Miksi aamut ovat niin vaikeita?
Uusi blogiteksti julkaistu. Inspiraationa helvetin huonot aamut. 
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Fun Schizophrenia Things (TM)
For all the neurotypicals that think its quirky and edgy, this is my reality living with schizophrenia
not bathing for weeks on end
Losing hours of your memory
Dissociating while driving and almost crashing your car
Hearing/Seeing things worse than any horror movie has shown you
Being utterly alone because everyone in your life has deemed you too difficult to be around
Forgetting to eat
Involuntary twitching/body positioning
Believing that you’re actually dead
Thinking the pictures on the wall are watching you
People fearing you as soon as you tell them you have schizophrenia
Intrusive thoughts about murder, crime and other unpleasant things
Believing a person/place doesn’t exist anymore or that they’ve been replaced by a double or clone.
Agressive narcissism
Believing you are a god
believing you are always being watched
believing you have inhuman powers
Believing that things not even remotely related to you are referencing you
Believing outside influences are controlling your actions (extraterrestrials, gods, etc.)
I could go on for hours, but this is just a sample. It’s not fun. We’re not a bunch of Harley Quinn’s. Quit being ignorant and educate yourself.
Thank you
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Viikonloppu sairaalassa
Sain vihdoinkin jotain aikaiseksi ja päivitin blogiani.
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Diagnosis F25
I finally wrote shortly about my diagnosis! I will write more about it and how it affects my life and studying.
Kirjoitin vihdoin diagnoosistani! Teksti on aika lyhyt, mutta aion myöhemmin kirjoittaa siitä vielä enemmän ja siitä miten se vaikuttaa elämääni ja opiskeluuni.
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this user has a schizoaffective disorder
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Ppl on the psychotic or schizophrenic spectrum:
Like or reblog so I can follow you plz I don’t know anyone else
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randomly gettin a manic episode like
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Fucking PSA
Unfriendly reminder that having an anxiety disorder isn’t cute or quirky
Unfriendly reminder that chronic and severe depressive disorders aren’t something to be glorified or glamorized
Unfriendly reminder that eating disorders are legitimate problems for millions of people and have taken so many lives, and it’s not some cute fucking fad
Unfriendly reminder that it isn’t okay to romanticize depression, anxiety and eating disorders but still continue to stigmatize and stereotype Schizophrenia, Bipolar, Borderline Personality Disorder, etc
Unfriendly fucking reminder that mental illnesses aren’t for your aesthetics or to be thought of as some cutesy quirk or quality, they’re legitimate problems that people struggle with every single day and are to be taken much more seriously than they are
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That mental illness feel when Worst Case Scenario™ isn’t death, it’s actually embarrassment.
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I posted a new text on my blog. This one is about the voices I hear. Please check it out!
Postasin uuden tekstin blogissani. Tällä kertaa aiheena äänet, joita kuulen. Käykäähän lukemassa!
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My blog
Hello everyone! This tumblr is for my own blog called “Paradoksi nimeltä elämä” The translated version is “A paradox called life”. From now on I will post blog texts both English and Finnish. on my blog. I will notify in tumblr each time I update. 
In my blog I write about my mental illness and life with it.
Here is a link for it: http://paradoksinimeltaelama.blogspot.com/
Hei kaikki! Tämä tumblr on tehty blogilleni “Paradoksi nimeltä elämä”. Blogissa julkaisen noin kerran viikossa ja tästä lähin aina sekä suomeksi että englanniksi. Julkaisen myös tumblrissa, joka kerta kun julkaisen tekstin blogissani.
Blogissani kirjoitan mielenterveysongelmistani ja elämästäni niiden kanssa.
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