spellbound-titus · 7 years
Jamie chewed on her lip, listening to him ramble with such charm. Her head cocked to either side as she weighed his words, developing her own counterargument, “I’ll give you that. There are many sides to science. Everyone has to believe what they’re doing is right in a way, fighting for some cause they value.” But was there a purpose to Titus’ hybrids? She honestly wasn’t sure about that. “What do you see as the consequences of humanity?” Jamie sat across from him, leaning on her elbows. This was a conversation she meant to be engaged in. “Well the laws of science aren’t something one can change or question. They just are.” Jamie nodded, “And you make those choices and I’m a part of–your balance?” Her brow furrowed as she questioned him, unsure of whether or not she was following properly.
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“Well, there are many. Global warming, war, disease, famine. It’s not that individual humans are evil, but in groups they can be catastrophic. Honestly, humankind doesn’t interest me nearly as much as what happens after you add supernatural elements to it.” Tenting his fingers, he thought for a moment. He appreciated her inquiring mind, as he was so rarely challenged intellectually. “Yes, but the laws of morality are malleable and inconsistent. In a way.” He replied, “But I prefer to think of you as part of my greater good. You all benefit my species as well as your own. Also, you’re continuing education on supernatural beings in general, I like to believe that you are leverage that assists in me keeping the balance.”
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spellbound-titus · 7 years
“Well, the scientific method sure..” She conceded, her mind drifting for only a moment as she wondered what all Titus would think of her choice to continue practicing school. It must seem, in some way odd to him. But his rolling charm allowed her a window into his mind she couldn’t pass up. “But science where school is regarded in the human world normally fights for a greater good.” Her hands rolled together behind her back. “I’m sure that’s true. You want things done right. But science has laws that uphold how facts are measured.” Did witches have laws? Jamie fell into step with him. “Will you be getting anything?”
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Heading toward the coffee shop, he considered her points. “That depends, I believe science has been used both for good and evil, depending on how you look at what’s being done and which side of the equation you’re on. The ‘greater good’ can mean many things. It can be hunting and killing species that are overpopulated and hoarding resources, or it can mean interfering in the natural order of things to promote one species reign over another. And that’s just speaking of the animal kingdom, the grey areas of morality are so much bigger when you consider humanity and it’s consequences.” Smirking, he sat near the big bay windows. “I think too many rules make progress impossible, however, well enforced boundaries make a team more successful. It’s about balance. And, obviously, someone has to make those choices.”
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spellbound-titus · 7 years
Jamie eyed him as he spoke, catching the innuendos so carefully woven into his words. Suddenly she realized that she was currently the pigeon she’d be dissecting tomorrow, now unsure about whether she’d have the stomach for such an experiment. “Well I believe you and I practice a different sort of science. Although, do facts and science really combine with your…practice?” She wondered genuinely, his thoughts on this probe too. “Alright. You might be right on that account.” She bit her lip, but stood firm in her conviction.
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There was a reluctance to Jamie that Titus admired. Instead of just accepting her fate, she was always thinking ahead. “Isn’t all science kind of inherently the same? Trying things and then attempting to explain why they end up the way they do?” Smoothing a hand over his beard, he considered her question. “Actually, there is quite a bit of data, research and theory that goes into ‘my practice’. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be successful.” Tucking his phone away, he turned toward the nearest cafe. “Brewed up has delicious lattes. Let’s get you one.”
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spellbound-titus · 7 years
Her eyes, wide and alert as they flicked down the book in hand, right back up to him. “Ah, anatomy. Ya know just standard stuff. Lab day tomorrow so–think we are ah, dissecting pigeons or some other winged creature.” She paused, “I think it was pigeons anyway.”
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“Ah, science. One of my favorites, though I’m not sure what pigeons have to do with anything.” He shrugged, her nerves were obvious, but he always had admired her brain. “Would you like a cup of coffee? It’ll probably help with the studying.”
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spellbound-titus · 7 years
Zac grunted and clamped his eyes shut in pain. The blood had started to run down his leg and he could feel it pooling in his shoes. He opened his eyes slowly and forced a laugh “A Marvelous species?” he joked. “your ‘Marvelous’ species created the vampires who have killed hundreds of thousands of people? All for a ego boost!” he spat. “Oh I can definitely show you how interesting my species is if you let me go” he taunted imagining the pleasure of ripping the guys throat out with his teeth. 
