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“you just cannot resist me”
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“ Hey Tom. It’s me, Mia. I hope that everything is ok, that you’re fine, that Vietnam is all right. Hum... I know that you won’t hear this message until you’ll be back from the deep and dark jungle where you are shooting. But I had to let you know. At first I didn’t want to call you at all but... 
You know, when I came back home from Berlin, I didn’t do much during the week-end. The highlight was when I ate some sushis on Saturday evening. But on Sunday I started to have a sore stomach. I assumed that I came from the sushis. On Monday I went to work, I was still in pain but I thought it would pass... It was a very long but okay day. Until the pain went unbearable. I started to throw up and I was hardly able to stand. James took me straight to the doctor. The first thing that he told me was that it was not the sushis’ fault. 
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Then, he asked me a couple of questions, and just before giving me anything against the pain, I started... I vomited blood... The doctor send me to the hospital and I spend the night running all sorts of tests. The results came in this morning, and... hum... I... hum... Well... I have an intestinal cystic. I seriously didn’t wanted to call you at first because you are probably very busy and that it’s not fair of me to bother you with all that fuckery. You need to focus on Skull Island, and not on the shit that happens to me. But I’m terrified. I never told you, but this is what my father died from. I’m trying to hide it from my mum and Lauren, but I’m scared as fuck... I’m about to go to surgery and I couldn’t go without calling you... I just hope... I’m so scared Tom. You have no idea how much I would need you with me right now... 
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You know my mum and my sister, they won’t leave my side. But I would give everything I have to have you here. The surgeons are saying that we detected it on time, and that everything should be fine. But I feel like I’m going to drown in pain and fear... A lot of horrible memories are coming back and I don’t want to go trough them again... I’m so sorry to cry on your voicemail... I’m just... I’m such a mess... Tom, I love you. If anything happen, I want you to know that you are the love of my life... I have to hung up, it’s time. God, I love you... I can’t wait to see you again.”
Three days later
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- Mia, it’s Tom. 
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- Sorry Tom, it’s Lauren.
- Lauren? How are you, love? Is your sister near you? 
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- [Who is it Lauren?] It’s Tom. [Give me the phone darling].
- Hello Thomas. It’s Suzanne. 
- Mrs Cohan? Good afternoon. Can I speak with Mia, please? I just got her voicemail message.
- I’m afraid that is not going to be possible...
- ... No please, tell me she is alright...
- I wish I could. Hm, the operation was a success. They took out what was needed, and the doctor said that she would only had to stay in the hospital four or five days before going home. She was feeling very tired, and this morning she started to have fever. The nurses said that it could be a nosocomial infection... 
- Oh my god... 
- She is in a special room and we are not allowed in for the moment. She feels very weak, she sleeps a lot and they are giving her a lot of drugs. 
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- Fuck!... (he stops talking and starts breathing very heavily) 
- Thomas?
- Yeah... (new short silence). I’m going to take the first flight back to London. I’ll be here in twelve hours and...
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- No you’re not. Listen to me. Lauren and I will stay with her and take care of her until you are normally supposed to come home. I’ll let you know everything that happens here, but don’t blame yourself. She didn’t got that infection because you were not here, do you hear me? This is not your fault. It is very scary and worrying but there is nothing we can do besides waiting that she gets better. Because she will. 
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- I can’t leave her alone! I can’t leave her like that... I need to... I... Oh god...
- Take a deep breath Tom... Here you are... Calm down...She will be fine. It is going to take some days until the infection disappears but she will fight it. She is a strong girl... And until she feels better, we have to be strong for her. Do you understand...?
-Yeah... Yes. Thank you Suzanne... It’s just... It’s just that I love her so much...
- I know you do, darling. And she... Well, you know how much she loves you too. 
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- Oh my god... Can I ask you to let me know if anything happens? I won’t leave my phone from now on. Call me whenever you need to. If she gets better or...
- I will. She will be fine, Thomas. Now, try to rest and don’t think too much about all of this. There is no need to, and it’s not going to help anyone. Take a shower, drink a very hot cup of tea and go to bed. Tomorrow is another day and before you can even realize it, you will be back home with Mia... Hold on darling. 
- Thank you so much... Call me if there is anything... I wish I could be with the three of you right now.
