reaper-76-week · 6 years
Reaper76week Day Six
Distracted With Pain
Summary: Gabe wakes up alone and goes in search of his wayward love. 
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reaper-76-week · 6 years
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“Sentimentality doesn’t suit you, Jack…”
Day6 - Recall
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reaper-76-week · 6 years
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Reaper76 week day 5, empire of dirt/POST FALL.
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reaper-76-week · 6 years
Reaper76 Week, Day Five: Empire of Dirt
Empire of Dirt / POST FALL
Smoke billowed from the cigarette between Tali’s fingers. A newspaper sat in front of them, headlines varied from the things Blackwatch did to what Overwatch tried covering up. It’d been about a year since she lost Gabriel and Jack, longer than that since she lost Ana. Reinhardt and Fareeha were still with them but losing the three people closest to them closed their heart to others.
Fareeha wanted them to stop smoking.
Reinhardt came over with Brigette and Torbjörn all the time with food and love in hand.
It never made a difference. No matter how hard they tried, Tali was too hurt. The grief from watching Gabriel die right before their eyes while lying next to an already gone Jack shattered them so completely nothing reached them. They felt the comfort and love and warmth from the people around them but not once feeling it for themself again. Their feelings locked away carefully as to avoid more hurt. Avoid more pain.
Avoid what Tali knew would inevitably become a lonely world.
The trauma didn’t allow for them to keep anything they ate down and when they did, it always had consequences. The metabolism they had from SEP devoured anything and everything put into their body but too fast to digest it properly. Leaving them unable to function normally.
Sam, Fareeha’s father and Ana’s ex, even visited them. The heartbreak and suffering getting to him too. Both had grown closer but only as friends. Ana and Fareeha were the only common things between them though they made it work.
It’d been months since the collapse of Zurich HQ and the disbanding of anything and everything having to do with Overwatch. Anyone caught violating the Petras Act would be arrested and given the maximum sentence.
Tali wanted to rip the throats out of every single one of the fuckers who approved the decision.
What Gabriel did to Antonio wasn’t right nor were they condoning the act but it was a very small act in a much bigger plan. A force who leaked the information from the inside of Overwatch.
Their thoughts were brought back to the present when their computer pinged. Something they’d been waiting almost two weeks for.
“You’re sly but so am I, Sombra. Or should I say, Olivia?”
A white skull answered her, no camera. But then Tali had stopped caring if they’d been seen. In both Overwatch and Blackwatch missions, they were a ghost never noticed and always hidden. It was what made Jack and Gabriel both agree to utilize their talents.
’What the fuck is this?’
“Just a precaution.”
“A very booby trapped precaution. As of this moment, my little virus is moving all those files on your computer into a hard drive out of your reach. Deleting the originals and any copies you may have made. This virus can track and neutralize those in case you thought you had backups.” Tali took another hit off their cigarette before crushing it out only to light another. Messing with world renowned hackers was the highlight of their year.
They knew they had Sombra. Nothing she did would stop the virus and by the time she thought up a plan, the files would be gone and safely hidden away. Those same files were most likely getting deleted from the original place they were hacked from.
Tali wasn’t even sorry.
Since Sombra did work for Talon.
’What do you want?’
“Nothing now. I have what I need.” Tali disconnected from the chat as the virus finished its work. There was a reason a lot of their coworkers had called them a ghost.
After all, their hacker name was Faded Ghost.
Another ping sounded but this time from their phone as they packed away their laptop. They pulled it out looking through the files tucked away where no one would find them. Luck was on their side as they also found files on high ranking Talon members. One by one, Tali would make them pay for what they did to their family.
And they would start with the operative known as Reaper.
Revenge was sweet in this case.
Deliciously sweet.
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reaper-76-week · 6 years
Reaper76 Week - Day 5 - Post-fall (empire of dirt)
It wasn’t every night the figure known as Soldier: 76 was caught in this much of a travesty.
He’d learned to fight dirty over the years- keeping ahead of unseen danger, making sure that he was a stranger to anyone that could’ve recognised him. Maybe it was getting used to the situation that helped him push who he was to the side, to try and maintain the illusion of a mysterious renegade soldier. A part of him had grown to appreciate it- seeing sights that were hardly things he got to focus on during trips abroad being so limited to his work-life. The one thing he tried to force himself to do was to avoid missing what he once had; after he ate shit once the Swiss HQ was reduced to metal and rubble, trying and failing to establish any contact with anyone he knew, or could at least trust- it was the final nail in the coffin.
