simpforthemoon · 2 years
Hello :)) I really love your fire ferrets fic, could you please tag me in future updates?? Also a request to hopefully help you get out of the block: Mako + “You confessed your feelings and we’re about to kiss but we get interrupted”. Maybe friends/ enemies to lovers? đŸ€—đŸ„°
a/n: Sorry this took forever! It took me a looong time to write the ending.
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Something More
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Pairing: Mako x Reader
Word Count: 1600+
Warnings: I don't think there is any but if there is, feel free to point them out!
Summary: You and Mako never really got along but after you leave Republic City, you and Mako become pen pals and fall in love through letters.
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Getting along with Mako was easier said than done. His harsh demeanor was something you could never get over. Maybe that’s why you always associated yourself with more open people like Korra and Bolin. Maybe that's why you would always leave a room when he walked in. Maybe that’s why you would always get into a fight with him over a snarky comment or an eyeroll. Maybe that’s why looking at him from across the pitch before a match gave you butterflies in your stomach. Wait what? No, there was no way you could ever like Mako. 
Korra coming to Republic City changed your life. One day you were just the firebender on the Catagators dreaming about the day you would finally take down the Fire Ferrets, the next day you were on a life-changing mission with the Avatar and her friends, trying to take down a crazy waterbender from stealing all the bending from Republic City. You quickly learned that Korra and Bolin weren’t as bad as you thought. Bolin you had already assumed was the nicer teammate considering he apologized after knocking you out of the pitch but Korra ended up to be one of the nicest people, a complete 180 from her pro bending persona. Mako however was the same. He was just as mean to you as he was on the pitch. He would make comments about your intelligence and your bending skills which sparked a competition between the two of you. You would both show off as much as you could and try to show your worth as the fire bender of the team. Asami was the first to notice and would try and reassure you as much as she could. With the exception of Mako, the krew became your second family and made your days in Republic City less lonely. When Amon was finally taken down Bolin asked you to replace Mako as the official Fire Ferrets firebender which you couldn’t say no to. Both of you soon realized that you were done with the pro-bending life meaning your time in Republic City had come to an end.
“You can’t leave Y/N!” Bolin exclaimed with tears flowing freely. You smiled and grabbed your bag.
“I have to go, Bolin. I made a promise to my parents that I would go home once my pro-bending career is over.” You said sadly before wrapping him in a hug. 
“But the Fire Nation is so far away!” He cried into your shoulder. 
“I’ll be back before you know it,” You said, letting go and walking over to Korra once he calmed down. “It was an honor to fight alongside you.” You said with a smile causing a grin to spread on Korra’s face. 
“Are you kidding? It was an honor to fight with you! I still can’t believe I used to listen to your games and dream about meeting you and now we are best friends!” Korra said while picking you up and spinning you in a hug. 
“Okay put her down, Korra,” Asami said. “I haven’t said goodbye yet.” Korra quickly put you down and ruffled your hair before going to join Bolin. Mako hadn’t come with the rest of the krew to say goodbye and while you weren’t close it still hurt. Asami hugged you, stopping your thoughts about Mako. “Don’t be a stranger okay? You better write all the time and once I finish my design for the satophone, I’ll give you the first one.” You grinned and thanked her for everything before bidding one last farewell and boarding your boat. Just as the boat left the dock you could hear your name from the dock. 
“Y/N wait!” 
You turned to the dock to see Mako running up with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He looked out of breath but he still ran to the very end of the dock. You couldn’t hear anything but you could see your three friends laughing in the background as Mako waved at you with the flowers still in his hand like a madman. You smiled at him and you saw him smile back before he faded in the distance, but your smile didn’t fade for the rest of the trip home. 
