pdurey · 3 years
Relaxing music 4+ hour ideal for relaxation and meditation 💚 💧Water stream sounds💧 Sit back Set your intention Take a few relaxing breaths On the exhale releasing what you feel needs released notice the body relaxing and the mind relaxing Enjoy Namaste by Patrick
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pdurey · 3 years
Exploring & Curiosity #micromuse by Patrick
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pdurey · 3 years
if by Rudyard Kipling by Patrick
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pdurey · 4 years
Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours -Richard Bach Let's explore limitations and this nugget from the book illusions:-The adventures of a reluctant messiah In this wee video, join me with my cuppa tea while we pause to explore the nature of limitations, where they show up and take a peak where there may be possibilities that are unique for you Let me know your thoughts P💚 by Patrick
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pdurey · 4 years
0-5mins zoom install and set up for desktops/laptops/workstations 5-9mins Zoom install and set up for mobile devices 9-10 min Prepping for a meeting Questions? get in touch or go to www.zoom.us -search for support by Patrick
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pdurey · 4 years
Desiderata TL:DR? Skip to the 1 min 05 sec mark on the video There are some ‘wee’ things I’ve come across in life that I feel are worth sharing, as it was some similar wee things that people shared with me, or, some wee things that I’d noticed whilst in the midst of some deep times that I have found to be very helpful. This is an example of such a thing. The Desiderata... Go Placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy. By Max Ehrmann © 1927 P💚 by Patrick
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pdurey · 4 years
Please note Patrick is not affiliated with Dyslexiefont. This video is recognising the benefits of using dyslexifont and hoping to spread the word of such a neat product to other people who may benefit from having this installed on their own devices The website is https://ift.tt/1cKgGqp UPDATE: The package price that Patrick purchased last year came to £14.54 As mentioned in the video, Patrick would love to hear about what other tools out there that you have found helpful - Let him know in the comments below With Gratitude 💚 by Patrick
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pdurey · 4 years
A little thought on the psyche, the word origin, and exploring what that points to plus a wee side note or two from me by Patrick
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pdurey · 4 years
A sense of our sense of senses (nearly a tongue twister ) Just a quick one (3 min video) Sometimes using numbers to describe an idea/concept or something that is being gauged/grasped can have some ideas mentally put in a straight line or stacked one above the other in our perception of something ( tangible or not ) Innocently I think it might be so with this topic Rather than put one above the other, playfully flip an idea on its head and then look at the idea on as level a playing field as possible and explore what occurs within...if anything Lots of Love P💚 by Patrick
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pdurey · 4 years
OSHO on THOUGHTS Video (4 min 37s) Too long -Didn’t watch? 🙃 Here’s the main piece... (The) mind doesn´t exist as an entity – this is the first thing. Only thoughts exist. The second thing: thoughts exist separate from you, they are not one with your nature, they come and go – you remain, you persist. You are like the sky: it never comes, it never goes, it is always there. Clouds come and go, they are momentary phenomena, they are not eternal. Even if you try to cling to a thought, you cannot retain it for long; it has to go, it has its own birth and death. Thoughts are not yours, they don´t belong to you. They come as visitors, guests, but they are not the host. Watch deeply, then you will become the host and thoughts will be the guests. And as guests they are beautiful, but if you forget completely that you are the host and they become the hosts, then you are in a mess. This is what hell is. You are the master of the house, the house belongs to you, but the guests have become the masters. Receive them, take care of them, but don´t get identified with them; otherwise they will become the masters. The mind becomes the problem because you have taken thoughts so deeply inside you that you have forgotten completely the distance; that they are visitors, they come and go. Always remember that which abides: that is your nature, your tao. Always be attentive to that which never comes and never goes, just like the sky. Change the gestalt: don´t be focused on the visitors, remain rooted in the host; the visitors will come and go. An Excerpt From: Osho, Tantra: The Supreme Understanding, Talk #2 Link to the excerpt above and other content by Osho: https://ift.tt/3gC9JI9 As mentioned this guy was an interesting character and lived an interesting life, some of which is documented in the Netflix documentary: https://ift.tt/31Bbwcm A quick search on the internet will yield an endless amount of articles and ‘thoughts’ on thoughts. What I have always liked about this piece and similar pieces by different authors, is that this points to the space between 'thought' and ‘you’ all the while describing the nature of both in such a short and sweet way Has this been a useful video? Let me know you ‘thoughts’ 😉 and, Thank you, as ever, for reading/watching 🙏 P💚 by Patrick
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pdurey · 4 years
