ra1neyd4y · 5 months
disventure camp zombie au
this is an au series I’m making via Gacha on YouTube. My account is called luv.Ra1ne :)
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ra1neyd4y · 6 months
everything was so sweet, untill you tried to kill me
Chocking. That’s all that the princess of hell could think of. The fact that she was being chocked and how she was going to free herself. She struggled as much as she could, trying so hard to wiggle free, but alas she was stuck. The princess’ vision blurred with a lack of oxygen.
Just then vaggie realised what was going on. Vaggie tried to run to Charlie, to save her, to save her everything, but lute tackled her, keeping herself occupied from Charlie.
In that moment Charlie’s blurred vision turned to pitch black. To nothing-ness. As Adam released her neck from his hand, he stabbed her through the heart with a spear. “ filthy hell-borne scum.” Adam uttered, walking away from the corpse.
Charlie’s body lay on the ground. Her face that had previously been so full of emotion earlier today lay expressionless, her rosy cheeks turning pale like her skin.
Vaggie wrestled away from lute, running to her princess . “ CHARLIE! CHARLIE NO!” Vaggie screamed out. The moth kneeled next to her love, delicately picking up her body, almost as if Charlie was extremely injured and not dead. That’s because vaggie wanted to believe so bad that she was alive, that she hadn’t just lost that somebody who was her reason to live.
Vaggie let out a stifled sob as she looked at her lovers body. Everything about her was the same as it was earlier that day, except she wasn’t alive anymore. That stifled sob soon became a bloodcurdling scream. As she screamed out, vaggie lunged at Adam, thrusting her spear right through his heart in a fit of rage.
Seeing Adam dead, lute tan up to his body shouting. “SIR! ADAM, SIR!” She sobbed. Little did she know vaggie was right behind her, ready to snatch her life away. Still enraged from her loss, vaggie slaughtered lute. With Adam and lute dead the angels retreated to heaven.
That was when it really started to hit her. Charlie was gone. Gone. Gone forever. No one else had even seen Charlie yet, seen her die. So of course they were a bit confused when vaggie fell to her knees hyperventilating. They all watched her in confusion, unknowing. Vaggie didn’t care that she was being watched. She was so consumed by her grief that nothing else mattered to her. Charlie had picked her up off the streets ( literally) at her lowest, and showed her a sort of kindness she never saw in heaven. After time they became lovers, and everything was so sweet. Until she was gone. And without her Charlie, her princess, there was a hole left in baggies heart. A very big hole that no one would ever be able to fill.
After watching vaggie sob for a good five minutes, Angel approached her. He put his hand on her shoulder and asked “ what happened?”
Vaggie was barely able to choke out an answer, but she was able to pull herself together to muster one word. “ Charlie.”
“ she’s… she’s not dead right..?” Angel didn’t want to think she was gone. She’d stood up for him to Valentino of all people, and most people were too terrified of him to stick up for angel.
“ she’s gone.” Vaggie replied. Gone for good. The girl was trapped in a void, previously Charlie was her light, but now all was dark.
“No…” angel spluttered out. “ she can’t be… gone for good!”
“ I’m sorry. I couldn’t reach her in time.” Vaggie said, blue tears falling down her face at possibly an even faster pace than before.
“ it’s not your fault.” Angel replied, eyes glossing over. “ none of us reached her either, you’re not to blame.”
The next few days were blurred for vaggie. She didn’t eat, all she did was occasionally get up to use the toilet. All she did was lie in bed, thinking of Charlie. How before Charlie would have lay next to her, cuddling but now vaggie was alone. Vaggie moved over to lie on her other side, facing her bedside table.
On her bedside table was a little black box containing two rings. Two rings vaggie had planned to give Charlie after the fight. A proposal that would never happen. That’s what hurt vaggie the most, she never got to propose, never got to show Charlie how much she meant to vaggie. And even worse, no one knew. No one could comfort her about her gone wrong plans.
Vaggie wished night after night that Charlie had survived the attack, and that she would have been able to successfully propose, that they would be married, together forever. But now Charlie’s mortality separated them.
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