shader591 · 8 months
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What the fuck did you wish for?! My pussy has like... quadrupled in size! Y.... you.. are gonna fix this now! S... shit... you made it so fucking sensitive.... It... it is as jiggly as my ass.... this is fucking in... mmmmmm insane..... How the hell am I gonna find any panties that can fit my fucking lips.... it... it's leaking so much... p... please.... just take it away... change this now!
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Source: Berryrollo
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shader591 · 8 months
Who's the boss?
Size-mancer story
Shortly after the blackmail incident with tits Mcgee. Word got out fast! I was getting approached by so many women filled with curiosity and some......with requests.
Then, I was offered a large sum to come over for the weekend and help her 'expand' her horizons. I was broke, so I couldn't resist. I dont know why I didn't think of it before. This could be a very lucrative venture.
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She paid me as soon as i arrived. I told her about my need to recharge, so we started with simple things , a little height increase, some hip expansion. She loved the preliminary results, very excited for more.
" I'm going to take a shower while you 'recharge'. Just relax. I'll be back soon "
Just as i heard the shower turn on.... i heard footsteps... her mother walked in....
I saw what you did to my daughter, mister. And there is no way I'm letting her be bigger than me! I'm the mommy, im supposed to be bigger, and you WILL give it to me!
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She was beautiful, what a milf! I almost didn't want to change anything, but how could i deny her? Her sultry voice whispering in my ear.... ugh. She was very convincing.
I got a little carried away. She kept yelling "bigger!" I was swept away with the moment.
I heard the door creak open....
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"MOM?!? What are doing here? I thought you left this morning? Omg, your humongous!
This is not fair, I found him, he's mine!!
Let's go stud! Your coming with me, now you have to make me bigger than she is. She always steals all the attention from the guys I bring home. You have to make me bigger than her, we had a deal!"
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She wouldn't let me stop until she almost reached the ceiling, towering over the bed that was creaking and straining from all the extra weight. Which looked amazing on her.
"There! Now that's better, she won't be stealing my boyfriends anymore. My tits and ass are so much bigger than hers now. Thank you. I think this is more than enough. Pleasure doing business with you, and no, I won't tell anyone about this."
I almost made it to the door when I felt a tug on my jacket and heard the click of the lock.
"Where do you think you're going? The money she gave you was mine, so technically, you still owe me! She already fell asleep, I just checked, so we won't be disturbed. We have all night to play. Now..... don't stop until I give the word. I will be the master of this house, as it should be! "
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After almost an hour, she gave me the word. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I never thought anyone would want to be this big. She barely fit in the room. She grabbed my hand as she looked down at me with a delicious grin. I followed her as she crawled to the bathroom. Barely fitting through doors. She was kneeling down in the shower and still towered over me. I got instantly hard
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" I guarantee she will be calling you in the morning after she sees what you did to me. So, let's make a deal... as long as you don't make her bigger or hotter than me, you can have me whenever you want. You're really cute, especially at that size, and mommy needs satisfaction. So... what do you say?
I thought so... now, get over here and wash this curvy goddess you created while I play with myself, thinking about my new toy...😈"
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shader591 · 10 months
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A strange pair of rejects
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shader591 · 1 year
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The fabric of Jenna’s oversized, overstretched bra rubbed against the edges of your doorjamb as she entered the apartment. She made a point of pushing her way through the opening, letting her breasts bulge and creep through. Her hips made it, but just barely. Another week, or even another day, and maybe those, too, would struggle to make it through. Already, she had outgrown all of her pants. Somehow she hadn’t been arrested for indecent exposure, but you weren’t sure how long that would last.
“Everything is so small now,” she said, shutting the door behind her. “My feet hang off the edge of the bed, nothing fits . . .”
“Having second thoughts?” you asked. Jenna had started on hormone therapy two months ago, had even renewed her prescription in spite of the dramatic and abnormal growth spurts. 
“No, not one!” she said cheerfully. “It’s just weird, is all. The changes take some getting used to.”
“I bet.” You went back to the kitchen to tend to the bubbling pot and sizzling pan on the stove. “Dinner’ll be ready in a few. Make yourself comfortable.”
