nliu18ahsgov-blog · 6 years
Blog Post #9 Infographic
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Work Cited Page
Ymartinez. “About One-in-Four U.S. Immigrants Are Unauthorized.” Pew Research Center's Hispanic Trends Project, 19 Sept. 2016, www.pewhispanic.org/2016/09/20/overall-number-of-u-s-unauthorized-immigrants-holds-steady-since-2009/ph_2016-09-20_unauthorized-06/.
Schallhorn, Kaitlyn. “Sanctuary Cities: What Are They?” Fox News, FOX News Network, 22 Mar. 2018, www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/03/22/sanctuary-cities-what-are.html.
Powe, Alicia, and Facebook. “Data in! Sanctuary Cities Have Higher Crime Rates.” WND, WND, www.wnd.com/2017/04/data-in-sanctuary-cities-have-higher-crime-rates/.
“'Sanctuary Cities' Defy Immigration Law - The Boston Globe.” BostonGlobe.com, The Boston Globe, 31 July 2015, www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2015/07/30/sanctuary-cities-defy-immigration-law/bXmxdlTSbYUWVGDT8MaLLO/story.html.
Weissman-Ward, Lisa, and Sharon Driscoll. “Undocumented Immigrants, Sanctuary Jurisdictions, and the Law.” Stanford Law School, AP News, law.stanford.edu/2018/03/09/undocumented-immigrants-sanctuary-jurisdictions-law/.
LoBianco, Tom. “'Sanctuary Cities' Gird for Trump White House.” CNN, Cable News Network, 15 Nov. 2016, www.cnn.com/2016/11/14/politics/donald-trump-sanctuary-cities-white-house/index.html.
“Trump Immigration Orders Authorize Wall, Deportations.” @Politifact, www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2017/feb/24/trump-ushers-big-changes-immigration-deportations-/.
Sanchez, Ray. “What Sanctuary Cities Stand to Lose If Feds Have Their Way.” CNN, Cable News Network, 21 Apr. 2017, www.cnn.com/2017/04/21/politics/sanctuary-cities-federal-funding/index.html.
Tran, Andrew Ba. “What It Means to Be a 'Sanctuary City' in Connecticut.” TrendCT, 17 Feb. 2017, trendct.org/2017/02/13/what-are-sanctuary-cities-in-connecticut/.
“Maps: Sanctuary Cities, Counties, and States.” CIS.org, cis.org/Map-Sanctuary-Cities-Counties-and-States.
“California to Register Illegal Aliens to Vote – Automatically.” Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site, 21 Jan. 2018, rightedition.com/2018/01/21/california-register-illegal-aliens-vote-automatically/.
“Illegal Immigration to America Is Rising Again.” The Economist, The Economist Newspaper, 10 Apr. 2018, www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2018/04/10/illegal-immigration-to-america-is-rising-again.
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nliu18ahsgov-blog · 6 years
Civic Action Assessment of Issue
I believe my role as a citizen of this country is voting in elections, being informed on all of the current issues with this country, pay taxes and contribute to the government. I learned civic responsibilities are support and defend the Constitution, participate in the democratic process, respect and obey federal, state, and local laws, serve on a jury when called upon, and many more. It is my civic obligation to help address the problems of sanctuary cities and states because I live in state of California which turned into a sanctuary state in the beginning of the year 2018 and I believe we need to ensure the safety of the environment and immigration control in the US. For my civic action project, I created a survey consists of 5 questions that ask about sanctuary cities and states. 54 people answered the survey and about 60% of the group believe and support sanctuary cities and states. Out of the 54 people I surveyed, 28.3% was not informed on the issue with sanctuary cities and states. 56.6% of the people stated that San Francisco should continue to be sanctuary city and 62.3% of the people support that California is a sanctuary state. This is not a surprising outcome from the survey because California is a more liberal state and people are often persuaded by one political party’s view.         
