plsaugustus · 5 years
Clearly the boys around here rather have a ten dollar fancy milkshakes.
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does it really suprise you? been here for a little over a month and could of told ya.
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plsaugustus · 6 years
Whoever gets a milkshake that cost ten bucks is crazy, so yes, classic.
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then honestly i don’t knoww why you don’t have boys in your yard. classics are the best.
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plsaugustus · 6 years
Does anyone remember that song Milkshake? I may or may not have just made one, and there are no boys in my yard.
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was it a classic milkshake or one of those fancy ones that cost like ten dollars to make? and yes before you ask it does matter.
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plsaugustus · 6 years
norah looked up from the menu and turned her gaze to augustus as she picked up her glass and started drinking it again. “mm, shrimp pasta sounds tasty too.” she responded, setting her glass down and then fiddling with her necklace. “oh, uh, you’re too flattering. i mean, thank you and i didn’t really do much with myself — but thank you.”
the waiter came back and he quickly ordered the lasagna and as quickly as he came he left. augustus sat there examining how awkward of a dinner date it became. “so um how has you family been? i bet they were happy to see you.”
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plsaugustus · 6 years
norah nodded along as she heard him talk and set her drink down. “well, i definitely miss new york.. a lot.” she teased. she figured he had caught on to what she was saying so she decided to play around with it. “i bet, but no no you’re totally fine. lasagna does sound good though.” she responded, looking down at the menu a bit to skim what selections she had.
“good, that’s good.” he nodded feeling more confident about them. “the lasagna is good here, but so is there shrimp pasta.” he hated small talk more than anything but what he wanted to do was not the dinner table manners he was taught. he took a drink out of his secod glass, “how are you so beautiful? sorry if that was random and it might be the couple of glasses i had in my room. but wow you look good today.”
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plsaugustus · 6 years
“i hope so, i enjoy it there and i miss it like crazy. but when i’m there, i miss my family and when i’m here, i miss y—new york.” the dark haired girl almost slipped up and said that she missed him, but she was hoping augustus didn’t hear that. she had a thick shell around her at all times so she didn’t get hurt or upset, which is why she acts the way she does most of the time. “i do. surprisingly i can’t just be whisked away by a handsome blonde guy.” she mused, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. “i was mainly talking food wise, but we could talk about tonight — or careers.”
he rose his eyebrow at the end of the sentence, but didn’t want to drag it out just let out a seldom nod. he wanted to hear her say but didn’t want to make her forced to. “well like i said before new york misses you too.” he made a hint hoping he wasn’t wrong. “but that would fun though the wisking part at least..oh um yeah probably lasagna. sorry i got ahead of myself.”
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plsaugustus · 6 years
“i’m really not, i just feel like it would be the easiest solution. i’ll probably just stay with my parents when i’m in lima too to cut down on costs so i’m not having to rent out an apartment here.” norah shrugged. “is that what you’re doing to me? telling me what i want to hear so i’ll stay?” she asked, taking another sip and glancing at him. “so, what do you think you’re gonna get?”
“new york will be glad to have you even if it is for a little bit time of the year.” he was trying, but it was hard. he drunk the rest of his wine and opened the bottle they ordered to fill him another glass. “well no, if it did. then i wouldn’t of have to fly here and beg for you. you need a lot more than compliments and i respect that.  one of the reasons i like working with you.” he raised a brow at the brunette, “what i think i am going to get? well it depends are we talking about tonight or career wise?”
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plsaugustus · 6 years
“i’ve been thinking about that, i think i’m gonna try and differ my time between lima and new york. it’ll be expensive but stay in new york for work when i need to and come visit my family when i want to.” norah told him. it was hard on her spending three years without her family, they would come visit in new york the most that they could but they all had their own lives. “you flatter me too much.” she said, taking a sip of her wine.
“that’s smart. why are you so smart?”  he hoped that it sounded a lot different from the passve aggressive tone he had in his head. he had that kind of problem where he wanted what he wanted when he wanted. which was the cause for a lot of other things in his life he could get in trouble for. “i try. it’s how you keep the talent coming back. you tell them what they want to hear and they’ll never leave.”
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plsaugustus · 6 years
“it was just too much for me at the time, but i’m better now. it feels good to be back where my whole life began so i’m doing pretty well and i’m not so paranoid anymore.” norah chuckled, hearing augustus. before saying anything about him saying ‘beautiful’ she heard him back it up with the rest of the sentence so she let it go. “well, thank you, i appreciate that. i hope i won’t fade from the spotlight just yet, maybe a few years down the road. but not now.”