You heard her heavy footsteps trail into the living room. Those sandals of hers were at least a half-dozen sizes too small, but what else could she wear? She tried borrowing a pair of your sneakers a couple of weeks ago, a pair of expensive size-10 Jordans, and she outgrew them in a day or two. Her feet grew so much that her big toes had almost torn completely through them. She was apologetic, of course, but there was something else. She seemed strangely . . . proud?
Jenna had always wanted to be taller, but she hadn’t predicted how much her second, artificially-induced, puberty would make her breasts grow, too. Each titanic mammary was over a hundred pounds (she had weighed them) and stuck out several feet in front of her. The heavy-duty spandex bra she wore was custom-made, and if she spun too quickly she could hear a stitch or two pop. It seemed impossible that she could carry that much weight around so easily, but seeing her from behind, those strong back muscles working beneath her smooth, pale skin . . .
Smoke rose from the pan in front of you, causing you to curse.
“Everything all right in there?” Jenna called.
“Yeah–almost ready! Just got a bit distracted.”
The dinner was more of a formality, anyway, as Jenna had no doubt already eaten. Her superhuman growth was only eclipsed by her superhuman appetite, and she started going out to eat on her own in addition to the meals you enjoyed together. You didn’t ask too many questions, but she often came home smelling like fast food. Still, she managed to put away two or three times the amount you could eat. You always made extra. Tonight, you made an extra two chicken breasts, plus enough pasta to feed an army.
When everything was ready, you brought it to the dining table. Jenna was already there, practically drooling at the food. God, she really had grown so much recently, even over just the past week. Even sitting, she almost came up to your eye level. The utensils looked like children’s toys in her hands.
After you sat down, you scooped some pasta onto your plate, then did a double-take as Jenna took the rest of the bowl to her side and started eating out of it. That was just the way it was now, though.
“So good! Thank you for cooking, by the way. I know I can’t help out too much in there anymore,” she said. Your kitchen was small, and as it was, she couldn’t even turn around in it without knocking something over.
“My pleasure,” you said, and it truly was. In fact, as strange as her transformation was, it also fascinated you. You had always loved big breasts, and to be able to grope what had to be one of the largest sets on Earth was amazing, of course, but it was more than just that. After the sex–something that had become more frequent and more intense since Jenna had started her treatment–when the two of you laid quietly together in bed, you were in awe of just how big she was becoming. She had long since surpassed you in weight, and that meant she was also much stronger than you. If she rolled the wrong way in her sleep, perhaps, or decided to do something against your will, you couldn’t really fight back. Would she even wake up if you were struggling against her? There was something both frightening and exciting in that.
She ate. And ate. She had warned you about staring at her over dinner, but as you picked at your food, you couldn’t help but steal a glance. The chair beneath her complained but held firm. Although you couldn’t see it, she must have been growing right there in front of you, each bite adding to her bulk, her curves, her mass. Your hardening member pulsed in your pants as you thought about what would happen later than evening in bed. She could completely bury your head in her cleavage now, a fact that amused her greatly. 
She caught you looking at her chest. Sitting up straight, she sighed. “I guess you noticed. I don’t think this bra’ll last me another day. Next one’s going to have to be Kevlar.” She gave you a wink, but you were pretty sure it wasn’t a joke. “See how tight it is?”
You nodded dumbly. “You can always take it off, if you want. It’s just us.”
“Hmm. I like it tight, though, don’t you?”
As if on cue, her bra seemed to grow even tighter, sending a crest of boobflesh bulging over the cups. Millimeter by millimeter, her nipples grew hard beneath the fabric, fighting against the industrial-strength weave of the cloth to make their presence known. How big would they be tonight, those nipples? As big as thumbs? Bigger?
After dinner, you cleaned up the dishes while Jenna relaxed in front of the TV. She turned on a movie. “Hey, babe,” she called to you. “Let’s watch something together. The dishes can wait.”
You came into the living room to see that the lights were off. Jenna sat on the floor in front of the couch, her titanic chest filling her lap. She had moved the coffee table out of the way and spread her legs in the clearing, inviting you in. Only the light of the screen illuminated the room.