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nliu18ahsgov-blog · 6 years
The 3 P Assessment: Parties, Political Interest Groups, and PACs
The Republican Party believes the US should secure the border, prevent illegal immigration, and prevent the creation of sanctuary cities and states. I agree with their position because I believe the US government should protect the safety of  US citizens and not let illegal immigrant cross the border. The Democrat Party believes in reforms of the immigration system, stand up to Trump’s hatred to defend their immigrant neighbors, and support sanctuary cities and states. Personally, I do not agree with the Democratic position because I believe the most important thing is to keep the American citizens safe and control of the US border. The Libertarian Party supports sanctuary cities and states and believe people should be able to travel freely as long as they are peaceful. I do not agree with the Libertarian position because I think people should follow orders and procedures to come to a country instead of crossing it illegally. The Green Party supports sanctuary cities and states and believes illegal immigrants that already have a family and a job in the US should be granted US citizenship. I disagree with the Green Party position because illegal immigrants should not be in the US border in the first place. The Peace and Freedom party want to open the US border and supports sanctuary cities and states. I disagree with this position because I believe this would make the US citizen safety at risk and would add to the chaos of the US government. I agree with the Republican Party the most. This is not a surprising outcome and I will vote for the presidential candidate. The Interest Group name is Americans for Immigration Control (AIC). The AIC is about control of the Mexico border and illegal aliens from coming into our nation. The AIC demand that the federal government should “immediately use maximum manpower and support equipment to secure our nation from terrorists, drug smugglers, and illegals”. The AIC supports “deporting illegal aliens already in the US, opposing all amnesties, enforcing the current immigration law and increasing penalties for those who knowingly transport, recruit, solicit, or hire illegal aliens, reducing annual legal immigration to numbers which can be readily assimilated, and educating motivating and activating citizens with our newsletter Immigration Watch” The AIC is about encouraging the protection of US borders. AIC is based in Monterey, Virginia. There are no current local meetings or volunteer opportunities. The AIC strongly opposes President Obama decision on the Dream Act which give “Dreamers” legal status and work permits. One interests group under California is the California Immigrant Policy Center. The Policy Center “seeks to inform public debate and policy decisions on issues affecting the state’s immigrants and their families in order to improve the quality of life for all Californians". The Policy Center fund immigration services, support advocates that work on Ab 60 driver’s license, improve economic mobility and quality of life in California, fight mass deportation, and fight detention, profiteering, and criminalization. This interest group is trying to work on affordable care act and medi-cal expansion. The  California Immigrant Policy Center is located in Sacramento, California. There is no current local meetings or conference. There is no current volunteer opportunity. The Policy center wants to fight back to President Trump’s deportation plan and they supports the California Values Act-SB 54. Comparing the two interest groups, the Policy center looks more organized and have a professional website that tells people what their purpose is. The Policy center is more successful in defining their purpose and raise actions. The targeted audience for AIC is American citizens. The targeted audience for the policy center is people that live in California. The PAC name is Defenders of Freedom and Security. Defenders of Freedom and Security is “a political action committee dedicated to supporting our troops and veterans and electing leaders that have served our country”. The Total Receipts is $124,585. The Total spent is $120,751. They have $23,820 cash on hand and all of their budget is spent on Republican. One of the donor is Park Wheelerm Freedie who is an attorney, Another donor is Flynn James who is a real restate broker. This reflects the interests of the PAC is towards middle working class people that is a part of the Republican party. 
