oswaldincandylandau · 10 months
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I sure wonder where he got that candy from...
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AU AU AU IMA MAKE ANOTHER ACCOUNT FOR IT ITS NOT AN ASK ACCOUNT THO what do you guys think I actually like my art for the first time :) btw that blue rabbit is Oswald :)
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One day in a small broken house there were a bunny and cat the bunny loved trying new things at the same time but the cat did not.
Julius ooh Julius? the rabbit named Oswald tried waking his big brother up but he was sound asleep.
The only way I go to sleep is going outside.. Oswald said as he hugged his toy bear.
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But I'm old enough to go out there by myself right teddy? Oswald said
Oh you don't talk anyway... Oswald said
Oswald got in his shoes that nearly fit him and got in his patchwork clothes (Julius gave the shoes to him because he didn't want Oswald to be barefoot in Muddy floors) and left out with a light
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Oswald wasn't scared of nothin! He didn't really mind going that far where dangerous animals there he was pretty small but he was brave!
But before he could jump on land... He seen a very bright light.
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It was a weird red and white portal
What dat? Oswald said clearly he was confused
Julius always told Oswald to always tell him before he goes close to something...
Oswald ran back home JULIUS! JULIUS! Oswald was trying to wake his brother up. What...?
Julius was half awake...
outside! Outside! There is a thing- Oswald was quite in a hurry
Wait why where you... Julius was very confused because Oswald doesn't go outside when Julius isn't up only if Julius says so.
I CAN EXPLAIN LATER COME ON HURRY! Oswald was in a rush.
Ok ok hold on... Julius got dressed and followed Oswald
What is it? Julius said he was very worried and cranky
It's a red and white portal thing! It smells like a candycane!
Your right... Julius said he thought it was very suspicious because he never seen a portal in the woods only in fairytales...
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I'ma go check it out! Oswald said he was very excited to see some stuff on the other side.
OSWALD WAIT!! Julius said literally trying to stop a four year old it's like trying to stop your dog from running away.
It was to late to stop Oswald so Julius had to follow him in...
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Hello it's ye girl @mushysposts here! (that was cringe) and I made an au about Oswald and Julius going to a place with Cotton candy clouds chocolate water and more sweet stuff called candy land! Ive got an idea for this au so stick around! :)
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