You took your spot, leaning back into her pillowy cleavage as she chose a movie. It was some terrible Netflix comedy, but you couldn’t have cared less. She wrapped her arms around your waist and pulled you further into her breasts and closer to her thumping heartbeat. In the dim night, you almost drifted off.
Behind you, you could hear her stomach churning. Over the course of the next half hour, the gurgling grew louder and louder. “Feeling okay?” you asked.
“Yeah, never better. Are you okay there?”
“Best seat in the house,” you said, shifting side-to-side as if to drive home the point. Jenna giggled.
“Careful! This bra is ready to pop, remember?”
And, for the second time tonight, Jenna’s words seemed to be almost prophetic: you could feel the pressure behind you expand as, seemingly, her breasts grew again. You could hear the fabric stretching. Jenna let out a gasp, as though in pain.
“Are you–did you just grow?”
“Mmmph. Maybe. I feel something weird.”
Her grip on you tightened as she shifted and took a deep breath. Nestled as you were between her tits, you couldn’t turn your head to see her face, but to either side of you, you watched in amazement as her legs started to get longer. Inch by inch, they grew closer and closer to the television, while her thighs and calves bulged with burgeoning flesh. Her bones creaked and crackled as she grew bigger. In spurts of growth, you saw her feet first elongate, then widen as she flexed and curled her toes. And finally, as if to prove that your senses were not deceiving you, her bra thwapped and twanged as the hooks in the back finally snapped. Although the cups were still dangling from the straps, nothing stopped you from sinking a bit deeper into her cavernous cleavage, which seemed to swell even faster, now freed from their confines.
“Are you okay?” you asked. “Does it hurt?”
“A little,” she admitted. “But it also feels really good, too.”
“You want to go to the bedroom?” You stood up and turned around, looking at her essentially eye-to-eye, despite her sitting on the floor, which stunned you. She was huge! How much could she have grown? Your brain struggled to process just how large she looked.
“Oh, honey, I don’t think you understand,” she said, drawing her legs underneath her. She smiled coyly as she looked into your eyes. Every curve of her massive body seemed to pulsate as she stood up, up, up. Those gigantic breasts rose above your head, despite their disproportionate size, and Jenna’s smiling face leaned down to keep from crashing into the ceiling. “I’m too big for the bedroom now, don’t you think?”
Your heart raced in your chest as she grinned down at you. She was right; she had barely fit through the front door earlier, and she was far, far bigger now. You could smell her sweat and arousal fill the air like a thick fog. “Jenna,” you said cautiously. “What are you gonna do . . .?”
You almost added “. . . to me?” but decided against it. It didn’t matter, though, because she seemed to notice your fear. No, more than notice.
She giggled again, leaning down even further until you could feel her hot breath on your face. “Don’t be afraid. Isn’t this amazing?” She pushed up both of her breasts with her hands, then let them drop. “Hey, you wanna know a secret?”
Her eagerness and nonchalant attitude did little to calm your nerves. You nodded slowly.
“I was bad today,” she said. “Before I came home, I already ate. You knew about that, didn’t you?”
You nodded. What was she getting at?
“But I was REALLY bad today. I ate a lot. Like, from three different places. I was soooo hungry, see. And you didn’t even notice, did you? It’s ‘cause I’ve gotten so big, you can’t even see my belly beneath my boobs. But don’t worry, it’s all gone now.” Jenna patted her expansive midriff, which seemed relatively flat despite her assets elsewhere.
Jenna took a pause in her monologue as she seemed to concentrate on something, long enough of a pause for you to look around you. The Netflix movie was still playing, casting shadows on her white expansive skin. A sense of dread filled you as Jenna’s gigantic form again began to creak and shift. Her panties, already stretched to floss, snapped and fluttered to the floor, having lost the battle to her gargantuan hips. 
She moaned with a blend of pleasure and discomfort. “I even ate dinner here, too. Even though I felt so full, I ate it anyway. Mmm . . . and I’d eat it all again, too.”
She crooned again as another wave of pain coursed through her, and she took a step toward you. Planks of the hardwood floor wrenched themselves loose beneath her tremendous weight. She shot up what must have been another two feet taller in an instant, and every part of her goddess-like body similarly swelled with her. Her breasts swung free, and the remnants of her bra looked laughably small now. She was so bent over that she was almost on all fours, looking like someone navigating through a crawl-space instead of a living room. You backed away.