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Dear followers
Hi all of you lovely people ! I know I’ve not been posting in ages, and its probably because I don’t really have any inspiration those days. So if you want to request a Tom Hiddleston Imagine, please be my guest  ♥
And thank you SO MUCH for your support and your love. I didn’t realize I had more than a hundred followers. Goes straight to my heart. Thank you
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                        “ Sometimes, letting him go hurts like hell ”
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“ When your other half is constantly travelling, it is quite a challenge to have an everyday couple life. But even if work is keeping us really busy, we still try to call or text each other at least once a day “
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            ♡       Romantique escapade in New Orleans 
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              “ One of the things I like the most is the silly pictures that                                 we are taking of one another or sending to each other ”
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Olivia and Arlo don’t even have to ask their parents to make funny things. They are two giant dorks all the time ☺
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Tom being the proudest husband on earth when Mia (and James), wins an Annie Award for Best Animated TV/Broadcast Production For Children’s Audience for their cartoon series for ITV called Chloe’s Quest.
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thank you ✿
Hello to my 21 followers !
I just started this blog because I’m bloody obsessed with Hiddleston, and seeing that you guys enjoy the little silly things I’m posting makes me really happy + if you have any request or if you just want to talk, you know where to find me ☺
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I'd catch a grenade for you Throw my hand on a blade for you I'd jump in front of a train for you You know I'd do anything for you I would go through all this pain Take a bullet straight right through my brain Yes, I would die for you, baby
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- Do you still have that letter than arrived yesterday?
- Of course !
- Could you open it for me?
- It’s just here... Wait, give me a minute... Here we are. Do you want me to read it?
- Out loud please, yes.
- “Dear you. Will you come and join me in Hawaï for as long as you want in June ?” What the... Is this... Did you... Oh my god!
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- Ehehehe...
- Did you send this letter to your name to ask me to open it in front of you ?
- Might be...
- Thomas William Hiddleston...
- Is that a yes ?  
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- I absolutely can’t wait to have sex on the beach babe. Yes, yes and yes !
- I would already be undressing you if we were not so far apart...
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- Mia, love. Hum... Did you... Hum, did you thought about that conversation... that we had the other week ?
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- What ? Which one ? Oh ! Yes... Well, I kinda forgot we talked about this, to be honest. But I’ll try to remember to think about it at some point, I promise. 
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- Are you kidding me ?
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- No, I’m not. Plus, you are clearly not in the mood for jokes...
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- I can’t believe it. 
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- Tom, calm down. It’s not such a big deal. And it’s not really like we had to decide anything today. Or do anything, I’m on my period...!
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- You do seriously think that you can laugh about everything ? Grow the fuck up Mia. It’s like you love making fun of all the things that mean something to me. This “having a child” conversation is important for the both of us. I don’t know why I thought that you would make the effort to, at least, think about it. It’s been on for months now, and all I want is a very simple bloody answer. Just yes or no, for god’s sake. Is it too much to ask?
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- Do you mean that you need an answer before going back to shoot a movie only fucking god knows where on this planet so we can fuck and hope that when you come back, I’ll be waiting for you with your baby in my arms? Is this why you need a very simple bloody answer right now?  
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- If this is what you want, I can catch the first plane there is to fucking nowhere and I’ll be happy to never come back. 
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- Fuck well, you know where the door is. 
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              I went way too far.
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Missing you comes in waves.                                Tonight I’m drowning
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                          “Is it true that you are expecting twins ?”
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- Tom, we heard that Mia brought your kids on the set while you were shooting, how was it to have them around ?
- It was such a wonderful surprise. Mia is an absolute wonder. I didn’t expect her, and definitely not the kids. It just made my day. I don’t spend as much time with them that I’d like to, you know, so it was an absolute joy to spend the day with them. Even when we were shooting, all I was thinking about was finishing this scene to go out play outside with them and their extraordinary mum.
- Oh they were the most excited little humans on earth that day. They don’t really understand Tom’s job, and as they are growing up, they start asking questions. So I just thought I would bring them on the set to show them what daddy’s job is. And they love him so much that spending an extra day with him was all that really mattered. 
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Tom & Mia, a summary ♥
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