rosiered-weasley-blog · 11 years
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Rose Weasley, 2017, just after she had been diagnosed.
Taken by a saddened Hermione Weasley (neé Granger).
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rosiered-weasley-blog · 11 years
No, not at all! Just a bit hungry. If you were willing to do that, that would be great.
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I don't want to trouble you too much though, so if you don't want to stop by the Gryffindor dorms, it's fine.
I think I spent a bit too much time reading books in my room.
I hope you’re not too starved in there. If you don’t want to leave your room, I can bring you something—I’m getting food anyways.
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rosiered-weasley-blog · 11 years
I think I spent a bit too much time reading books in my room.
I should get something to eat.
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rosiered-weasley-blog · 11 years
I'm just easily intimidated, really.
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Just don't worry about it.
I’m not entirely too sure I get it, but I get what you’re trying to get at…I think.
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rosiered-weasley-blog · 11 years
Not at all! How was your summer? Or... The parts of summer when I didn't see you.
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Afternoon, Hogwarts. Hope your wands didn’t get too rusty over holiday.
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rosiered-weasley-blog · 11 years
Well I'm kind of easily intimidated, so even if I found you intimidating you probably wouldn't actually be intimidating.
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Did that make sense?
Of course. You were perfectly normal.
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Well, that’s good to hear. I’m not really known as an intimidating person, so it’s good that someone else thinks so, too.
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rosiered-weasley-blog · 11 years
Really? I thought I was being a mess, so thank you!
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You are less intimidating than some other people I've talked to, though.
Who doesn’t sometimes? I see where you’re coming from.
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You’re doing pretty good now, so I think you’re pretty good in social situations. With me, at least.
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rosiered-weasley-blog · 11 years
Hello, Teddy! I mean, Professor Lupin.
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Hello everyone!
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rosiered-weasley-blog · 11 years
An Abundance of Books || Open
It was late morning when a pile of books with a pair of legs seemed to walk out of the library. At the top of the pile, a pair of eyes and a flash of red hair could be seen. This hair, of course, belonging to Rose Weasley, who was making her way back to her dorm. Rose loved many things about Hogwarts, but if she had to choose what she loved most, it would be Hogwarts’ massive library. Sure, her mother had a considerable amount of books, and she had many of her own books, but it didn’t compare to the variety or size of Hogwarts’ collection. Multiple times each year, Rose went to the library to find new and interesting reading material to keep her company in her single dorm, and she was never disappointed.
The girl soon found that perhaps checking out so many books was a mistake. The limited visibility the books caused seemed to have made her make a wrong turn, and now she was in an entirely different part of the castle. Were anyone around, the Weasley would have felt incredibly awkward and probably would have just kept walking like she was going in the right direction. Luckily, the corridor she had found herself in was completely empty. Setting her books down on the side of the corridor, Rose turned around and looked in the direction she came, trying to determine where she was and how she could best find her way back to Gryffindor tower.
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rosiered-weasley-blog · 11 years
Haha. Well you're never around afterwords when there are still water balloons left... It is fun, though. You can come over the summer, then!
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Still, I don't know the Delacours too well...
But I love the annual Weasley-Potter water balloon fights that only happen over summer vacation! Granted, I’ve only been once, but regardless, it was one of the most fun things that I’ve ever done.
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Are you kidding? The Delacours love the Weasleys! The Kennedys, however, they’re not too fond of.
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rosiered-weasley-blog · 11 years
Me too, probably. It can be a bit difficult to keep chocolate around with my family, though.
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No problem. That’s true, a lot of people can hold their own with lots of food. Unfortunately I’m not one of those people, or I’d probably be stuffing my face all the time.
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rosiered-weasley-blog · 11 years
Maybe more like all of the time, actually...
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Not that I don't like people... I just am not very good in social situations...
Ah. So, you like the excitement of Hogwarts, but you want to pull away from it sometimes?
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rosiered-weasley-blog · 11 years
It is close! And I'm sorry. Maybe you could come over for Christmas, or whenever the next family gathering is? I'm sure everyone would love to have you.
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Oh no, I don't want to impose on your family. It could be really awkward for everyone... And I'm sure Louis and Dominique will come around eventually...
I can’t believe you didn’t invite me over. Not even to one family gathering at the Burrow. I’m almost family, I mean, I’m your cousin’s cousin. Close, right?
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Nothing has changed there, besides the seasons. I could take you along sometime, or Victoire. Honestly, I doubt Louis or Dominique would, they don’t even talk to me anymore.
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rosiered-weasley-blog · 11 years
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I don't know about that. I've seen people eat a lot of chocolate...
Of course. I’ve probably got way too much for one person to eat alone anyway.
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rosiered-weasley-blog · 11 years
Well after living with them for sixteen years you get used to it. I also spent a lot of time reading in my room.
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Well that sounds nice still. Nothing new there? Seems like it's been ages since I've been to France.
With your family, how can a summer be boring?
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You know, went to the Delacour château in Southern France with Maman, then went to Boston, Massachusetts with my dad. Same thing we do every year.
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rosiered-weasley-blog · 11 years
It was good. Not really interesting, but I guess it's better that way sometimes... How about yours?
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I’m fine, thank you! How was your summer?
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rosiered-weasley-blog · 11 years
That sounds really nice! And delicious. I would love some if you're willing to share.
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I suppose so. That sounds lovely. Mine was peaceful, thanks. Me and mum went to some shops in London, mostly bought candy. I brought most of it with me if you want some. 
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