serpenttaught · 3 years
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            Eventually, we all need to look in the mirror and realize who we are.                                                                  ♦
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serpenttaught · 3 years
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“it’s   fine.   .   .robby.   i   lost   the   fight.   now   dad   has   to   close   the   dojo.“   so   does   johnny.   it   weights   on   her   and   it   shouldn’t   but   she   has   inherited   her   father’s   ability   to   put   blame   on   herself.   ”i   heard   about   kreese.“   arrested,   apparently.   her   father   told   her   and   she   isn’t   sure   how   she   feels   about   it,   now   that   terry   silver   is   the   one   in   charge   of   the   cobra   kai   dojos.   there   is   a   pause,   eyes   finally   looking   back   at   him   and   sighing.   “you   showed   them   our   moves.“   secrets.   things   only   for   those   who   do   miyagi-do.   “I   should   be   mad.   .   .i’m   just.   .   .sad.“   sam   admits,   and   tapping   her   feet   to   the   ground,   nervous.   “are   you   still   going   to   be   cobra   kai?“
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    ❝ that’s not... it’s not all on you, Sam. i know it’s going to feel like it is, but it’s not. you did amazing out there, okay? ❞ he knows that she’s not going to feel any better about that when it’s coming from him, but that’s okay. hopefully she’ll get there in time. when she mentions Kreese, his brows pinch together a little and he nods.  ❝ yeah, it’s... you’d think it’d be a good thing, but Silver is... he’s worse. he’s so much worse. ❞ he frowns a little, and then she mentions how he’d betrayed them, tells him she’s sad about it, and that guilt comes flooding in all over again.  ❝ i’m sorry, Sam. i wish i could take it all back. that was... that was so shitty of me, but i wasn’t thinking straight at the time-- that’s no excuse. i know that. ❞ he presses his lips together a little, before he shakes his head, shifting on his feet.  ❝ no. i’m done with them. i... don’t really know what’s next for me. ❞
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serpenttaught · 3 years
She pours herself more of the whiskey, repeats the process with a second glass and slides it down the island to him. Tory should probably slow the way she’s drinking the amber liquid but it’s helping keep in the words that she shouldn’t say. 
The actual answer to that question is that she hasn’t been doing great a all. She’s missed him more than she had really ever admitted out loud. That her little brother asked about him almost once a day. Yeah sure she missed the romantic relationship they had built, but more than anything she misses the friendship they forged. Robby Keene had become her best friend and her life lacked without him. 
Instead she says  “Oh you know, the same terrible shit just a different day.” and takes a deep sip off her drink. “Mom’s a little better lately. She was able to get out of bed three days in a row last week.” Privately the brunette tried not to get too excited about it. The doctors had told her that it was unlikely her mother would ever get better than she was right now. 
God when had they become so god damn awkward? 
“What about you? How’ve things been?”  She hates that she doesn’t know, hates that she even has to ask the damn question. She softens for a moment, playing with the cuffs on the jacket she’s wearing. “Your mom been good lately?”   
      Robby hates the way they seem to be a little unsure how to act around each other, like they hadn’t been close just a few months earlier. he thanks her when she slides the drink over to him, looking down at it for a moment as he tries to get his head around how to make this a little less weird. 
      when she speaks, he glances back up toward her face and feels his brows pinch a little at her first response. but the news about her mom is definitely good, and he offers her a small smile at it.  ❝ i’m glad to hear that, Tory. that’s great news. how’s your brother doing? ❞ he asks, before he takes a sip of his drink. 
      she asks how he’s been doing, and Robby shrugs his shoulders a little bit as he takes another, slightly bigger sip of his drink.  ❝ oh, you know... it’s been okay. ❞ it hasn’t, but it seems they both know all about that, so there’s no point dwelling on it, really.  
