sd-refuge · 5 months
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all my damage dealing characters died in the second phase so i ended up fighting him with my sole survivor fu xuan and they had a preservation-off
sorry.. sorry.... i am the reason they nerfed aventurine boss fight
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sd-refuge · 4 years
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Commissions are open.
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sd-refuge · 4 years
Travel buddy animayed.
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sd-refuge · 5 years
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Sometimes my phone doesn’t work properly and the game crashes, but I have a few seconds to make screenshots without the end results of the battle. And I make wallpapers out of it. Feel free to use, but I think someone made it already ._.
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sd-refuge · 6 years
This whole “trust Tumblr blindly” thing is eventually going to kill someone, as I became pointedly aware of on one occasion I was making fun of how poorly a particular bleach-based drain declogger was working on my sink and got a chorus of really dangerously misinformed people telling me to pour vinegar in after it because all cute little cool kid diy home care blogs they’re following talk about vinegar like it it’s the big secret the cleaning companies don’t want you to know.
And I cringed knowing that someday, some Well Actually expert who read a blog article once is going to give that advice to someone who unfortunately didn’t take high school chemistry and isn’t aware that MIXING VINEGAR AND BLEACH MAKES CHLORINE GAS.
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sd-refuge · 6 years
A note on Tumblr policy and criminal legal libel
Tumblr has a very specific policy regarding harassment. If a person you have blocked has circumnavigated that block feature by creating another account and again contacted you, it is a violation of Tumblr’s harassment code and grounds to have that user banned from the entire site. How might they accomplish this? Well, it is actually fairly simple. I imagine that in some way, Tumblr administration creates a file with a case number which is given to the complainant as a continual reference point. I would imagine they then take all the URLs (known aliases) of the person and can quickly and easily cross-reference them to obtain meta data. You see, whether or not the blog has been disabled or deactivated, Tumblr still has access to the IP addresses and message conversations. Tumblr can block all participation from all associated IP. And if future contact is made by that person, accessing Tumblr by using another IP address, then that would be attached to the reference number and also banned.
That is how Tumblr can deal with harassment.
Libel is defined as “a method of defamation expressed by print, writing, pictures, signs, effigies, or any communication embodied in physical form that is injurious to a person’s reputation, exposes a person to public hatred, contempt or ridicule, or injures a person in his/her business or profession.”
This includes the internet and the use of Tumblr to advertise a business venture. Because some user’s blogs are directly linked and tied to their financial endeavors of say, a publishing career, harassment of the user constitutes legal grounds for lawsuit. Especially when communications are taken out of context, altered, unfounded accusations against the user’s character are made, etcetera. When that harasser invites others to ridicule the user, that is legal libel and is pursuable in a court of law.
This is even more relevant, if the user has proof that the IP addresses directly associated with known physical addresses of the harasser continued to visit the website and/or accessed specific features, like say the “ask box”. It is also beneficial if the harassed party possesses a stockpile of time-stamped screen shots demonstrating that they repeatedly asked for the harasser to cease communications, and that the harasser did not. It is even more valuable if these screen shots demonstrate that this person wanted friendship, apologized for things they later denied, contradicted accusations made in the public forum, asked for forgiveness, and so on and so forth. These countless messages on multiple forums and saved emails directly from their IP, constitute a very strong argument that the harasser knew their libelous statements were false, and therefore continued to commit the crime of defamation of character.
How do they say it?
TL;DR: Legal Libel and defamation of character lawsuits can be founded on harassment claims made to social media platforms like Tumblr, particularly if those platforms have been monetized. Tumblr can recover records of message conversations and metadata from deactivated accounts for use in court. So if a person asks you not to contact them or blocks your account, do not then selectively “air your laundry” and encourage others to ridicule or otherwise harass the individual on your behalf. It is a particularly bad idea if you know the user in question is stubborn and has a pack of lawyers on retainer, as well as willing witnesses and depositions.
In short, it is unwise to be a dick. It is unwise to accuse someone of abuse, when all real evidence is to the contrary. It is unwise to perform “call outs” if you alter or misrepresent information, encourage others to participate, or have given the parties concerned your legal address, phone number, etcetera.
So! Please do obey the rules of Tumblr! If a person asks you to leave them alone or blocks you, do leave them alone! Do not lie to get attention! Do not go onto group blogs and spread these lies. It is not a good idea, and while it is perhaps the case that most blogs are run by legal minors or are not linked to financial ventures…some are. If someone ins harassing you, take screen shots of every single encounter, save all emails, record each URL, and organize this data into a file that is uploaded to a satellite server.
This has been a “PSA” from your friendly neighborhood monster and his legal counsel! Have a excellent day!
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sd-refuge · 6 years
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10 Different ways to end your Novel
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sd-refuge · 6 years
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Color Tutorial Part 4: Color Picking and Palettes
Part 1 : Value - link Part 2 : Hue and Saturation - link Part 3 : Saturation & Color Mixing - link Part 5: Digital Coloring Method - link
Other Tutorials - link
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sd-refuge · 6 years
i mercifully wasnt using this extension but i seem to remember it being pretty popular, if youve been using this since it got bought out in 2017 uhhh maybe get rid of that?? yikes
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sd-refuge · 6 years
Attacking people who write fic that isn’t the fic you want to read won’t make them suddenly stop writing the fic they want and start writing the fic you want. 
