shadowofsunrise · 7 years
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Baby got a haircut He’s so big now
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shadowofsunrise · 7 years
How does everyone start taking their dogs into public spaces (with permission while in training)?
I got permission from the bus drivers and campus staff that it was ok to bring Kirk with as long as it was clear that he was in training. I have a vest for him now that says that he's in training, but I don't know how to go about bringing him on the bus for the first time? He probably won't just walk onto it, I'll either have to carry him or spend 10 minutes coaxing him on and I'm scared even though he has his training vest on it'll look like I'm just lying.
He sees the buses up close all the time so he knows what they look and sound like
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shadowofsunrise · 7 years
Literally nothing so far has been even a slight deterrent. Anytime I do anything, even ignore him, he just thinks it's a game
When Kirk is overly excited, which is pretty much always, he jumps up on my legs and bites at my pants; often instead of using the bathroom when I take him outside and doesnt seem to care when I put him back down on the floor and tell him no because he just does it again immediately. Did anyone else’s puppy do this? How do I get him to stop?
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shadowofsunrise · 7 years
I can't afford expensive clippers right now, so does anyone have any recommendations for a pair of cheap ones thatll last maybe a few months until I can get better ones? It's for a standard poodle but he's still only 8 weeks I don't know if that makes a difference
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shadowofsunrise · 7 years
When Kirk is overly excited, which is pretty much always, he jumps up on my legs and bites at my pants; often instead of using the bathroom when I take him outside and doesnt seem to care when I put him back down on the floor and tell him no because he just does it again immediately. Did anyone else's puppy do this? How do I get him to stop?
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shadowofsunrise · 7 years
Update 2: we brought him home and he's already the best puppy I've ever had I love him
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Y'all I leave in 40 minutes to go pick up my puppy
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shadowofsunrise · 7 years
Update: we are puppy bound
Y'all I leave in 40 minutes to go pick up my puppy
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shadowofsunrise · 7 years
Y'all I leave in 40 minutes to go pick up my puppy
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shadowofsunrise · 7 years
Does anyone here have a standard poodle that they groom themselves? I'm looking to groom mine myself but I want to make sure I have everything. Does anyone have any tips or advice?
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shadowofsunrise · 7 years
6 days until I bring Kirk home!!
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shadowofsunrise · 7 years
Ok so the breeder that I am getting Kirk from called me this morning to let me know that the puppy that had the temperament and personality that would suit me the best, out of all the puppies, has a small umbilical hernia. She wanted to let me know so I could make the decision to chose another puppy or not. She does return some of the purchase price of the puppy to cover the corrective surgery for it, but I'm still unsure about it. Given that he is going to be a service dog prospect does anyone have any suggestion on what to do? Is it minor enough that I could just go ahead and take this puppy anyway or should I pass for a different one?
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shadowofsunrise · 7 years
Ok so I'm picking up my puppy at 8 weeks and I want to start to socialize it to people and other things (buses, cars, a variety of noises and smells) as soon as possible. When I receive him he is supposed to be up to date on all his shots, but should I be concerned about him contracting something? Maybe from taking him into public too early or from being around other dogs in my apartment complex?
I've never had a dog this young before and I'm not 100% sure how that goes.
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shadowofsunrise · 7 years
I go pick up Kirk in 2 weeks and while I'm overly excited for him to come home, it doesn't feel real.
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shadowofsunrise · 7 years
So some of the things I ordered for Kirk came in today, and one of the things was his crate
I've literally never seen a crate so big
It's big enough for me to sit in it and fully extend my legs.
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shadowofsunrise · 7 years
I put a deposit down on my puppy today. We've named him Kirk and he will come home in October!
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shadowofsunrise · 7 years
also if anyone could tell me if illinois law protects service dogs in training as well as full service dogs i would really appreciate it. ive looked it up a few times but i cant find anything that states its specifically for service dogs in training
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shadowofsunrise · 7 years
Ok so i have a question about getting a puppy to train as a service dog. A local lesser known breeder that uve been watching for a while has some puppies still for sale from a previous litter that theyve dropped the price for because theyre older now, so its more affordable for me however im worries about the puppies maybe being too old? Theyre 14 weeks now but if i got one it wouldnt be for another at least week or two and the breeder has made a "warning" if you will that it may take a little more patients with one of them because all 4 are attached to their remaining siblings and the primary caretaker and his family And logically i know you can adopt dogs at any age, but for a service dog prospect is this a good idea?
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