saulsux · 10 years
okay guys so i have a little funny story for you today!!! i was told information about the richrp situation and i thought you’d all like to see it :) none of the information about the person who sent this or anything like that will be exposed
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saulsux · 10 years
Sarah was the nicest admin what the fuck. I totally understand the way she plays her character because I didn't the same way and people gave me the SAME SHIT. Like dude, this isn't real life. Get over yourself and stop bullying ppl bc ur a dramatic B
yas b slay! ur my fav
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saulsux · 10 years
Me and you Sarah need our own rp. I swear everyone who is trying to talk shit is so basic like ahaha bye :----)
YOOOOOOOOO if u fr message me off anon id be so down to make a rp w u
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saulsux · 10 years
im so sorry you're getting these shitty messages :( you're a great person and a great rper and it's pissing me off that people think they can say these things to you
u make me so happy angel pls always remember that omg
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saulsux · 10 years
youre a really terrible rper lol no kidding that anon hated you what are u even doing with yourself
i won’t take offense to this, as i’m sure this is your opinion and i won’t sway your decision. but which anon were you talking about? sorry, just a little clarification as i’m slightly confused which “anon” you’re speaking of, angel
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saulsux · 10 years
so some of you may have seen the storyrps post regarding richrp and if you don't then the links are as followed:
and i would like to clarify some things that clearly were not stated in said post
but first of all, i would like you to know the full story before all else
there had been confusion with a cailin russo faceclaim situation in which i had applied for her despite the fact that we already had one. however, there was no indication that she was in fact a taken role as the admin who had accepted her hadn't added her to the taken list, nor followed her so to put her on the blogroll
i resigned my app for her and afterwards. i did not "kick out a veronica just to have my faceclaim" you can even see it posted here
one of the admins had been talking to her other friend about it (whom also happened to be an admin) and had said that i was online during the time a cailin russo was accepted (mind you I wasn't) but here anyways
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upon hearing this, i had messaged scuttle saying this and nothing more. i didnt get a response, and i didnt harass her afterwards
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it's just so funny how in the "exposing" post about richrp the part in which i apologize for sounding rude was cropped out yet all messages were sent at the same time
admittedly, the first part sounded harsh which i can assure you were not my intentions at all. i even went back to revise my words immediately after sending that. this girl was my friend and i considered her one of my favourite people within the roleplay. some of you may think this is photoshopped as you only saw the first part of the message but i can once again assure you that it was not. even for safe measures, i'd give you my aim login information so you could see for yourself. after that, i had received a message in my ask
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after hearing about it, i went and checked it out and i literally could not stop myself from feeling so beyond hurt and insulted at what was said
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"the harry fc and the camila fc are trolly as hell and tells everyone to kill themselves"
now, not once have i ever told anybody in character nor out of character to kill themselves, yet somebody saying they want to slit my throat is fine and okay? the rest of everything sent into talks would have honestly been fine with me. i could've moved past it, let my frustrations out and rant to my friends and i'd be fine but saying you want to slit my throat? that's beyond cruel and upon seeing that i honestly just got so upset and that entire day, i refrained from posting much on both my character account and the main.
"according to some people, she was rude and ignored them. "
throughout the entirety of the roleplay's existence, not once did i ever ignore anybody. i repled to all starters, i messaged nearly everybody to plot with me, and even out of character i made sure to talk to the character's muse in the tags. i only had posted two starters since the roleplay had started and one of which, i wouldn't have posted if i were at a laptop and if you look into our roleplay's starter tag on mobile, you'll see plenty of posts that have nothing to do with the roleplay itself and you couldn't reply to starters even if you wanted to.
"Literally, when one of the girls, who’s my friend, go kicked out, she was so surprised and hurt that they would do it without coming to her first."
i couldnt afford that privillege when i was publically humiliated and insulted on a talk blog. had there been any problem you had with me whatsoever, i would have gladly talked to you in a more civilized matter. we could've come to a compromise, and a happy medium could have been made. even after seeing what was said on talks, i couldn't talk to you and settle what was said because i had been blocked on aim by each and every one of you. i wish there had been a more subtle end to this drama, i genuinely do.