“I refuse to apologize for doing little to nothing wrong. Especially to the likes of you. Go on. Torture me. I’ve had worse and you can only keep this little trick up for so long before someone notices” he taunted “My breaking point is death but I know you wont do it. You can’t.”
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“Yes, they did. But everyone has a rebellious phase, I suppose. And, a few hundred thousand people is nothing on what humans have brutally murdered in their existence.” Titus shook his head once, definitely, sitting forward in his chair. “No, my boy. Not for ego. For power.”  
Smirking, he decided not to let him go. Instead, run your claws up your arm. He pushed. “You’ve been through worse, you say? And survived? You must be strong... You may, in fact, be a good candidate for a little project I’m working on. It’s not my call, of course. I have someone who makes those choices for me.” He hummed to himself. “She may wish to meet you though.” Stop. Put your claws away. 
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spellbound-titus · 7 years
                she does want to know, she wants to know other things, whatsoever. not why her brain does what it does (chemical imbalance, chemical imbalance, chemical imbbalance), she wants to know why her mother bailed on them, on her. so she wills herself to trespass the fear, slowly sighing and taking a step towards the man.             ‘  i can’t help you find her, i never knew her. but – that’s me, on the picture… that’s- that’s me.  ‘
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Smiling, he paused just long enough to let her worry, before adjusting his features into a more serious tone and turning to face her. “I am sorry, I did not intend to come off as too much, it’s just... I haven’t seen her in so long. You don’t forget your family, you know.” Looking at his feet in what some would construe as regret, he slid his hands into his pockets. “It’s okay that you don’t know where she is. It’s enough to know you’re okay.” 
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spellbound-titus · 7 years
“Cant say I do.” Mordecai replied with a small cock of his head. “While I do enjoy the growth in technology people have made, they have yet to make something that is friendly to someone like me.” Mordecai arched a brow ever so slightly, his eyes falling back onto Titus as a small furry head poked out of his breast pocket.“And yet, all those who have said those very same words are still shocked when they feel the knife strike…” Mordecai mused, his small familiar climbing up to his shoulder and starting to clean her face and long whiskers before yawning. “I am sure you know why I am here.”
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“Hmm. Right, must be interesting to be mostly on your own. Less to keep track of, I suppose.” Titus eyed the mouse with something akin to disgust. He never understood the draw of rodents, but to each their own. “Maybe it’s arrogance, but I trust my people, especially as there are so many of them.” Shaking his head, the witch eyed the other. “I’m afraid I do not. Mind enlightening me?”
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spellbound-titus · 7 years
“Oh!” Jamie spoke, having not seen the figure any more than he had it seemed. Only upon looking up did she realize what unfortunate luck she may have just had, shutting her textbook rapidly she met his eyes, before stepping back slightly. “Oh. I’m sorry too.” 
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“Jamie. Hello, and apologies.” Titus said warmly. “What are we studying today? Anything interesting?”
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spellbound-titus · 7 years
Zac scoffed “yeah right” He was so done with this guys magic show but he knew he had gotten himself into it. He was always putting himself in the shit even though he tried to hard to stay away from it. “I don’t respect witches. Never have and never will, mate. It will never happen” He tried calming his heart rate down but it was racing too fast. Zac could smell the drug from where he was sitting and even from a distance it was making him feel lightheaded. “Well isn’t that clever” he quipped. Zac’s breath caught in his throat as those words were spoken. Fun? What fun? what else was he gonna be put through? 
Completely silenced and controlled Zac winced, grunting in pain as his claws ripped through his flesh drawing blood which started to seep onto his jeans. A small tear rolled down the side of his cheek as he forcibly held back his scream. He shot death glares at the man with yellow eyes. He would not apologize. 
‘You’ve been through worse. You’ve been through worse. You’ve been through worse’ He kept chanting in his head.
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Titus leaned back in the chair, crossing his arms and watching the wolf struggle with himself. It was so much more interesting when they truly fought. “Shame. We’re a marvelous species. Much more refined, you’ll find, then the packs. You see, there is a certain level of respect that’s just not observed in some of the lesser... interesting species.” He took a stick of gum out of his pocket, deliberately and slowly unwrapping it. When he curled it into his mouth and looked up, he caught the tear, but the glare that accompanied it was even more intriguing. 
“You could always just apologize. This doesn’t have to get worse. Though I do admire your strength. It’s an impressive mental capacity I haven’t seen in quite some time. Tell me, where is your breaking point? Would you like to find out?”
