notted-theodore · 3 years
@doubleohdraco @fiery-blaise-of-glory @violet-flora
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That’s why no one ever goes against them. Sorry Theo, seems like you are in dire need of ear plugs.
Have a nice week lovelies 🌻✨
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notted-theodore · 3 years
What’s this bullshite with you and Evangeline escaping her family home together? Didn’t realize you two were close….
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“London truly has eyes and ears everywhere. What if I was saving her from a rogue beast? What if I was running away from her clingy house elves with her? What if we found out there was a deal at the pub that we couldn’t miss out on? Some things aren’t as dramatic as you’d think…. Or are they?”
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notted-theodore · 3 years
Are you in love with Adrian Pucey and do you two really have matching tattoos on your asses? More importantly, can we see them?
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I always wanted that to be on our second date.... cabin trip two. Pucey and I are just mates. But I have been telling all the boys we should get a tattoo together. Maybe on the next night out at Leaky? Every single wizard in my ridiculous crew. How unfortunate for them.
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notted-theodore · 3 years
Is there any truth to that rumor I heard about you taking a secret sexcation with Millicent Bulstrode?
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I don't sexcation and tell... isn't that the point of a sexcation? To get away and have the worst, most sordid, terribly salacious sex you could imagine?
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notted-theodore · 3 years
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Theodore Nott could see Thestrals since as long as he could remember. Swept up on long woodland walks, confronted with creatures his father couldn’t see. It was the peculiar phenomenon of loss- of discovering invisible treasures unseen to the common eye, that guided Theodore’s curiosities for the majority of his life
His mother died tragically - a basic household spell gone wrong, leading to a gruesome accident that left Theo, then four, alone with her body for an hour until their House Elf noticed. His father, Theodore Nott Sr., was a magical inventor. Created machines infused with spells or charms, or at times, hexes, owned a colllection of strange little materials. Made mainstream good money by public light, but beneath the guise of scientific endeavours he fell quickly into his deep loyalties with his circle of aristocratic blood purists, following the Dark Lord quietly, donning the cloak and mask since before Theodore could remember. One of the first servants of Lord Voldemort, a faithful friend to him and Lucius Malfoy.
Thus, Theo was raised mainly by his House Elf, Kiki. Arrived at Hogwarts with an inquisitive mind that could be seen as petulant or entitled. He was sharp, clever, instantly befriending Draco Malfoy and his brood of friends. Instead of joining Quidditch like Crabbe, Draco, Goyle, Blaise, Marcus, Theo headed the debate team. He was described as weedy-looking , and a clever loner who didn’t feel the  need to join gangs, sticking to his own little wanderings weaving in and out of close-knit crowds. 
His father married his mother’s sister when he was thirteen. A social climber determined to fit in with the uppercrust, but who knew how to be far more subtle than many other wives in their circle. During the fight against the Order of the Phoenix at the Department of Mysteries, Theo’s father was injured during battle, arrested with Lucius, and sent to Azkaban. Theodore wasn’t invited to join Professor Slughorn’s Slug Club- and Theo, who indeed had his own ego and penchant to become great in his own merit - took it as a kick to the gut that neither he nor Draco were invited. 
Always finding humour, with a mind like his fathe’s, Theo was often found experimenting with items in school. Some experiments went swimmingly -others, mischievous and dark, riddled with chaos that he kept under wraps. Additionally, he tutored several students, earning a decent reputation within his circle of Slytherins despite his father’s unfortunate luck with his own intelligence and efforts. 
After the war, his father was imprisoned once more after betrayal by Lucius Malfoy. Now, somehow, Theodore has a career in cursebreaking at the Ministry, and a secret hobby for  magical items. But after leaving school Theodore Nott is at least partly involved in handling illegal magical goods, fascinated by rare items only certain clientele would require. His aunt is hellbent on marrying him off to save their family’s rep, in the meantime, though he’s never prioritised traditional marital romance in lieu of his own mischief and curious studies.  He supports his father’’s endeavours, hellbent on making him proud.
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notted-theodore · 3 years
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Wolfgang Novogratz
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