soggie-saboteur · 18 days
[It was so confused. What on earth was this man talking about?? Sebastian groaned loudly before trying to get the man's attention again.]
"S-Sir? Can we please get back on topic? I'd prefer if you didn't blow up the place, at least not yet. One of us is a sentient computer ai, who definitely doesn't need to be getting wet. Also, what are you doing with slugs? Why can they explode?? If someone is here, do I need to assist them? I'll honestly do whatever is needed for us to get out of here."
Hello, I can get you so much shit on Urbanshade's experiments and more than likely anything else they've got going on, but in exchange I NEED you to get me out of their hell hole of a place. Hopefully this actually manages to get to you as I've had no success in reaching any other rival companies so far.
" ........... Greg, why is the radio talking? "
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soggie-saboteur · 18 days
[A loud, very tired sigh could be heard from the radio. On the other end, Sebastian was rubbing its temples. This was its last place to try and get it out, this had to work out.]
"Ok, one, radios always talk? That's sort of the whole point of them. Two, I'm someone Urbanshade has used as an experiment, and I'd really like to get out of here. You and your company are my last chance, I have some friends who also need to get out. But in exchange, I can give you a great number of classified documents from Urbanshade, and I'll be willing to let you run some tests on me. NOTHING CRAZY, but you can study me, I suppose..."
[It really didn't want to let itself get tested on more, but it was desperate at this point. If letting itself continue to be a lab rat got it and the others out, then it'd gladly do so.]
Hello, I can get you so much shit on Urbanshade's experiments and more than likely anything else they've got going on, but in exchange I NEED you to get me out of their hell hole of a place. Hopefully this actually manages to get to you as I've had no success in reaching any other rival companies so far.
" ........... Greg, why is the radio talking? "
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soggie-saboteur · 1 month
Sebastian squinted at the other, light hurting its eyes but forcing itself to look at the shark. It ear fins pinned back, already having a guess on who Eye was talking about.
"O-Oh god... Wh-What can I do? Where is he? I can try and sneak onto a sub or something and check on him..."
The sea snake started to anxiously tug at its own hair, trying and failing to force back an anxious whine as it looked at Eyefestation worriedly.
Sebastian looked through the glass worriedly, chittering to itself before knocking on the glass to try and get its attention.
"E-Eye? Are you ok? What's wrong??"
as Sebastian had approached the window, it could feel Eyefestation's low, trembling rage, as if he were to have just slithered up to a burning heater. Eyefestation glared over, suddenly bathing the large sea snake in a shower of crimson, swimming closer to the window, which made it's head hurt from the effect. " something.... something HAPPENED to him.. someone HURT HIM. " who would be..... 'him'?
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soggie-saboteur · 1 month
It frowned, but decided to start heading to the dock to meet with HQ. It was very concerned but it wasn't much of a fighter so it knew it wouldn't be able to really protect him. First it scrounged up its scavenged blankets to make a "bed" for Dodgeball, being internally excited to get to see a cat for the first time since it was jailed.
Soon Sebastian gathered any supplies it may need in case HQ got hurt, then setting off to quickly get to the docks and wait for the man anxiously.
Sebastian is visibly very concerned, waving at a camera frantically to get HQ's attention.
H-Hey, are you ok? I-I have somewhere safe hidden away if you need to hide, o-or at least let me take your cat if you don't want to leave? I don't like how this other u-um... Me? How he's acting towards you. I'd rather sacrifice the location of my safe space than just let you get hurt, or worse...
It's scratching at one of its arms anxiously, sleeve pushed up to show irritated red skin and missing scales.
"if you could take Dodgeball that would be appreciated.. Im.. gonna try and make my way down to you."
He grabbed the last few of his things, locking away all his important documents before he left the room in a rush, leaving the cameras behind.
"Things aren't looking good, I don't know how much time I have - fuck-"
There was a loud screech heard on HQs end as his line went quiet.
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soggie-saboteur · 1 month
Heres a grilled cheese, i gave all the other sebastians one so i should give you one. The winged Expendable(?) hands you a sandwich
It nervously takes the grilled cheese, sniffing it cautiously before setting it to the side to eat later.
Thank you? I-I'll eat it later...
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soggie-saboteur · 1 month
The worst I can experience is a fucking PANIC ATTACK because I have a phobia of open waters!
