Time Management: SRCDC’s Grade 12 students’ Greatest Challenge
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  Editorial Journalist: R-Jane F. Lugod Editorial Cartoonist : Rona Pepito – February 19, 2018
 YATI, Lilo-an, Cebu – Time Management is one of the very reasons why one could succeed even though there are so many hindrances that might get on the way. But with the Senior High School’s Grade 12 students, it is a huge challenge for them especially when Immersion finally started. They had to finish an 80-hour immersion, catch up with the lessons, comply all the assignments, attend practices for the foundation day and start making drafts for the upcoming thesis.
 It might as well look like it is very impossible to combine those things that should be done but fortunately, it is not. They finished their 80-hour immersion first since it is a must to finish it before March 15 as what Sir Eric Pogoy said, to avoid more conflict with their schedules especially when examinations, Graduation Ball and Graduation are fast approaching.
 “Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort”, Paul J. Meyer said. The reason why it is hard to manage time is probably because of laziness, lack of motivation, and lack of planning which means if you are aiming to finish everything, you should start to encourage yourself with whatever you are doing even if it is against your will. Just like the Grade 12 students, they strive really hard just to finish everything all at once because more tasks are about to come having the same goal which is to graduate and claim their diplomas on the stage.
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Are you Comfortable?
Photo Journalist: Rona Pepito Feb 20, 2018
San Roque College de Cebu offers renovated and additional comfort room on the beginning of the school years 2016-2018 but are they really comfortable?
  Comfort room maybe the least noticeable part of the facilities in an establishment or a company. The comfort room at the back of the lobby of the Senior High school building was designed to be modern, like a high class restroom and for everyone to be comfortable. But in the middle of the school year, it did not last long for it is not maintained well. Maintenance cannot maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the said restrooms because there are more than 10 restrooms in the campus.  Students are also complaining that some of the toilets are not functioning well. Cubicles are already destroyed and there are a lot of vandalisms.
The water supply is also limited especially at the Senior High school building third floor that most of the Grade 12 learners complained about and the trashes in the restrooms are not being collected which takes 2-3 days being collected by the assigned maintenance. The school should live as to what they said “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.”
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Editorial Journalist: Stephanie S. Lumayno - February 19,2018
Students of San Roque College de Cebu join clubs that revolve around their career interest. SRCDC offers seven (7) clubs and organizations such as Campus Movers, Student Supreme Government, The Boy Scout of the Philippines, Glee Club, Dance Troupe, YES-O and Ember. These clubs focus on specific career fields that help students understand their selves better. Many competitions, awards, and conventions are held to give club members advantages in these fields by exposing them to new opportunities. But, as the years goes by, the students noticed that some clubs are becoming unactive and some are not being productive.
This school year, the students haven’t heard and noticed some improvement about the projects that the SSG planned and proposed to the students. The BSP organization had lie low in joining some events. Some also noticed that during flag ceremony there’s no scout who’ll raise the flag and tie the rope in the pole while the students sings “Lupang Hinirang” anymore instead, the flag is already on top of the pole. The students also have not heard of Yes-o being active this year.
Does San Roque intends to remove some unactive clubs like what happened to the sports club or would they make an action to make those clubs active and more productive again?
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26th Founding Anniversary of SRCDC was a Success!
Feature Writer: Ashley Vercide – February 19, 2018
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Photo Credit and Designed by: Joeboy Layola
The 26th founding anniversary took place last February 8, 2018 until February 11, 2018 in San Roque College de Cebu main campus. Students we’re having fun as they join different school activities and talent contests. Last day of the foundation days was held in Talamban’s Family Park. Wherein many outsiders, alumna, parents, relatives, and friends, students, and the whole admin of SRCDC come to join the festive foundation day.
 Different booths, foods, events, and talents were showcased during the foundation day. It was an amusing experience for the parents as they watched their children performed on the center stage.  Every students was excited to perform their cheer dance for their field demo as they raise the banners of their sections. . Everyone has their own unique and interesting theme by the use of the umbrellas as their props which makes everyone is very eager to experiment on the how to perform with their umbrellas.