"Someone should have told us" {3 min video} If you have watched the Video -Thank you Below is the piece that I was referring to in the video... ...a Sioux friend told me: The Creator gathered all of creation and said, “I want to hide something from the humans until they are ready for it. It is the realization that they create their own reality. The eagle said, "Give it to me, I will take it to the moon. The Creator said, "No. One day they will go there and find it. The salmon said, "I will hide it on the bottom of the ocean. “No. They will go there, too." The buffalo said, “I will bury it on the great plains. The Creator said, “They will cut the skin of the earth and find it even there." Then Grandmother Mole...who has no physical eyes but sees with spiritual eyes, said, “Put it inside them” [for that is the last place they will look.] The Creator said, "It is done. Some stories tend to have a way of landing in a space deep within, for me, the above piece is such a piece What stories or passages have you heard over the years that have touched you deeply? ...let me know The book I found this in is called "someone should have told us" an easy read an' here's a link to buy [none affiliated] Somebody Should Have Told Us! (Simple Truths for Living Well) Jack Pransky Amazon.co.uk: https://ift.tt/2EwmcQq Amazon.com: https://ift.tt/2YAeXxY by Patrick
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pdurey · 4 years
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Wisdom..simply timeless And we aren't immune Isn't that good to know? #wisdom #qotd #simplicity #ifyouknowyouknow https://www.instagram.com/p/CBWiRSZB_Ht/?igshid=1u8ww9j01rlig
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pdurey · 5 years
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A great evening here at the @evergladeshotelderry meeting up with great friends continuing to provide an excellent service in their business It is wonderful to sit in great company to listen, learn and strive together The live music from the grand piano is a great touch too @dureyclaire @culmorekaratebarron @abbottshypnotherapy (at The Everglades Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/B31U5CAhPwj/?igshid=11py6tt88480g
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pdurey · 5 years
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A great evening here at the @evergladeshotelderry meeting up with great friends continuing to provide an excellent service in their business It is wonderful to sit in great company to listen, learn and strive together The live music from the grand piano is a great touch too @dureyclaire @abbottshypnotherapy @culmorekaratebarron #emerge (at The Everglades Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/B30L3U7hX7V/?igshid=q8rwmr7hubmz
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pdurey · 5 years
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Great to get meeting up at the @evergladeshotelderry with some great friends and like minded individuals always striving towards providing a quality service to their clients It's a pleasure to sit with these people, to listen and share ideas and catch up with each other The live music from the piano is a welcome touch for a Saturday evening #meetup #care #share #emerge @dureyclaire @abbottshypnotherapy @culmorekaratebarron (at The Everglades Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/B30JYpXBo2C/?igshid=1ts6y4gpm6st7
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pdurey · 5 years
You are perfect
Can it be true? and are you open to this being true?
Right now I really want to take a moment to sit and bask in the perfection of who you are.How awesome you are……Despite everything and anything that has ever gone on in your lifeAfter all that, you’re still here, still functioning.Totally perfect, complete and wholeI invite you to join me just for a moment to sit just with that.–*The perfection of who you are*–As you browse through the content here, the videos and posts, there is a sharing of experiences, insights, concepts and ideasPlease know that it all comes from the same place, the same space – that I – even if you don’t… see you as perfect that you are already perfect, already whole, already complete!and that in fact – you don’t necessarily need anything anything else that goes on in here is just,opening up to different ideas,different understandings,different perspectives,–I invite you when you’re herebrowsing and interactinghaving a look around or indeed in any interaction -where we might have a conversation; To Imagine being at a deli or a buffetlifting your own plate.Going up to the various counters that are there the warm counterthe cold counterthe hot plate -where the big roasts areand the lovely big desert trolly– take a sample, of a wee bit of everything.to taste it, get a sense of what it’s like and you’ll know if it’s for you or not. If there’s something there that you really like that, you can get a good sense of what it is that really resonates with you would you consider for a moment to just sit with it and digest itSit in that perfection of who you already arewhole, complete and perfect. Thank you very much for reading this todayand I hope to speak with you soon
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pdurey · 5 years
What to consider when designing my business card?
I was asked about business cards and what to be thinking about from a subconscious point of view when designing a new card
[Not much time to read this or watch the video? Read the summary at the bottom]
Number 1 Interrupt a pattern
The number one thing that came to mind when I was asked that question was the idea of interrupting a pattern. It’s one of the number one tools that I have in my toolbox. We’ve been conditioned, for a long time from childhood to fit in
Think back to school days, for many, it was required to wear a uniform
uni [one] form [unit] – basically taking a group of many and making it one unit
Whereas a business needs to stand out, to be seen, businesses need to get the attention of their clientele. You don’t want to be ‘in line’ and ‘uniform’ like everyone else, do you? In a few moments, I will explain some of the things I use within a business card to interrupt a pattern
Size – larger or smaller than the standard
Shape – A different shape that stands out. In terms of shape I opt for a square shape.