" I just don’t like the fact the Harry faceclaim got to play the victim. Literally, after all of it was over and done, she made a post about how “sensitive” she was to things like that when she literally said things like “u wanna be a lil bitch??? u gna die like on 2 then. fr lemme catch u in the streets white girl!” To me, that sounds about as insensitive as you can get."
i am not looking for pity or attention in the least bit. even when members had started offering their condolences, i had replied to them privately and even stated that i didn't want them to feel bad for me, or to offer me guilt. i understand that there are two sides to every story, and frankly it's being publicized that mine is in fact the wrong side and that i'm only trying to play victim here. i'm not saying that the other admins are bad, mistakes were made on both sides and i just wish everybody would see that, before making a biased opinion on a post that had only a mere quarter of what was said. please do not accuse me of faking these feelings. i was genuinely upset over the entire thing and complaining to my closest friends. if you would like to step into my place then i very well wish you could see it. but don't ever tell me how i feel and imply that my feelings were fake. 
after everything that happened i made a post apologizing for the mess (the post in which i am accused of faking my feelings) which can be found here
now, time to clear things up
the old camila was kicked out for being inactive, just as a previous justin had. did they post and reply to starters? yes, but a bare minimum. for numerous days, this camila had reblogged only pictures and had not been replying to starters but rather she was making her own and replying only on her "good days" when she would actually post, and like i said, it was in fact the bare minimum. is the new camila freinds with admins? yes, but she had applied for camila AFTER the old one had been opened. the old camila was not reopened to benefit us, nor our friend. she was opened for lack of activity and like any and all admins, we opened her. there had even been a groupchat with 3 of the 5 admins, one of which is the main admin and the other who is involved in all this. there was a discussion about it and nina had agreed that we open the camila's role
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as you can see, there was in fact a discussion about it and there had been talk about reopening her. 
now in response to this
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i did not kick out this person and i did not take the faceclaim after finding out there was another person with this role, hell i even asked her to plot with me after. but, like i had said, there was no cailin russo on the taken list, nor blogroll. i had told anybody who had followed that account to unfollow and i did no further posting on it.
after everything, i had apologized for my actions and for my friends or friends of friends that may have been involved. not to the people who got kicked out as i was blocked on aim, but to their close friend who i wish and hope made my apology known.
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i know there are points that i am missing and forgot about, so if there are any other concerns you may have, please, by all means, feel free to message me and i will not be offended. my ask will always be open and my aim is fruityzayn if you want a more private setting. thank you to those of you who took the time to read this.
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saulsux · 10 years
hey yall so ik some of u may resent me or consider me a trolly, unprofessional roleplayer and admin and its understandable tht some of u may want to even leave the rp because of me and for that, i'd like to apologize and tell u all that i genuinely did not mean for any harm or drama to come with it. for some of u who dont know the full story, i had gotten an anonymous message telling me that i was being talked about on a popular talk blog tht some of u may know which is in fact talksofrp
so these are basically what was sent in
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i mean, the whole "slit throat" thing is taking it too far, i suppose and i am actually a sensitive person. i know i shouldnt have let it bother me and i shouldve ignored it, but i couldnt stop it from taking its toll on me today. its understandable that u may have some frustrations towards me and the character i play but i would've appreciated it if somebody were to talk to me about it personally and we could have made a compromise and had some more subtle closure. i can honestly assure u with my life that i in no way am out here to annoy, bother, or offend anybody. rather than message me personally, i was talked about and insulted publically and just this whole day i've been upset about the whole thing and complaining to my closest friends about it and i would honestly like to thank those of you who had worked your best to see me smile and the effort that was put in is appreciated so much. with that, i would just like to apologize to those of you who i indirectly pushed to leave, and to those of u who may be debating on your stance in this roleplay, i would also like to say sorry to. this environment under most circumstances is so friendly and one of the best i've been in and i'd hate to be the reason your enjoyment here was cut short. so on a final note, i am sorry and i hope you know that this was not the outcome i'd been anticipating
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saulsux · 10 years
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saulsux · 10 years
Why the fuck is everybody getting so wet over this game? Like, what the fuck is so good about it, Jesus Christ.
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I seem to have become addicted to Kim Kardashian Hollywood. This may be a problem.
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saulsux · 10 years
Okay, you delusional bitch. Sike? I definitely cannot even comprehend the mere fact that you think your selfies are worth talking about.
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Now I’m not exactly sure who’s keeping score of the whole ‘Selfie Game’ thing, but I’m almost positive that I’m killin’ you bitches. 
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saulsux · 10 years
I'm fucking blaming your ass.
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I know. We had one job, and we failed.
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saulsux · 10 years
who is the last person you kissed?
Sutton, right after she sent me a real nude this time, not on snapchat, and not an ass pic.
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saulsux · 10 years
Does the last person you kissed mean something to you?
Nah. As fucking if.
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saulsux · 10 years
Who are your closest male friends?
Shout out to Nixon, Felix, and Max! Sucks I ain’t in your squad. Wish I had an X in my name.
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saulsux · 10 years
In your opinion, what makes someone attractive? Be as general or as specific as you like.
Their personalities if you pick up what I’m putting down.
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saulsux · 10 years
Have you ever said/done anything really stupid while under the influence of alcohol, and then regretted it afterwards?
Jesus Christ, story of my life.
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saulsux · 10 years
When was the last time you felt severe physical pain? What was the reason for your pain?
Uh, a car accident. If “accident” is even the word for it. I was, uh, yeah. I was drinking.
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