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reaper-76-week · 6 years
6. Distracted with Pain (Reaper76 Week)
He could feel the static against his waxy skin, the charge slightly rippling through his body and irritating the few follicles still able to produce any form of hair. It wasn’t the first time he experienced the unpleasant sensation, but it was one of the few were it was consensual.
Sombra hummed happily as she prodded against her holographic screens, frowning as she scanned the coding as if it made any sense. A press of her finger made his back arch in a way too acrobatic for his age.
Sombra snickered and he growled at her in return. He was still shaken after encountering Jack after some many years searching for him, realising that his speculations of his friend being alive to actually be true, and what did Gabriel do?
Shoot the only man he ever loved.
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reaper-76-week · 6 years
Distracted by Pain
Gabriel’s body arched off of the medical table and his mouth opened to scream. A gag was stuffed between his teeth and he bit down on it. He screamed as loud as he could, thrashing against the bonds that were holding him in place.
Voices; soft, gentle, and familiar; rang out around him. He felt needles sliding into his flesh, grounding him in the moment and keeping him from attempting to flee. Another jolt of agony raced up his spine and he thrashed.
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reaper-76-week · 6 years
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Distracted with pain, aka CUDDLES
R76week day 6!
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reaper-76-week · 6 years
Reaper76 Week - Day 4 - Fall of Overwatch (running in the shadows)
Months. It had been months since Overwatch fell, but the shock felt fresh in Morrison’s mind. Everything he was, the one thing to his name, taken by the blast that engulfed his home. The headquarters in Switzerland, half of it reduced to damn rubble and he’d caught a majority of it with his face.
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reaper-76-week · 6 years
Reaper76 Week, Day Four: Running in the Shadows
Running in the Shadows / FALL OF OVERWATCH
Jack stood outside Tali’s door, afraid to knock. They’d been so quiet since learning of Ana’s death. The missions they carried out were quick and efficient but lacking the flare they usually had. Something Gabriel proudly declared they got from him.
But Ana died while Jack rescued hostages.
She died on his watch.
He’d never forgive himself and wasn’t against Gabriel or Tali blaming him. Avoiding both of them seemed easier than seeing the betrayal he was sure would be in their eyes. Which led him to ask for forgiveness from Tali; a long shot he knew but he needed to know.
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reaper-76-week · 6 years
5. Empire of Dirt (Reaper76 Week)
He doesn’t remember a day without the fog. In his mind, his body, the earth, universe. It was everywhere, and maybe it was him. He didn’t know. He knew he should have a past, that strange thing every single person has – but there’s the trick. Is he human? Some called themselves Betas, the default state of human beings until the world turned upside down and the category between one of three.
He remembers someone calling him an Alpha, but the word made his mind swirl and his heart ache (did he really have a heart?) and he could taste blood although he didn’t kill anything. It was strange and he hated it.
He also remembers someone asking him if he had an Omega, and although the word made no sense to him – he ensured that the trespasser crossing into his soul never asked the question again.
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reaper-76-week · 6 years
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Post fall 🔥
R76week day 5
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reaper-76-week · 6 years
Reaper76 Day Five: Empire of Dirt
Gone To Seed
Summary: Gabe gets a call to come see Jack after harvest. 
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reaper-76-week · 6 years
Empire of Dirt
Jack watched headquarters burn. Blood kept dripping into his eyes, but it didn’t obscure his view. He had front row seats to the horror show. If only he had some popcorn.
Fire and Rescue was already on scene dealing with the injured. It baffled him how someone as banged up as he was had escaped detection. He worked with these people hundreds of times before; they shouldn’t have been so unobservant.
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reaper-76-week · 6 years
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Day5 - Post Fall
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reaper-76-week · 6 years
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@reaper-76-week day 5: empire of dirt/ POST FALL
The answer is no, neither of them was trying.
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reaper-76-week · 6 years
a catalog of non-definitive acts (2/8)
Authors: @foldingcranes & @tacticalgrandma​
Rating: T. Pairing: (Eventual) Reaper/Soldier:76, Reaper/OFC, Soldier: 76/Others Warnings: Pining, canon-typical violence, unrequited feelings, mentions of depression, body horror and trauma.
Comments: For @reaper-76-week !!! Each chapter matches one of the prompts.
“Relationships don’t work out so well for us, do they?” Ana said, unconsciously running her thumb over where her wedding ring used to be.“At least you and Gabe managed to have families.“
(In which Jack and Gabriel break up, Gabriel starts a family, and Jack does not- and what comes next.).
Read @AO3.
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