seitanist · 9 years
Hahahahaha! Yes.
When I’m rethinking the text I sent my crush because they haven’t responded
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seitanist · 9 years
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Me when I meet a cute girl.
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seitanist · 10 years
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seitanist · 10 years
ANAGNORISIS - Beyond All Light - 2013 - tape (2014)
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Tape days. Mine are more or less over but that’s not the reason why ANAGNORISIS slipped through my net. In the end I can’t say how that has happened - perhabs I’m a ‘Hinterwäldler’ (German for stupid guy living behind the forest…don’t...
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seitanist · 10 years
What you want, what you want, what you want, is passion. It is beyond interest. You need 20 interests, and then one of them, one of them might grab you, one of them might engage you more than anything else, and then you may have found your greatest love in comparison to all the other things that interest you, and that's what passion is.
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seitanist · 10 years
This shit is SO good! Thanks to my babe Bridget for cluing me into this shit.
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seitanist · 10 years
Great stuff.
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seitanist · 10 years
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seitanist · 11 years
Anagnorisis (Full Set) - 3/14/2014 @ The Milestone A fun set. Playing with YAITW was awesome.
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seitanist · 11 years
Fun interview I did regarding black metal and veganism. Hail Seitan!
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seitanist · 11 years
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Deafheaven - Frostbather
(source unknown)
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seitanist · 11 years
Listen/purchase: Beyond All Light by Anagnorisis
Help us out and pre-order the vinyl!
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seitanist · 11 years
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Turns out some of the most enraged and horrifyingly bleak black metal this side of Sweden can be found in Kentucky. Louisville’s Anagnorisis aren’t newcomers to the metal realm, having dropped their first full-length, Overton Trees, back in 2007. Forming in 2003, the band has poured every...
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seitanist · 11 years
Killer review of Beyond All Light and a ton of other great releases!
I’m always hesitant to do these lists, because either (a) I inadvertently exclude what’s obviously an essential album, and/or (b) I inevitably draw the ire of other listeners who feel personally insulted that their favorite bands aren’t represented. 2013 was as exciting a year for heavy music as...
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seitanist · 11 years
Black metal from my dude Tom. Check it if you like somber stuff like Agalloch or WITTR.
Hymns of Our Demise by Ghosts At Sea
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seitanist · 11 years
LOVE this shit! "anti-fascist, anti-sexist, anti-religion" 
Listen/purchase: the humane condition by ANCST
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seitanist · 11 years
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Woe is going on tour.
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