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spellbound-titus · 7 years
                 usually, lennox is the patient type, the all-too-cruious for her own good one, but her gut feeling is pulling her in the opposite direction of him and something grandma always used to tell her was to always trust her instinct because she was special. what she meant? lennox never knew, the woman never told. she’s uneasy and it shows, arms folding over her chest as he talks, lips sealed shut rather anxiously, chewing the inside of her cheek. still, when he pulls out the picture, she leans in forth just enough for getting a good glance at it. panic rises in her chest, she takes a step back, lets her arms drop to her sides for a moment before one hand pulls her hair back as she shakes her head.              ‘ oh, i get it now  ——-  you’re a psycho. great, okay, have a nice one– ‘
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Backing away slowly, hands in the air, Titus dropped the ‘lets be friends’ act. “Whoa, okay, I just thought you might want to know more about your family, and why your brain does what it does.” Not that he knew what her talent was, but it was more than likely an intellectual skill, given how defensive she was, and the lineage. “I’ll leave you alone, I just figured you’d be curious about your mother.” He tossed the words carelessly at her, dangling bait as he turned to go.
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spellbound-titus · 7 years
Zac’s heart-rate increased as his breathing became rapid “oh I learnt it, never trust anyone and revenge is better served bloody” he growled still unable to move. Zac laughed bitterly “yeahhh NO. Not gonna happen grandpa” Zac watched as one hand moved over the other under the table and grunted as he tried to move it away. He looked up quickly trying to keep a hard face, he had been through worse. He just needed to keep saying that to himself. Zac looked him dead in the eye and smirked at the silver “unless it’s soaked in wolfsbane, that watch won’t do jack squat to me” he paused for a moment “Nah, I think i’ll pass” 
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Smirking, Titus appraised the wolf. “You learned a lesson, albeit not the right one. The right one has to do with respect for your superiors, both in status and in species. Yes, I am old enough to be your grandfather, which means I’ve been perfecting my craft since before your parents were born. Kid.” Removing the pin from behind the face of the watch, Titus held it up so the other could see. “It’s a variant of the drug morphine. Specially made for wolves. Before you ask, no it won’t kill you, but it will make you pass out long enough that if I wanted to, I could kill you.” He smiled. How the head witch wished Rose were here, she’d be enjoying the little display. She’d probably want to make him one of her minions. Sighing, he put the watch back on his wrist. “Though, killing you would spoil my fun.” Release your claws into your wrist, without screaming.  “You’ll notice: I could just force you to apologize... I just want you to mean it.”
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spellbound-titus · 7 years
Zac chuckled “yeah…sure” he rolled his eyes. A harsh force overcame his body as he started to move towards the chair, he looked around frantically and locked eyes with the old man. a witch, he should have smelt it.  “Stop it” he growled trying with all his might to break the link. He winced as he sat and looked up at the man “me? apologize? to a witch?” he spat out each question trying to take control of his own body. “Your kind have taught me a few lessons and all the teachers have ended up dead. Try me” he taunted dangerously.
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Kids these days. At least Titus could flex his muscles a bit. After all, it had been a while since he’d played with a wolf. “Now, why would I stop it since you clearly haven’t learned your lesson?” The witch grinned, sitting across from the wolf. “Yes, you. Apologize. To a witch.” He nodded, as if Zac were stupid instead of rebellious. Shaking his head, he pushed the wolf to press one hand into the other under the table. “I have a feeling your teachers have had nothing on me, kid. Now.” He leaned forward, voice going quieter. “What happens if I prompt you to release your claws? Or... Say, play with some silver?” He took off his watch, dangling it from a forefinger. “Want to apologize now?”
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spellbound-titus · 7 years
He made intense eye contact with the old man stood in front of him and cocked his head to the side followed by a smirk. “It’s not the war anymore grandpa. If anything life and death is at the bottom of my priority list right now” he paused “So you gonna shift out my way or continue being a stubborn git?” 
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Titus sighed. “If you don’t realize there is a war going on, you might need to pay a bit more attention.” It wasn’t the witch’s day, apparently and this obnoxious wolf was just about the last straw. Glancing over, Titus saw a little cafe set on the sidewalk. “Why don’t we just take a seat, instead?” The words were genial, but the mental push was not, it was forceful, deliberately harsh. Sit. Now. “If you apologize, we can just pretend this little incident never happened. Or you can continue being an obnoxious little shit and I’ll teach you a thing or two about manners.” 
