robynlovesnorway · 1 year
My school sends people to the Dominican Republic to build chapels as a request from a group of people already in the DR. And it's not just chapels either, they work with the local kids in sports and crafts. Alos, I'm not an Evangelist. /nm
one of my father’s hindu colleagues was surprised that my family didn’t make everyone say a christian prayer before we sat down to eat dinner. we were like “….this is your house.” and she laughed and said that her christian friends “make” her pray all the time. like what the fuck. how fucking rude can you be to make the host pray to your god. you are in their fucking house.
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robynlovesnorway · 2 years
Hi hello neurodivergent people who love clicky button, i am a neurodivergent person and I am interested in what kind of hyperfixations are most common! If you have multiple current hyperfixations (me too), choose the main one!
if you are willing to please reblog so I can reach more neurodivergent people and get more interesting results!
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robynlovesnorway · 2 years
I am asexual
it is also my birthday
shout out to ace and aro kids who are constantly bombarded with the opinion that sex and romantic love are directly connected to living a happy life.
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robynlovesnorway · 2 years
ok wait, reblog if you’ve cried at least once because of math, doesn’t matter which grade i’m trying to prove something 
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robynlovesnorway · 2 years
Once my friend Henry was accused of wearing wireless headphones by a substitute so she said for him to hand them over so he took them off and handed them to her. Then later on she asked him a question and he didn’t respond so she said it louder and he still didn’t respond. She asked why he was not responding and he said “I can’t understand you ma'am, you took my hearing aids.”
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robynlovesnorway · 2 years
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robynlovesnorway · 2 years
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pokemon benchtrio
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robynlovesnorway · 2 years
I am a Christian, and I don't even like some of these. I also feel like Christians can be oppressed, but they aren't the only ones. Every religion is going to be hated on and sometimes, people from that religion are killed. There are many places where it is illegal to be different religions, and those places can have people who are that religion.
The first one no one should ever do. They can ask and not be pushy about it. Then if someone doesn't want to, they shouldn't have to.
People still go door to door??
Like, call people on the phone? Or within groups telling them to go spread the gospel? The first one is kinda rude, you don't just call random people. The second one is usually within the church group though, 'm only bothered with it if they are doing it to people that don't want to.
This one can also go two ways, depending on how you take it, but I first thought of someone taking random classes to preach the gospel. There are actual classes for that, don't mess with anyone's education.
My school kind of does this. They go down to either Mexico or the Dominican Republic, and build houses and a chapel, respectively. They share the gospel to those who want to listen. They don't force anyone.
This one is just straight up rude. Any and every single Bible class I have taken says not to do this first, and lead with questions. I personally would like to know the other person's religion or beliefs first, then ask them if they want me to share mine.
Most people want the same basics of the law, and if most Christians get pissed off about abortion or transgender laws, then that is their problem.
This nation may have been built on Christian/whatever denominations they were beliefs, but today isn't like the 1700s, things change, and I quite like the religious diversity in the US. I quite like learning about other peoples beliefs.
I feel like this one is fine, because some Christians regularly listen to Christian music. And sure, I get annoyed every time they come on, but that's because worship music isn't my thing. The Christian radio stations are by Christians for Christians who like to listen to worship music.
The movies are fine most of the time, forcing others to watch them if unwanted isnt.
I don't know what the everything else entails.
Sorry for my rant there. Please don't be super rude about my beliefs.
one of my father’s hindu colleagues was surprised that my family didn’t make everyone say a christian prayer before we sat down to eat dinner. we were like “….this is your house.” and she laughed and said that her christian friends “make” her pray all the time. like what the fuck. how fucking rude can you be to make the host pray to your god. you are in their fucking house.
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robynlovesnorway · 2 years
Reblog if you're gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, transgender or a supporter.
This should be reblogged by everyone. Even if you’re straight, you should be a supporter.
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robynlovesnorway · 2 years
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robynlovesnorway · 2 years
Hi there! I'm Robyn, and I haven't really decided what I'm going to do with this account.
•|• On the aroace spectrum •|• ∆|∆Likes: DSMP (I'm not a toxic fan), Super 4, Sonic, MHA/BNHA∆|∆ ~|~I'm part of the lgbtq+, I am also a Christian, and neurodivergent~|~ ♠|♣ I'm an asexual minor, so please don't be weird ♥|♦ ❇|❇Hobbies: Writing, reading, talking w/ friends, history❇|❇
×|× Please do not interact if you are homophobic, ableist, racist, s3xu@lise age regression, or are mysoginistic or sexist ×|×
◼|◼ Feel free to ask questions! :D ◼|◼
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