sly-valkyrie · 4 years
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sly-valkyrie · 4 years
so was no one gonna tell me Hades from Hercules is based on the persona of a sleazy used car salesman??? bless
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sly-valkyrie · 6 years
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sly-valkyrie · 6 years
“Those poor boys”
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“She deserves to be punished too.”
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“I’m not saying I support rape, but-”
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“Sorry to say - she deserved it.”
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“She put herself in harm’s way”
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“But if she was fingered, then that’s not rape.”
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“She ruined their lives.”
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sly-valkyrie · 6 years
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sly-valkyrie · 6 years
Final Goodbye
Loki x Reader Oneshot
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Prompt/AU: Alternate Infinity War ending
Chapter: Oneshot
Warnings: Major angst at the start, probably swearing.
A/N: So I made this and I wasn’t proud of the angst monster I’d created so naturally I added an extended ending to make it happier. If you’re the kind of soulless monster that just enjoys angst then simply skip the extended ending, which is mainly just crack.
“We did it.”
She struggled to hold up his larger body, her small, injured form gripping him tightly.
“I’m sorry.”
Loki looked up at her with the sincerest look he’d ever given anyone, and she couldn’t stop the small sob.
“No, you don’t have to be. Darling, it’s over, the war is over, we’re safe.” She replied softly, her hand tangling into his matted, messy hair.
“No, we’re not.” Loki choked out. He tried hard to stand up, but felt his legs buckle beneath him, and his beloved’s much weaker, fight drained form also collapsed. They landed on the ground together, breathing heavily.
“What are you talking about?”
Her voice started to shake a little, and she bit her lip. Loki shifted, his arm felt like lead when he lifted it to grab the hand of his wife, lifting both their hands up. It took him a ridiculous amount of energy, but he knew well why he had to do it.
“This is what, my love.” He murmured, his head still buried in the crook of her neck. Through the blood and dirt and grime, he could still smell her sweet, familiar scent on her.
He wanted it to be the last thing he experienced.
She noticed as he lifted her hand.
Both of their fingertips were turning into dust, slowly blowing away in the wind around them.
Her chest clenched.
“No.” She mumbled.
The tears were streaming down both their cheeks. She used her free hand to cup his cheek, lifting his face so that he could see her. He sobbed.
He didn’t want to see that look on his Queen. He didn’t want to see how he failed her. How he failed to protect her, like he had sworn to do so long ago.
“I’m sorry.” He choked out again.
This time she didn’t question, because she knew. This time it wasn’t a singular sob, but a chorus of them, one after another, each one more pitiful than the next. She looked down at her arm. Both of their elbows were falling away into dust.
“I love you.” She said through her cries.
“I love you more.” Loki replied, his voice cracking a little. He pressed his lips against her cheeks, kissing away the tears.
“Loki, promise me something.” She whispered, watching as their shoulders followed suit.
“Anything, my darling, anything for you.”
“Wherever we end up,” she said eventually, trying to even her sobs into coherency, “promise you’ll never stop looking for me. And I’ll do the same for you.”
“I promise.” Loki was sobbing with her now, his head buried in the crook of her neck. “I swear on my love and honour for you, my Queen, I shall never rest until I see you once again.”
He looked up at her tear stained face, gazing into her beautiful eyes, trying hard to remember every single detail through his blurry, teary eyed vision.
“Until I hear you once again.”
He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, blinking back the tears desperately. They were almost gone.
“Until I feel you once again.”
He cupped her cheek, ignoring it’s wetness and focusing on the softness of the tender skin.
“Until I kiss you once again.”
He leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers, sharing one last teary, passionate kiss. They both flooded in all the love they shared for each other into the gesture, bodies shaking with supressed sobs as they faded away, still holding onto each other, melding against each other, and soon all that was left of them dust flying in the cool breeze and a pair of wedding rings that dropped to the floor, clinking softly as they hit each other and fell, motionless once more.
(Because I’m currently in tears repeating the words ‘oh no’ and not being able to cope with the angst I have created)
As the huge TV screen faded to black, you felt you mouth hang open. The home cinema speakers once again crackled into silence, which resonated throughout the room louder than any of the sobs and screams you’d just heard.
You barely registered the tear tracks on your cheeks as you looked around, the first to move, to see your fellow teammates just as stunned as you.
No one spoke for a while, until-
“We should never have let them make movies about us.”
“Never.” You echoed, agreeing with Nat’s statement.
The sound of your voices seemed to bring everyone back from the silence, and Tony was the next to speak up.
“I don’t think I’m gonna sleep ever again.”
“Where you planning to anyway?” Clint asked, fully serious. Tony shrugged in response.
“That was physically painful to watch.” Peter added to the conversation, most of the Avengers agreeing with them. You were one of them.
“My poor heart.” Thor mumbled, pressing a hand to his chest.
“Awh, Thoreo.” You mumbled, rubbing his arm. “It’s only a movie, it’s fake.”
Pretty much everyone needed that consolation.
“Are we not gonna talk about how Tony and the Spiderkid’s death scene had me openly bawling?” Steve asked, and a few others agreed.
“Which is why I’m never sleeping again.” Tony muttered.
“Aw, Mr Stark, you do care.” Peter smiled, earning a glare as a response.
“Honestly, speak for yourself,” Bucky said. “I was ready to bawl at Loki and (y/n)’s death scene.”
A few more Avengers agreed.
You turned to Loki, who’d been uncharacteristically silent this whole time. He was frowning a little, staring into space.