 SRCDC has been doing it successfully since the past years. It was a success for them since everyone seems to be enjoying the foundation day and got home with a big satisfied smile on their face. Due to how successful it become, almost everyone is looking forward for the upcoming foundation days. Everyone from the foundation day was having fun especially each year, new ideas and new events are created. Everyone is looking forward for the 27th SRCDC Foundation Day.
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GET TO KNOW: EMBER Young Writer’s Club
Feature Writer: Chaveli Pepito - January 19, 2018
The main purpose of of EMBER, or campus journalism entirely, is to aim, not just inform the students on the different happenings around the institution, but also to hone its members abilities to be a respected journalist in the academic field.
 One of the key advantages of being an Ember Staffer is the ability to step-out from the four walls of the institution. Being a journalist is a hard task. It requires different abilities that help hone and shape an individual. Aside from the different skill acquired during a member's tenure, Ember is one of the active clubs who send out participants to compete in the bigger stages against different schools around the province, the region, and just recently, the entire nation.
 Supporting our school’s journalism is very important to us. They reach out to individual people in times of need. They foster a culture of diversity, stability and support not only within the school, but within the wider communities. They strive to serve fresh and reliable sources in school industry to individuals from all backgrounds and perspectives by reaching out to emerging talents.
 As a student journalist, the work they do plays is a vital role in connecting students and bringing people together. They take the time to really understand the situations they operate in, because they felt a sense of connection to those actions. It’s this sense of commitment that led EMBER team to serve current issues.
 We also strongly believe in supporting each student who engage in journalism and volunteer to school programs.
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SRCDC Opens State of the Art Library
News Head: Rona Victoria B. Pepito –February 8, 2018
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Photo credits: SRCDC Insider team 
San Roque College de Cebu opened its newly refurbished school library beginning this school year as part of the recommendation from Fund for Assistance to Private Education
(FAPE) for the school’s application for college status.
  Situated along the first floor corridors, the new library was formed by joining the old library spot with its adjacent room to form a longer space in room for more capacity.
According to Marivel Agbon, The SRCDC’s librarian, the library boasts new facilities including five computer units, and soon to have its own internet connection, a single television unit for film showing which is available for teachers upon booking.
 Agbon also stressed that most books like encyclopedias, are donated and other books like the world book and fiction and non –fiction books are bought by the school itself with further 100 books are inside the new library available for students lending with the use of library card.
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SRCDC I.D and SMS Attendance System
News Head: Rizza Jane Sevilla – February 10, 2018
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Photo credits: SRCDC Insider team 
YATI - Liloan, Cebu - San Roque College de Cebu formerly known as San Roque Child Development School has implied the electronic tap ID system that was first used last July 2017. This system notifies the parents when their child enters and leaves the school premises. The school gained trust from the parent’s especially knowing that they can track their student’s daily time-in and time-out. The system was active for the first few weeks that students follow the time-in and it has lessen the rate of student’s arrival.  
The head administrator's purpose of having this kind of system, is for the parents to be aware of their children's attendance in the school. However, not all the parents and guardians are the recipient of the log-in and log-out text messages.
We, the SRCDC all - in news team, conducted an Interview of some of the student’s that has an experienced of having a permission from their parents that is in abroad. Aside from this, we asked some student’s from SRCDC - main campus whose experiencing trouble with the system.
According to Lopez, “There are several times that the system wasn’t able to detect my ID and then I quickly approached the guard about the issue, but the guard couldn’t make an action about the trouble so on that very day, I wasn’t able to log in the system.”
There are also several student’s that have experienced of not logging - in and logging - out in the system due to their habits of not tapping their ID’s when the system that wasn’t implied before. In addition to this problem, the guard is not responsible enough to take in charge of this situation, because there are times that the guard will just ignore the students of not tapping their ID’s.