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It has been three years since you left the city. Asami and Mako had done a great job at keeping you up to date with everything. Bolin and Korra both sent letters in the beginning but both became less and less frequent over the months, Bolin’s stopping when he got into acting (according to the small messages he would write in Mako’s letters, he was just too busy being a star) and Korra’s stopping after the defeat of the Red Lotus. Asami’s letters were all structured the same. They begin with a question regarding something from your last letter like “how was your date?” or “how is your family?” and then continue to talk about everything happening in Republic City with a few comments about how much she misses Korra every now and then and updates about her latest inventions. While it meant the world to you that she would write, it didn’t feel personal. That’s why you longed for Mako’s letters that would arrive every week. They would go into depth about all his adventures and everything he did that week, even if it was boring. He would write down his innermost thoughts for you to read and often tell you how much he misses you. Reading them made your stomach fill with butterflies so when you received a letter from Mako saying that he and Prince Wu would be visiting the Fire Nation for business and that he wanted to see you, you didn’t know how to act. You were confused about what you were now. Before you left, you would question if you were even friends but after all those letters you were stuck between friends, penpals or something more. 
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Three weeks after the letter came, the boat pulled into the dock. You had tried to recreate the scene of your departure, bringing a bouquet of flowers for the firebender. But the flowers never made it to him. You watched as the ramp came down and passengers left the ship one by one until finally a certain boy sporting his brother’s signature color of green came down. You could see the huge smile on his face when you made eye contact and you could feel one growing on your own. He jogged up to you and it felt like time had stopped. It was like a movie, neither of you knew what to say but there honestly wasn’t anything to say. You just gazed at each other in silence until

“Hi! You must be Mako’s friend! I’ve heard absolutely nothing about you!” Wu shouted as he shook your hand vigorously. And just like that the tension was gone and Mako’s boyish grin dropped into a frown.
“I like to keep my private life separate from work Wu.” He said glumly. Wu gasped and put his hand on his heart like he was wounded.
“But Mako! I thought we were friends!” Mako just rolled his eyes in response. “Oh look! You brought me flowers! The Fire Nation really knows how to treat royalty!” Wu said while grabbing the flowers from your hands before you could protest.
“Anyways, Wu and I have to get somewhere but I have time off tomorrow around noon if you're free?” Mako asked you. You weren't free yet you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him that.
“Y-yeah that would be great! I’ll give you a tour!” You exclaimed. Mako smiled in return.
“Sounds like a plan. I’ll see you then!” He said before walking away with an overexcited Wu.
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After finally convincing your coworker to take your shift, you sat on a bench near the docks. Suddenly, you heard someone call your name. Mako came running up to the bench and sat next to you.
“Sorry I’m so late. Wu insisted on helping me pick out an outfit for our date.” Mako said nonchalantly. You on the other hand were having a whole crisis over the last word he spoke.
“Date?” You questioned, sounding confused and alarmed. Mako blushed and looked down to his feet, too embarrassed to make eye contact.
“Well yeah,” He started, still not looking up. “I thought that this could maybe be a date. I mean I thought our relationship really developed over the letters and that we were maybe building up to something?” He said, but it sounded more like a question. The unspoken do you feel the same way floating in the air.
You grabbed his hand and lightly squeezed it making him finally look up at you. “I feel the same way,” you reassured with a light smile that he quickly reciprocated. The two of you both started to lean in when

“Oh Mako! You forgot the bowtie I brought for your date!” Wu shouted, pushing through the crowds to reach the bench while holding the most atrocious orange and purple bowtie you had ever seen. Mako muttered something under his breath and got up to send Wu away while you giggled on the bench. Finally he managed to get Wu to leave and turned back to you.
“So, how about you give me that tour now?” Mako asked, offering you his hand which you took happily. You both started walking down the busy streets while you pointed out things and Mako looked around in awe. It was like everything had just clicked into place and finally you knew why you could never see Mako as a friend. He was always meant to be something more.
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simpforthemoon · 3 years
Can i ask what's your rules of requesting? because before i request i read the rules first.
I don’t write anything with nsfw or incest. I think that’s really it! I have a handful of characters that I don’t write feel super comfortable writing for but depending on the prompt and stuff I might do it anyways! Feel free to request away!
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simpforthemoon · 3 years
Hello, I REALLY LOVE your Amon head cannons, Im sorry to be a nuisance, but I was wanting to ask if you could please make an Amon x chubby/short reader please. You dont have to do it, im just requesting.
Hey!! Sadly I don't write for Amon anymore! I was writing for him in the beginning but it makes me slightly uncomfy so I stopped. Feel free to request for any other character tho!
