North Node is material desire. South Node is divine inspiration.
1h NN, 7h SN : inspired by intuitive connections with others. Desires an identity/sense of self.
2h NN, 8h SN : inspired by alchemy, transformation , inner darkness, death . Desires wealth and self sufficiency.
3h NN, 9h SN: desires short distance travel , friends , intellectual stimulation. Inspired by religion , gurus , temples, divination.
4h NN, 10h SN : inspired by authority figures and leaders. Desires security, some kind of family and emotional connections
5h NN, 11h SN : desires play, fun, skills, creativity, parties. Inspired by groups, friends , collective ideals and wishes.
6h NN, 12h SN : desires a stable routine , work, being of service. Inspired by the spirit world , escapism and solitude.
7h NN, 1h SN : Inspired by the identity and the sense of self. Desires relationships , one on one friendships , partnership.
8h NN , 2h SN : desires transformation, shadow work , alchemy , changes. Inspired by a sense of security, financial independence and self sufficiency.
9h NN, 3h SN: inspired by schools , siblings , the neighborhood, the intellect. Desires travel , higher education, spiritual teachers , adventures.
10 NN, 4h SN : inspired by ancestors, home , homeland/patriotism, family. Desires a legacy , power , authority, and reputation .
11h NN, 5h SN: Desires popularity, friendships , collective groups of common interest. Inspired by works of art , children,festivals,creativity, spontaneity
12h NN, 6h SN: inspired by humbleness, small acts of service, practical routines. Desires solitude, escapism , imagination
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𝔓𝔥𝔶𝔰𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔩 𝔄𝔭𝔭𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔢 𝔑𝔬𝔱𝔢𝔰
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Cancer Rising can have the iris close to the inner corner of the eye.
Lilith in the 2nd house makes the face very sexy while Lilith in the 1st house makes the body sexy.
Capricorn Risings have the corner of the lips pointing downwards. Their appearance can sometimes give the impression of being dissatisfied unless they have strong Venus influence.
Taurus Mars usually have gorgeous skin. They look smooth almost like they have been airbrushed. Also a natural sensuality to them.
Gemini and Sagittarius Risings looks so good in glasses and bangs.
I know Ive said it a thousand times but Lilith Square Ascendant gives such an intimidating look. Think a naked person in a haunted house. Lol thats how I describe this placement.
Mars in the 1st house can give very noticeable hair, but I also noticed it can give someone drier hair even if nobody in the family got dry hair.
People with Lilith in the 4th house/Cancer might want a boobjob. They can be very insecure about their breasts.
Mars conjunct Midheaven can give very strong bone structure, for example Angelina Jolie.
Ptah(5011) conjunct Ascendant gives a beautiful face. Ptah was even called ”Ptah the beautiful face” or ”Benevolent of face”.
Libra Rising/Venus in the 1st or 2nd house can give a very prominent cupids bow.
A lot of Aries Risings have a widows peak.
A lot of Aries Risings also have a shape to the nose and eyebrows that makes them look like the symbol of Aries.
People with Neptune aspecting personal planets look like someone sprayed glow mist on them. A natural glow to the skin almost like a filter.
A lot of Scorpio Risings have a very square nose for example Justin Bieber.
Cancer Risings can have a sneaky, shifty look to the eyes. Especially those with the rounder face. Those with the oblong face usually have a more innocent look.
Cancer and Taurus Risings can have a deer look with very round eyes and long eyelashes.
10th house and Capricorn placements might have teeth that stands out, very likely to have braces at some point in their life.
Scorpio Rising can give very pointy eyebrows that looks naturally plucked.
Scorpio placements can also create a lot of shadows in the face making the face more mysterious. Especially around the eyes.
Libra Risings/Venus 1st house can have a mouth thats always slightly open or the corner of the mouth point upwards so that it looks like they are always smiling.
Scorpio Placements have a hard time with scarhealing. If they get a scar from an accident or acne it can stay for the rest of their lives unless they treat it. Thats also why they are so vindictive lol, even their physical body gets over stuff slowly.
Dainty(9758) conjunct Ascendant makes someone look delicate. Can also make someone look petite.
Ive seen a lot of Cancer Risings have a mole near the nasolabial fold.
Virgo Risings have a ”out of this world” beauty too just like Pisces Risings.
Virgo & Capricorn influence can make someone very petite.
Lilith 2nd house have very beautiful and attractive lips. Can have a beautiful shape and a darker tone to the lips almost like they have lipstick or lipliner.
Aquarius Risings have such beautiful arms and legs.
Venus 8th house have nice ”holes” so their reproductive organs, anus, lips, nosestrils and eyes are good looking.
Aphrodite(1388) conjunct Mars can give really long eyelashes. For example Tupac who got this placement.
Leo Risings have this naughty look almost like they are slightly laughing at you.
Capricorn Risings get pigment spots very easily. They have very sensitive skin.
People with strong Neptune influence can have bigger eyelids that cover half of their eye. Depends on cultural background too ofc. For example Marilyn Monroe who got Neptune in the 1st house and her famous half closed eyes look.
Venus 1st house people usually have a beauty mark somewhere, for example beyonce who have it beside one of her eyebrows. My sister with Venus in the 1st house have the exact same one.
Jupiter in the 1st house can give a curved body shape no matter how skinny you are you look curvy.
Ceres 1st house, Virgo Rising and Cancer Risings can have a protruding belly.
Ceres 1st house can also make someone look very plump and cute like Marilyn Monroe.
Capricorn placements have hair that looks styled even if its not. Ive noticed that with so many Cap Sun. Even if they dont give a shit about their hair it looks like they had a professional cut. Same with Cap men and their beard.
© 2023 Zeldas Notes
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𝕭𝖑𝖚𝖓𝖙 𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖞 𝖔𝖇𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖛𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘 💥
Disclaimer (tw): These are just based on my personal interpretations. I do not mean to slander/ put down any placements. I’m just sharing my opinion on the following placements.
🩸 Most of the leo rising women i have met are wannabe popular attention seeking girls. These people are so desperate for attention and validation its sad to watch.
🩸 Jupiter square pluto indicates a person who is hungry for power and authority. These people literally thrive on bossing around people and treating them like shit.
🩸 Underdeveloped pisces sun men are untrustworthy. These are the type of men who would pretend to be loyal and honest but would be snakes and cheaters behind your backs 🚩.
🩸 Women with lilith squaring ascendant are brave imo. These women have gone through so much shit and they still manage to be sexy and confident.
🩸 Underdeveloped scorpio + cancer + leo in a chart is one of the worst combinations to have. It can make a person very desperate for power, attention and validation from people 🍼.
🩸 Some of the taurus mars i’ve met just pretend to act like they are tough but they pussy out when it comes down to a fight 😂. it’s all talk and no show with some of them.
🩸 Mars in the 7th house are some of the fakest people i’ve met. These people have so many personalities and are unreliable. When they are faced with a confrontation, these people find it so hard to be assertive. Some of them are too nice to a point where it’s fake.
🩸 Underdeveloped scorpio, leo and sagittarius placements in a chart can make someone a clout chaser and use others for their own benefit. I used to have friends with these placements and i cut them off cuz they were so fake and two faced 🚩.