    ❝ yeah, she’s been good. she seems to be doing so much better, now... i honestly didn’t think she would stick with the rehab, but she seems to be thriving there. every time i go visit her, she’s got such a relaxed air about her... it’s really nice. ❞
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serpenttaught · 3 years
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                    ‘ could ask you the same thing, ’ as much as miguel wanted to sound defensive, he just sounded tired, the two boys facing off once again, this time in johnny’s apartment. his brows are furrowed, but he has no energy for malice. holding up a guns n roses cassette, he tosses it softly onto the table between them. ‘ just came to return the tape i borrowed, ’ he explains quietly, but doesn’t turn to leave, despite johnny clearly not being present. ‘ wasn’t planning on staying… so you can keep doing whatever you were doing before i got here. i’ll be gone once i grab another tape, ’
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      Robby watches the tape scatter lightly onto the table for a moment, before eventually looking back up at Miguel. the guy looks... exhausted. it makes it difficult for Robby to really maintain any sort of anger, and his features soften a little even his brows remain furrowed. Miguel’s voice is quiet, deflated even. Robby’s shoulders slump a little and he sighs, bringing a hand up to scratch at his jawline as he glances around.  ❝ right-- yeah, just grab one. ❞ he nods toward the stash of tapes, before eyeing the other boy again.  ❝ i’ve, uh... been staying here. ❞ he doesn’t know why he tells him that, but it’s out there now. they’d have probably bumped into each other anyway.
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serpenttaught · 3 years
She had told Piper no. Actually to be specific she had told Piper no more than once. Tory didn’t want to go out with their friends right now. Their group was small, sometimes a little to small. It would be impossible to avoid Robby and the weight of all their emotional bullshit. 
Tory thought their break up would make it easier. That they could go back to that easy place before the feelings had gotten to deep and scary. Where it was all banter and kissing and laughing while sparring.  
Incoming text: [Pipe Bomb:] Robby isn’t here, will you just get dressed and come out.
Tory groaned and threw her head back, her phone hitting her bed. At this rate Piper was going to physically stuff her into clothes and drag her over to the party. She got up and rifled through her closet for a pair of jeans, a black crop top and a green vans jacket she’s not even sure where she got. Hair gets shaken out and re-sprayed, a new coat of blood red lipstick and her feet shoved into a pair of heeled boots. 
outgoing text: [Pipe Bomb:] alright i’m here, just for you and everything
She stops off in the kitchen to get herself a drink, hair a little messy from running her fingers through it, pouring herself a quarter cup of whiskey and then her eyes catch his across the kitchen island. She was going to murder Piper slowly. The whiskey hits her lips, warmth spreading through her. 
“Hey stranger.” she says almost quietly. “Whiskey on the rocks?” she offers, a better version of an olive branch. 
      honestly, Robby really hadn’t wanted to come to this damn party. but he knows that he’s been wallowing a bit, hasn’t really been letting himself go anywhere he thinks they might bump into each other. 
      now that he’s here though, and she’s not, he isn’t quite as relieved as he thought he’d be. it’s only then that he realizes just maybe he’d been wanting to see her. even if they didn’t end up speaking to each other. 
      he’s in the kitchen looking to get another drink when he catches sight of her-- and he seems to spot her first. watching from the other side of the kitchen island as she picks her way through the crowd to start pouring herself a drink. she looks up quite suddenly though, so he doesn’t get a chance to look away, is just left raising his brows a little as he releases a breath he hadn’t realised he was holding. 
   ❝ hey... ❞ he allows a small smile to pull the edges of his lips upwards, before he steps toward the island to rest his hands on it.  ❝ uh, yeah-- please. that would be great. ❞ he nods, taking a moment to consider what he wants to say, before eventually settling on simple.  ❝ so... how’ve you been doing? ❞
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serpenttaught · 3 years
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eyes   shift.   staring   back   at   robby   and   she   breathes   through,   she   puts   on   a   facade   with   most   people.   say   she   is   fine   and   smile   and   do   her   breathing   exercises.   robby   knows   her.   it’s   harder   to   lie   to   him.   “i’m.   .   .dealing   with   it.   feels   like   it’s   all   my   fault.”   her   dad,   johnny,   lost   what   they   wanted   the   most   because   she   didn’t   won.   eyes   fall   to   the   empty   space   beside   her,   a   peace   offering.   “you   did.   .   .good.   more   than   that.   you   were   great.”
