slutforlou · 1 year
Last Life in the Universe (2003)
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เรื่องรัก น้อยนิด มหาศาล Last Life in the Universe (2003) directed by Pen-Ek Ratanaruang
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slutforlou · 2 years
Some shots from the Pakistani film Joyland (2022) that I personally found captivating
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slutforlou · 3 years
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I redid this older comic I made for my storytelling class based on this post. Have some cute wlw love in your day.
It’s hard, if I had more free time I could make it so pretty, this is what I could throw together for the assignment.
Help support a queer artist: Ko fi, Redbubble, Teepublic
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slutforlou · 3 years
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slutforlou · 3 years
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more like watching each other shoot into holes and balls and stuff
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slutforlou · 3 years
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Dreaming of the day I get to see Louis wear a turtleneck again
Let’s Get in the Mood(board) for The Away From Home Festival - Day 2: 2021 stage and fashion aesthetics
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slutforlou · 3 years
no but this was literally the most open and vulnerable louis has ever been on camera, from the pre show anxiety with helene, the insecurities, the moments of weakness to the post show parts with his family, his grandparents, his band his friends, all the moments in which he talked about how scared he was and the dark moments in his past like... I feel so grateful and HONORED that he trusts us enough and feels SAFE enough with us to let us see such precious moments!! and it fills me with so much pride and admiration to see all the healing and the rebuilding he did on himself and how much he's grown and you can literally see the weights lifting off his chest and i just... I can't believe we've been allowed to see it and I just wanted to say THANK YOU LOUIS, WE'LL TREASURE THIS FOREVER!!!!
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slutforlou · 3 years
yo malte's so hot
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slutforlou · 3 years
HI SO i just finished y&b and i poured through your tag and saw your post about their lives after the fic and stuff, and i just need to know... in harry's life in the future, what do you see happening with his family? would his dad unfortunately die? would gemma recover and mend their relationship? I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT HIS WELL-BEING
Ohhhh this is quite the message! I like this. Ohkay. So.
What happened to his family? Well, unfortunately, when you have a father like Harry’s, it doesn’t always “get better”, you know? Like…you’re always going to deal with his issues and he’s always going to have ups and downs and it’s always going to be difficult and stressful and bleh. Ya know. So Harry and Louis will be as present as they can be while also maintaining a healthy distance. I image a lot of weekly dinners and phone calls and I imagine that, in a few years, Louis encourages Harry to try to talk it out with his father so he can have a bit of resolution on some things. It will be a rocky relationship, but I see them working on it. No, I don’t think Des will die. I think Des will become a hermit though–as he should have done before, probably. He will keep to himself and fade out of the spotlight and Harry and Louis will bring new records for him to listen to when they visit and Des will sit in his chair and either praise the new blood or slam them unfairly. Louis may or may not egg him on sometimes just for the innocent fun of it. Harry may or may not shake his head as he presses his chin to his chest, hiding the enormous smile he gets whenever Louis is anywhere near him. Or anywhere at all, really.
So as for his mother, I imagine Louis being by Harry’s side as he tries to contact her through the years. Eventually they’ll meet up. Eventually they’ll have lunch in some overly-priced restaurant with crystal glasses and soft violins and fresh, clipped flowers on the tables. I imagine Harry clenching his fist under the table as he tries to keep the conversation light because he doesn’t know what to say–there’s just too much. I imagine his mother being sad at the corners of her eyes and regretful at her lips but I imagine his mother knowing that she’s not going to stay in his life. She’s too ashamed, she’s too selfish, she’s too lost and intimidated by Harry and his world. Louis will be outside the restaurant (even tho he swears in all his texts to Harry that he’s actually out shopping for produce) and he will be trying not to spy through the windows but he absolutely will be and the minute Harry’s mother stands to leave, causing Harry to stand as well, he will rush into the restaurant without another thought. He’ll suction himself to Harry’s side–Harry, who has his head bowed as he stands alone at the table, fists clenched, closed eyelids fluttering, his pristine suit too bright and too crisp on his gentle, fair skin. And Louis won’t ask and won’t speak, just slide his hand into Harry’s, unclenching his fists, and he’ll press lips to his temple as he slowly guides him out. And they’ll spend the rest of the day inside, wrapped up in bed and just lying together, touching from nose to toe, and occasionally Louis will hum in Harry’s ear and glide his hands across the planes of his chest which will make Harry break into soft, surprised giggles as he rolls over and gazes up into Louis’ sweet, sun-just-burst-over-the-horizon face. And through the course of their life, Harry will receive letters from his mother. They’ll never say where she is but writes. And Louis’ always at Harry’s side when he opens them. I dunno if they will ever meet again… Hm. Probably. But not for some time.
