pr3ttypetrichor · 2 years
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the art of book covers
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pr3ttypetrichor · 2 years
Does anyone else have moments where they just are hyper focused on everything wrong with them, physically or otherwise? Recently I've started noticing how asymmetrical my face is (like seriously asymmetrical. Like bad bad asymmetry. Like literally wanna die when I look in the mirror asymmetry) and I want to fix it. In fact, I want to glow up this year, starting with facial exercises and training my hair to be less oily. Oh yeah! That's another thing. My scalp produces an ungodly amount of sebum and my oily hair has become another huge insecurity along with my calcium spots on my teeth. On top of it all, I've notices a dowagers hump on the base of my neck. Does anyone know what to do about any of these issues? I need advice lol.
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pr3ttypetrichor · 2 years
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What's the first thing you'd do if you were to start bettering yourself?
Hello All! I haven't been on Tumblr for some time but I would like to update you on my life.
So I recently decided to spend a week off of TikTok and YouTube because I have a few things I'd like to accomplish outside of those realms and both seemed to become addictive and all consuming. I'm two days in and I've been very productive.
Because I've done this, I wondered what others would do if they wanted to better themselves/ their own lives... So please Comment how you'd go about it down below!
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pr3ttypetrichor · 2 years
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by Brett
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pr3ttypetrichor · 2 years
There is this indescribable beauty to this video and her work as a whole. Comment below your favorite Tilda Swinton Movie
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pr3ttypetrichor · 2 years
We are Dustin Henderson defenders to the end in this household
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