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simpforthemoon · 3 years
Can i get Bolin headcanons with a fem!reader who is working as a cameraman in the Nuktuk movie, and leaves little notes and gifts for Bolin in his locker (like a secret admirer kind of thing) and one day Bolin Is early to work and finds her putting chocolate and flowers in his locker, how would he react?
a/n: I love this concept so much! I feel like the secret admirer trope is perfect for Bolin!
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Being Bolin's Secret Admirer (hcs)
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Pairing: Bolin x Reader
Warnings: Kinda stalkerish?
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What being Bolin's secret admirer on the set of Nuktuk would be like:
Bolin is very charismatic so it’s no surprise everyone on set liked him
You just happened to like him more than most
He always smiled at you when he passed by and made an effort to know your name
Your crush on him got bigger and bigger with every smile and ‘good morning’
By the end of the first week on set, you had already memorized his schedule
After seeing Bolin get turned down by Ginger so many times you started to feel bad for him
You could see how hurt he looked every time she said no
So you started leaving him little notes
When you knew he would be out of his dressing room you would leave him a little note with a random compliment on it
Something like “your hair looks nice today” or “you were amazing on set”
You decided to leave the notes anonymous, trying to save yourself from embarrassment if he thought it was creepy
Luckily he didn’t
After receiving a note, his smile would be 10 times brighter and he would have a little pep in his step all day
Even Mako, Korra and Asami could tell he got a note before he even told him because of how happy he looked
Over time you started leaving little treats, snacks you would see him eating around set so you knew he likes them
This made him even more excited because ‘wow my secret admirer pays so much attention’
The only problem is that he is convinced the person leaving the treats and notes is Ginger
He’s really not the smartest
He assumed that she was leaving the gifts because she didn’t want him to know she liked him back
So he started going after her even more
This broke your heart and you stopped leaving gifts for a little bit
Within a few days, Bolin decides to confront Ginger which leads to her yelling at him and calling him stupid for thinking it was her
Poor boy is heartbroken
He runs out of set and sits behind the building where you just happen to be having lunch
You choke on your food because ‘my crush is sitting next to me and crying?’
You ask him what’s wrong and he breaks down and tells you everything
Like from the very beginning 
“Well it all started when my parents were killed”
(insert Bolin’s whole life story)
“And then she called me stupid so I ran out here and now I’m talking to you!”
You console him and comfort him for a little bit before he bounces back
You guys talk and find out you have a lot in common
So now you guys are friends and lunch dates are very common
You still don’t tell him about the notes
But you do start doing them again
The day you start doing them, he runs to you during lunch and tells you all about it
He tells you how much the notes mean to him and how he wishes he could find the person (and how he’s basically in love with them)
You just laugh and try to not look suspicious
Now the notes and gifts are being sent everyday and filming is just about to end
Bolin decides he needs to figure out who this person is so he camps out in his dressing room
Early the next morning you walking in to put a note and a box of chocolates on the coffee table
You didn’t expect for Bolin to pop up from behind the couch
You scream
He screams
You both just look at each other for a minute like the spiderman meme
Then he jumps over the couch and pulls you in his arms
“I’m so glad it’s you”
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simpforthemoon · 3 years
HI, I was wondering if you could write NSFW Kuvira x fem reader with a good storyline? I could elaborate on my ideas if you want!!!
Hi! I’m so sorry but I don’t write any NSFW on this page! I, myself am a minor so I don’t write any 18+ works! I’m so sorry and I hope you understand!
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simpforthemoon · 3 years
do you have any upcomming wip? *eyes emoji*
I’ve got quite a few! School is back for me so it might take a while but here’s what I’ve got coming up:
-Friends to lover (mako)
-secret admirer (bolin)
-soulmate au (bolin)
-enemies to lovers (wei)
-Argument leading to kissing/sex (leo valdez)
-“The Way I Loved You” (zuko/reader + sokka/reader)
-Having a bad day and the other noticing and A soft smile before leaning in for a kiss (korra)
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simpforthemoon · 3 years
Is the Band au Mako endgame? 👀 or is it Bolin? Omg I’m just too curious
Mako is endgame for the band au! I had so many people ask me to make Mako the main love interest when I was first writing it!