So then Gemma? Let’s see. I think she will spiral out of more control, being the beautiful, glamorous, wasted away model. She’ll be sad and people will idolize her. And she’ll hit rock bottom–have a cocaine scandal or something–and she will never reach out to Harry and Harry is so terrified and angry that he won’t reach out either–but Louis will. Louis will act on his feelings and just find her and he will befriend her and they keep up communication. Because Gemma is, maybe, just as fucked up inside as Harry. And Louis will tell her all about him and how much he loves his boy and Gemma will have someone, you know? A genuine someone. So then eventually Gemma will have the courage to visit Harry–after she’s been clean for a couple months and gained a bit of perspective and control on life–and she will just show up. Then Harry will find out about everything Louis did and he will be SO MAD at first–probably won’t talk to him for a week. But then one night, when Louis is still sleeping on the couch bc Gemma is in the guest room (her and Harry have been spending all day, every day together since she came, and Louis doesn’t care how mad Harry is at him–it’s worth it to see the joy in his face when he looks at his sister and they laugh together and reminisce), Louis will be tossing and turning and tugging at the blankets. And then, wordlessly and out of nowhere, Harry will suddenly be there, crouched down and wrapping Louis up in his arms, breathing his neck and gripping him so tightly, so softly. And his eyes will be closed and pinched and he’ll breathe an “I miss you” into Louis’ skin as Louis holds him back. He’ll breathe a “Thank you” and Louis will softly chuckle an “I’m sorry” and Harry will shake his head and lift his head to gaze at Louis softly and he will say, “No, I’m the one who should be sorry. Thank you. You’ve done more for me than I deserve. I can’t even–” and Louis will silence him with a kiss and pull him closer and Harry will sigh and swipe his hands through Louis’ hair as he gently climbs onto the couch and Harry will break the kiss when they’re a bit out of breath, faced tucked against each other’s and Harry will play with the collar of Louis’ t-shirt. “I love you more and more every single day,” he’ll practically whisper. And Louis’ vision will spin out of control as his veins snap and his heart quivers and Harry will continue, “I didn’t think that was possible, you know. I didn’t think it was possible to drown in somebody else.” He’ll lift his gaze to meet Louis’–and Louis’ senses are heightened and his entire body and soul are on edge–and Harry will murmur as he pushes back Louis’ hair, “I never before thought it possible to drown and yet become stronger for it.” Swipes his hand across Louis’ forehead before cupping his cheek. “Become more alive for it.” Pulls him closer. “Louis Tomlinson,” he whisper and Louis will positively shudder, tears prickling at his eyes as his own emotions flood him, as he drowns as well. “I never want to live a day where I’m not drowning with you.” And Louis might actually gasp a sob as stray droplets escape his eyes and he might just latch onto Harry as he fumbles fevered “I love you"s into his mouth and the next morning they will all get breakfast, Louis and Harry and Gemma, and Harry will hold Louis’ hand across the table, near the vase of lilies, and they will smile fondly at each other under the sun as Gemma observes them softly and they will make a toast and laugh and smile and they will heal together and…
Yeah, I think Harry’s going to be alright. I think he’ll be more than alright.
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slutforlou · 3 years
you're sexy be my bf now
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slutforlou · 3 years
y'all dont know how much i wish i was born a pretty boy
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slutforlou · 3 years
me every morning in front of the mirror :
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slutforlou · 3 years
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slutforlou · 3 years
i hurt myself with my own tweets
no but how cute and domestic is wilhelm making breakfast for simon .. ?? like that shit melts my heart way too fast
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slutforlou · 3 years
no but how cute and domestic is wilhelm making breakfast for simon .. ?? like that shit melts my heart way too fast
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slutforlou · 3 years
Wilhelm's weekend prospects went from getting laid to getting his brother laid... to rest 💀💀💀
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slutforlou · 3 years
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+ bonus
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