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৻ꪆ my interpretation of venus synastry overlays
venus is the planet of romance and is related to socializing/creating relationships as well. when your venus is in someone’s house it can tell about the connection you have with someone, how close of a relationship you have with them, and how well you two get along in general. do not copy my work or rewrite this on your socials <3
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♡⃕ venus in 1h synastry - romantically the venus person falls hard for the 1h person with this synastry. the venus person has strong attraction to the 1h persons appearance and personality. platonically this aspect indicates the venus person adores the 1h person and wants to befriend them (even in a non romantic situation). i would say this is one of the most beautiful aspects for romance though because it makes the venus person completely fall in love with who the 1h person is, simply for them just being them. there are times when you see this aspect in a friendship where the venus person will be very jealous of the 1h person though
♡⃕ venus in 2h synastry - romantically, the venus person feels stability in their life when the 2h person is around. the venus person feels drawn to the 2h person because they make them feel calm and at peace. the 2h person may buy a lot of gifts for the venus person which the venus person adores. this aspect can also indicate bonding over your traumas together because you share similar life experiences. platonically this could also be a good aspect if both people are patient. it can create strong care for one another and admiration for each other
♡⃕ venus in 3h synastry - the venus person loves listening to the 3h person talk (about anything) and adores them. this can indicate the venus person finds the 3h person very charming. there is a possibility of this manifesting in a negative way depending on the other aspects involved in two people’s synastry. it could indicate at worst lots of drama and gossip being spread about the 3h person by the venus person since venus is also associated with socializing (not just romance) and the 3h is associated with gossip
♡⃕ venus in 4h synastry - the venus person adores the comfort they feel around the 4h person. this can indicate feeling at home when you’re around someone and not feeling like you need to put on a show. this synastry is often called “boring”, but that’s only the case if you’re someone who doesn’t like emotional security in a relationship and is looking for a romance filled with constant ups and downs and chaos (fatal attraction vibes). this synastry is more like soulmate vibes. peace. care. affection. the opposite of how toxic relationships can be, of course depending on what your other aspects are in your synastry together
♡⃕ venus in 5h synastry - the venus person craves attention from the 5h person and loves spending time with them. this can indicate feeling really happy with the 5h person and wanting to be around them all the time. the venus person usually finds the 5h person to be very entertaining, funny, and attractive. at worst this could indicate more short term love if there aren’t other synastry aspects indicating something long term. this aspect can also be really good for sexual chemistry
♡⃕ venus in 6h synastry - the venus person’s life improves a lot when surrounded by the 6h person consistently. the venus person adores the 6h person for their healthy and put together life style or may have the urge to improve their life because they’re motivated by seeing the 6h person doing so. at worst this can indicate being too judgmental toward each other or critical. possibly loving the 6h persons pet more than them as well because humans suck (not talking from personal experience or anything)
♡⃕ venus in 7h synastry - this is one of the best aspects you can have for romance in synastry. this indicates a long term relationship and having mutual deep admiration for one another. you likely both want to be committed to each other and truly put in effort long term rather than just relying on the feeling of love to guide you in your relationship. this aspect could also indicate an enemies to lovers dynamic. platonically, this could indicate being enemies at worst, but at best having lots of love for each other
♡⃕ venus in 8h synastry - this aspect is over-hated in my personal opinion. yes 8h energy can at times bring hatred, but the 8h also is associated with things like magnetism, intimacy, and infatuation. sure when unhealthy (low vibrational) this aspect could bring unhealthy obsession and attachment to one another, but at best it indicates having a super close bond in which you feel like you can tell each other anything and feel you can trust each other deeply. this is also good for sexual chemistry. platonically, it could indicate a toxic friendship sometimes, but when it manifests in a higher vibrational way it can just indicate a friendship with lots of loyalty
♡⃕ venus in 9h synastry - the venus person admires the 9h person for their free spirited nature. this can indicate two people having a lot of fun with each other and laughing a lot together. it can also indicate a long distance relationship or traveling a lot together. this is a fun aspect, but it can also indicate lack of committment at worst
♡⃕ venus in 10h synastry - this can be a big indication of dating similar to venus in 1h/7h synastry. people always describe this aspect as working together and falling in love and things like that, which can be true, but there’s so much more to it than that. the 10h is associated with status (including relationship status), so this can indicate when meeting there’s a change in both of your relationship status’ and you begin dating. this can also indicate the venus person admiring and having a crush on the 10h person before even meeting them
♡⃕ venus in 11h synastry - this indicates being soulmates since the 11h is the house of soulmates due to derivative astrology (especially if you both have this aspect mutually). it can also indicate a friends to lovers situation or meeting online and being online lovers. platonically, it can indicate being online besties or being really good friends in general. at worst it could indicate chaos in a relationship or disloyalty occurring since the 11h is associated with rebellion
♡⃕ venus in 12h synastry - this aspect can indicate the venus person secretly admires the 12h person or is very fascinated by them. platonically, it could mean the venus person is very inspired by the 12h person and wants to do things they do all the time (at worst copies everything they do too much). romantically, this can indicate intense spiritual love and that you may have known one another in a past life. it at worst could also indicate lots of lies or secretly hating one another and not finding out about it till later
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Love Transits
Transits got me thinking about love again, so here you go, a master post on transits that involve love, meeting people, etc etc (Probably only going to include positive ones). Hopefully I don’t miss any. (keep in mind that these are like, unafflicted aspects so don’t be like “this isnt happening for me” because chances are something is afflicting it or you are literally not taking advantage of the power it’s providing you with)
Mercury Retrograde Increases likelihood of reconnecting with people from your past (can either be a good or bad thing). Especially effective in houses that deal with relationships (3rd, 5th, 7th, and 11th), but really it can happen in any house, like for example, in the 9th house it might be due to traveling that you meet someone from your past.
Venus Retrograde Increases likelihood of reconnecting with a past lover. Again like the Mercury Retrograde, it can be bad or good, depends if you wanna see your ex again.
Venus Transiting Specific Houses
Venus transiting your Third House A good time for confessing love/reassuring your loved one’s that you love them. Venus transiting your Fifth House Increases likelihood of finding a love interest while working in your area of creativity. Finding a love interest during this transit without having to surrender who you are means you can be yourself around this person. Venus transiting your Seventh House Helps all relationships,  whether it be friends, a lover, or enemies. Expressing love is easier during this time. Increases likelihood of meeting a new love interest as well. Venus transiting your Eighth House Relationships that begin in this transit leave big impacts on your life whether they be good or bad. Gives existing relationships closer intimacy and intensity. During this time, you are able to see the whole ocean your relationship represents versus just its surface. Venus transiting your Ninth House Attraction for people who are strange or different increases during this time. Venus transiting your Tenth House The likelihood of falling in love with someone who’s older or above you increases during this time. Venus transiting your Eleventh House Likelihood of falling in love with a friend increases. Existing love relationships may bring in new friendships. Venus transiting your Twelfth House Denial of being in love.
Other Planets Transiting the 5th and 7th House
Sun transiting your Seventh House Likelihood of meeting a new love interest during this time is increased. You will also take relationships some what lightly during this time.
Sun transiting your Seventh House A time to discuss with your partner about the importance of the relationship, examine your roles in each others lives.
Moon transiting your Fifth house Emotional experiences with love are brought out during this time. You may also be very protective of your lover during this time.
Moon transiting your Seventh House Relationships and marriage will be important to you during this time.
Mercury transiting your Seventh House A good time to discuss any issues in a relationship.
Mars transiting your Fifth House You’ll be thirsty af. No other way of putting it. Mars transiting the 8th house has this same affect.
Jupiter transiting your Fifth House Expansion and growth in relationships. New relationships started under this transit may be with a person who is dramatically different from you so you can learn and experience new things from them.
Jupiter transiting your Seventh House The topic of marriage runs smoothly during this transit. New relationships started under this transit is likely to be with someone who is older (physically or spiritually) and more experienced in life. They may also come from a different background or country than you.
Saturn transiting your Fifth House A love affair with someone who is either older or younger than you may begin under this transit.
Transiting Venus Aspects
Transiting Venus Conjuncts Natal Sun Makes you appear more attractive to males.
Transiting Venus Trines Natal Sun Little to no difficulty showing affection towards people. You are comfortable being yourself around love interests during this time.
Transiting Venus Conjuncts Natal Moon Dreamy romantic moods. You view romance on an emotional plane today. Transiting Venus Opposition Natal Moon Desires between you and your loved one to take care of each other. Transiting Venus Conjuncts Natal Mercury Increases chances of making good first impressions, especially towards potential love interests.
Transiting Venus Trines Natal Mercury A good time to confess love to someone.
Transiting Venus Opposites Natal Mercury A good time for discussion about the relationship. Communication is important and it will happen during this time.
Transiting Venus Conjuncts Natal Venus Increases likelihood of meeting a new love interest and making new friends. Also a good time to confess love for someone.
Transiting Venus Sextiles Natal Venus New relationships made under this transit are beneficial for the future and most of the time very successful.
Transiting Venus Trines Natal Venus Attraction for considerably beautiful people increases during this time. Lots of unusually romantic encounters during this transit as well.
Transiting Venus Conjuncts Natal Mars People with lots of masculine energy will be likely more attracted to people with a lot of feminine energy and vice versa during this transit. Symbolizes actually seeking out a love interest. Indicates the likelihood of meeting a new love interest. Relationships are very passionate during this time.
Transiting Venus Sextiles Natal Mars Attracts the people you actually want to attract into your life.
Transiting Venus Squares Natal Mars Desires for a more physical relationship is indicated at this time. Not the best for starting a relationship during this time as you will be more attracted to looks than personality.
Transiting Venus Trines Natal Mars Relationships started under this transit will likely last a long time and be satisfying. During this time it is easier to charm people.
Transiting Venus Opposites Natal Mars Likelihood of seeking for casual/sexual relationships
Transiting Venus Conjuncts Natal Jupiter REALLY good for weddings. Love is a celebration when Jupiter is involved.
Transiting Venus Sextiles Natal Jupiter New relationships started under this transit bring out the best qualities in you. Attraction towards people with a very vast mind is indicated.
Transiting Venus Trine  Natal Jupiter May attract a new love interest, but might not lead onto anything significant
Transiting Venus Conjunct Natal Saturn Relationships started under this transit are loyal and long lasting.
Transiting Venus Sextile Natal Saturn If you have an existing relationship, you may want it to become more serious during this time. Seeking out new relationships during this transit may make you consider deeply about what exactly you are looking for.
Transiting Venus Trines Natal Saturn Indicates taking relationships seriously at this time. You may seek out someone who is very stable during this time.
Transiting Venus Conjuncts Natal Uranus Unexpected relationships occur under this transit.
Transiting Venus Sextiles or Trine Natal Uranus Attracts casual and unconventional relationships.
Transiting Venus Conjuncts Natal Neptune Sensitive and romantic energy is presented by this transit. Daydreaming or having fantasies about potential relationships in your life. During this time you are willing to sacrifice for your lover.
Transiting Venus Sextiles Natal Neptune Similar to the conjunction, only more subtle.