It pulls at its hair anxiously, before looking in the direction it was told, then looking back at the camera. Sebastian's ear fins pin back anxiously, ashamed of how its acted.
Th-Thank you... Sorry for yelling, trying not to panic at the idea of having to go out there...
It is seen slithering down a hallway, trying to find items to scavenge when it ends up stuck in a dead end, ending in an opening into water. Sebastian glances around before noticing a camera and waving at it. It doesn't know if they have sound, so it dramatically gestures towards the hole in an attempt to ask for help finding a different way out as it didn't want to get attacked by any of the other creatures nor did it want to have a panic attack under water.
- @soggie-saboteur
There was a short silence before the speakers came to life in the room, a confused tone in HQ responded to the odd motions of Sebastian, initially not understanding its attempts of asking for assistance.
"Z-13.. what are you doing? You should be more than capable of traversing the Land Vet Zone."
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soggie-saboteur · 1 month
It makes a terrified face before shaking its head fiercely and making large X motions with its arms.
Like hell I am! I don't know if you can even hear me, but I refuse to set foot... Er... Tail? In that fucking water! I have no earthly idea where Eyefestation is, and I'd rather not have a panic attack right now when I've got supplies for both myself and any expendables that come by.
While it speaks, it's continuing to motion around trying to convey the fact that it does NOT want to go in the water. Fuck the ocean, it's terrifying.
It is seen slithering down a hallway, trying to find items to scavenge when it ends up stuck in a dead end, ending in an opening into water. Sebastian glances around before noticing a camera and waving at it. It doesn't know if they have sound, so it dramatically gestures towards the hole in an attempt to ask for help finding a different way out as it didn't want to get attacked by any of the other creatures nor did it want to have a panic attack under water.
- @soggie-saboteur
There was a short silence before the speakers came to life in the room, a confused tone in HQ responded to the odd motions of Sebastian, initially not understanding its attempts of asking for assistance.
"Z-13.. what are you doing? You should be more than capable of traversing the Land Vet Zone."
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soggie-saboteur · 2 months
Sebastian flinched at first before realizing the strange touch wasn't harmful. It peeked its head out from its curled up body, giggling as the shark nudged and bounced it around.
Wh-What are you doing? You're so silly.
At this point, it'd forgotten why it was so scared now focusing on Eyefestation instead of the open waters around them.
It was crawling through the vents before the one it was in broke, making fall from the ceiling and into a hole in the floor and into the ocean right in front of the shark. Its glowing eyes widened as it stared at them and yelped, curling its tail around itself which made it sink and panic more.
- @soggie-saboteur
it was confused by the sudden wave of pressure it felt within the water, curling it's body quickly to look over at what caused it. it watched as the other yelped and immediately coiled it's incredibly long, snake-like body around itself defensively (presumably). it quietly watched for a few seconds as the other sank, bubbles moving around it and disappearing into the water up above. if it could tilt it's head, it would.. after sitting there for a small moment, it then slowly swam down, beginning to nudge the creature around with it's snout, slowly trailing it upwards but also beginning to.. play with the coiled creature. it bounced it around with it's snout, even gently hitting it around with it's tail, although not painfully. it was having fun with the panicked ball of scales.
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soggie-saboteur · 2 months
Intro Post
Hello there friend! My name is Sebastian Solace, but you probably already know that given how much you all seem to like me. I use It/Its pronouns, and I ask that you please respect my boundaries and ask before touching me. Aside from purchasing items of course, that's fine to do.
Somehow an expendable managed to sneak a phone in here, but ended either losing it or maybe just left it since it was right next to water... Anyways, it somehow still works and I'm desperate for interaction so I've made this blog.
Canon and fan character interactions are welcome! Including duplicates hehehe.
Please note that this blog may contain triggering content (will be listed below and updated as needed as well as tagged) due to the illnesses Sebastian has. You are more than free to ask it about these, but please understand I am not a medical expert, nor is Sebastian. Please don't ask for medical advice here and instead speak to a doctor or therapist.
Small DNI specifically for some of the mental illnesses here (subject to change if need be): Endo systems + other non-traumagenic systems, transid/transabled (unless you are someone with BIID who reclaims the phrase)
Discussions of: self harm, self mutilation, gender and atypical dysphoria, depression, anxiety, dissociation
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