“i’m glad you are happy, does that mean you won’t be coming back to new york for a more permanent stay?” he said feeling a tad bit down compared to what he is feeling before. he didn’t want to admit but the movie was a short thing and he was excited to have lunch with her four times a week and the occasionally dinner he was used too. the waiter laid down their wine and he quickly downed half of it. “you’ll be known for years. you are amazing.”
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plsaugustus · 6 years
😊😂❗️💔 -for norah
😊 for a flirty text 
[2:48pm]: how are you curls so bouncy? it should be illegal.
😂 for a drunk text
[1:19am]: you looked good in your costme on set today. why don’t we borrow that for later.
[unsent]: i think i like you more than just sex but it might be the alchol. 
❗️for an urgent text
[10:00am]: i’m tired of begging if you want the role it’s yours but if you don’t answer i’m giving it away.
💔 for a heartbreaking text
[7:00pm]: went by your place and saw that you left. why did you leave me?
[7:01pm]: at least tell me you are alright
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plsaugustus · 6 years
are you and norah just fucking or is there underlying feelings there?
i don’t know where you got the knowledge that we had sex, but that was just a rumor. and i don’t know yet.
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plsaugustus · 6 years
Send… 😊 for a flirty text 😍 for a love text 😱 for a hyper text 👎 for an irritated text 😳 for a sexy text
Here’s some more because I obviously love emojis and text memes:
😂 for a drunk text 😏 for a snarky text 😝 for an excited text 😞 for an anxious text 😠 for an angry text 😅 for an accidental text 🤐 for a gossip text 😵 for an exhausted text 👻 for a scary text 💀 for a morbid text ❗️for an urgent text 💩 for a shitty text 👀 for a creepy text 💔 for a heartbreaking text
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plsaugustus · 6 years
What is your favorite movie?
this is a hard one, as a producer, i personally like horror due to the amount of effort it takes to scare an auidence. so in that case, babadook.
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plsaugustus · 6 years
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plsaugustus · 6 years
“i know, i know, and i’m sorry for not returning your calls. i was scared, i’ve never been part of a scandal like that before so it freaked me out — and then i ran.” she said, running a hand through her curls. “well, i wasn’t the one calling the shots most of the time but my contract was up and i didn’t want to resign after everything went down. i thought it would be best to go incognito for a little bit, but it’s good to know my name hasn’t died yet.” she chuckled as the waiter came over to their table to order drinks and she was quick to order wine.
“i get it. just wish you would of let me try to convince you to stay. maybe we could of worked it out or something.” watching her play with her hair, “beautiful.” he mumbled silently. it slipped from his mouth but he tried to play it off as best as possible. “in the musical business, i doubt your name will ever disappear as long as you do what you do best.”
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plsaugustus · 6 years
“thank goodness.” norah said, blushing slightly as he kissed her cheek. she was still worried about privacy, she hoped no one would recognize them and they probably had plenty of privacy given they were in ohio and it’s not like they were in a big city. she sat down in front of him and looked at him. “no, no, it wasn’t creepy at all. i guess i should have answered your calls and made that easier on you.” she responded. “but how are you? how’s everything in new york? have i missed anything big?”
augustus stared at norah watching her talk, “you should of but that besides the point because now we are having ths great dinner dat-chat.”  he stumbled, “new york is still the same. busy and dramatic. we missed you if that counts. people from the musical kinda hate me when you left. apparently out of this duo, you were the favorite.”
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plsaugustus · 6 years
norah was nervous to say the least about having dinner with augustus. she hadn’t seen him in months since she escaped back to lima after news had broke about their relationship — whatever relationship you could say they had. after receiving his location, norah touched up her hair and makeup to look semi-presentable and slipped on a casual black dress and a pair of heels. getting into her car, and driving to the location that siri was directing her to, she parked and got out of her car. seeing augustus over by the entrance, she smiled and walked over to him. she didn’t know what kind of terms they were on, a handshake, a hug, a kiss? she had no idea, so she just looked at him and sighed. “hey,” was all she could mutter out.
“hi beautiful.” he said smoothly, kissing the side of her cheek. he grabbed her hand and led her to the restuarnt. “i had them sit us near the back for privacy.” he offered not wanting her to feel paranoid about people finding out about that they are on speaking terms or just that he flew all the way to lima to see her. pulling out her seat he waiting for her to sit before taking his own. “i hope i didn’t creep you out when i popped up in lima. that wasn’t my intentions.”
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