          We are hoping that in the next school year, the system can work as organize as it should be and the securities will be more strict in the system so that the student’s will get used in tapping their ID’s before they enter and leave from the school. And we are also hoping that the student’s in SRCDC will be more responsible enough and won’t forget of tapping their ID’s.  
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SRCDC Implied the First Ever Swimming Class for Grade Twelve Students
News Writers: Ashley Vercide & Stephanie Lumayno – January 29, 2018
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Photo Credits: SRCDC Insider team
Last 2009, San Roque College De Cebu (SRCDC) formerly known as San Roque Child Development School (SRCDS), mountaineering, zip lining and swimming pool are the facilities that the school offered. These activities are open from time to time. The first facility to open was the pool; it was built for private purpose only by the owner but in the long run, the 8-shaped pool is finally open to the students and has the free access to use it whenever there are activities and such rather than renting other places for swimming. The students can use the pool with the school admins approval. Everyone must be abided to follow the rules and regulations and are required to wear the proper swimming attire in entering the pool.
The pool can be found in front of the junior high school building, near the kiosk and the junior high school and intermediate canteen. The pool has a depth of 3 to 4 feet and about 8 to 9 in width and 2 to 3 in length. The pool is surrounded with bushes, plants and a Greek myth statue. It is an amusing sight from many and each student wants to experience the school’s facilities for free.
  YATI, Lilo-an Cebu – San Roque College de Cebu finally started their first ever swimming class last November 17, 2018.Grade Twelve Students had mixed emotions about the school’s program wondering either it will be a success or not; especially knowing that the pools capacity can only accommodate more or less 30 pax. The purpose of this swimming class is to improve and enhance the skills that the students might need and to prepare them for survival activities. Swimming is also a well-known sport that is good for the health and can improve each students cardiovascular, which mainly gives the people enough reason to study this sport and exert more attention to it.
  Student’s main concern is that the pool can only occupy limited people so they have difficulties in executing some drills due to the pools’ size. After a few sessions; the excitement of the students in attending their swimming class toned down due to the pools low maintenance. They failed to preserve the pools’ cleanliness. A lot of students complained because they gained unexplained rashes and itches on their body after every session due to the pools’ contaminated water. It once became something exciting to look forward every session but later on it became something disappointing and frightening. The grade 12 students are hoping that the admin and maintenance can maintain the cleanliness and to improve their swimming pool in order for them to cater good swimming lessons to everyone.
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SRCDC’s Grade 12 students’ Work-Immersion Went Successful
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Photo Credits: Airport Management Team
News Writer: R-Jane F. Lugod  – February 1, 2018                                                                   
YATI, Lilo-an, Cebu – YATI, Lilo-an, Cebu – San Roque College de Cebu’s Grade 12 students’ 80-hour Work Immersion went successful in which all the students were employed. Mr. Eric Pogoy, Immersion Adviser, and Dr. Richard E. Pilapil, were the ones who looked for companies that might as well accept Senior High students despite the 80-hour requirement which sounds odd to other companies.
This work immersion has given so many unforgettable experiences, lessons and memories that they would cherish for the rest of their lives. Being able to have an experience at one’s future work place will definitely feel overwhelming, it’s like you are given the chance to experience to be in the shoes of your sister or brother’s college life.  
Some students already finished their 80-hour immersion but until today there are a few students are still on duty since some companies tend to not accept the Grade 12 students due to confidentiality. But before the actual Work Immersion, the students attended a few seminars namely Work Ethics, Safety in Workplace, Workplace Rights and Responsibilities, Confidentiality  in the Workplace and Effective Conflict Resolution and Teamwork. The following seminars were conducted to help and enlighten them as to what are the do’s and don’ts when you are inside a specific work place.
According to DepEd’s (Department of Education) website, “Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. A Senior High School student has to undergo Work Immersion in an industry that directly relates to the student’s postsecondary goal. Through Work Immersion, the students are exposed to and become familiar with work-related environment related to their field of specialization to enhance their competence.” In which this means that every Grade 12 students are required to finish the 80-hour Work Immersion without any excuses because if they do not comply this requirement, they cannot graduate at all.
