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Tree Sparrows
by Robert E Fuller
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that bitch caravaggio?? he knew what the fuck was up
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Fjaðrárgljúfur | muenchmax
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((Leo’s blog would be 50% science news and 50% animals and you bet he loves cat memes))
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Leonardo had decided to take a stroll outside to distract himself from the reports that had arrived in the morning. Of course the trick hadn’t worked at all and while mulling over the results, he somehow found himself in the part of the area he rarely visited and just when he finally looked up he heard a faint mewling coming nearby. 
After a few seconds of searching around, he found a tiny trembling kitten among the bushes. 
“Hey, hello there.” he said gently and moved a few steps closer but the petrified cat moved away at once and Leonardo could see how skinny she was. He simply couldn’t leave the poor thing alone, not like this but there weren’t any shops around to buy her some food or even a drop of water. (He should have been more considerate and remembered to bring pet food with him.)
Luckily in one of the gardens nearby there was a woman tending to her plants and Leonardo hoped she would be as much of an animal lover as he was.
“Excuse me!” he said as he tried to get the woman’s attention over the partition. “I found a hungry stray over there and I want to take her to the vet but she’s too frightened. Could you give some water and maybe something to eat so I can give it to her? She looks very sickly.” 
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Sensing that his lover's mood had turned more serious and somber than he had expected, he smiled at him and tucked a curl behind his ear.
"Are you really that worried?" he asked gently. It was rare to see Salai like this. "I thought you'd be more relaxed honestly."
Dropping his hands to his sides, Salai could already feel his customary pout slipping in to place. Ezio, he had mostly come to terms with. He was Leonardo’s dearest friend, not to mention painfully straight, thus he saw no reason to feel jealous or paranoid. Melzi, however… “I don’t think Melzi would be interested in such a thing. I heard he’s too busy nowadays doing God knows what people like him do. No, I don’t think he could possibly have the time.” he said airily, inspecting his nails as he did so and plotting to delete the little pest’s name from Leonardo’s contacts as soon as he could.
He tried not to smile at Salai’s annoyance. It was fun to rile him up sometimes.
“Actually he was telling me how bored he was from work and wanted to do something different for a weekend.” That much was true but there was no harm in twisting the facts a little. “He told me he had done paragliding years ago and I got the idea from him. But like I said you don’t need to come. We can go there together and meet you later for dinner.”
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Bonus. A couple of action shots of the funky bunch.
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Dropping his hands to his sides, Salai could already feel his customary pout slipping in to place. Ezio, he had mostly come to terms with. He was Leonardo’s dearest friend, not to mention painfully straight, thus he saw no reason to feel jealous or paranoid. Melzi, however… “I don’t think Melzi would be interested in such a thing. I heard he’s too busy nowadays doing God knows what people like him do. No, I don’t think he could possibly have the time.” he said airily, inspecting his nails as he did so and plotting to delete the little pest’s name from Leonardo’s contacts as soon as he could.
He tried not to smile at Salai’s annoyance. It was fun to rile him up sometimes.
“Actually he was telling me how bored he was from work and wanted to do something different for a weekend.” That much was true but there was no harm in twisting the facts a little. “He told me he had done paragliding years ago and I got the idea from him. But like I said you don’t need to come. We can go there together and meet you later for dinner.”
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Biting his lip, Salai regarded his lover for a moment. True, Leonardo was hard to deny when he had that excited glimmer in his eye, not to mention his boundless enthusiasm was contagious… but Salai couldn’t help but envisage one or both of them colliding with a concrete pavement. Splat. An involuntary shudder rippled through him. “But darling, have you considered all the other possibilities? Spending money so frivolously on something that’s over in a flash. We could go shopping in Paris! Visit Rome for a weekend or drink ourselves silly in New York.” he grinned, casually plucking the phone from Leonardo’s hand and pressing a chaste kiss to his palm. “And besides, I want to spend time with you face to face.” And not being thrown screaming out of an aeroplane.
Leo pouted when his phone was taken but didn’t make any attempts to get it back. “We’ve been to those places many times before, don’t you want to try something new?” 
It was true that Salai wasn’t the type to do such adrenaline filled activies. Well, to be fair, Leonardo himself wasn’t either but anything related to flying caught his interest and he had to give it a try! Maybe he could try something else to coax Salai into going.
“But anyway, you don’t have to come with me anyway. I can go by myself.” He held out his hand knowing full well that there was no way Salai was going to hand his phone back to him. “Maybe I can ask somebody else to go with me? Ezio would never decline and Melzi was talking about paragliding the other day.” 
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“Come on, it will be fun!” He hadn’t expected Salai to worry that much. It’s not like they would be the first people to try skydiving. “It’s going to be like flying! Besides you’ll be with experts so it’s safe too!” He was already looking up information about how to do it on his phone. It was going to be exciting!
@scribblesandideas "Let’s go skydiving!!“
“I… Skydiving? Really? What on earth for?” he asked, brows furrowing in confusion. He knew his boyfriend could be an odd duck at times, but this really was too much. “Wouldn’t you rather spend a weekend away somewhere relaxing? Your schedule has finally calmed down, you don’t have any commissions. Well, at least none that require your immediate attention. And I really would rather engage in other activities that don’t have the chance of resulting in broken bones or an excruciatingly painful death.”
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tell your boyfriend if he says he’s got beef, that i’m a vegetarian and i
eat leaf
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i love shrikes because they’re horrible little carnivores whose feeding habits are grim enough to earn then the nickname ‘butcherbird’ but they look like this
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Gifu Prefecture, Japan | savoygardens
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He shook his head in feigned disappointment. "What a demanding boyfriend you are!" But he wouldn't keep up the act for long. Instead he wrapped his arms around Salai's neck and pulled him into a kiss and pressed their foreheads together afterwards. "I don't think I need flowers to get a kiss from you. Don't I deserve to get them for free?"
@scribblesandideas: White Camellia - You’re adorable
“Oh, how pretty.” he smiled, twirling the stem of the beautiful white bloom between his fingers and letting the petals brush softly over his lips.  “While I already know and appreciate how adorable you find me, perhaps next time you should send me some mistletoe, or a sprig of blue hyacinth instead, hmm?” he said, a devious grin lighting up his expression.
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🦉 - What’s your Secret Mirror Act when no one else is looking? Do you make faces? Do you dance? Do you check yourself out?
“Of course I check myself out, I need to make sure I look good before I go out right? And maybe I’m trying to see if I have any wrinkles... But let’s keep that a secret.”
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