They may stop writing in your fandom completely, and there won’t be more of the fic you want; just less fic overall.
Or, they may double down out of spite and write even more of the fic you don’t want, because fuck you, you entitled little goblin. 
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sd-refuge · 6 years
Framing abuse as “hetero culture” is harmful both to straight people and queer people bc it teaches the former that abuse is normal in their relationships, and the latter that abuse can’t happen in theirs, making it to where neither gets help
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sd-refuge · 6 years
Fandoms years ago: your kink is not my kink and I’m personally squicked by some of the things in your fanfics so I’m not gonna read them, but I’m gonna be civil to you anyway
Fandoms now: I’ve read your 18+ fic even if I’m a minor and I ignored all your tags and trigger warnings. The fault is still yours. I don’t know you personally but your kinks are Bad so you are also Bad. Kill yourself and pee your pants.
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sd-refuge · 6 years
queer is a slur, grow up
‘Queer’ was reclaimed as an umbrella term for people identifying as not-heterosexual and/or not-cisgender in the early 1980s, but being queer is more than just being non-straight/non-cis; it’s a political and ideological statement, a label asserting an identity distinct from gay and/or traditional gender identities.People identifying as queer are typically not cis gays or cis lesbians, but bi, pan, ace, trans, nonbinary, intersex, etc.: we’re the silent/ced letters. We’re the marginalised majority within the LGBTQIA+ community, and‘queer’ is our rallying cry.
And that’s equally pissing off and terrifying terfs and cis LGs.
There’s absolutely no historical or sociolinguistic reason why ‘queer’ should be a worse slur than ‘gay.’ Remember how we had all those campaigns to make people stop using ‘gay’ as a synonym for ‘bad’?
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Yet nobody is suggesting we should abolish ‘gay’ as a label. We accept that even though ‘gay’ sometimes is and historically frequently was used in a derogatory manner, mlm individuals have the right to use that word. We have ad campaigns, twitter hashtags, and viral Facebook posts defending ‘gay’ as an identity label and asking people to stop using it as a slur.
Whereas ‘queer’ is treated exactly opposite: a small but vocal group of people within feminist and LGBTQIA+ circles insists that it’s a slur and demands that others to stop using it as a personal, self-chosen identity label.
Because “queer is a slur” was invented by terfs specifically to exclude trans, nonbinary, and intersex people from feminist and non-heterosexual discourse, and was subsequently adopted by cis gays and cis lesbians to exclude bi/pan and ace people.
It’s classic divide-and-conquer tactics: when our umbrella term is redefined as a slur and we’re harassed into silence for using it, we no longer have a word for what we are allowing us to organise for social/political/economic support; we are denied the opportunity to influence or shape the spaces we inhabit; we can’t challenge existing community power structures; we’re erased from our own history.
I’m not kidding. Cis LGs have literally taken historical evidence of queer people’s involvement in the LGBT rights struggle and photoshopped it to erase us:
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Pro tip: when you alter historical evidence to deny a marginalised group empowerment, you’re one of the bad guys.
“Queer is a slur” is used by terfs and cis gays/lesbians to silence the voices of trans/nonbinary/intersex/bi/pan/ace people in society and even within our own communities, to isolate us and shame us for existing.
“Queer is a slur” is saying “I am offended by people who do not conform to traditional gender or sexual identities because they are not sexually available to me or validate my personal identity.”
“Queer is a slur” is defending heteronormativity.
“Queer is a slur” is frankly embarrassing. It’s an admission of ignorance and prejudice. It’s an insidious discriminatory discourse parroted uncritically in support of a divisive us-vs-them mentality targeting the most vulnerable members of the LGBTQIA+ community for lack of courage to confront the white cis straight men who pose an actual danger to us as individuals and as a community.
I’m here, I’m queer, and I’m too old for this shit.
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sd-refuge · 6 years
dare i say that stuffed animals are one of the single greatest inventions of all time and im thankful every day for the fact that someone thought to make animals but in huggable plush form…..saved me from a lot of bad nights and nightmares as a kid, i love you stuffed animals
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sd-refuge · 6 years
what do you mean you’re at soup?!?!
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sd-refuge · 6 years
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sd-refuge · 6 years
I get that you're young, but queer isn't a slur and don't reblog my damn posts with "q slur", please. My identity is not a slur. Thinking queer is a slur is ahistoric bullshit.
Lmfao what the fuck are you on?? Q*eer was originally used to refer to trans and sga people BY CISHETS to refer to us as abnormal and wrong. It’s a fucking slur. If you choose to use a slur as your only personal identifier then yes, your identity is a God damn slur. This is so disrespectful to every lgbt person with trauma surrounding that word, and you’re the one who’s being ahistorical. Asshole.
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