They got to experience working up to 8 hours per day or have an overtime, if they could do so just to finish it earlier due to hectic schedule. Aside from that, commuting and heavy traffic were one of their issues everyday especially those students who were assigned in the city. It was a memorable one for them especially when they are finally graduating as the first batch of San Roque College de Cebu’s Senior High School.
YATI, Lilo-an, Cebu – YATI, Lilo-an, Cebu – San Roque College de Cebu’s Grade 12 students’ 80-hour Work Immersion went successful in which all the students were employed. Mr. Eric Pogoy, Immersion Adviser, and Dr. Richard E. Pilapil, were the ones who looked for companies that might as well accept Senior High students despite the 80-hour requirement which sounds odd to other companies.
This work immersion has given so many unforgettable experiences, lessons and memories that they would cherish for the rest of their lives. Being able to have an experience at one’s future work place will definitely feel overwhelming, it’s like you are given the chance to experience to be in the shoes of your sister or brother’s college life.  
Some students already finished their 80-hour immersion but until today there are a few students are still on duty since some companies tend to not accept the Grade 12 students due to confidentiality. But before the actual Work Immersion, the students attended a few seminars namely Work Ethics, Safety in Workplace, Workplace Rights and Responsibilities, Confidentiality  in the Workplace and Effective Conflict Resolution and Teamwork. The following seminars were conducted to help and enlighten them as to what are the do’s and don’ts when you are inside a specific work place.
According to DepEd’s (Department of Education) website, “Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. A Senior High School student has to undergo Work Immersion in an industry that directly relates to the student’s post secondary goal. Through Work Immersion, the students are exposed to and become familiar with work-related environment related to their field of specialization to enhance their competence.” In which this means that every Grade 12 students are required to finish the 80-hour Work Immersion without any excuses because if they do not comply this requirement, they cannot graduate at all.
They got to experience working up to 8 hours per day or have an overtime, if they could do so just to finish it earlier due to hectic schedule. Aside from that, commuting and heavy traffic were one of their issues everyday especially those students who were assigned in the city. It was a memorable one for them especially when they are finally graduating as the first batch of San Roque College de Cebu’s Senior High School.
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San Roque College de Cebu with it’s finest Journalism Programs
The school has a strong tradition of training journalists the fundamentals that will help them succeed in any career, whether print, broadcast or online. Students are taught how to gather information, critically analyze it, and communicate it effectively, accurately, and ethically. We are one of the few programs to require every student to take courses in ethics, public affairs reporting, and media publication to apply skills in the real world. Students also are trained in the latest technology they need to succeed in an ever-changing digital media environment.
Journalism lives. Journalism matters...
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On Feb 3 2018 BJ Pepito (The Champ) competed in TapTap Cebu for a motocross competition.
 BJ E. Pepito, a student of SRCDC Grade 10 Dicipline is a Filipino professional motocross racer, competing to different regions of the Philippines. Currently riding the #8. He is currently racing in the pro and expert category with a 250 Yamaha bike.
 Pepito was known to be the wonder boy of Daanbantayan at the age of 6 and he is declared as the youngest expert rider at the age 14. Pepito started riding at the age of 5 inspired by his late grand father Carlos Manly Enage. After the long run of racing, Pepito became the highest winning mini bike rider in MS motosuit leg which made him the rider of the year for 4 consecutive years. He also received awards for 3 consecutive years from one of the high-in motorcycle industry in the Philippines; Golden Wheel Award which was held in Manila. He holds the record for being one of the fastest lap time in Supercross competition.
 And now as an independent youngest Pro-Expert rider, Pepito continues to shine as he competes to other expert riders around Philippines such as Glenn Aguilar, Bornok Mangosong, Jon Jon Adlawan and never did fail to bring home the bacon. Pepito is proud as he represents the name of the school (SRCDC) and the name of the country as he waves the Philippine flag in every championship. 
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