saltysquid6259 · 4 years
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saltysquid6259 · 5 years
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"......estimated capacity for the facility amounts up to 340 orphans so far. With the building half-done, we can expect the orphanage in Akaigake to be completed in another six months with the current amount of construction personnel we have."
"I see...any way we can get more people to help? I'm seeing that not all the land is used, could we expand it?"
"Heh...umm...about that, there's stigma against what we're doing by the locals, thinking that we're making a child soldier facility... Should we...attempt to do talks with the local authorities?"
"P-Polizeiführer Reinhardt?"
"......... -! No it's fine. I'll go in a few months, is Vinod aware of this?"
"He volunteered to go after his promotion in four months, only then will he be granted greater freedom in movement-"
"I'll go with him, the war seems to be ending in the Inkling governments' favour and I'd like to keep amicable relations for the safety of Verdammtestadt and it's citizens."
"Yes Ma'am-"
"2nd Lieutenant Noriaki."
"Just call me by my name, our relationship isn't that professional. You're the few family I have..."
"Thank you, Noriaki Amane."
Polizeiführer Reinhardt closes the folder and takes it, walking away. Noriaki just stands there slightly stunned. Then she smiled a little. It didn't matter that their ranks and Reinhardt's were so far apart, hers of a 2nd Lieutenant and Reinhardt's as the supreme commander of the district military police.
Reinhardt was the mother she never had.
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saltysquid6259 · 5 years
Big brother is watching you...
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saltysquid6259 · 5 years
When u know shit nothing about digital drawing and somehow come up with something in 30 minutes :p
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