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simpforthemoon · 3 years
Will you ever continue Bolin’s band au?
Yep! I had to stop for a little because of school but I’ll try to continue soon. It’s taking so long because I forgot what storyline I was going with and I have to rewrite it a bit! But it will be continued!
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simpforthemoon · 3 years
hi! i hope u r doing great đŸ€ can u write anything fluff w leo valdez ?
a/n: Of course! This can be read as a platonic or romantic relationship! I’m so sorry this is so short and poorly written!
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Movie Nights
Pairing: Leo Valdez x Reader
Warning: Endgame spoilers
Summary: You and Leo have your weekly movie night
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"Finally it's friday!" Leo shouted as he ran into your cabin. On Friday nights Jason knew to leave your shared cabin since it was movie night for you and Leo. Over the last few weeks, the two of you have decided to watch all the marvel movies. Tonight was Endgame night, the night you both have been anxious for since you finished Infinity War last Friday.
"I know! Hopefully Spiderman comes back!" You said while spreading out on your bed and opening your laptop.
"Who cares about Spiderman! Hopefully Wanda comes back!" Leo laughed while collapsing right next to you. 
“Wait!” You shouted as Leo was about to hit play. “We don’t have any popcorn!”
Leo laughed and pulled out the popcorn packs and bowl he had brought with him. He created a flame in his palm while you opened the popcorn and put it in his hands, waiting for it to pop. Once it was done popping, he extinguished his fire and you poured the popcorn in the bowl. You finally hit play and the movie had begun. 
The night was full of laughter and tears. Seeing Professor Hulk sent Leo into hysterics. He would not stop laughing so you had to cover his face with a pillow to mute his laughter so you could hear. You both couldn’t hold back the tears when Natasha and Tony died. Leo especially was upset over Tony’s death, seeing so much of himself in Tony. Finally the movie ended and you shut the laptop. 
“ I can’t believe Natasha, Steve, and Tony are all gone!” You cried to Leo. He patted your back and nodded.
“I know! And the whole going back in time thing really tripped me up. What is Loki going to do in the new timeline?”
“Well at least Loki and Wandavision came out so we know what happened to them. But first we watch Far From Home next week.” 
“Ugh fine,” Leo groaned. “You’re lucky I enjoy spending time with you or else I would have skipped it. I don’t know why you like him so much.”
“Same reason you like Wanda!” You laughed. Leo joined in and soon you two were a mess of tangled limbs, laughter, and popcorn crumbs staying up late into the night talking about theories and a certain two superheros.
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simpforthemoon · 3 years
Hey!! Headcanons for Korra with a Fem!S/O who’s short plz?? (if that’s okay with you) Like y/n is 4’11 in height and I kinda thought this would be funny or something...
a/n: I absolutely love this and what better way to kick off my return than with some Korra content!
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Korra with a short girlfriend (HCs)
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Pairing: Korra x Reader
Warnings: I don't think there is any but if there is please point them out!
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What dating Korra while being shorter would be like:
Korra is about 5'7" so being in the 5'0" - 5'3" range is short to her
She also is the shortest in the krew with everyone else being around 6' so you look so short with the team
Korra has a naturally teasing personality so she would probably rest her arm on your head a lot and call you her arm rest (even if you aren't short enough for it to be comfortable for her)
Korra also is the shortest avatar in more recent times with Aang, Roku, and Kyoshi all being very tall so she thrives off the fact that she's taller than you
Constantly talks about it and makes jokes about it
The boys join in on the jokes, Bolin's being more along the lines of "look at how cute and small you are" while Mako's are more like "get out of here kid and let the adults talk"
Korra gets very defensive when they make jokes like that
While she makes jokes about your height all the time, she refuses to let people compare you to a child
She knows what you are capable of and hates when people overlook you
Her little outbreaks show you how much she cares and how she sees you as an equal despite her being the most powerful bender and many inches taller than you
Asami is the only who doesn't make jokes very often but when she does, neither you or Korra can get mad because they are so funny
Your height does fuel Korra's ego and sometimes she'll make comments like "what are you going to do shorty?"