“But the worst thing I did was in the morning,” Jenna said. “I’m only supposed to take two of those pills, you know.”
Wide-eyed, you slowly shook your head. “You didn’t.”
Her grin grew even wider. “Uh-huh–ugh!--I took a whole bunch. And now . . .”
Another growth spurt, this one sending her on her hands and knees. She was still a few feet from you, but it felt like only inches. Her growth was no longer smooth or uniform. You watched as her asscheeks expanded at an alarming rate, rising like a moon behind her. As pound after pound of flesh inflated them bigger and bigger, Jenna’s eyes rolled in lewd sexual euphoria. “Oh god,” she moaned, “I can feel it!” Her thighs and legs grew, too, though not quite catching up in size to her mountainous rump. Her latest burst of growth came to a halt just as her asscheeks grazed the ceiling.
The walls vibrated with her panting. You knew you should run, but you had also never seen something so powerfully erotic, either.
“Like what you see?” Jenna said. She grabbed you in one massive hand and pulled you in for a kiss. You closed your eyes and tilted your head, but her lips covered half your face. She let go of you just in time for another one of her deep cries of lust and pain that was loud enough now to rattle your teeth.
“More?” you croaked, not sure anymore whether you wanted it to stop. She was so big already, what would another foot do? Or ten?
“Mmhmm, more!” This time she arched her back, jutting her tits forward into you and bumping you back. Your hands sunk into the wall of flesh, then it pushed you back as her titanic tits ballooned outward. Each sensuous boulder swelled bigger and bigger each time she inhaled, almost as though she were inflating them herself. Her areolae, dark and several feet across, stretched wider and puffed up. Her nipples, which you had earlier thought must have been as long as thumbs, were cylinders too big to even get your mouth around. You reached out to one, unsure of whether to proceed, but the instant your hand touched the firm, rubbery flesh, Jenna grunted with approval. You gave it a long, slow tug in time with Jenna’s breaths, trying to amplify the waves of bliss that she was clearly riding, but also enjoying the strange sensation of feeling Jenna–a part of her, at least–grow even bigger.
And still she grew. As her body became larger, she eventually took to laying on her breasts like pillows. Her legs had nowhere to go, and as they folded and bent beneath her, her knees began to press into the walls of your apartment. Studs in the walls creaked and cracked as her thick thighs, filled with immense power, threatened to bust down the whole building. Jenna didn’t care, and neither did you.
Her growth slowed, then halted. Her head was pressing into the ceiling again in spite of her prone position, and she looked down at you with an erotic intensity that made you eager to jump on top of her colossal body.
“You’re too big to leave through the door, you know,” you said. “And I don’t think the neighbors are going to like seeing the new you as much as I do.”
“Maybe,” she said, her lips curling into a grin, “you go see if you can find that bottle. I can think of a fun way of getting me out of here, can’t you?”
Image made with NovelAI. Prompt: Doorway with a curvy giant woman with gigantic breasts {crawling through}, torn clothing, taut bra, long blonde hair, outside
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shader591 · 1 year
Reblog to give the person you reblogged this from an even bigger ass
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shader591 · 1 year
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For Elden Ring One Year Anniversary here's a thread of all(?) of my Food/Snack Parody Art in no particular order! They're free to use as pfp! Part 1
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shader591 · 2 years
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shader591 · 7 years
This is mesmerizing to watch.
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shader591 · 7 years
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738K notes · View notes
shader591 · 7 years
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Ok kids, let’s settle this little debate. What’s my most snuggable part?
Reblog to vote for Boobs, Fav to vote for Paws.
Do both if I’m 100% purrfection (this is the correct answer ;3)  -Boobsy
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shader591 · 8 years
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108 notes · View notes
shader591 · 8 years
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Nora looks a little thirsty now doesn’t she?
Perhaps she could use a little water in her system don’tcha guys think so?
basically I’m doing this fun lil game where the more notes she gets the more water she gets, therefore… the bigger she gets.
50 notes and we’ll begin watering her.
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shader591 · 9 years
reblog if u support squishy tummies, legs, and arms
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shader591 · 11 years
Im in love.
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Knife Blade
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