Material – we are sensory beings and so not everything just goes by the look. Many of the websites now that you can buy business cards from [and local suppliers too] offer the option of different thicknesses / different materials / different finishes [keyword is different]
I recommend considering very carefully which material and which finish best reflects the brand or the person that is looking to do business.
If you’re a builder or someone that works in the trades you may find a card that is a lot thicker and slightly rough to the touch would be a good reflection of a solid job whereas someone who maybe a counsellor or some kind of a therapist or change worker might think about using a softer touch a more gentle material because it reflects the type of work being done -also quality is very important there too
Number 2 Connection
Another thing that is often overlooked. It is not so much the idea of connecting and connections but how much to connect
If you think about it your business card plays a few of roles depending on how it is delivered
It’s used as part of a first time real human to human interaction/connection
Its being used as a vehicle through someone else as an introduction
It’s been left somewhere for people to pick up at will [not highly recommended]
Knowing this and its place within a typical customer/clients journey can allow for an opportunity to do that, only that, and do it well
In either of the above cases, it’s likely to be one of the first points of contact a customer will have with a business
It’s an early touch point and should be treated as such, not trying too hard with nothing too heavy in its message or salesy.
More of a ‘hello, how do you do?’ approach rather than ‘Hello there stranger, will you marry me?’
Number 3  KISS – keep it super simple
We’ve all heard of the kiss anagram – keep it super simple, it’s good to keep in mind for a lot of things as our minds work best when they are clear -when there is less noise, chaos and distractions. A Business card should reflect this.
A business card should have very minimal information with a clear call to action.
Number 4 Call to Action
Why should a business card have a Call to action? It’s a bit static if it doesn’t, Hypnotists use the power of suggestion to help bring about a desired transformation. A CTA is similar in the sense that it is a suggestion to take desired action.
An Interesting psychology-based fact: People are more inclined to take action once they’ve been given a reason to do so [Obviously, It should be appropriate and relevant to the situation]
A potential client who may have picked up the card at a point of interest might not know what might be the best next step for them and your business. It’s a good idea to make people aware what the next best step is and give a reason for doing so.
Example CTAs
An invitation to a free stragety call to [insert reason]
Book your free 10 essential step checklist session [insert number or booking url] to find out how I/we can [insert reason- add value to your business/life etc]
Find out how much you could save with our [ product/service ] call [Insert number]
Did you know we have helped [insert number and/or type of client] save [insert amount – time/money/effort] by [insert reason – working with us, implementing our ‘insert name of stragety/process’]
Might simply be ‘lets connect’ with the @handle/url of your businesses most used social media platform, this is espically advantageous to further nurture your client along their journey through re targeting etc
[For more information about this directly and other aspects CTA’s and nuturing Customers -it’s best to speak to a great social marketer and consultant like @stephenmcgill ]
A good business card will follow suit with the rest of your branding regarding colours and fonts to re enforce brand recognition
That said
Do not over think the design – a lot of business cards are going to be thrown out. The current statistic is that over 88% of business cards are thrown away, what is important to consider is did it serve its purpose is intended before it was thrown away?
The Rule of 5
When dishing out business cards consider adopting a rule of 5. What is the rule of 5?
The rule of 5 is basically commiting to only hand out a maximum of 5 cards to any one person, on the understanding that because there are only 5, this introduces an element of scarcity, the receiver might like to keep them safe.
Be sure to ask the person accepting the 5 cards to be thoughtful who to give each card out to, explain who is an ideal client/customer. When someone only has 5 of your cards and they are a good networker, they will do the ‘vetting’ for you minimising ‘tyre kickers’ and if they are just talking your cards to be polite, it’s likely they will throw them away…imagine what a waste it would have been if you handed over 10-20 or 50?
Interrupt a pattern i.e. stand out – refrain from standing in
Keep it super simple
Clear CTA
Consider the rule of 5
Check out Steve Jobs and Einsteins business cards
About Patrick
Patrick helps people unlock their perceived mental blocks while pointing to their innate wellbeing, deep wisdom, resulting in more clarity and understanding, more ease, less stressful thinking. More action towards their personal desired goals and less faffing about
Patrick has helped numerous people with anxiety, depression, grief, additions, he has also helped highly stressed individuals discover a life with more ease and flow, other areas he has had an impact, weight loss, breaking habits, improving relationships, and helped souls with subtler areas of life
He is best contacted through the website Patrickdurey.com or through the E M E R G E community on facebook
This piece was originally put together for the Foyle business network
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