“Babe?” You asked softly. He looked up at you.
“Oh, has it finished?”
You raised an eyebrow. “Has what finished?”
“That wretched movie. I swear I felt my heart being ripped out my chest and shoved up my arse upon seeing those horrors.” Loki replied casually. “I forced myself to zone out after hearing ‘promise you’ll never stop looking for me’.”
You stared, stunned. Everyone else had gone quiet to listen in to the conversation with intrigue.
“Alright,” Loki said casually, standing up from the loveseat he was sat on with you and brushing the popcorn crumbs from his lap. “I’m going to go figure out a spell to temporarily disable feeling emotions in preparation for the next nuclear bomb of a movie the Russos make.”
You still stared in complete shock.
You had expected many reactions from Loki, but this was not one of them.
“I shall see you all after I have rid myself of the sin and tears that terror show instilled in me. See you in….a few days.”
Loki walked out of the home cinema room, completely casually, his hands in his pockets.
The silence lasted for a few more seconds, in which you heard the door close and then heard-
*roll credits*
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sly-valkyrie · 6 years
I'm just gonna leave this here
53K notes · View notes
sly-valkyrie · 6 years
238K notes · View notes
sly-valkyrie · 6 years
Join Tapas to discover amazing stories and unlock episodes of unique comics and books. Use my invite code ZEIN156Y for 200 coins! tapas.io/app
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sly-valkyrie · 6 years
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Now if that’s doesn’t spark a Loki movie, I don’t know what will.
14K notes · View notes
sly-valkyrie · 6 years
rewatching infinity war(to torture myself)
I want my babies back please.
I 😭 just 😭 want 😭 my 😭babies 😭 back 😭
0 notes
sly-valkyrie · 6 years
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We’re all gonna be dead and it’s all marvel’s fault ;-;
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sly-valkyrie · 6 years
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222K notes · View notes
sly-valkyrie · 6 years
Prompts for Klaus Mikaelson.
“You better think twice before you threaten me ever again.” 
“Idiots. I’m surrounded by idiots.”
“You’re on my mind love.”
“Why does everyone assume the worst of me?” “It saves time.” 
“You really know how to hurt people. I admire you for that.” 
“I break the rules, so I don’t care.” 
“That’s a little melodramatic, don’t you think?” 
“I really liked you better when you hated everybody.” 
“Turn it up a little bit. It’s not annoying yet.” 
“Nostalgia is a bitch.” 
“If I had a good side, not a way to get on it.” 
“Have I threatened you before?” 
“You have upset me in ways I can’t even understand!” 
“And that’s my problem because… Oh, wait. No it’s not my problem.” 
“I’m not evil, I just know the plot.” 
“Hm? Sorry I couldn’t hear you over the sound of how pretentious I am.” 
“You know I love you more when you’re cold and heartless.” 
“Are you ready to unleash the fury my love?!” 
“You haven’t even seen my bad side yet.” 
“Look where being good got you.” 
“Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.” 
“I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees.” 
This is your world. Shape it or someone else will.” 
“I’m the one you love to hate.” 
“Darling, you’re boring me.” 
“You can’t go out now, the werewolf is roaming the forest.” 
“The slow shadow of death is falling.” 
“When I say I am not normal, I honestly mean it.” 
“It was real. It was real to me.” 
“You never really loved me, did you.” 
“I don’t want to live without you. I can’t.”
“This is why I don’t let anyone in!” 
“I don’t want to feel anymore.” “It all hurts to much.” 
“No! I won’t be your secret.” 
“What happened to us? Why did it end?” 
“I’m still in love with you.” 
“Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf.” 
“How is leaving so easy for you?” 
“Don’t leave me! Please!” 
“Why does it hurt so much?” “Beause it was real.” 
“I can do this without you.” “But you can’t.” 
“I will always love you.” 
“How long have you been standing there?” 
“If I die, I’m going to haunt your ass.” 
“Quit it or I’ll bite you.” 
“That’s starting to get annoying.” 
“You’re Satan.” 
“I’ll kick his ass if you want me to.” 
“I’m to sober for this.”
“Where the booze at?” 
“Forget it. You suck.” 
“Bite me.” 
“You tried to kill me!” 
“Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.” 
“Did you enjoy yourself last night?” 
“You’d enjoy that wouldn’t you.” 
“Are you really taking his/her side against mine?” 
“Touch me again, I’ll rip your heart from your chest.” 
“Wait a second, are you jealous?” 
“Why do you keep pushing me away?” 
“Come and make me.” 
“This seems like a bad idea. I love it.” 
“Am I supposed to be scared of you?” 
“I’m done! You fix it!” 
“You better watch yourself.” 
“Are you scared, yet?” 
“I may be smaller that you but that doesn’t mean I can’t kick your ass.” 
“Don’t be an asshole. Asshole.” 
“I’ve got you, you’re safe now.” 
“You can’t hide from me!” 
“How sweet, sacrificing yourself for her, when did you get a heart?” 
“Darling, where is his head?” 
“Stay with me okay? Stay awake!” 
“Y/N, please back away.” “No, I know you won’t hurt me.”
“How bout telling me how much you want me.” “You know I can’t be compelled right?”  
Make a request. [x]
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287 notes · View notes
sly-valkyrie · 6 years
I'm not a princess
I don't need saving
I'm a queen
I've got this shit handled
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sly-valkyrie · 6 years
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sly-valkyrie · 6 years
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This is why I love Tumblr
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