Lets just say Korra wears shin guards all the time now
Korra adores your height
She loves having to bend down for kisses or that she can lift you completely off the ground during hugs
She loves holding things over your head just to see you pout and having to help you up to ride Naga or the bison
Despite all the jokes, Korra loves your height more than anything
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simpforthemoon · 3 years
Is alright if I ask for a part two of "Priorities" only with a happy ending with Wing?
So I tried to write a part two a while back when I first posted it but it just didn't feel right so I won't be writing a part two for that fic but if you want to request another one or would prefer an alternate ending I can do that!
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simpforthemoon · 3 years
Hey guys! Sorry I haven’t been writing recently. It’s been hard with sats and ap tests. I want to continue one of my multi part stories so if yall could tell me which story you want me to pick up on that would be great. I will get to the other stories but this one i’ll just do first. opinions are... 
- Falling for a Fire Ferret SMAU (Mako x Reader): you find yourself falling for one of the brothers on your best friend, Asami’s girlfriends band. While the bassist, Mako seems to not care at all about you, Bolin, the drummer, seems very interested. Bot after he cheats on you, Mako seems to do a whole 180 and helps you get through the break up. Maybe he was the right choice all along.
- Don’t fall in love with a Water Tribe girl (Peter Parker x comfort character reader): Peter Parker grew up loving The Legend of Korra and his crush on Y/N, one of Korra’s friends is no secret. When the Avengers get sucked into a portal made by Varrick in between seasons two and three Peter finally meets his childhood crush and she starts developing feelings as well, but what will happen when they finally find a way home?
- Team Cupid (Iroh II x Beifong!Reader): It was fairly obvious that Iroh and Y/N have feelings for eachother. When Iroh confesses to Su and Y/N confesses to Mako, both decide to get their teams together and try to get the childhood friends together without the other knowing. After many dates sabotaged by the other team on accident and a lot of chaos, the two teams finally create one big team and try to get the General and to-be Police Chief together but it seems neither of them can take a hint. Hopefully Y/N’s mom, Lin can come and save the day.
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simpforthemoon · 3 years
I’ve been having terrible writers block so hopefully this will help! Send in some requests!!
50 cliché tropes and prompts
It’s my first prompt list! Thank you to my followers for helping. Credit not needed but please don’t repost. Feel free to link back to the list! These may be cliche but I love them.
There’s people chasing us and I pulled you into the alley with me and wow you’re close
Your shirt/jumper was in the laundry pile and I couldn’t help but steal it
I’m dying and I’m confessing my love for you
Kissing in the rain and getting soaked before running inside laughing
Playing with their hair while their head’s in your lap.
Jolting awake after a nightmare and being comforted
“Good morning, beautiful/handsome”
Hands brushing unexpectedly
There’s only one bed and we sleep as far away as possible from each other but wake up cuddling
You confessed your feelings and we’re about to kiss but we get interrupted
Secret relationship
We dated in high school but then you moved away but now you’re back in town
Both going to grab the same thing and touching hands, then making eye contact.
We’re roommates but we’re falling for each other
Drunkenly confessing feelings
I need a date for this wedding
“I think I’m in love with you.”
Fake dating AU
Blurting out a confession of love
You’re in a coma and I confess all my feelings only for you to wake up
Blind date set up by friends
You’re my new bodyguard and you’re cute.
“Just tell why you did it!” “Because I’m in love with you, okay!”
You’re my ex but I think I still have feelings for you
Wrapping arms around them when they make breakfast
Cuddling in comfortable silence before murmuring “I love you”
Help me I’m being hit on at a bar please be my fake boyfriend for a second
We literally ran into each other
You’re leaving for something dangerous and I can’t help but kiss you
Painting the house that ends in a paint fight and giggles
“You’ve got something on your lip, here let me.”
A soft smile before leaning in for a kiss
Everyone thinks I should stay away from you because you’re dangerous
Spin the bottle
“Do you trust me?”
Friends with benefits and both people catching feelings.
We’re dating and I didn’t know you were a mobster/biker
Everyone thinks we’re already dating, but we’re just best friends- oh wait
Having a bad day and the other noticing
“You saved my life.”
Overhearing they have feelings for you
I’m going to save you from the terrible date you’re having
Taking care of the other when sick or injured
I’m your new neighbour and I got locked out, help!