Transiting Venus Trines Natal Neptune Like the sextile, it carries sensitive and romantic energy in subtle, pleasant ways. New relationships started under this transit feel very spiritual. May make you feel as if you’ve found your soul-mate (whether that be true or if it’s Neptune tricking you). If you are in an existing relationship, it may be time to evaluate whether or not you guys are soul-mates.
Transiting Venus Conjuncts Natal Pluto May make you seek out intense relationships. Meeting new love interests under this transit makes you infatuated and obsessed with them.
Transiting Venus Squares Natal Pluto Emotional transformations generally happen during a transit like this. Could be for better or for worse.
Transiting Venus Sextiles/Trines Natal Pluto Brings intensity to existing relationships; overwhelming feelings for your partner. New relationships started under this transit seem to have some sort of magnetism to them. They are intense and magical.
Transiting Venus Conjuncts Midheaven Good transit for marriage and a good day to confess love to someone.
Transiting Venus Trines Midheaven A good transit for sorting out difficulties and mending a relationship. Time to put everything out in the open and allow love to heal it.
Transiting Venus Conjuncts Ascendant The likelihood of meeting a new love interest during this time is great. It is also a good time to mend broken relationships.
Transiting Venus Trines/Sextiles Ascendant Like the conjunction, increases your chances in meeting a new love interest, but in order to do so, you will need to put yourself out there. Go out with friends, have a good time and then you will be able to seek a new love interest.
Transiting Venus Opposites Ascendant A good day to introduce yourself to potential love interests. Indicates the beginning of new love relationships. Very good time to be going out and meeting people.
Other Transiting Planets Aspects
Transiting Sun Conjuncts Natal Venus You will crave attention during this time and you will do a great effort to get the attention you think you deserve. You may also find a new love interest.
Transiting Sun Sextiles/Trines Natal Venus During this time you are more open to meeting new people and spending time with friends.
Transiting Sun Opposites Natal Venus Brings awareness to how much you need your lover in your life.
Transiting Moon Conjuncts/Trines/Sextiles Natal Mercury A good time to talk about your feelings.
Transiting Moon Conjuncts/Trines/Sextiles Natal Venus Strengthens existing relationships.
Transiting Mercury Conjuncts/Trines/Sextiles Natal Venus You or someone will confess their love. Also a good time to talk about your relationship with your lover.
Transiting Mars Trines/Sextiles Natal Moon Emotions are intense during this time. Indicates love-hate relationships and tension. You can’t decide if you wanna punch a person in the face or kiss them.
Transiting Mars Conjuncts/Trines/Sextiles Natal Venus Indicates new love interests and physical relationships. Sexual desires run high.
Transiting Jupiter Conjuncts Natal Venus On the rare occasion that a relationship starts under this transit, it is extremely favourable and successful. Also beneficial to existing relationships.
Transiting Jupiter Trines/Sextiles Natal Venus You may feel like flirting with and impressing a potential love interest during this time. New relationships started under this transit are often very significant. The sextile symbolizes a longer lasting relationship than the trine, but you should check other transits to see the success in that.
Transiting Saturn Conjuncts Natal Venus Relationships started under this transit are likely due to fate and bring great significance to your life.
Transiting Saturn Trines/Sextiles Natal Venus Symbolizes a lover with an age difference (physically or spiritually). Relationships will be looked at more practically and seriously with this transit.
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The 5th House & Pregnancy
Below gives insight into how one might prepare for a child during pregnancy, their hopes and potential as a mother/parent. The 5th House rules over creation, legacy, and pregnancy.
Aries/Mars in the 5th House = Confident in their decisions as they prepare, leader of the household and will be giving orders that must be followed - is the captain now, is very brave with their pregnancy, could try to do everything on their own at times, Mars tends to be associated with an unexpected or impulsive pregnancy (could be unplanned or a planned birth that is premature), could find their assertion and inner warrior through pregnancy, won't hesitate to take care of their own needs, passionate and enthusiastic in their anticipation.
Taurus/Libra/Venus in the 5th House = There is a great focus on getting ready in the material and financial world, their environment must be stable, works hard to make the nursery and home welcoming and comfortable, works hard to make their self as comfortable as possible during pregnancy too, is very protective and cautious around pregnancy, Venus in particular is debated to indicate a very smooth or "easy" pregnancy.
Gemini/Virgo/Mercury in the 5th House = SO MUCH RESEARCH - parenting books and blogs, singing and talking to the belly often, may like to be part of support groups or around other pregnant woman or mothers of newborns, Virgo in particular can be highly critical of themselves during pregnancy and/or critical of their family in relation to the pregnancy, some debate Mercury and Gemini could indicate twins, very good at sticking to healthy habits, vitamins, and eating, may need a lot of verbal reassurance at times.
Cancer/Moon in the 5th House = May have a lot of expectations about being a mom/parent, could idolize this part of their life, can be highly sensitive and introspective during their pregnancy, is SUPER protective and may be very selective about who is in their life now, their emotional and intuitive connection to their baby may seem supernatural, is good at nurturing themselves and the baby, is associated with being highly fertile, may be attracted to ideas of a natural birth, breast feeding, or other natural methods in pregnancy and babyhood, may seek a lot of advice or become inspired by their own mother or grandmothers.
Leo/Sun in the 5th House = Goddess levels and attitude towards motherhood/parenthood, can be demanding during pregnancy, it is all about HER until the baby is born, isn't afraid to make pregnancy a little fun in their preparations - maybe they get really creative with the nursery or finds a lot of joy in getting to know other expecting mothers/parents, with the Sun in particular their identity may be changed in pregnancy, maybe they makes their identity all about being a mom/parent, or may highly project their identity onto the baby in pregnancy and babyhood, is devoted and adoring to their child and very proud of the both of them.
Scorpio/Pluto in the 5th House= Pregnancy may force them to deal with deep and important questions, might heal themselves during or through pregnancy somehow, could be introspective during pregnancy and may be tempted to isolate at times, there are themes with control such as becoming highly controlling during pregnancy, taking control of their own life, or refusing to let anyone control them, is perceptive and intuitive towards their pregnancy and child, may become softer and more compassionate through pregnancy, crazy pregnancy dreams and intense cravings.
Sagittarius/Jupiter in the 5th House = Won't let pregnancy slow them down or restrict them, could face important questions about responsibility and sacrifice, excited and impatient about the pregnancy, curious about other women's/parent's experiences, can approach pregnancy in a very open-minded way somehow, pregnancy may be a strong spiritual experience, makes decisions quickly, can gain a lot of wisdom from pregnancy, some debate Jupiter in particular indicates having multiple pregnancies close together or having twins or more at one time, the cravings may drive them crazy, could somehow have a "lucky', "blessed", or maybe "easy" pregnancy.
Capricorn/Saturn in the 5th House = Wants to be a hardworking parent, wants to mentor as a parent or maybe mentor and guide others in pregnancy and motherhood/parenthood, fantasizes or plans to "master" motherhood/parenthood, looks forward to or takes on the authority and respect of motherhood/parenthood, Saturn in particular can be associated with fear and insecurity about being a parent but also overcoming that fear, will only become a mother/parent once they are truly ready, may be tempted to do everything on their own or feel like they have to, can be controlling during pregnancy and don't mess with their routine and organization, is very serious about their potential and preparing for their child.
Aquarius/Uranus in the 5th House = Can be very particular in their pregnancy but also confident, pregnancy may be daunting or force them to mature, will have unconventional views and approaches to pregnancy, somehow this pregnancy could be a rebellion or liberation for them, places a lot of importance on the society and community they will be raising their child in, may try to change the world for their children or take a "having children and raising them to make the world a better place" stance, Uranus in particular is associated with unexpected birth (early or late) or unplanned pregnancy and adoption or surrogacy as well, Uranus is also associated with choosing to not have children, may want to connect with other pregnant woman or moms of newborns, could want a lot of social reassurance and activity during pregnancy, may have unique symptoms and cravings.
Pisces/Neptune in the 5th House = Wild pregnancy dreams and cravings, has a deep spiritual connection and experience during pregnancy, relies on their intuition a lot during this time, has a complex relationship with acceptance, forgiveness, and sacrifice with and during their pregnancy, has a lot of hopes and needs to be careful of becoming too unrealistic about their aspirations for pregnancy and becoming a mother/parent, could experience very intense and volatile mood swings compared to their peers' or other family members' pregnancies, may have a lot of struggles with the baby blues, connecting with their baby may come easily or be a huge focus for them.
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Sun in the composite chart
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This post is part of the new serie I'm working on, I will post about Moon to Saturn along with some other things that I consider important. I hope you enjoy this.
🤎Sun in the first house🤎 
We have a dynamic couple, for them only they exist, nothing else matters. They are not usually interested in what other people think of their relationship or of them, and that fascinates them about each other. They consider each other to be a very important part of each other's lives. They may feel that they are very similar, that they have very similar ideals, opinions and personalities, this couple can more quickly and easily adopt the behavior of the other. They will seek to gradually include each other in their routines and will always seek and be excited by the idea of ​​spending quality time.
🤎Sun in the 2nd house🤎
 It is characterized by being a stable relationship that gives them a feeling of belonging to both, there is an enormous amount of affection and appreciation although they could be somewhat shy at first. It is usually a somewhat reserved relationship but it is truly comfortable. Both will seek to make significant gifts to the other, and generally indulge each other. They will always do the right thing and treat the other as they want to be treated. This couple needs to see each other, be in constant contact with each other and see each other as much as possible. They can be somewhat jealous with the other.
