(Pippa ‘Pipes’ Stubbs) Spoilers of Critical Role Campaign 1
So, I, like so many, had been looking forward to MCM London…
I was planning to revisit my Cassandra de Rolo cosplay for the weekend, thank Matt for Cassandra, and debut this... somehow?
Ever since being introduced to Cassandra, I’ve felt such a connection with her on lot of levels. This was prompted a while back in reaction the the ‘kicked in the chest’ feeling I got when I realised they weren’t waiting for her in the Dalen’s Closet wedding ceremony.
I’ve loved @cantata-pansophical and their creations and I hope they won’t mind me doing this too much. They have already done a Hamilton Mix Tape recording of First Burn, with our favourite sad wizard. 
The recording was done at work, in one of the flamingo houses, that’s what you can hear in the first few seconds. No editing, one take, straight through. And the voice quality is varied because, Wildmother help me, I started acting. Also, this song was originally for 5 voices, so liberties were taken.
But here’s ‘Return’, sung from the point of view of Lady Cassandra de Rolo.
The Cinder King laughed, so we rallied. On the morning you left us You asked if I’m fine I said I was fine I promised I’m fine
Do you know what Allura said When we learned who Assume had become?
She said "They’ve no choice but to win this, There’s nowhere left we can run." Don't pull another stunt like that, you hear me. I, I can't do this without you Don’t think she’ll be swayed by  Your wit, might or charm, wit, might or charm 
I came running to you when they called me You were standing but shaken and gaunt I don't know who to thank Or who’s incense to burn
Dawnflower or Raven They’ve let you return  They’ve bid you return 
Just what sort of deal did she cut you? We’ve chanced our whole world When we let this worm into our home In revealing her game, you’ve endangered our lives Whitestone was meant to give respite That’s all a pipe dream. Our enemies whispers, conspire and scheme. I know about whispers Deceived and betrayed by his sister Don't I'm not naïve I’ve seen how our people adore you Don't Think they won’t answer the call to bear arms Fall to bear arms I'm erasing our home from the battlefield Let future historians wonder how Whitestone’s still standing As the world falls apart I’ll hide us all away Just say you’ll return  I beg you return  
But when the time comes Explain to the our people The pain and suffering I put each of them through They have to know Just what is my legacy This can’t be my legacy If you thought I was fine Don't
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The Civil Wars’ ‘The Devil’s Backbone’.
I got bored at work and decided that it would be more fun to play with the acoustics in the greater flamingo shed then to powerhose it.
If I don’t sing at work at the moment, I’ll scream.
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So Mum wanted to know about this blog...
Mum: Let's see then.
Me: *calls up blog*
Mum: Play something then.
Me: *click's 'Take Me To Church', personal favourite*
Mum:... No
Me: What?
Mum: No, turn it off. This doesn't suit you.
Me: What?
Mum: It's dower and morbid. Not your style at all.
Me: *Looks at 'Chase The Morning', 'O Death', 'Crow On The Cradle', 'The Innocent's Song', 'The Keeper' and 'I Will Follow You Into The Dark'....
Me: About that...
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Jen Titus’ ‘O Death’
It’s kind of my alernative to ‘Auld Lang Syne’.
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The Innocents’ Song - Words by Charles Causley, arranged by Show of Hands.
There’s a reason I’m not invited to go carolling.
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It’s been a while, and boy does it show.... For @atharfianra, who introduced me to ‘Newsies’, Spot Conlon and the Brooklyn accent.
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This is rather over due....
This is for @mrswhitelibraryleadpipe, who has been very patient. I’ve been trying to cover this for weeks, but I wasn’t ever able to get a recording I liked, because this song, I hadn’t realised, is REALLY HARD. Most of the time the characters in Repo are Rex Harrison-ing it and then the timing and rhythm is odd and then there are three voices..... 
And then you get Sarah Brightman’s Chromaggia which is proper opera and way out of my ability atm, and Antony Head’s Legal Assassin..... which does things to me....     
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Not in my name, Cameron.
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Finally found somewhere with half decent acoustics in the house, and it’s the main thoroughfare. If the track’s a bit off, it’s coz I had to keep hitting pause and doing something. Also I’ve found it is really hard to sound edit with a labrador in your face.  
This was an experiment in layering, there’s a single voice version here:https://soundcloud.com/pippa-pipes-stubbs/take-me-to-church-single-voice
This is for @mrsmarymorstan, because she went and gave me The Almighty Johnsons/Figrid feels. And Gods crap sucks.
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Something a little more up beat.
It’s been fun getting back ino Galinda’s head space, it’s been a while. I’ve got a soft spot for this number, I sang it at my secondary school Leavers’ Concert as an act of flipping the musical bird.
I really need to go for a lesson or two, I’m singing and it’s like to wrangle a very green horse.
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I’ll do something cheery... at some point....
Please know that there a few things I wouldn’t give to be able to sing like Adele. I want to sound like her when I grow up.
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This is something of an exercise rather than something to listen to. I’ve moved back home and I’m trying to find a place to record in the house. It’s proving difficult, because there is barely a flat wall in the house, everytime I go above a certain decible, the dogs kick off, and I’m already hating the sound of the landline.
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Rather rushed and off key in a fair few places but I’m packing to drive home tomorrow so, bit busy.
Death Cab For Cutie’s ‘I Will Follow You Into The Dark’. 
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Needed to do something relatively simple this evening.
Love this song so much, I apologise, both for the terrible attempts at a Scottish inflection, and for the last note. Still haven’t worked out how to make Audacity stop the feed back everytime I open the taps. I need to sort that out before we hit Phantom of the Opera territory, otherwise, yeesh.
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Stiiiiiiill not cut out to be a pop star.....
At the prompting of @dodgylogic
I’ve been on some sort of terrible nostalgia kick...
Usual transmission may return shortly.
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A little bit more my speed. Soundcloud has taken umbridge again.
Again, for @mrsmarymorstan. And @dodgylogic gets a mention because she is a dirty enabler.
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I am NOT cut out to be a pop star.....
Today’s excuse for lousy vocals - I kept losing my shit. Firstly at how ridiculous I sounded, this isn’t my usual jam, then I realised I needed to sound peppier, so I started camping it up and next thing I know, the image of the Company of Thorin Oakenshield getting completely rat-arsed in Lake Town and singing this hit me in the face and there are well hidden snorts through out this number.
You better apprieciate this, @mrsmarymorstan, this has taken more takes than I care to count.....
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