You took a bullet for me
Argument leading to kissing/sex
“I’ve been in love with you for years.”
I called you at 2am because I need you
You caught me doing something dangerous and flipped out 
I’m scared but won’t admit it so you take my hand 
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simpforthemoon · 4 years
Aww this is so sweet! Thank you so much!!
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You know what, this month wasn’t a total disaster in my book. I hit 300 followers, had a pretty fun birthday, and read some awesome fics. So, let’s get started. 
Let Me Take Care of You by @simpforthemoon: Clingy Katara x reader (Katara x Reader) ~I don’t know why, but Katara being taken care off just makes me so soft. This fic does a great job delivering on that premise. Also, I really love the author’s username because I am also a simp for the moon.
Ghosts by @pparkersbitch: Peter wanted to take every mistake back. All he wanted was to have his girlfriend back in his arms. Never did he imagine it’d come true. Except she was from
 another universe? (Peter Parker x Reader) ~When I say this fic came for my heart, I mean it. The concept of meeting your dead lover from another universe is sad enough, but this author takes it and crafts it into a arrow straight for my feels. Please read it for yourself because I don’t think my words give it all the praise it deserves. 
I Want to Hold Your Hand by @captainrogerss: Sam Wilson and holding hands. (Sam Wilson x fem!Reader) ~There is something so magical and awkward about holding hands with someone for the first time and this fic captures it perfectly. It also does a great job of truly doing Sam’s character justice. 
Express Shipping by @jamesbvck: Sam’s new neighbour keeps getting his mail. But instead of taking it to the apartment office, she hand-delivers it to his door. Also, she’s cute. (Sam Wilson x fem!Reader) ~Meet cute. Meet cute. Meet cute! You want something to satisfy you rom-com fix? Well, boy do I have something for you. It’s just so cute and fluff that I swear that I’m going to make the author pay for the cavities it gave me, 
Again by @cipheress-to-k-pop: Five Hargreeves seems to have his heart taken by a mysterious girl who has spent a lot of time with him in a future that he’s trying desperately to erase. (Five Hargreeves x fem!Reader) ~Oh, the angst. We love a good cry and this fic is the perfect for that. Also, Five in love is something that just kills me everytime. 
 Valentine’s Day 1988 by @comic-book-jawns: Valentine’s Day with Dani and Jamie (Dani x Jamie) ~These two just melt my heart, okay? I love domestic moments with these two and boy does this fic deliver. 
Girl In Red by @waitimcomingtoo: You and your best friend fall in love from childhood to adulthood (Mj x fem!Reader) ~THIS. I love this so much. This perfectly captures the specific type of stupidity that comes with queer longing and boy does this hit so close to home. Please, please read this because I promise you that you won’t regret it. 
Injured by @ijustreallylovezebras: The various times that Y/N is injured and visits MJ and the one time MJ gets injured (Mj x fem!Reader) ~I just want to take care of someone, okay? 
swear on my life (if you don’t get out i’ll get in) by @musicallisto​: “King Edmund is taken hostage, is he not? And you will need the help of the bravest soldiers in Narnia, will you not?” (Edmund Pevensie x fem!Reader) ~I requested for this fic and boy did Clara deliver. This story makes you feel like a fucking badass and I love it so much. Having someone protecting you is nice, but you protecting someone else just hits different. The writing style makes you feel like you’re in an epic fantasy novel and it’s just perfect.  
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simpforthemoon · 4 years
Hiii saw that your requests were open, so I wanted to request a Noatak/Amon storyđŸ„ș👉👈 something about teen! Noatak giving the reader a betrothal necklace and being all cute and gushy with her before running away(insert time skip)and meeting each other again as adults(the reader can be a bender if you want).
a/n: I love this so much! After this fic I think I’m going to stop writing for Noatak but I liked this plot so much I couldn’t skip it! Enjoy!
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Betrothal Necklace
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Pairing: Noatak/Amon x Reader
Word Count: 400
Warnings: mentions of death
Summary: You reunite with your first love
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You had grown up with Noatak and Tarrlok. Tarrlok was like a brother to you and Noatak was your first love. Everyone thought you two were going to get married so it was no surprise that Noatak proposed when you two were teenagers. The necklace was beautiful. It was a blue stone with a wolf carved into it. You absolutely loved it and never took it off. 