🤎Sun in the 3rd house🤎 
Communication will be one of the greatest advantages and needs, you feel that you’ve found someone who understands you perfectly. They’ll love sending occasional messages and making calls that last for hours. They’ll think and talk about each other very often. Naturally close and familiar quality between you, you may feel that you have known each other for a long time. For others their relationship isn’t very clear, since the high level of friendship, they may believe that you’re only friends. A couple full of fun, meaningful conversations and endless desire to get to know each other more and more.
🤎Sun in the 4th house🤎
This couple feel that they finally are who they really are. They feel understood and deeply loved by the other, there is a lot of devotion. They may feel that they have never met someone with whom they connect in such an intense and beautiful way. Fully trust each other, there are no secrets between them and they are more vulnerable when the other is around. When they are with the other they feel at home, becoming the other's refuge and safe place, but they also become the soft spot. If something happens to the other, the other person won’t hesitate to defend, protect and care for them.
🤎Sun in the 5th house🤎
This relationship is very fun, passionate and somewhat thrilling, there are exciting and charming qualities in this couple.Their relationship is quite dynamic, they are authentic and the love for each other is something that everyone can see. They don’t hide their feelings with each other and are very transparent in that regard. There might be some drama, teasing, and a few hints of playfulness between them. No matter how serious they are, with each other smiles will be inevitable and moments of fun more than necessary will be something they can take for granted, they can feel alive again.
🤎Sun in the 6th house🤎
We found here a relationship full of support and two people who push each other towards success both personally and professionally. For the other, your achievements are important and special, they will always celebrate them with you and show you how proud they are of you. A relationship full of details, trustworthiness and a lot of peace and tranquility. There is a healing quality to this relationship and each other's company can be enough to make you feel good and whole. Your relationship is somewhat private and it may take time for you to open up emotionally. People may be surprised to know you are a couple.
🤎Sun in the 7th house🤎
This is a relationship based on fairness and justice, both parties give justly what they receive and make the other feel very loved. From the beginning of the relationship it could have had this serious essence, they could think that they finally found someone to make their life with or simply someone they want to keep in their life for many years. They are very romantic and committed to the relationship and are visibly delighted with the other, they see the other as their other half, as their complement, as their ideal person. They treat each other as if they were the most precious thing in each other's lives.
🤎Sun in the 8th house🤎
This relationship is very intense on an emotional level, it brings with it many changes not only in the lives of both, but also in their internal, emotional world and in their personality. They are very curious about the other, they want to know who they really are and everything that goes through their complex mind. They need intimacy and a deep connection, the feelings towards the other are deep and very extreme. This couple would seem to understand each other intuitively without the other saying anything, they complement each other a lot in some things but they may have some differences.
🤎Sun in the 9th house🤎
A relationship that will expand their minds, that will show them a happy side of life that they did not know but that generates enthusiasm. There’s a lot of mutual admiration and both appreciate what the other can teach them. Lots of fascination between them because of their personalities. They may feel an intense spiritual connection but at the same time a bit light-hearted. It was a connection that perhaps occurred faster than others have, but despite being fast, it fills their hearts with happiness. Stimulating each other intellectually and no matter how light the relationship, they can be a challenge for the other.
🤎Sun in the 10th house🤎
People will talk a lot about their relationship and it may be something that many would like to have. They both want the other to feel stable and supported, they will always be open with the pride they feel for their partner. This couple is seen together for a long time and in the future, they will always seek to integrate the other into their routines, and simply make them part of their lives. You can put each other on a pedestal, admire each other a lot and be very open with the love you have for the other person. Power couple, both feel that the other exceeds their standards. Sex can be very good.
🤎Sun in the 11th house🤎
Both can be very fascinated by the mind, dreams and aspirations of the other. They can spark something in each other from the start, just as they are very intrigued by each other from the start. They were able to have a strong, positive and somewhat shocking first impression of each other. They feel liberated with each other and can see the other as someone who exemplifies their desired partner. A wish come true is what they see in each other, a respite and someone to grow and explore the world with. Both will give each other a lot of faith in life and in themselves.
🤎Sun in the 12th house🤎
There is the feeling of having met or seen each other before, this placement gives us a very deep relationship on an emotional level as well as intense, many times it is an intensity that not everyone would resist. An immediate connection of people who seem to read each other's minds and hearts. A relationship in which both will sacrifice a lot for the other, in which there can be a lot of healing or a lot of turbulence. Both can show the other sides of themselves that they repress or that they do not show with others easily, they will be the mirror of the other. There could be a great emotional connection and understanding. 
Sun in the signs
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🖤Sun in Aries🖤 
We find a passionate and fiery couple, with slight hints of drama coming from the intensity with which they feel about each other. This couple is very independent, they do what they want and it's the two of them against the world. There is a high level of fun between them and they will never let the routine turn them off or drown them. This couple knows what they want to achieve with each other, they are the true definition of a power couple. They do not let anyone interfere between them and their relationship, since there is nothing that matters more to them than that. When they are together they become one.
🖤Sun in Taurus🖤
This relationship, in addition to being filled with a lot of stability and trust, has high degrees of sensuality. This couple can be seen as very attractive but slightly reserved, both can bring a lot of calm and romance to each other's lives. This couple can become very long lasting and can progress slowly. They are both very romantic with each other, detail oriented and love spending time with each other. With the other they finally feel that they have found someone with whom they see themselves together for life. For this couple it is necessary to spend a lot of time with each other, they can get very sad if they spend a lot of time apart.
🖤Sun in Gemini🖤
This relationship is entertaining, fun and fills both of them with unforgettable moments and funny anecdotes. Both can change their mood when they are with the other, they immediately feel more daring, witty and cheerful. This is a relationship in which you feel that you will never get bored, in which the other person has very interesting things to say and that they will always listen to you. They always have each other in mind and can talk a lot about each other. They are proud to be able to introduce the other as their partner/friend, they would love for you to meet the people they consider close to them.
🖤Sun in Cancer🖤
There is a feeling of familiarity between you, you feel an almost immediate warmth and seem to understand each other perfectly. Emotions and how they express them are the basis of this relationship, no matter how reserved they are, with the other they feel confident to talk openly about their concerns and their feelings. There is a lot of support and protection between the two and it may be that one has the role of caregiver and the other one that is taken care of. Despite this, both are attentive to the other, to their emotional needs and would always prefer to take the time to listen to each other before rushing to anything.
🖤Sun in Leo🖤
In this relationship, nobility and generosity are qualities that come to the fore, this couple is very warm and expressive with the other, no matter how much they want to, they cannot hide what they feel, it is evident to everyone. You both become more cheerful, expressive and self-confident after spending time together. This couple feels the need to make the other feel loved or appreciated. Romance and affection are on the surface, fun is a fact and routine and sadness are buried in the past. They make each other proud to have you in each other's lives. You both admire each other deeply.
🖤Sun in Virgo🖤
The relationship can progress little by little, but this as a reward will have those little details and memories that only make them appreciate each other more and more. These two will give each other a lot of understanding and support, they will not remain empty promises, they will always do their best to keep their word. They will take care of each other and although they do not say it openly or cope with it with jokes, their love will be so deep and devoted, that the actions will overshadow the meaning of their actions. They will be there, through thick and thin, and will always have a desire to improve the relationship.
🖤Sun in Libra🖤
This couple is very warm and romantic, they love each other and feel truly comfortable with each other's company. Even if they are just friends, people might think they are a couple. They always treat each other delicately, they are each other's soft spot and they like to do different activities with each other. You may find yourself sharing things with each other that you thought you would never share, whether it be sides of your personality, your past, desires, ambitions, or hobbies. They see each other as the perfect partner, someone with whom things are just perfect, it's okay, and it feels wonderful.
🖤Sun in Scorpio🖤
Feelings and intense relationships, a powerful connection that they will feel that they cannot or have not been able to have with anyone, a relationship full of mystery, intrigue, eroticism and much fascination on both sides. They can be very reserved with what they feel for the other, they can hide it but deep down they want to know everything about the other person, since they will be intrigued and fascinated by the other from the first time their eyes meet. Very protective of the other, jealousy can come to light and the desire to be with the other will be very strong.
🖤Sun in Sagittarius🖤
A relationship that will change them for the better, this couple will teach each other many things and although they may be somewhat different in the eyes of others, they find these differences in each other as something very attractive. They can explore a unique type of relationship, happier and with much more positive nuances. They love and appreciate each other's dreams. Regardless of the type of relationship, both will see in each other a trusted friend and a very wise advisor. The levels of trust are as high as the levels of understanding and fun. They become more creative and joyful after spending time with each other.
🖤Sun in Capricorn🖤
It may have come about traditionally and not so quickly, but both have taken each other very seriously from the start. They enjoy the time they spend with each other and consider it the best investment of their time. They always seek to improve in order to give the best of themselves to the other and to the relationship. From the beginning their relationship gives the impression of being very serious, that both want to settle down with the other. They both protect each other and see their relationship as something they will always fight for and something they are proud to show the world.