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   ❝ hey, it’s not-- ❞ he almost steps closer, but he stops himself.  ❝ it’s not your fault, Sam. you were amazing out there, you gave it everything you had. it’s... ❞ if anything, it’s his fault. it’s Creese and Silver’s fault, mostly, but-- he shouldn’t have joined them. he knew better, but he got so caught up in it... she compliments him but she’s not looking at him, and Robby presses his lips together as he studies her face for a moment.  ❝ i’m sorry, Sam. i know it doesn’t fix anything, but... i really am sorry. ❞
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serpenttaught · 3 years
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the   voice   gives   him   a   small   pause.   but   either   way,   daniel   walks   in,   making   sure   to   keep   the   door   close   behind   him.   seems   important   enough   to   keep   it   so.   “sure,   of   course.   what   do   you   want   to   talk?”   and   perhaps,   that   streak   inside   him   that   worries   like   a   father   asks   with   a   gentle   frown.   “something   happened?”
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      Robby follows him inside with his hands in his pockets, expelling a soft breath as he looks around a moment. when he turns to face Daniel, he’s got a small frown on his face, like he’s second guessing himself. he doesn’t like admitting weakness.  ❝ i’ve been trying to use what you taught me, trying to find balance, but i’m... struggling with it. how do you do it? how do you stop everything getting under your skin? ❞ 
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serpenttaught · 3 years
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      mmkay i’ve actually gotta work a full day tomorrow for the first time in a long time lmao. i’ll be around on discord and ims though if you need me
      in the meantime, if you want a starter set in Steve’s cob/ra kai verse hit the heart! i want to explore it more i’m obsessed lmao. info can be found here.
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serpenttaught · 3 years
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      his mouth briefly opens like he wants to say something, but he second guesses himself and closes it, brows pinching together. he knows what he wants to say, but instead all he manages is;  ❝ how’re you... holding up? ❞
@taughtpeace​  ♥’d for a starter
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serpenttaught · 3 years
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      he’s not surprised at all when he’s immediately greeted with a scowl, but he keeps his hands in his pockets and steps further into the store.  ❝ i’m not here to fight you. i’m here for juice. ❞
@flipsscript​  ♥’d for a starter
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serpenttaught · 3 years
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Tanner Buchanan + s4 behind the scenes
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serpenttaught · 3 years
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      he’s not sure what his dad is cooking, but he’s a little too tired to actually ask. he hadn’t slept well at all, in truth, his mind is a little all over the place. he realizes he’s being asked a question a little too late, and looks up to find Johnny offering out a coffee. he takes it with a thanks, hands wrapped around the hot mug.  ❝ what’re you making? ❞ 
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serpenttaught · 3 years
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      he double takes when he catches Miguel out the corner of his eye, his brows pinching together a little as his hands fall to his side.  ❝ what’re you doing here? ❞
@learnmercy​  ♥’d for a starter
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serpenttaught · 3 years
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   ❝ what’re you watching? ❞ he asks, deliberately pressing an ice cold can of coke against the back of her neck as he hops over the back of the couch to drop next to her.
@mercytaught​  ♥’d for a starter
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serpenttaught · 3 years
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      he’s got an obnoxious amount of food in his mouth when Nat sits down opposite him, and he smiles around it before swallowing it down.  ❝ -- what did you say this was? it’s great. ❞
@vdcvy​  ♥’d for a starter
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serpenttaught · 3 years
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   ❝ hey, Mr Larusso... ❞ he greets as the man opens his door, lips pressing together briefly.  ❝ i was hoping we could talk? ❞
@teachbalance​ ♥’d for a starter
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serpenttaught · 3 years
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REBLOG THIS POST TO BE ADDED TO A COBRA KAI & THE KARATE KID ROLEPLAY  MASTERLIST . please state in the tags your muse’s name, if they are canon, divergent, OC or they have a verse. the masterlist can be found here. and will be updated from time to time.
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