shsl-apiarist · 9 years
bees and chill
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shsl-apiarist · 9 years
so, ok, i don't mean to offend anyone but this needs to be said
putting this under a read more bc it’s an inflammatory subject
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shsl-apiarist · 9 years
 Mika puffed up her cheeks and clapped her hands between both to make a loud pop, then leaning her head sideways. “Hm... I’ve never been in here. I’ve spent too much time in the garden and in my room! I needed a change in scenery, ya know?” Mika slowly walked over to the pool and gently propped herself on the side of it, her feet dangling in the water.
She looked around curiously, wondering if any other students happened to be chilling out at the pool. Nope. Just Avery and herself. The whole circus had dwindled down so low after the last trial. Things were too quiet now. Mika thought of Momo for a moment, pondering her existence in the afterlife. Knowing the subject to be far too draining for the moment, Mika kicked at the water with her little legs in attempt to ease her mind.
Pool Time is a Cool Time (Open Starter)
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shsl-apiarist · 9 years
This despairing life of mutual killings had been such a disaster. Week after week would go by and a new body discovered with new culprits and revived despair, anguish, anger, and so on. Little to no room remained for hope. An inundation of disbelief swarmed Mika following the latest trial. Losing Candy, Yukari, Takumi, and Momo in one day was harsh. The feelings of loss stung her like that of a hornet or wasp. Nonetheless, Mika knew she had to move on. After losing Nashimi before, Mika’s ability to cope improved. Sure, she missed all of her deceased friends tremendously, but life goes on. Tomorrow is another day.
Now, some time after that hectic trial, Mika stood outside the Big Top aimless for cause. The beating sun lashed it’s radiating whips against Mika’s soft, pale skin. Red marks scattered her uncovered arms and legs, burning despite the thick coating of sunscreen she applied prior to heading outside. Mika sighed as she took shelter within the shade of the Big Top.
Glancing around, Mika noticed the lake’s cool appearance. Maybe I could take a dip...? Mika shook her head frantically at the idea. Too many bad things happened at that damn lake. But there was one location in this circus Mika knew she could go to cool off... THE POOL! Mika had never visited it before, either, so this was the perfect chance!
Smiling, Mika buzzed her way through the warehouse and into the Inn Finity down to the fifth floor. Mika walked into the female changing room, searching about for a bathing suit. Unlucky for Mika, none of the swimwear around fit her small body. So be it. Mika decided to simply walk out to the pool and simply dip her toes in. Maybe if no one is there, she might hop in and let her clothing get soaked. Being in this mess, there really isn’t much to lose.
Stepping into the room for the first time, Mika immediately spotted Avery by the poolside. Mika waved excitedly to her. This was Mika’s first encounter with another student since the trial, so her joy pounced out at its prey. “Hi, Avery! Did you come here to cool off, too?“
Pool Time is a Cool Time (Open Starter)
Avery had been pretty tired lately. Not much had happened since the trial, so she simply spent her days waiting. Maybe for a new floor to be unlocked, or for the bear to give them a new announcement… anything to break the monotony, really.
That last trial was a mess. Five people died, and that was terrible, but… Avery didn’t want to think about that. All the negativity was really getting to her, and she wanted to stay up beat and on top of things. That meant she should make sure to have as much fun as possible!
It was pretty late, and Avery had already wasted too much time in the game room today. She wanted to go somewhere new. Why not try the pool? She’d never been there before. There had been a murder there, but still, it could be fun. She made her way to her room quickly, digging her swimsuit out of her bag and heading to the pool. Once she got into the dressing room, she quickly changed, excited to check out the water. She did take a few moments to admire herself in a mirror though, deciding she’d probably show Keisuke ther bathing suit sometime soon. 
She made her way across the tiled floor, stepping up against the pool. Taking a seat, she slowly dipped her toe in, checking it’s temperature. She quickly removed it though, finding it a bit too cold for her tastes. She pouted. That was pretty unpleasant, but she’d just have to deal with it if she wanted her swim. She decided to dip herself in bit by bit, starting with her legs. She cringed a little as she first got in the water, but her legs started to feel nicer and nicer as time went on. She stared at her feet in the water as she wiggled her toes.