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spellbound-titus · 7 years
Titus’ jaw clenched once, hard, before he turned around slowly. “Listen, kid. I know you think that getting where you want to go seems like the end of the world, but I actually deal with life and death every damn day, so I’m betting my conversation” He held up his phone. “Is more important than whether or not you get to bath and body in time for their next sale. 
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Zac walked up behind the person in front of him needing to get around them but they were too invested in their phone. “Yeahhh, I have places to be so could you kindly move out of the way?” he asked, it wasn’t the most polite way of saying excuse me but he had had a bad day so manners had slipped away for the time being. 
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spellbound-titus · 7 years
bare your teeth  – out of all the words that continued to float in and out her mind. those three words seems to appear the most, increasing in volume by the duration of her stay here. with them. and because of it she started to wonder - to think… how it would feel – as my teeth to tear into their throats. every last one. 
but it doesn’t matter - knows that even if she did manage to bite or rip some part of their flesh from a body part – again – then things, the torture, would be excruciating. the pain would last for a long time or it would be a full day of whatever they had planned for her would have been worth it. long as she got to hear the shrieks of pain and shock from them - especially if it’s the ones who were physically involved with the torture she endured. bree could still remembered the somewhat surprised, and a little of fear, from her adopted mother that day - the wolf played as if she had passed out from the experiments - waited until they came close as she laid on the floor. they had to use magic just to get her off of the witch – she sunk her teeth so deeply into that witch’s arm that it almost came off when bree was thrown off of her. mouth full of blood - bree gave them a wolfish grin, the blood dripping from her lips as she laughed. they were more careful of her afterwards. but not careful enough.
bree had her back pressed wall, arms wrapped tightly around her legs as her forehead rested on top of her knees. she was tired. she’s broken. and they won’t leave her alone. bree winced in pain as claws dug into the sides of her legs – her own claws - immediately loosening her hold slightly as she hears the door open. she knows by the scent alone that it’s the adopted mother from hell and – someone new. bree didn’t bother to look up and satisfy that curiosity - so she just stayed in her position - doing another thing that the woman hated.
if bree really wanted to annoy them - she just spoke in her native language. sometimes even went months where she refused to speak english.  ‘ iah…tohsa sata:ti…’
Little Titus pressed his face against the bars, squirming in that way little boys do as he tried to see better. She was older than he’d first thought, though small for her age and wiry. He couldn’t understand the words she used, something that frustrated the bright little boy who often understood much more than he was supposed to. “iah.” He started to copy her, trying to befriend the lonely mass in the corner, only to feel nails digging into his shoulder. His mouth snapped shut, and he looked up to see his mother shaking her head. “That’s pet talk. Not human.” She spat at the figure in the cage. 
“Mum, it is-”
“Not a human, son. That is what I’m trying to teach you.” The words sliced through the air and though her voice wasn’t raised, she was all the more terrifying for her calm. “Look.” Pulling out an old silver locket dipped in something, she pressed it into his hands. “See? It’s pretty, right? Now, why don’t you give it to her?” Sharing wasn’t a lesson Titus ever got, and instinctively his fingers curled around the jewelry. But she looked so sad. 
“Here.” He tossed the necklace with a big boy throw toward her lap. 
Back Para: Bree-bree and the Beast
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spellbound-titus · 7 years
“How do you mean ‘both’?” she said, looking at him questioningly.  She’d never thought about what it would be like if she could be both witch and undead.  It didn’t seem possible, because she figured she’d have heard of it before if it was,”  Is that actually possible?”
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“Well, I’m not making any promises, but I believe there might be a way to be an immortal witch. Or a magic vampire, something similar.” It was actually how he’d stumbled upon the hybrids, working on immortality. The fact they were so malleable was a blessing he didn’t expect. And yet, immortality still evaded him. “I would like to think so. However, currently it’s just a theory.” 
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spellbound-titus · 7 years
Mordecai hummed softly, resting his hands on his cane as he looked towards the sound of the other’s voice. “I am curious as to what distracts you, Titus…” The white witch mused, an eyebrow arching as he looked at the other with his milky blind eyes. “You tend to keep your eyes forward and mind present. One would have to worry for you if you became too distracted.”
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Titus’ eye twitched, but he refrained from sighing. “Waiting on a text back from a friend. You know how that goes, I suppose.” The barb was concealed as banter, and Titus stuck his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels. “Oh, I’m certain I have enough eyes on my back that nothing should happen to it, lest I get preoccupied.” 
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