🖤Sun in Aquarius🖤
This couple will be open with each other, just like an open book, they will know each other deeply and can be very intense with each other, but it is not a trait that others will notice. They may have a long-distance relationship, a somewhat complex relationship, or just a fairly healthy relationship. They feel liberated with each other, they are their safe place to be who they really are. They both love the eccentric and proven side of the other person, they are fascinated by what they call oddities and they love spending time talking to each other. They are very interesting to each other and are their best friend. 
🖤Sun in Pisces🖤 
We have a couple whose union is deep, very devoted and can even give them a spiritual feeling. They can be inspired more often after spending time with the other, they can find in the other a muse or someone to dedicate each achievement or each work of an artistic nature. They are very sensitive to each other, even vulnerable, but they may not see it as a problem. They feel safe with each other and feel that being with each other has a healing quality. This couple will seek to help each other in many ways, but especially emotionally, they will feel what the other feels and they will protect each other a lot.
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and this was a prize post for surpassing a following milestone? im not sure but either way thank you for everyone who has helped me gain this much supporters <3
north node are now cheaper when trying to buy asteroids/others through my paid readings :)
i did my research by talking to close friends and researching celebrities! take the degrees with a grain of salt.
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♇ the north node is about your individual path your life takes and inevitably becomes. can mean where you are exposed, what you could fear and even obsess over.
♇ north node in aries/1h [1°/13°/25°] ⟶ becoming a leader, being the face of something, a company, a show etc. being the first to do something, specifically within your family. anger issues, passion for sports or being a champion. excellent at theatre/acting, people might want to expose your life, your goals so they can steal. if not careful can become filled with rage, could have accidents with the head. could have a fear of being pushed aside, not recognised.
celebrities with this north node placement ⟶ mariah carey, emilia clarke and martin luther king.
♇ north node in taurus/2h [2°/14°/26°] ⟶ excellent cooks. to become rich, and obsession with feeling beautiful, could be obsessed with money. very possessive over other people or their own possessions. very vocal people. could get sore throats a lot, can have their privacy exposed/boundaries crossed. great singers, distinct voices, a need to be heard. and could have a lot of people wanting to be them, could have a fear of losing their value, or losing their possessions. classis beauty.
celebrities with this north node placement ⟶ lana del rey, sharon tate and bella hadid.
♇ north node in gemini/3h [3°/15°/27°] ⟶ spokespeople, known to say silly things. like to win arguments, very direct people. other people might ridicule or nitpick everything they say. insecure of not being taken seriously, be careful of car accidents or just bad drivers, being associated with cars. amazing at marketing, people could parade the person a lot.
celebrities with this north node placement ⟶ khloe kardashian, jfk kennedy and billie eilish.
♇ north node in cancer/4h [4°/16°/28°] ⟶ to make a family, a foundation or a legacy and leaving a will. to have a tribe, obsession with sense of belonging. conflict with family. disconnection with family, can also be a try-hard. can com from a popular family.
celebs with this north node placement ⟶ britney spears, prince harry and michelle obama.
♇ north node in leo/5h [5°/17°/29°] ⟶ charismatic, can be obsessed with achievements and goals. famous children. are very goal-oriented, can have a fear of failure, which sometimes causes them to be strict. protective over children, having children with popular/wealthy people and they can be easily admired and glorified. succeed in their talents and hobbies.
celebs with this north node placement ⟶ beyoncé, angelina jolie and kim kardashian.
♇ north node in virgo/6h [6°/18°] ⟶ could have a problem with health, obsession with being perfecting. servicing others, a worker, deep insecurities. copying others. could have a fear of not being perfect, anxious, can be harsh with your words. very erratic as well.
celebs with this north node placement ⟶ kylie jenner, jennifer lopez and kourtney kardashian.
♇ north node in libra/7h [7°/19°] ⟶ could be obsessed with getting into relationships. could have a fear of being disliked. beware of too much cosmetic surgery. inevitable marriage, soul-mate finding. marrying someone famous/wealthy. can be very flaky, needs to find balance. sometimes could find themselves with troubling marriages. fear of ending up alone.
celebs with this north node placement ⟶ madonna, michael jackson and ashanti.
♇ north node in scorpio/8h [8°/20°] ⟶ be careful with cosmetic surgery. obsessive spending, money obsession and sex. fear of losing everything, possessions, money and power along with liberty. destined to be or become rich or leave a legacy. obsessive, easily addicted to drugs and can be vengeful. could be stalkers or are the ones stalked and scrutinised by others.
celebs with this north node placement ⟶ megan thee stallion, paris hilon and jungkook.
♇ north node in sagittarius/9h [9°/21°] ⟶ teachers, students of life and researches. fear of feeling stupid or stuck in life. not believing yourself. can be very conceited, others might like to steal from others. feeling like a God, superiority complex; obsessed with learning. burn-outs or spoiled. can be too lustful; becoming publishers, directors and screen-writers. even Gurus, people looking up to them. trading illegal stuff, talent with bitcon.
celebs with this north node placement ⟶ ariana grande, cardi b and demi lovato.
♇ north node in capricorn/10h [10°/22°] ⟶ unbalance with power, authority issues. public clashes, fear of being forgotten or overlooked. seen as attractive, some can be crazy or pushed to be crazy. ambitious, rich and bold. can mean accidents, fear of being watched, fear of failing. obsessive with reputation and legacy, destined to be known for something, becoming a boss, or another high position.
celebs with this north node placement ⟶ adele, selena gomez and gwyneth paltrow.
♇ north node in aquarius/11h [11°/23°] ⟶ fear of loneliness and losing friends. could be a controlling friend or have friends who are controlling/manipulative. random fame, random wealth. fame from the internet, getting money from the internet. inventing something, creating trends and being a humanitarian. ego-death. accidents. deceptive friends or is the deceptive friends, angry conflicts on the internet, with friends or with people in the same community as them.
celebs with this north node placement ⟶ lady gaga, miranda kerr and the weeknd.
♇ north node in pisces/12h [12°/24°] ⟶ falling into delusions. obsessive and intrusive thoughts, can become famous, but fame will be very damaging fo the mental health. addictions, specifically with alcohol. nightmares. making sacrifices, people having ill-intent, doing witch-craft on you or you could be someone who practices it. can mean moving far from home place, nasty hidden enemies, having your dreams come true.
celebs with this north node placement ⟶ rihanna, justin bieber and marilyn monroe.
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steadyangelplaidsalad · 2 months
Synastry Observations VIII
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💚The core issue with the square between Moons is the different emotional needs. You both may need different things to feel satisfied or comfortable. This aspect can be approached with good communication in which you talk about what you need without fear of "asking for too much". Not by reproaching or asking the other to change, but rather telling them how you feel more emotionally validated and, in return, listening to what they have to say about their own needs. A person who loves you will make an attempt for this communication to exist and will make these attempts to make you feel both loved and understood. 
💚When your Mars falls in a person's 8th house, this person will find you very attractive and sensual. You will give this person the impression that you are someone very sexual, with a lot of experience or simply a person with whom they could connect very well sexually. A mutual attraction happens and there can be a lot of desire for the other, that kind of desire that you don't understand why it is but it pushes you like a magnet.
💚When someone's Pluto is conjunct your Sun or Rising, this person can play a lot of role in your transformations, from helping you see things completely differently, to seeing yourself in ways you didn't see yourself before, or simply helping you to change many aspects of your life. It is very likely that this person came into your life when you were in the midst of big, important changes.
💚When someone's stellium falls in your 7th house, it creates a strong sense of companionship, regardless of the nature of the relationship. You will like spending time with this person, you will feel comfortable and you will feel that you can really count on them. There is a strong bond between them and they will enjoy spending time together doing anything from activities to simply being by each other's side. They will influence each other's love life, whether by being each other's partner or by advising and supporting the other's love life. They will understand very well what the other needs in love, especially you.
💚When someone's Moon falls in your 9th house beyond the joy it can easily evoke in you, that person is likely to naturally make you see beyond yourself. They are people with whom you will have many epiphanies and you will go much deeper with their presence. Even if you are not a very introspective person, subconsciously these people can make you look deep inside yourself, especially with emotional issues.
💚A situation I commonly observe is that when someone's Venus falls in another person's 12th house, the house person often feels or thinks that Venus person would not correspond to them. And, at the same time, the Venus person feels that the other person is too much for them or that they would not reciprocate their feelings. With this overlay it is likely that both will admire each other from a distance and at first it will be difficult to get closer due to fear of rejection. 
💚When there is a trine between Moon-Venus, both enjoy each other's company, they feel comfortable bringing out their most vulnerable and romantic side.  Between you there are sincere feelings of sympathy and mutual admiration. They understand very well the emotional needs of each person as well as the relationship. There is a lot of support, patience and willingness to understand each other on a deeper level.
💚Aspects between Saturn-Rising activates this need to make the other person proud. The positive side of this aspect is that they push each other to grow and improve, since they see in the other someone who not only motivates them but guides them regarding personal or professional growth. If the natives are not developed, they can constantly seek the approval and acceptance of the other.