“I know we’re still kids but I love you Y/n and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” Noatak said as he pulled something out of his back pocket. You gasped looking at the necklace. “Will you marry me?” He asked. You jumped into his arms, smiling widely. 
“Of course I’ll marry you!” 
The rest of the day was spent planning for the upcoming wedding. Both of your parents were elated. The tribe was also happy and constantly talked about how your kids would be amazing waterbenders since the two of you were so gifted.
A few weeks before the wedding, Noatak’s father insisted they go fishing. They came back two days late without Noatak. Apparently he had gotten lost in a storm and most likely frozen. It broke your heart and you vowed never to fall in love again.
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Once you turned 18, you decided to leave the Water Tribe behind and move to Republic City. Everything was different and you quite liked it. Over the years you made a name for yourself for being a talented bender and a great healer. Tarrlok came to Republic City soon after as a representative. After years of living in Republic City, Amon struck. You didn’t know who he was but you hated him. Why would anyone try to steal bending. Since you were well known in Republic City you were capture and your powers were taken. Amon seemed almost hesitant to take your bending. He constantly looked at you or more like the necklace around your neck. You were thrown in a cell in the Air Temple and soon Tarrlok joined you. He told you the truth. That Amon was your childhood sweetheart and why he really ran away. Your heart broke for him but this wasn’t your Noatak. 
After the Avatar beat him, you made the decision to run away with Noatak and Tarrlok. You had missed him for years and now you finally had him back.
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simpforthemoon · 4 years
hii! could i possibly request a soulmate au with fem!reader x azula? thank you!
a/n: I hope you don’t mind but this is an angsty blurb! I was struggling with writing and felt that all my Azula fics have happy endings so this one is angst. Hope you enjoy!
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Someone Else
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Pairing: Azula x reader
Word Count: 371
Warnings: Angst
Summary: You finally meet your soulmate and can’t help but wish it was someone else
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The red string tied around your finger was exciting as a child. You liked to believe that it led to a nice prince or princess of a far away land. Little did you know that it did. Growing up in Ba Sing Se meant that you didn’t know anything about the outside world. You just pulled on your string and wished that the person that was on the other side of the string would take you away and show you the world. 
As a teenager you stopped believing in the string. All your friends had found their soulmates, why couldn’t you find yours? So when the Avatar and his friends showed up and offered to take you with them after helping them look for his bison you agreed. Your search was over and now your number 1 priority was taking down the Fire Lord. Throughout your adventures you became super close to Sokka. You wished your string led to him but his lead to a brave Kyoshi Warrior who he seemed very in love with. Katara and Aang already knew that they were soulmates and Toph claimed that she didn’t have a string because she couldn’t see it or feel it but no one believed her. Everyone in Team Avatar had found their soulmate with the exception of you. Then disaster struck. Soon after Zuko joined your team, his sister came to capture Aang and kill Zuko. For the first time you could see your whole string. The red string that you constantly daydream about now was your worst nightmare. You looked at the Fire Princess. Maybe if it were different circumstances you would say she’s pretty, beautiful even. She seemed to notice your stare and looked at you. She gasped slightly and you assumed she noticed the string. She seemed surprised for a split second and almost sad before her face twisted into a malicious grin. Before you knew it she had shot lightning at you and Zuko had pushed you out of the way just in time. 
Later than night you couldn’t help but wish that someone else was your soulmate. Maybe Sokka or Suki or Zuko. Anyone would be better than her. Anyone would be better than Azula.
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simpforthemoon · 4 years
hey, could i request a mako fic? maybe like a friends to lovers thing? love your fics btw
a/n: This one took me way too long to write and it’s definitely not my best work but I hope you like it nonetheless!
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Best Friend’s Brother
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Pairing: Mako x reader, bsf!Bolin x reader
Word Count: 972
Warnings: I don’t think there’s any but feel free to point them out!