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nliu18ahsgov-blog · 6 years
Executive Action Assessment of Issue
President Trump does not support sanctuary cities and states. He wants to build a border wall to prevent illegal immigrants from coming to the US. President Turmp also supports ending chain migration and the Visa lottery. Trump moved the country into a merit-based entry system. I agree with his position because I believe illegal immigrants should not be in the US in the first place. President Trump is trying to protect the American people and limit the number of illegal immigrants in the US. Kirstjen Nielsen is the Cabinet member in charge of national security. “The mission of the department of homeland security is to prevent and disrupt terrorist attacks and protect the American people, our critical infrastructure, and key resources; and respond to and recover from incidents that do occur.” This relates to issues with sanctuary cities and states because this department create and sustain a safe environment for the American people. The US Customs and Border Protection are suitable for responding to issues with sanctuary cities and states. This agency helps enforce US regulations, including trades, customs, and immigration. President Trump changed a lot of immigration policy and tried to prevent sanctuary cities and states from existing. He is trying to build more walls to prevent illegal immigrants from coming to the US. I believe President Trump will spend more fund on this department to solve  the immigration issue.    
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nliu18ahsgov-blog · 6 years
Legislative Action
Congressman Desaulnier supports sanctuary city and states. He believes the Tax Cut and Job Act increase inequality in our country and cause a dramatic increase in national debt while losing health coverage. Both Senators Harris and Senator Feinstein support sanctuary city and states. They believe Trump’s administrative action against immigration control is a threat to California’s public health, safety, and economy. Both senators support bill SB54 that makes California a sanctuary state. Almost all of the bills presented in the case of immigration relate to sanctuary cities and states. I am analyzing the senate bill 3100. This bill puts pressure on sanctuary cities and states to help the federal agency collect illegal immigrant information and help them deport anyone that entered the US border illegally. The impact is on those that live in sanctuary jurisdiction which receives federal fundings. I would vote yes for this bill because I believe illegal immigrants should not gain access to the border of US in the first place. The bill originates in the Senate on June 26th, 2016. This bill has not been viewed by the house or the president. I believe the current federal legislation should place more pressure on the sanctuary cities and states to enforce immigration policy. The title of the article is national guard troops involved in apprehensions at the Mexican border. The author of this article is Gregory Wallace. The article inform the reader that there were 38,000 apprehension of people trying to get into the US border illegally from Mexico territory in the past two months. There is not enough national guards and force to prevent this from happening. The intended audience is people that read CNN news. The author is biased to the right side by stating that there need to be an increase in force that stops illegal immigrants from coming into the US. The significance of this article is that it presents the reader with the statistics and issue of how many illegal immigrants want to get into the US border from Mexico alone. I agree with this article and I believe the federal government should provide more support to the immigration control force and agency.                    
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nliu18ahsgov-blog · 6 years
State Action
Both Steve Glazer and Catharine Baker agree on having sanctuary cities and the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) program. Baker once said, “I’m a big supporter of DACA and letting these folks live in our country”. I do not agree with their position on this particular issue because this action is going against the federal immigration control and does not protect current US citizens from illegal immigration. The most recent bill that Steve Glazer supported was SB 54 which established a statewide sanctuary policy. The Bill number is AB-440. The bill was introduced on February 13, 2017. The last major action on the bill states that “any plan to defund sanctuary cities is an attack on every Californian, and will deny and delay vital funding and services to some of the largest economic centers in the United States”. I believe this bill is acting against the federal government while trying to make the federal government support California action to become a sanctuary state. I would encourage California representatives to support this bill because I believe California needs the funding from the federal government in order to perform.