She had no idea how long she was doing it for, half asleep as she sat there, her legs submerged. She wasn’t really paying attention to her environment, and hadn’t even realized how exhausted she was. Being trapped in a killing game can really wear you out.
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shsl-apiarist · 9 years
Signs as Bee Pickup Lines
aries: if I were a male honey bee, id still bang u even tho my testes explode and kill me
taurus: I'll bee yours if you'll bee mine.
gemini: You're bee-utiful.
cancer: You're the bee's knees!
leo: You're sweeter than honey
virgo: If you were a flower i'd pollinate you
libra: ur thorax is huge B^))
scorpio: Bee a doll and gimme ur digits
sagittarius: Bee my queen!
capricorn: Honey, I'm stuck on you (cAUSE I'M COVERED IN HONEY)
aquarius: My heart beeats for you.
pisces: I don't think you're ready for my royal jelly.
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shsl-apiarist · 9 years
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shsl-apiarist · 9 years
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shsl-apiarist · 9 years
Hm. Keisuke is gonna go grab the satchel AND go check out the freezer then. Time to multi-task. Look at him go. What's up here?
The satchel seems to contain a number of art supplies, but oddly enough, the mallet seems to be missing! Where could it possibly be?
Upon entering the freezer, Keisuke would find something a bit more important than the mallet though.
“Ding dong kiddies! Another body has been found~”
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shsl-apiarist · 9 years
Hm. Keisuke is gonna go grab the satchel AND go check out the freezer then. Time to multi-task. Look at him go. What's up here?
The satchel seems to contain a number of art supplies, but oddly enough, the mallet seems to be missing! Where could it possibly be?
Upon entering the freezer, Keisuke would find something a bit more important than the mallet though.
“Ding dong kiddies! Another body has been found~”
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shsl-apiarist · 9 years
The number of students continued to dwindle as more and more killed. Monobear’s motives had been doing their work, and with such a tantalizing tone this week, some people were anxious to take their cash and skidaddle. 
As the sun rose, the students groggily rose from their beds, some earlier than others. Little did they know what events had transpired since they went to rest the night before. When you head downstairs on your way to go have breakfast, a panicked Oliver Lancaster exits the kitchen. Approaching you, he directs you into the room, bringing a startling sight into view.
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Body Announcement
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shsl-apiarist · 9 years
sweet n sticky  。.゚+:✿
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shsl-apiarist · 9 years
I want this framed on my wall
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shsl-apiarist · 9 years
The intercom obnoxiously sprang to life not even a week after Ryuunosuke Inoue was executed, and it surprised no one when they heard the message’s contents.
“Attention, Attention, Attention ATTENTION. I’ve decided that I’m going to let you guys all out of here! Actually, I haven’t, but that seemed like the best way to make absolutely sure you were listening, and I guess it worked! Now please report to the Big Top for a required meeting!”
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Motive Announcement
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shsl-apiarist · 9 years
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shsl-apiarist · 9 years
I judge a person’s value to this earth based on how many bee species they can name off the top of their head.
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shsl-apiarist · 9 years
The sun rose on the Midway, a new day was dawning! The students still found their stomachs barren, without a source of food in sight. Naturally, this had left some of them irritable and cranky, and others exhausted. Some students were even beginning to wonder if anyone would die from the starvation alone, let alone murder. Speaking of murder, most people really had no doubt that someone would kill before long. It had become a sad reality by now, which was why, when a loud screech rang came from the ferris wheel, it wasn’t a stretch of the imagination to determine what had happened.
Nearby students ran to the source of the sound, finding a panicked Keisuke Kida staring at the ride. Following his gaze, you’d see what gave him such a fright, dangling from the metal bars.
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Body Discovered
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shsl-apiarist · 9 years
👌🐝👌🐝👌🐝👌🐝👌🐝 good bees go౦ԁ bEes👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌bees right👌👌th 👌 ere👌🐝👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌🐝👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 🐝🐝 🐝👌👌Good bees
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