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💚When squares with Mars occur in a synastry, the way to deal with it is patience, whatever the context. For example, with Mars-Mercury patience is required to not jump to conclusions [something very common with this placement]. With Mars-Venus you will need that awareness and patience to know your partner's preferences and connect better in the relationship, both emotionally and physically.
💚When someone's Venus falls in your 6th house, you will feel a reliable love. They will be the kind of people to bring you little details just because they brought them to your attention. They will offer you a love that gradually grows, one that is constant but subtle at first. They will be the kind of people to remember the little details about you and love your little habits or quirks.
💚When your Moon falls in someone's 2nd house there will be a strong sense of trust in both of you. You in particular may feel that you can completely trust the other, both because of their confidentiality and because of the certainty that they want to see you well. A lot of support, affection and stability between both of them will be constant when it comes to showing affection. A comfort in showing yourself as you are and even those sides that not everyone sees. In turn, they will feel that you are someone reliable who takes seriously the feelings of both of you in the relationship.
💚When the Jupiter-Moon conjunction occurs, it will not show a dynamic of strong camaraderie and joviality, but also genuine affection and appreciation. The Jupiter person will feel very comfortable, happy and more in touch with their emotional side next to the Moon person. While for the Moon person, tenderness will abound, since the other person will show their love and affection in an uninhibited way. Both will help each other to be more expressive and experience deeper and more positive emotions.Although Jupiter is not a planet that is associated with emotions or those more sentimental aspects of the relationship, this conjunction favors affection and greater tenderness & care in the relationship.
💚One of the aspects in which I have personally seen the greatest attraction is in those of Moon-Mars. From one aspect getting closer, to tense aspects, they create this need to have the other close. Both can be very touchy with the other, seeing themselves drawn to the other both at the beginning of the relationship and throughout it. Both natives have a deep desire for each other that not only encompasses physical or sexual levels, but also a desire to see them healthy and safe. They activate a protective instinct in each other and enjoy taking care of each other. 
💚When someone's stellium falls in your 9th house it is very likely that you have common interests. There will be differences between the two but they can be of great support for the other to see life with other tones or help each other to be more open to different interpretations. You will feel that boost of energy, that motivation to go after what you want and it can even help you be a little more positive when it comes to your future or when daring to take opportunities.
💚When a Mars-Sun conjunction occurs, it is very likely that the Mars person sees a lot of potential in the Sun person and wants to push and motivate them to stay active in what they perceive they are talented at. They will be fervently supportive throughout the process and may be frustrated to see Sun person doubting your abilities. They will be Sun person's drive to achieve everything they set their mind to.
💚This is something that I have seen a lot in those close to me, when your Mars falls in a person's 4th house, you feel that that person validates your anger, listens to you carefully when you talk about things that bother you and gives you that support and understanding. Likewise, I have seen that they even tend to feel calmer or that their anger decreases in the presence of the house person.
💚When a trine or sextile occurs between the Moon and Chiron, we see a relationship in which both people feel emotionally seen and accepted. Healing occurs naturally and fluidly, without the need for excessive effort, in addition to this, both will feel deeply supported by the other regardless of the situation or problem in question. The relationship is very special and transformative when it comes to their emotional world.
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steadyangelplaidsalad · 2 months
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Synastry Aspects: Frenemies & Almost-Lovers
These are based on my observations of others and my own experiences with people I can't stand or who can't stand me, yet we somehow maintained friendships or "relationships" for extended times.
venus square mars
mercury square moon
sun square pluto
mercury square saturn
saturn opposite sun
moon opposite moon
venus square ascendant
chiron conjunct mercury
moon square sun
mars square pluto
venus square uranus
pluto square mercury
venus square pluto
mercury square neptune
venus opposite mercury
mars opposite neptune
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steadyangelplaidsalad · 2 months
Aspects of Mars in the composite chart
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💘Mars conjunct Sun: This relationship is not exactly calm, it is dynamic and encourages them to be more active. There is a lot of passion between them and they can feel motivated by the mere presence of each other. The other can help them to be more daring, confident and direct with what they want. The relationship could have occurred in a short period of time or they could have started dating a few months after meeting each other. There is a high degree of physical attraction and they can feel very seduced by the other. They don’t repress their impulses or their annoyance and will always let the other know if they don't like something. Transparency and frankness. 
💘Mars conjunct Moon: An almost instantaneous attraction occurred between them, a desire to be with the other and to be able to make them enjoy all kinds of sensations, both emotional and physical. It usually indicates that emotions arise quickly. They activate the protective instinct of the other, and that desire to care for and provide for each other. They will support each other when making a decision or implementing a plan, they will feel a strong sense of complicity. There is a lot of sexual compatibility and the atmosphere between the two of you is always fun and dynamic, making it very difficult to fall into a routine.
💘Mars conjunct Mercury: Both will be very mentally stimulated, it is likely that they will think a lot about each other. They may enjoy teasing each other, pushing their buttons and provoking reactions. Very fluid communication, they can be very verbal with what they want and are likely to become more outspoken thanks to this relationship. Debates, and possible arguments. They will speak freely about what bothers them without fear of the other's reaction and will seek to reach an agreement quickly. They will help each other put their ideas into practice and may feel motivated and dynamic after talking.
💘Mars conjunct Venus: The attraction is very strong from the beginning, you can see the desire and love between them. They are very similar and compatible, they seem to understand each other's romantic and sexual needs very well. This is a passionate relationship, full of desire and love that seems to grow over time. From the beginning they feel the calling to be with each other, even while they are in the process of getting to know each other. Both of them may think that they fell in love very quickly with the other, quickly falling for each other's charms. In the sexual sphere there is an excellent affinity, their encounters are romantic, fiery and pleasant. They understand and share each other's tastes in this area.
💘Mars conjunct Jupiter: Both parts may feel that they achieve more together than they could individually, in addition to having a strong motivation to achieve their goals together. You will feel more animated and energetic with each other. A lot of compatibility and sexual attraction, they will enjoy exploring a lot with each other in the intimate field. They can be very sexual and have sex more frequently than usual or than in previous relationships. This couple will have a very positive vision regarding their future together, they can enjoy doing new activities together. A great indicator of travel and a lot of growth and motivation.
💘Mars conjunct Saturn: This is a strong and very long-lasting relationship, both are able to overcome life's obstacles and provide strength to the other to not let them collapse. They both work hard to make the relationship work. They plan a lot for the long term and are very dedicated regarding the relationship. The attraction grows over time and may not be very clear at the beginning. They try to make decisions together and never assume or act 'for the other', as they respect their individuality. The relationship may take a while to build although that will only cause it to become stronger over time. As a couple they can enjoy dominance roles and, although they may look calm on the outside, they can be deeply passionate people when in private.
💘Mars conjunct Uranus: There was this spark between you at first sight, you feel how your heart races just when you see the other approaching. You awaken feelings in each other that both never felt before and you may find yourselves wanting more and more of that feeling. They can turn on each other doing the most mundane things and in the most unexpected ways. They mutually liberate each other and inspire each other to be more independent and authentic. They will be motivated to think and act under their own criteria, they will not place rules or expectations on others and they will enjoy each other's company. They can enjoy teasing each other, although they are careful not to do it too much, as they can easily become overwhelmed or annoyed.
💘Mars conjunct Neptune: Both cause a fascination in the other that is difficult to define in words. Magnetic, alluting, charming, that's how they describe the other person. There is an essence of magic between you, you attract each other on a subconscious level and feel hypnotized by each other. They both idealize the other and can constantly dream of a future together. They have plans and fantasies in which they are together. This couple is idealistic and dreamy, they may feel more oriented towards fulfilling their dreams and going after what truly makes their hearts happy. They can idealize each other. In the sexual side there can be a strong spiritual connection or that feeling of being in tune with the other. They see sex as a way to connect deeply.
💘Mars conjunct Pluto: There is an undeniable attraction between you, a deep desire to be close to each other and to be yourself. They protect and care for each other fervently, and they easily empower others. Strong admiration and desire for the other, as well as a genuine interest and curiosity to know the rawest and deepest aspects of the other. You both encourage each other to change and improve, as well as act on your ambition. They seek the satisfaction of the other as much as their own. They deeply influence each other's lives and will always seek for the other to detoxify themselves from everything that has ever harmed them. Sex is intense, passionate and surprisingly emotional, as they see it as a way to merge and understand each other better.
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💘Mars trine Sun: This relationship gives them a boost of energy, being with each other makes them feel more ambitious, active and motivated. A good way to describe this relationship is passionate, because apart from the motivation, the attraction between them is intense and fiery, they can feel very attracted to the other. You can try new activities with each other and will enjoy doing all kinds of things together.
💘Mars trine Moon: They will feel very energized when they are with each other, they will be excited by the simple idea of ​​seeing each other. They will live many adventures together and share many joys. They will defend each other in all types of situations and will give them their support no matter how turbulent a situation is. There is a lot of spontaneity, intensity and creativity between you, you will love to try new things. You both give each other confidence to be yourselves.
💘Mars trine Mercury: They can give each other encouragement and motivation, especially when starting activities or regarding their abilities. Communication is very fluid between you, as well as very active. They will feel that they can be totally honest with each other, both with what they think and with what they really are. Their conversations are lively and their insights can be of great help to both. They feel that they are a great team and that they have in each other a partner who can go with the flow with them.
