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“Umm... thank you?          Is it that obvious?”
“That is adorable. You’re adorable, jesus christ. I’m guessing you’re lost?”
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“This entire outfit is from Brooks Brothers...”
nocturnallyavenging liked starter call
“Holy shit- did someone pick you out of a god damn Gap magazine?!”
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                                            angels                                                          or                                                               demons
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“Business, business, business, huh?” he teased, letting the paprazzi do their thing. “Are you nervous about previews? They’re coming up pretty soon. They’re a lot of fun,” he added, smiling.
She certainly had the right mindset, and the clarity to plan the paprazzi instead of being attacked. At least she was saavy in that aspect. And truth be told, he liked the way he didn’t have to take charge the entire time of the situation. Yes, this could be a very lucrative partnership his managers were pushing on him.
“Oh no, I swear, everyone says it.” She says, stepping closer to him. She was glad he was the one to ask for a picture, and quick too. It seemed he wasn’t completely oblivious. 
This could work.
She snapped out of flirtatious mode and back to business, “Yeah, of course. There’s like six camera guys eyeing us so I’ll just-” She paused, giving the paparazzi a nod to come over. “Alright, we’ll take some like we’re talking, ‘kay? And then we’ll take a few more posing.”
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'✉' ;; im so gonna regret this
meme || accepting
[text: Anderson.]: I never stopped getting butterflies around you. [NOT SENT]
[text: Anderson.]: It’s painful pushing you away, you have to know that. [NOT SENT]
[text: Anderson.]: I wish we were back in Chicago. [NOT SENT]
[text: Anderson.]: Why is loving you so easy to do? [NOT SENT]
[text: Anderson.]: Please love me instead of her. [NOT SENT]
[text: Anderson.]: STOP leaving your bag on the locker room bench- put it IN a locker or I’m throwing it out next time. [SENT]
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Broadway takes on the 1950s! 
Film actress Quinn Fabray makes her Broadway debut as the iconic Marilyn Monroe in ‘Marilyn’ - while Tony Award winner Blaine Anderson rocks out as Elvis Presley in ‘Graceland’ . 
Previews for Marilyn begin July 21st 
Previews for Graceland begin July 14th 
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Matt Bomer - Heaven - Official Preview [source] [download]
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his every glance is torrential rain pattering against your soul, but you would sooner drown then see the sun again.
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He couldn’t help the way his eyes fluttered closed at her touch, nor the way he leaned into it. They only stayed closed for a moment though, before he was willing them open again to escape the hellish visions that waited for him there.
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He was easily pulled into her embrace, his hand holding the back of her head as he placed a soft kiss to her hair, tears still falling from his eyes as well. He had no idea how long they had been standing there, but the lack of movement for a year had him feeling particularly weak. “Can we sit? And maybe get some water?” he said with a soft chuckle. “Feelin’ a little weak in the knees and it ain’t just from you,” he said, grasping desperately for a sense of normalcy already.
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Haley was still frozen, her arms moving on autopilot as they wrapped around Dean’s form; barely aware that she was shaking or that her breathing was becoming labored as tears blurred her eyes. This had to be a dream, she thought to herself,; one of her cruel, cruel dreams that she was going to wake up from any moment and–
She didn’t dare blink as her eyes stared back into his green; lifting her hands up to his face as they touched him experimentally; feeling the rough skin that she had spent so much time memorizing. It was him— Dean was here. A sob tore through her through as she pulled him back into her arms tightly; arms circled around his neck as her face buried into the crook of his neck, unable to formulate any words that could describe what she was currently feeling.
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He didn’t waste any time pulling her into a hug, grabbing onto her, making sure she was real, that this was real, that he was really back and not in the depths of hell screaming for her, only to have her turn into some demon bleeding from the eyes or--
His eyes shot open, needing to look at her face again. “Haley,” he croaked out, voice gravely with lack of use. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he refused to tear his eyes from hers; there was so much to say, but his throat was raw and he couldn’t even speak for the lump in his throat. “I love you,” he managed to get out.
It had been a whole year. The hardest year of Haley’s life, she was certain: with fighting the constant tangle of guilt, pain, and sadness that threatened to drag her under day by day, she was surprised she had made it this far. It had taken months to will herself to leave the house, and even longer to get back to something that resembled normal. For her own sake and sanity.
It still wasn’t easy living in this house, although the thought of moving elsewhere was just as unbearable. Sure, her friends always made it a point to visit at least once a day - Lucas more than anyone; although he had always been a worrier - but no one could take his place.
“Coming!” The knock on the door barely surprised her as she wiped her hands down on the dish towel, making her way over towards the door. As she opened it, her mouth opened to give her friend a greeting—
Only to have the air sucked right out from her lungs. 
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When she did speak, she was only able to manage one word; her voice just a whisper. “—— Dean…?”
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The sharp inhale of air after he managed to claw his way out from layers upon layers of dirt fucking hurt. He had no money, no cell phone, no ride, nothin’. He knew he was just outside of Tree Hill - this cemetery was all too familiar - and it wasn’t far to where he knew she’d be. Looking back at the wooden cross that marked his grave, he had to laugh. He wondered briefly when the last time was that she came to visit him.
He pushed the thought from his mind and focused on getting to their house - her house now... dirty knuckles rapped on the door as he actually prayed for this to go well.
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The door opened and he let out a very raspy, choked, “        Haley?”
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blainexnightbird ---> nocturnallyavenging
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Mr. Misha is going to do more of the Q & A stuff!!! I think you guys like that stuff!!! THURSDAY 6.25 @ 12 PM PST / 3 PM EST. Send your questions about love & existentialism & gishwhes to this place right here, and he will answer either 10 or 50 or 9000 of them on Thursday!
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