renegaderoyale · 5 years
me @ my ships
Jareth: I love you, bitch.
Jareth: I ain't ever gonna stop loving you, bitch.
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renegaderoyale · 5 years
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Just saying but these two are bffs.
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renegaderoyale · 5 years
In other news, I marathon’d Carnival Row because I’m faerie-loving trash who needs her fix. It was sublime and I hope next season is at least double the episodes.
For once, the main character is actually my favorite so far (although Tourmaline’s a close second)
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renegaderoyale · 5 years
It’s fall and all my fave shows are coming back 
except The Gifted.
Guess who’s still salty.
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renegaderoyale · 6 years
I sincerely do not want that. It’s probably true tho.
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Conspiracy Theory:  Clarice
Everyone seen the last ep? Good. You ready to analyze the shit out of Blink? Because I am.
Blink leaps out of a portal, randomly, days (maybe even the next day, it isn’t clear, but definitely less than a week) after being shot. Recovery from multiple gunshot wounds doesn’t happen that quick, not even for John, let alone Clarice. From this we can infer either a) this is a different Blink and the original died or b) this is the same Blink and time moved differently wherever she portalled to.
Blink has gone up a level in skill mastery, now able to condense/contain her portals into small crystalline shards. How did she learn this? She’s had the ability to portal at least since her teenaged years and yet it took John training her for her to get more than 50/50 use out of it. Did somebody train her or did she learn on her own?
Her clothes! Clarice’s style in the final scene is entirely different from anything else we’ve seen her wear. And her hair is once again more deeply saturated in color and straight. 
Her demeanor. We’d expect after all but literally returning from the dead that she would run into John’s arms at first sight. They had missed each other. He had mourned her. But no, perhaps as a testament to the severity of whatever situation she was talking about, she’s all business. No Hello, no smile, just a There’s something you need to see. Also: how long had she been gone for her to already be involved in something deep enough  to come get backup for?
Above all, SHE CAME HOME. No matter where she’d ended up, no matter what state she left her relationships in the Underground in, it’s home to her because, for once, she came back. She didn’t have to, and to me that means she wanted to.
The way John looks at her hnng
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renegaderoyale · 6 years
Conspiracy Theory:  Clarice
Everyone seen the last ep? Good. You ready to analyze the shit out of Blink? Because I am.
Blink leaps out of a portal, randomly, days (maybe even the next day, it isn’t clear, but definitely less than a week) after being shot. Recovery from multiple gunshot wounds doesn’t happen that quick, not even for John, let alone Clarice. From this we can infer either a) this is a different Blink and the original died or b) this is the same Blink and time moved differently wherever she portalled to.
Blink has gone up a level in skill mastery, now able to condense/contain her portals into small crystalline shards. How did she learn this? She’s had the ability to portal at least since her teenaged years and yet it took John training her for her to get more than 50/50 use out of it. Did somebody train her or did she learn on her own?
Her clothes! Clarice’s style in the final scene is entirely different from anything else we’ve seen her wear. And her hair is once again more deeply saturated in color and straight. 
Her demeanor. We’d expect after all but literally returning from the dead that she would run into John’s arms at first sight. They had missed each other. He had mourned her. But no, perhaps as a testament to the severity of whatever situation she was talking about, she’s all business. No Hello, no smile, just a There’s something you need to see. Also: how long had she been gone for her to already be involved in something deep enough  to come get backup for?
Above all, SHE CAME HOME. No matter where she’d ended up, no matter what state she left her relationships in the Underground in, it’s home to her because, for once, she came back. She didn’t have to, and to me that means she wanted to.
The way John looks at her hnng
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renegaderoyale · 6 years
Also, if this is DoFP Clarice...James might be on the other side.
and neither of them had speaking parts in DoFP really but it felt highkey suggested that warplink was a thing in that movie which may mean the dreadful love triangle plot device
Hold on, it looked like she was portaling into DoFP world! It was ON FIRE.
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renegaderoyale · 6 years
Honestly, this season’s finale proved to me personally that at least one (1) actual member of The Gifted writing team is on tumblr because c’mon, no frickin’ way. They had to be reading our posts. No way the fandom pulled the wildest guess out of our ass and had it actually happen.
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renegaderoyale · 6 years
Saving the loveydovey for S3 ep 1 I guess
Which I wish they wouldn’t bc what if it doesn’t get renewed.
But also what if, instead of this being this world’s surviving Clarice, what if this is alternate dimension Clarice?
…why did that feel anticlimactic…
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renegaderoyale · 6 years
I cry.
Edit: She’s throwing crystal portals!!!
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renegaderoyale · 6 years
Maybe the X men will finally show up. Five years late.
Or not-dead Evangeline!
Oh my gosh, is JOHN going to face all these people by HIMSELF???
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renegaderoyale · 6 years
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Blink is the kind of girlfriend you want.
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renegaderoyale · 6 years
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And my powers… I don’t know… they’re broken. 
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renegaderoyale · 6 years
New chapter of Asunder is finally out here and here.
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renegaderoyale · 6 years
When you witness your headcanon becoming canon
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-at least as far as abilities go-
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renegaderoyale · 6 years
I have tried, and failed, to control my Thunderblink feels (I’m not sorry)
Just want to get this out there:
John likes-to-pretend-everything’s-under-control-and-nothing’s-wrong Proudstar didn’t shutdown emotionally when he finally saw Clarice again. His guard wasn’t up at all. 
John was mature and still emotionally invested enough to stress that, despite their breakup, Clarice is still welcome to call him if she needs anything (he’s miffed but he’s not blocking her calls or telling her to eff off)
John is not even remotely over her, but he also knows the issue that drove them apart still stands. And yet he still wants a future with her, someday, when ‘all of this’ is over.
John will not leave her behind, no matter what anybody says.
John frickin’ Proudstar, guys. God save the person who gets in the way of him and his girl because nothing else will. Holy crap I can’t wait to see what he does to Jace.
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renegaderoyale · 6 years
Right? Did you see how she took charge in the tunnels? Doing her thing, giving reality checks to people who aren’t using nearly enough logic. She is a leader, even if she didn’t always want to be. Erg’s hit squad did diddly squat. Defense team barely did any better. Those who made it out survived because of HER. Ugh, I’m so angry. I knew it was coming and I’m STILL SO ANGRY.
And John. Imma skip right past the beginning because I’m still stewing over that I never thought I could be that mad at Clarice. I was wrong comment. Not touching it. Not today. But John? John gets to lose two girlfriends to gunfire? (And Pulse! And Evangeline!) And take the blame for Atlanta falling? And gets to constantly suffer the emotional trauma of attacks and torture all because Evangeline made him leader specifically because he’s hard to kill? It’s all so shitty. I am nothing if not enraged.
Honestly, Clarice can’t be dead, she’s the heart of this show and the show NEEDS her and the writers have done her dirty since she stepped foot on screen and the show is NOT WORTH IT without her!!!
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