💘Mars trine Venus: Their sexual affinity is strong and they can feel very satisfied with each other in this regard. There is a lot of affection, desire and compatibility between you. They feel that they connect very well together and it seems that they automatically know how to satisfy the other. They not only satisfy their sexual needs, but also their emotional ones. The love and affection of the other motivates them and makes them feel more enthusiastic.
💘Mars trine Jupiter: This is a relationship full of adventure, fun, and strong companionship. They encourage each other to go after what they want, they motivate each other and they feel more energized with each other. They work very well together whatever the project and bring insights and new perspectives to each other. A lot of attraction and sexual affinity. In this relationship they will feel that they make a lot of progress individually and are inspired to grow and improve.
💘Mars trine Saturn: Being by each other's side is likely to feel that there is nothing they can't against, they support each other and will guide without hesitation. This is a relationship that promises to be lasting, both are trustworthy and put in a lot of effort and work to make the relationship work. They can achieve a lot of individual success after starting the relationship. They like the idea of ​​conquering each other little by little and may prefer slower, more sensual sex. 
💘Mars trine Uranus: Both will bring positive changes to each other's lives, they will help each other leave toxicity behind, whether from other relationships, ties or even mindsets. A dynamic and fun couple who will enjoy experimenting both in common activities and even sexually. They can bring innovation and a fresher, more satisfying vision to each other's sexual lives. They will feel more motivated and enthusiastic when starting and during the relationship.
💘Mars trine Neptune: Both may have the tendency to protect the other's sensitivity, managing to empathize easily. They will follow their dreams and will be able to support each other in achieving what they want both as a couple and individually. When it comes to intimacy, they may not only have a lot of emotional satisfaction, but it can help them feel better emotionally. Support, affection and warmth will constantly validate the other.
💘Mars trine Pluto: They both completely trust each other, giving each other a feeling of security that they have not experienced before. Both will bring significant changes to each other's lives. A lot of mutual attraction and strong complicity. They find in each other a discreet, reliable and reliable companion. They can be of great support to the other in tense or difficult situations and they will stick around in the face of adversity or bad times for the other.
💘Mars sextile Sun: They put a lot of energy and focus into this relationship, you’ll always look forward to what you’ll do next as a couple. You are going to make many plans, have memorable adventures, and feel more energized and courageous. Playful teasing, a pleasant environment in which they’ll feel that they can express themselves freely. Both of you can make the first move at different stages of the relationship and it won't bother you to do so.
💘Mars sextile Moon: There is a beautiful balance here, as they constantly motivate and encourage each other, but when the moment requires it, they will calm down and give each other peace in the moments of greatest tension. The relationship has the right amount of intensity, neither too much nor too little, but enough to spice things up a bit. They will always do things to give comfort and convenience to their partner. Spontaneous displays of affection. Warmth and much consideration.
💘Mars sextile Mercury: After talking with each other, you may feel encouraged to carry out your ideas or plans or to face your daily life. They communicate clearly and directly, which makes it easier for both of them to act and can make quick and effective decisions. They see in the other a person who expresses themselves in a passionate and energetic way, they infect the other with motivation and good humor. 
💘Mars sextile Venus: There is a good balance between affection and passion, which helps keep the relationship dynamic and exciting. Lots of physical attraction and affinity of temperaments. It makes them genuinely happy to hear about each other's plans and progress. They love each other's ambition. They are very demonstrative with each other and will never leave room for doubts. Their love for each other is very noticeable both to them and others.
💘Mars sextile Jupiter: In this relationship there are no empty promises, they will always try to fulfill what they guarantee to the other. Confidence, joy and motivation. Life next to each other will never be draining or tiring. You will notice that the other will subconsciously inspire you to open up to new things, to take those leaps of faith and from all of this will come gratifying memories and experiences for both of you. They feel supported by each other.
💘Mars sextile Saturn: Both of you will not only plan a future side by side, but you will act to create that future together. They like to visualize themselves next to each other, celebrating victories, supporting each other through hard times and having a relationship for the long run. They take the relationship seriously, allowing themselves to have fun together occasionally. It is likely that one is more outgoing than the other and helps them relax.
💘Mars sextile Uranus: This relationship can help them grow individually, they will feel that the other contributes a lot and positively to their lives. You will experience things together that you had not experienced with previous couples or people in general. This relationship could have arisen spontaneously and unexpectedly after both had decided to focus on themselves. They can feel more confident in turning their ideas into reality, because they give each other encouragement and trust in their abilities.
💘Mars sextile Neptune: They both understand each other very well and have this facility to lift each other's spirits. There is a lot of affection between them and they do not hesitate to make the other feel capable of achieving anything. They greatly desire each other's success and there is a genuine interest in their mutual well-being. They can dream a lot about each other. Both want to be a support and companion that their partner always trusts.
💘Mars sextile Pluto: This couple helps each other leave fears and insecurities behind, trusting in their abilities and themselves. They are loyal companions and genuinely fascinated with each other. They may feel that they are on the same page in terms of their innermost desires and goals, and can support each other in achieving these aspirations. Both have the conviction that the other always has their backs and will always show it with actions.
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💘Mars opposite Sun: The fascination they have for each other is powerful and the other seems difficult to ignore. They fill each other's lives with life, dynamism and fiery spirit. Their temperaments may clash, so patience will be necessary. They encourage each other to improve independently and can help each other put healthy boundaries in their relationships.
💘Mars opposite Moon: They will know how to motivate others like no one else. Their reactions and temperaments are usually very different. They will learn and adapt behaviors from each other. Tendency to be impulsive with the other when it comes to dealing with emotions. Very protective of the other.
💘Mars opposite Mercury: Both recognize the value of always being honest with each other, but that truth is likely to hurt on many occasions. They may have different ways of doing things which can lead to arguments. They always try to be clear with each other and not give rise to misunderstandings. They can find solutions quickly and do not like to leave arguments unresolved.
💘Mars opposite Venus: The attraction between the two is undeniable and never goes unnoticed. It is necessary that they learn to value the needs of others. Difference in temperaments. One party may be more defensive than the other. They fall into the archetype of opposites and complementarities. Passionate and intense feelings towards each other.
💘Mars opposite Jupiter: In this relationship they will learn to balance their energy, working on the relationship constantly and gradually, without rushing. They both get excited just thinking about each other. They may think that the other person is very attractive although different from them.
💘Mars opposite Saturn: You both may have a different approach to relationships and how they come about in the first place, but you can contribute a lot to yours. One of you will bring the energy, passion and adventure, and the other the stability and reliability. At first one or both of you may be closed to the idea of ​​having a relationship due to past experiences.
💘Mars opposite Uranus: One or both of you have been single for a long time and don't have a problem with it. They may fear rush in the relationship and, once excited, that things will fall apart. They both feel intrigued and attracted to each other. They feel this sensation of being alive at last, of feeling that emotion and motivation that they don't understand where it comes from.
💘Mars opposite Neptune: It is likely that at first they feel confusion about each other, more specifically about whether what they feel is mutual or one-sided. They don't understand why they have each other in their thoughts. It is crucial that both of you make clear what you really want in a relationship.
💘Mars opposite Pluto: At first they may feel afraid because of the enormous attraction they feel towards each other, since it is intense and in the opinion of both, very fast and unexpected. They may feel a lot of admiration for the other's drive, which can increase the level of attraction they feel for the other. At the beginning there may have been some tension between you.
💘Mars square Sun: From the beginning there was a lot of attraction, a very intense one. They can excite each other easily. There may be some tension between you, especially at the beginning of the relationship. They always allow the other to express and say what they feel, they won’t remain silent nor will they feel that they can’t say what they think.
💘Mars square Moon: They may feel like they are constantly on the go, this relationship will push you to dare to do things. They both have a strong temperament, which can be a problem if there is no patience or understanding. The attraction is intense and undeniable from the beginning. 
💘Mars square Mercury: In this relationship it will be crucial to practice patience, let the other communicate their thoughts and opinions, listen to them and try to understand them before speaking. They may jump to conclusions. You will speak very honestly with each other, there will be frankness between you.
💘Mars square Venus:The physical attraction between the two is truly strong, but there can also be conflicts and tensions regarding desires, preferences and needs. Many times a clash of temperaments occurs. In order to work in this square they have to work on having fluid communication where they try to understand the other.
💘Mars square Jupiter: The attraction between the two is undeniable, the other's attitude will seem sexy and striking. They may have a tendency to rush into making decisions and even feel that the pace of the relationship is too fast. There may be differences in beliefs or ideals. And you two will probably want to accomplish a lot quickly as a couple.
💘Mars square Saturn: One of you probably wants to go faster, while the other feels like you need to take your time. Both can sense how the other breaks their self-control in sexual terms, it is an aspect that can make it difficult to resist temptation. Both will need a lot of patience and understanding to find a rhythm together for the relationship to progress.
💘Mars square Uranus: The desire they feel for each other is strong and inexplicable, and that can lead them to rush into the relationship. They will need patience to not make impulsive decisions. They are both easily provoked in every sense of the word. They always keep the other interested and not knowing what to expect.