Summary: After Bolin cancels on your plans, Mako makes it up to you
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Your relationship with Mako was questionable. In the beginning you guys didn’t get along at all. Maybe it was because you clearly favored his brother and he clearly favored your friend (or as she liked to call herself, your grandpa). After he started actually dating Korra, you decided to make an effort to become his friend. Once you broke down a few of his walls, you two got along pretty well. He knew about your crush on Bolin and tried to encourage you to ask him out. You knew about his relationship drama with Asami and Korra and offered him the best advice you could. 
Even though you were friends, you weren’t the closest. When you split into groups you would never choose each other. It was when you guys went with Korra to find the new airbenders when everything changed. Bolin had met Opal and everything changed. Bolin was too into Opal to even pay attention to you. It wasn’t that you were jealous of them dating, you just missed your best friend. 
Your mom went back with Korra to the Southern Water Tribe while you had decided to stay with your Uncle Tenzin and the rest of the airbenders after Zaheer’s defeat, claiming that it would be good to have a healer around. It was nice to finally have time to yourself and not have to worry about crazies trying to get rid of bending or make a dark avatar. You had expected to be spending a lot of time with your best friend, not his brother.
You arrived at Bolin’s apartment at 11:30 just like you two had planned yesterday. When you got there, there was a note taped on the door.
Hey Y/n/n, Opal came by earlier and wanted to hang out! Maybe we can get lunch tomorrow! - Bolin
You scoffed at the note before crumpling it. It had been the third time he had cancelled on you this week! Just to hang out with Opal. You liked Opal and all but she would never let you guys hang out anymore. Anytime you made plans, she randomly showed up and suddenly you had no more plans. You turned away from the door, ready to leave when it opened. 
“Hey Y/N, what are you doing here?” Mako asked, dressing in his pajamas
“Oh hey Mako, nothing I guess,” you replied sadly.
“Bolin cancelled on another friend date?” Mako asked. At this point he already knew by the tone of your voice. 
“Yeah,” you said lamely, handing him the note. He read the note, then recrumpled it and threw it in the trash.
“You know what, I’ll take you out today,” Mako said, catching you off guard.
“What? No Mako, you don’t have to!” You exclaimed, clearly surprised by his offer.
“Yes I do. Now let me change” he said, disappearing in the apartment for a moment before coming back out in his regular attire. “Now where were you guys supposed to go?” He asked as he closed and locked the door. 
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The rest of the day was spent walking around the park and checking out different stores and restaurants. Surprisingly you had a lot of fun with Mako. Once he let go of his cold exterior he was actually quite sweet and you could feel a small crush accuring. Sure you always thought he was attractive but you two were never close enough for you to develop actual feelings for him. Now that barrier was broken and you were falling head over heels for your best friend’s brother. 
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Over the next few months your friendship with Mako grew and grew. What started as making up for Bolin missing your hang outs became you two planning dates on your own. Days after work were spent watching movers at one of your apartments and occasionally going out to eat and weekends were spent exploring more of Republic City or just hanging out in the park. Mako was a great friend but you couldn’t help but want something more. 
“Hey Mako?” You asked one Saturday at the park. The weather was starting to get warmer and the flowers were starting to bloom again.
“Yeah y/n/n?” Mako responded, not looking up from his book.
“Do you only hang out with me because you feel sorry for me?” You asked. Mako immediately sat up and put the book down. 
“No! Of course not! Why would you think that?” 
“Well we were friends before but only started hanging out alone after Bolin kept cancelling on me and all of our other friends are busy so I thought I was like a last resort type of thing.” You explained. Mako reached up to brush some hair out of your face.
“I hang out with you because I like you Y/n. You aren’t hyper like Bolin and I haven’t broken your heart like Asami and Korra. You see me without any bias and I like that about you.” You could feel a blush rise in your cheeks. 
“Oh well I like you too Mako. A lot.” Mako’s smile dropped into a smirk.
“Oh really, how much?” He teased. Without thinking you reached and grabbed his face before planting your lips on him. You pulled back to see his shocked expression. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I completely misread the situation. I shouldn't have assumed that you like me-” You tried to explain yourself but were cut off by him kissing you.
“I like you a lot too,” he said with a grin. If someone had told you the rude firebender on the Fire Ferrets that yelled at you when you first met him would be one of your best friends and now boyfriend a year about you would have laughed in their face but now you couldn’t be happier.
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