plumpelblog · 6 years
Is blogging still a thing?
It seems to me that nowadays one of the most important features on social media is pace. Everything needs to be as fast and easy as possible. While this is basically not a bad thing, especially considering that most people seem to have rather stressful lives where (free) time is everyones most valued asset, I often see this backfire. Instead of using a small amount of time to catch up on things and use the remaining time for something else (you know, meeting friends or similar ancient rituals), a lot of people tend to just increase the amount of things to follow.
Blogging on the other hand has, at least to me, always appeared to be a slow-ish medium. Most of the blog-posts I've read over the years seemed to cover a very specific topic, be it a DIY-Tutorial, a travel experience, an opinion on whatever topic imaginable... the list goes on. Also, putting something into words that not only makes sense and brings your point across, but also appeals to the reader does not come easy (to me at least). So: Blogging takes time. You can't just pull out your phone, babble a few mindless things into your front camera and make it an Instagram Story, all within a few seconds. On the other end of the line it also takes more time to read a blog than it does to look at a picture only captioned with a hashtag.
So the question stands: Is blogging still a thing? Do people still take the time to just write down what they've been doing or what's on their mind? And on the other end, do people still take the time to sit down, have a good cup of coffee and read their favorite blogs?
To answer this question I proposed an experiment... to myself. With this post I am starting a blog. A written blog about my life that is. I’m fully aware that tumblr may not be the right platform for this, since it seems to focus on “fast and easy”. But on the other hand tumblr offers a large community where everything seems to find its place. So let’s try this out....
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