💘Mars square Neptune: At first they may have trouble defining their feelings and the direction of the relationship. They can tend to idealize each other a lot. Do not promise more than you can fulfill and be understanding with each other. Try not to put expectations on each other and always communicate clearly to avoid misunderstandings.
💘Mars square Pluto: Both may be dominant people and be used to only relying on themselves. Trust can take time to build and both of you can be very reserved at first. There is a lot of attraction and desire between them, as well as a sense of intrigue towards each other. Be patient and understanding with each other. Pay attention to the present and do not rush trying to predict what will happen.
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steadyangelplaidsalad · 2 months
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steadyangelplaidsalad · 2 months
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steadyangelplaidsalad · 2 months
Pluto Saturn Chiron and health 🥼💊💉
if you have Pluto ,Saturn ,Chiron in these signs/houses as transits, you might experience related symptoms /issues with your health depending on what sign/house this planet/asteroid is in.
Aries/1st house - feet, toes
Taurus/2nd house - larynx, throat, ears
gemini/3rd house - lungs, ribs, shoulders, arms, hands
cancer/4th house - diaphraghm, stomach, breasts
leo/5th house - spinal cord, heart, back
virgo/6th house - pancreas, intestines
libra/7th house - body equilibrium, kidneys
scorpio/8th house - nose, reproductive system, urethra, blood, colon, bladder
saggitarius/9th house - hips, thighs, sciatic nerve, liver
capricorn/10th house - teeth, bones, skin, knees
aquarius/11th house - ankles, lower legs, corculatory system
pisces/12th house - ankles, lower legs, circulatory system
Pluto - near death/traumatic health issues
saturn - karma/death health issues
chiron - painfull health issues
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steadyangelplaidsalad · 2 months
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Ballet Scene, Giselle Act II, Alicia Markova ❦ Interval at the Opera by Georges Jules Victor Clairin ❦ The Dying Swan by Vladimir Tretchikoff
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steadyangelplaidsalad · 2 months
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trigger warning: suicide, violence, eating, hypochondria, trauma, mental health issues ♡
this is just a random post abt things ppl with these placements could experience ♡
these r only abt isolated placements so take it with a grain of salt bc the whole chart matters ♡
a lot of these r experiences i’ve heard from my friends and ppl who’ve purchased readings from me directly ♡
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moon in 1h core
not being able to hide ur emotions bc they’re literally evident on ur face, youthful beauty, constantly changing ur outlook on life depending on how u feel at the time, getting told u look young for ur age, getting mad bc boys/girls call u cute instead of hot, mothering everyone, likes to be pampered and babied, throws child-like fits if lower vibrational, being a lot like ur mom even tho sometimes u don’t wanna admit it, even if ur a boy having emotional responses like a teenage girl, growing up with parents that had anger issues so now u have anger issues, being asked if ur sad all the time by ppl when ur not even sad it’s just ur resting face, having a comforting aura, ur mood instantly being ruined the moment anything makes u insecure at all, looking good in light blue and white outfits
moon in 2h core
having a cute voice, wanting to spend all ur money bc u had a bad day and r emotional, eating bc u’re emotional af, ur comfort place being a restaurant/fast food spot, having a wife who brings lots of stability to ur life, having a good singing voice, feeling emotionally connected to inanimate objects such as ur stuffed animal, not feeling happy around ppl who bring instability to ur life, spending all ur money on things related to music/food, love language is gift giving and physical touch, not feeling loved by ur partner when they don’t hug u every second, feeling more comfortable around ppl who share the same values as u, only having a good work ethic when ur happy, caring abt ppl more when they spoil u with gifts
moon in 3h core
being extremely charming and able to persuade others easily, having a rly soft voice and being told u sound like a child, being scared to do anything when ur sibling/a companion doesn’t come with u, feeling more emotionally connected to ppl u share similar opinions/interests with, being more talkative around ppl when ur comfortable and quiet around random ppl, posting emo stuff on social media when u were in middle school, having a lot of the same interests as ur mom, being close with ur neighbors growing up and riding bikes with them around the neighborhood and selling lemonade on the side of the road, being obsessed with romance books
moon in 4h core
playing house a lot as a kid, either being rly close with ur mom or having extreme mommy issues, being obsessed with self care related things and not being able to go to sleep without doing ur skin care routine, being emotional just by existing, coming off as emotional even when ur not emotional, feeling deep emotion for ppl and feeling attached to them and then realizing that they don’t feel the same way bc u’ve literally only talked for a week and u just have a problem with getting attached to ppl easily, feeling most comfortable with people that make u feel feminine, being a talented nurse or realtor, having a very nurturing aura
moon in 5h core
having a lot of hobbies that don’t involve leaving ur house, being hot, ppl always telling u that u have celebrity/star vibes, having a bunch of creative ideas but being afraid to share them bc ur shy, being insanely dramatic and then later regretting it heavily, being a good actor, contemplating killing urself every time u got grounded as a kid bc ur dramatic, feeling happiest when ur by the ocean or water, being a hopeless romantic, falling in love w cancer placements but wishing u didn’t, loving mango/citrus flavored foods/drinks, being scared of violent video games and wanting to play sims or minecraft instead, being rly good with kids/kids naturally loving u, growing up with egotistical parents, rewatching the same films/shows over and over bc they bring u comfort
moon in 6h core
being able to tell how someone rly feels even when they try and hide it bc u can analyze ppl rly well, loves animals and feels better when they have an emotional support pet, love language is acts of service and gift giving, having rly bad anxiety any time u leave the house (and in general) these ppl r huge homebodies, being a hypochondriac and thinking ur gonna die every time u have a single bad physical health symptom and googling ur symptoms then becoming even more worried bc google says ur abt to have a heart attack, chronic overthinker
moon in 7h core
being rly charming and having a lot of secret admirers, being scared to come outside ur comfort zone without a companion/partner with u, being fruity af, making ur friends/lovers order food for u bc ur too shy to, wanting harmony/peace and hating when someone argues with u or tries to start conflict with u but unfortunately still managing to attract lots of enemies even when u try to avoid drama, being able to negotiate with others easily, trying to be nice to ppl and killing them with kindness and u still end up getting hurt, being attractive to society but insecure abt ur looks, feeling sad if u don’t look pretty at all times, moving to live near ur bf/gf bc ur too attached to be in a long distance relationship, hates hookup culture
moon in 8h core
being sexualized a lot, ppl randomly confiding in u abt their traumas when u didn’t even bring anything abt it up, not being able to hookup bc you’ll get too attached, having a lot of family trauma that has now affected u emotionally and made u rly defensive any time someone talks to u in a slightly off tone, being a witch, doing love spells on ur crush so they’ll like u, having dark humor, feeling like u wanna die on ur period and going insane and acting like another person and then when u go off it realizing how dramatic u were, getting a boob job, being sent d*ck/p*ssy pics a lot without even asking for them, getting inheritance from ur family, getting surgery when u were young, spiritually transforming the most when ur alone
moon in 9h core
wanting to leave ur home country and never come back, trying to run away as a kid and packing a bag then coming back bc ur scared after only getting half way down ur street, adapting to ur surroundings quickly and easily being influenced by others, having a closer connection with ur grandparents than ur actual parents, having good ethics and not vibing with ppl around u who don’t, having ur first romantic relationship in college, feeling more comfortable around cultures outside of ur own or feeling more emotionally connected to cultures outside of ur own, cutting out ppl quickly when they’re negative and when they don’t support ur plans in life, having a thing for athletic boys/girls
moon in 10h core
having a star-like quality, finding comfort in being a workhorse and working all the time and using it as a way to distract urself from all ur problems in life, feeling like life is meaningless if ur not constantly going out and doing things, trying to keep things private but they end up getting out anyway, having a reputation of being a softie, feeling closer to ur dad than ur mom or having extreme daddy issues no in between, leaving behind a legacy that inspires others and touches them emotionally, being talented in careers that r an emotional outlet for u
moon in 11h core
having a very friendly aura and being able to socialize well but still sometimes having a low social battery at the same time, having a lot of influence on others and attracting a lot of ppl that r fans of u, being easily influenced and sometimes easily manipulated, having a lot of mood swings, being emotionally unpredictable, fearing being alone/dying alone and ppl abandoning u, being able to social network rly well, being closer to a step/half parent than a biological parent, throwing the best house parties, forming closer emotional connections online than in real life, being closer to ur online friends than in person friends, having a deep desire for someone to just care abt u and give u attention
moon in 12h core
having a lot of dreams that weirdly predict things almost perfectly, being obsessed with the feeling of nostalgia but also hating it at the same time, having an ethereal beauty, using astrology as a way to get an explanation for ur trauma so u can feel more validated, falling into a deep depression every time u run out of shows to watch, imagining fake scenarios in ur head abt rly bad things happening and crying over it when ur bored, looking like a mermaid/man, dwelling on the past a lot, being able to mask rly well and pretend ur someone ur not and doing it sm to fit in that u don’t even know who u r anymore, struggling with mental health issues ever since u were a child and feeling like u were sad even as a kid but not knowing why, hearing ppl talk randomly when ur abt to fall asleep but no one’s there, having a lot of hidden enemies that u may have had a close emotional connection with before that end up stabbing u in the back, feeling alone even when ur not alone
comment if u want more of these 🗣️
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