skinniio · 3 years
current routine:
breakfast: one orange before anything else. one serving of protein (cottage cheese usually) and one serving of carb (waffle, rye bread, whole wheat bread), (optional: add a few pieces of some other fruit like raspberries, strawberries, etc.) JUST MAKE SURE ITS NO MORE THAN 400 CALS
in between lunch and breakfast: ab workout and arm workout (i can link if you guys want)
lunch: two servings of protein, one serving of carb (open faced sandwich, for example). make sure to also include some raw veggies (lettuce, cucumbers, and grape tomatoes are my faves)! if you want you can have a bit of fruit juice but ONLY a bit. MAKE SURE ITS NO MORE THAN 400-500 CALS
in between lunch and dinner: optional, but walk around and get your steps in! this is optional because the heavier exercise comes later
dinner: whatever my mom/grandparents make for dinner. one carb, two protein, lots of veggies. have one piece of fruit for dessert to get a bit of something sweet to refresh your mouth. MUST GE NO MORE THAN 500-600 CALS
after dinner: one hour on an exercise bike. low resistance, high resistance, idc just be on there for an hour depending on how fit you are.
before bed: arm workout again, if you want do some yoga or stretching. or you could repeat the ab workout as well THEN do stretching if you want to be an over-achiever
i’ve only been doing this for 4-5 days but i’ve already lost at least 3 pounds. i’m already seeing definition on my arms and stomach, and my thighs have gotten slimmer from what i’ve noticed. i know the cals might seem like a lot for those used to low restriction, but i suggest doing high restriction if you have to use brain power for your job/school!
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skinniio · 3 years
ok i’m at my grandparents and i don’t have access to a scale rn but i’m like 80% sure that i reached my gw of 115 lbs. i wanna be 110-108 lbs by july 12 because i’m doing summer classes and i have to be a hottest feminine trans guy (?) there
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skinniio · 3 years
i just came up with an idea for a mono diet (short term ofc)
so basically it’s a honey mono (so all you have is honey). so what you do is just have tea all day (this is better with herbal tea rather than green tea, still 0 cals) and you out 1-3 teaspoons of honey in each cup you have. i recommend having it with passion fruit tea it’s super good! lemme know if this works for anyone else <3
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skinniio · 3 years
tw! body check!!!
actually seeing progress for once smh
5’3 119.2 lbs (160 cm 54 kg)
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skinniio · 3 years
finally under 120 lbs!
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skinniio · 3 years
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My mom: Why are you loosing weight all of the sudden? Me:
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skinniio · 3 years
♾ i’m so happy i’ve had nothing but support from my friends concerning my autism. they probably won’t see this but i love you guys!
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Happy Autism Acceptance Month! Autistic people deserve to feel loved and accepted, and to celebrate neurodiversity!
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skinniio · 3 years
things you shouldn't say to (or about) an autistic person:
you don't know any better
stop pretending like you don't know what I'm saying
how don't you understand? it's so simple
r slur. dont say it period.
stop being so dramatic, it's not that big a deal
stop using your autism as an excuse
*explaining things in a condescending tone like we're children*
smol bean, so precious and innocent
well it's not like they can understand anyway
*talking about us like we're not there*
you're faking for attention
but you're not that autistic
but you're really good at talking!
everyone's a little autistic
stop doing those weird motions! you're drawing attention!
you're a buzzkill
it's so hard to talk to you
oh so you're like a robot! a machine!
nevermind. (you basically admit that we're not worth the extra few seconds it would take to include us.)
*laughing or shrugging us off if we say we don't understand*
don't take things so seriously (especially when we talk about ableism. never say this.)
you're reading too much into it
wow so you're like not even human
oh so like sheldon cooper?
I know a lot about autism. I've watched rain man
but you're not screaming or flapping your hands?
but then how are you talking
oh so you must be really good at math
so are you like really good at chess?
I bet you're really good at playing a lot of instruments
ohmygosh, the good doctor is my favorite show! it's sooo good
sometimes when I'm in a bad mood and I'm tired, I can't tell what people's faces mean, I'm probably a little autistic too haha
you're just a little awkward/it's just social anxiety
you're exaggerating
so can you tell what this face means? *makes some random constipated expression* (I think it means you're ugly, Susan.)
you're just quirky!
don't be so sensitive
they're not all the way there...
I thought you'd be ranting or info-dumping about your special interest 24/7
I met an autistic person before but you guys are nothing alike
but you're not a boy?
but you're not white?
I read somewhere on [insert obscure, non-factual blogging website] that you could cure it by lighting incense. (stop trying to shove cures at us. they don't work, and we don't want one anyway.)
that's so tragic
your parents are so strong!
but then how are you making eye contact with me?
so you don't feel any empathy?
are you like a psychopath?
autism moms are superheroes
you're emotionless
so you must be really nerdy and into sci-fi huh
I bet you'll cure cancer! (unless they have explicitly stated their interest in medical research or stem, don't assume that that's where their interest lies)
why are you so anti-social?
have you even tried to make friends?
it's not that loud, I'm not gonna turn it down
don't rely on aids! you'll get there through hard work and determination. aids will only slow you down in the long run
you're insane
you're no fun. you're like a cranky old person
this show has really good autism rep!
what do you mean it's not good representation? I think you're being too harsh and judgmental
but you're actually really nice? I thought autistic people had no filter
no you're not, I would know
that must be so hard for your family
so are you low- or high-functioning?
do you read really fast like reid from criminal minds?
I wish I was autistic
you're really akward
you're bad at conversations and social cues. (thanks, I hadn't noticed.)
no, don't call yourself "autistic"! say "person with autism", because you are more than your disability ❤
but you don't look autistic
autistic people, feel free to add more :)
allistic people are encouraged to reblog, but don't clown
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skinniio · 3 years
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It’s that time of year again.
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skinniio · 3 years
i’ve literally been maintaining down to the 0.1 pound these past 3 days even though i’ve been eating at least 300 calories under my limit. wtf is this bullshit 😒
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skinniio · 3 years
omg so my family’s gone for the weekend and we don’t have access to a scale and istg if i get home and weigh myself monday morning and i’m under 120 lbs i will actually bust a nut.
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skinniio · 3 years
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skinniio · 3 years
me coming straight to tumblr to update my cw after loosing 1 pound
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skinniio · 3 years
Me: *loses 10lbs* where the fuck are results? I see no change????
also me: *gains 1lb* Oh well look at that i’ve expanded by 34inches, good god.
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skinniio · 3 years
ama <3
// ED Questions 🌸💭
Reblog and let others send you a fruit
🍎 What's your height, current weight, bmi?
🍏 What's your daily calorie limit?
🍋 Your goal weight?
🍇 Your top 3 fear foods?
🍒 Your top 3 safe foods?
���� How often do you binge?
🍍 Do you purge?
🍌 Does your family know about your ed?
🍉 Are you currently in treatment?
🍑 Have you been inpatient?
🍐 What did you eat today?
🍊 Share your favorite thinspo?
🍓 Do you want to recover?
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skinniio · 3 years
i’m finally under 125 pounds for the first time in like, a year. i’m so proud of myself!
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skinniio · 3 years
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bodycheck. my waist looks so fat in this omggg. my chest is also way too big and it makes the outfit look weird.
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