looking over her shoulder at Brook. “As for the finer details, Miss Redds, how about we address those during our tour. It’s a big place after all.”
Safeplace || Brook & Lily
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stella-aureum-blog · 8 years
Brook listened closely as the women, named Lily, spoke. She’d heard of SEAD before, of course. But as for this helping “special people”, she’s never heard of that. Frankly, she wasn’t too fond of being referred to that way. The way that Brook saw it, this was sort of like a plague. She’d only had this weird ailment for less than a month but it already scarred her. She’d overheard conversations she didn’t necessarily want to, she saw things she DEFINITELY didn’t want to, and now, she was going through walls when she didn’t mean to. 
A “freak” was more like it. But if this place could help her control it, maybe she should stay. She softly nodded as Lily took a seat on her bed. “How could you help me control it if I don’t even know exactly what it is?” Her face was stern as she continued. “And as for “I’m not a prisoner”, you all have a funny way of showing it. I was chase by a bunch of cops into an alleyway and brought here, had my clothes while I was unconscious, and place in a locked enclosure where I can’t leave because I’m a danger to society. How does that make me anything but a prisoner?”
She didn’t mean to come across as rude but, really? How was this not her prison cell? She just wanted to go back home but she couldn’t even walk out of the door. Brook couldn’t shake the feeling that “help” mean “prod”. If they planned to do tests on her, they could count her out. She wasn’t about to deal with that.
Her tone was understandable under the given strain. Lillian kept her composure. She thought of her words carefully before she spoke them, “There are others like you. We monitor their vitals, we allow you to practice your new abilities in a safe environment. This is new to all of us, Miss Redds, but like everything practice seems to make perfect.” He bobbed her head a bit as she finished speaking, then took a breath before adding, “The more time you have to hone your ability, the more control you will have over it.” She knew from experience of course, but how was she to say that? 
The young woman couldn’t help the small smile that crept up to her lips as Brook went on about how she was detained. Nodding her head once again, Lily spoke calmly, “You are in no way trapped here. I have no clue why the police chose to use any force on you, but you have not proven to be a true harm to yourself or anyone around you. When you arrived, you had a fever which had caused you to sweat. Our medical staff did not feel comfortable leaving you to rest in soaked clothing so they swapped them out for a medical gown, but your laundry should be returned to you any time now.” 
This was not the first time she’d had this conversation and she was sure it wouldn’t be the last. The circumstances when they first woke up surely seemed to be far more severe than they were. “Whether you do or do not accept our help, we are not able to detain you. You’re free to go to your home or stay here, whichever makes you most comfortable.” Lillian then turned to look at the door and nodded to it, “As for the door, it will be unlocked from this point forward. Initial shock is always a risk factor we have to take into account. I hope you can understand that.”
A pause fell between her words and the redhead took a deep breath as if she’d been talking for hours. She then offered the girl a genuine smile, “What do you say? Or would you like a tour of the grounds before you agree  to anything?”
Safeplace || Brook & Lily
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stella-aureum-blog · 8 years
“Why? Why? Why?” Was she could think while she ran. It was an accident! She didn’t even know she could do it. One minute, she was listening in on her bosses and his secretaries conversation about the new events happening in the world through the thick wall of his office, the next she was on the floor at their feet. Their expressions were that of complete shock as they watched the girl just fall through a wall. “How did you do that?!” Her boss yelled. That’s when Brook looked up to find the assistance grasping her phone and calling the police.
It’s amazing how they were there in no time. Brook ran as fast as she could down the stairs of the tall business building and out into the world of normal civilians. The police screamed after her with their guns aimed for her legs trying to stop the running girl, to no avail. Brook could feel her energy drain as she listened intently to her surroundings trying to figure out which way to go where the police wouldn’t find her. 
Once she darted down what she thought was an abandoned alleyway, she paused to try to get herself together, but she was losing consciousness. This always took a lot out of her. Just as she fell to the ground, she felt someones hands lock around her shoulders and turn her around. He was saying something but the ringing in her ears was too loud. She blacked out.
Slowly she came to. But she wasn’t in the same place nor the same clothes. That’s when panic started to set in. She darted from one side of the room to the other, trying to find a way out. Finally she stopped and put her hands firmly on the back wall and closed her eyes. Maybe if she focused really hard, she could go through this wall. Maybe. She focused all of her energy on it without even stopping to hear the foot steps coming up behind her. The voice is what brought her back.
The lady standing before her looked nice but she couldn’t be trusted. Not yet. She was obviously one of the people who was keeping her here; where ever here was. But Brook pushed with all her might to listen to the woman’s hear beat. It was steady and calm. ”What is this place?” was all she could manage to push out. She didn’t want to be here. She wanted to go back to her normal life. But, since she was locked in this room like a prisoner for the time being, she might as well find out what it was about.
Lillian was almost shocked as the girl spoke. She didn’t answer the question she was asked, but hey, at least she was speaking. The young woman tilted her head, pin straight hair falling loosely over her shoulders. Her face was that of patience. Of course this girl would have all the questions in the world. Lily, in Brook’s place, would have been just as frightened- just as distrusting. 
“This is SEAD Labs,” she answered calmly and directly. No dancing around the subject. If the girl wanted answers, she would get them. “I’m sure you’ve heard of them, right? Or-- of us I suppose,” a soft chuckle hung from her lips as she pushed herself off the wall and stepped closer to the bed. With slender finger tips, she pointed to the very end of it and raised a brow as she posed her question, “Do you mind if I take a seat?”
Sitting softly upon the bed, she kept her blue eyes locked on Brook, “My name’s Lillian. You can call me Lily if you like. I’m a part of a team here designed to help... special people like yourself to understand their newfound abilities and to hopefully better control them.” 
Lillian bit at her bottom lip a little, then spoke once more, “You’re not a prisoner here. We just want to help you.”
Safeplace || Brook & Lily
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stella-aureum-blog · 8 years
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stella-aureum-blog · 8 years
Safeplace || Brook & Lily
It had been months since the worm hole had opened and changed mankind’s livelihood forever. Months since the crisis had been averted a little too late. And only about a month since Lillian has begun working alongside the scientists and researchers at SEAD Labs. They had been split into groupings, some focusing on the changes in space which had been caused by the collision of the milky way and a new galaxy. Some focused on the natural disasters and super storms caused by these changes. 
Others handled the influx of scared and confused people who suddenly developed supernatural abilities. Lily was like these people, but she didn’t dare say so. Instead, she kept her abilities a secret tucked deeply away. Lillian was talented and enjoyed spending her time in the facility so she found herself helping out on all fronts. But her official assignment was to those with special abilities. 
One case in particular interested Lillian and brought about some deep need to help. A girl had been found by police after an incident. She was terrified and thus far had not spoken much to anyone. In the redhead’s hands, she held a dinner tray, high heels clicking against the tile flooring of the corridors as she passed through. She swiped a key card once she reached the private room’s door and stepped inside, peering at the brunette on the bed. 
“Good morning, dear,” her voice was gentle just as her steps were as she came a bit closer to place the breakfast tray down on the bedside table. She then stepped back, leaning against the closest of the walls, “How are you feeling today?” She knew asking this question may have been a waste of her time, but it was worth a shot.
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