How much?
How much does it hurt to love someone that once loved you?
How much?
How much does it hurt to always love them when that don't?
How much?
How much are you going to hurt yourself for some that doesn't care?
How much?
How much can one person handle pain on their own?
How much?
How much longer are you going to smile something that's fake?
How much?
How much longer are you going to let them lie to you?
How much?
How much false love are you going to take in?
How much?
How much longer are you going to hold onto something that doesn't hold onto you back?
How much?
How much longer are you willing to suffer?
How much?
How much more are you going to take?
How much more are you willing to hurt yourself?
How much?
How much of the real you is even left?
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Imagine being happy AND financially stable
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If I find someone that I care deeply for but they don't care for me back, should I just try to earn their love? Or should I leave?
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Things you do not have to feel guilty about
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Alcohol is never the answer, but it does make you forget the question.
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Is there a way to miss someone that's right next to you?
Like have you ever notice someone you loved change so drastically that things didn't feel like home anymore, or as simple?
Maybe you don't notice it at first, but they keep changing in little ways and it's so strange, sometimes it's a wonderful change, but they're not the same person you once knew. They're just, someone else that looks the same.....
And have you ever felt so sad about that small change, that little thing that made everything else noticeable?
That one thing that set everything off balance?Those memories of them and everything complied together....
Then you begin to wonder, " What happened? Was it me? Did I change any? Is it me, or is it really them?....."
And you're just so lost in thought you forget your surroundings untill someone has to snap you out of it....
~Leeann H.
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