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nliu18ahsgov-blog · 6 years
Constitutional Issues
The name of the case is Vance v. Ball State University. The term it was decided is June 24, 2013. Maetta Vance works as a substitute server for the Ball State University. She was the only African-American working in the University Dining service. Vance submitted a complaint to the University when a coworker used a racial epithet directly at her and African-American students at the University. The University gives the coworker a written warning but Vance still claim to feel unsafe in her workplace. The University did investigation, but did not take any action. On October 3, 2006, Vance sued Ball State University in federal district court for lessening her work hours and worsen her work environment. The district court stated that there was not enough evidence to prove a hostile work environment and Vance took this case to the US Court of Appeals. The question that the justices were deciding is "Can a coworker who is vested with the authority to oversee the daily work of another worker be considered a supervisor for the purpose of determining employer liability for harassment?” Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were in question. The Supreme Court decision was that the definition of a “supervisor is limited to a person empowered to take tangible employment action against the victim... allowing the colloquial usage of supervisor that tends to conflate the concept of supervisor and coworker lacks the necessary specificity”. The Court’s decision has expanded employers’ liability for the unlawful conduct of their employees. I agree with the court’s decision because the justices based their opinions on the law and applying the definition of “supervisor”. The subject of the article is stating that the definition of “sanctuary city and state” can be different for people in different political spectrum and how we need to come up with a solution that protects innocent people while find out who are the dangerous criminals. The author of this article is George Skelton. The intended audience is the American people and government. The context of the article talks about how federal government immigration law still applies whether or not the state is a sanctuary state. The article states, “for republican, ‘sanctuary’ means protecting criminals who sneaked into the country illegally... for Democracts, it means walling off California from President Trump’s aggressive attempts to deport hardworking and law abiding immigrants who are here illegally”. The author is biased to the left because he talked about how Donald Trump’s plan of building a wall or deporting illegal immigration is not going to work. He also mentioned that ‘Sheriffs don’t wish to act as immigrant police and aren’t’. The significance of this article is that although the author leans towards the left, he presented both sides point of view. I do not agree with the author because we need to have immigration control and people that came here illegally should be sent back to their country. Also, the police force should help the federal government find and report dangerous illegal immigrants.          
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nliu18ahsgov-blog · 7 years
Economic Assessment of Issue
Government, businesses, and individuals all are impacted by sanctuary cities and states. The state government and local government are affected by this because police cannot ask a person whether she/he is a US citizen when she/he committed a crime or got caught doing something illegally. Having a sanctuary city or state is fighting against the federal immigration law. Businesses are also impacted by this because businesses owners or employers cannot ask their worker whether they are a US citizen. Individuals that do not have a US citizenship benefit from this act because they can get a job without proofing their US citizenship and they can come to the US illegally. The resolution of this issue is a need because the US government need to enforce the law of immigration. People that came to the US illegally should be sent back to where they originally came from. The resolution will ensure peace and civility in the US. ICE(Immigration and Customs Enforcement)is necessary government service that deals with the illegal immigrants and this issue. State government and local government police stations should help ICE to figure out who are the illegal immigrants that committed crimes, violated laws, and are threatening to the community. Labor would be necessary to effectively alleviate this issue because we need government service like ICE to enforce the immigration law and order. On the Republican side, they view this issue as very severe because they don’t want criminals that sneak to the US illegally deal damage and chaos to the community. On the Democrat side, they don’t want to sent back immigrants that came to the US illegally because some of the immigrants already have a job or family here in the US. I agree with the republican side because those immigrants came here illegally and did not follow the federal process of immigration. People that did not follow the law should not have been in the US in the first place. One opportunity cost of addressing this issue is that the US will loose work force and population. Another opportunity cost is that people that came here illegally will not be willing to go to talk to a police because they know they will be sent back. The two opportunity cost are worth the effort into resolving the problem because the safety of the public is place first. Communities and US citizens will benefit from solving this issue because they will be living in a safer community and everybody need to follow the law. No one will profit from this resolution. This issue is not a result of externality because it is a problem that need to be solved from the start. This issue cannot be solved through government transfer payment. 
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The subject of this graph compares the increasing number of work force age from (illegal and legal) immigrants and natives. The source of this graph came from the Steven A. Camarota. Camarota published this article on website of CIS trying to explain the fiscal ad economic impact of immigration on the US. The audience is anyone that want to study the economic effect of immigration in the US. This data is not biased and the author is trying to give the facts on immigration.   
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nliu18ahsgov-blog · 7 years
Getting Started
One blog that I found on tumblr describes the current issues with California being a sanctuary state. It criticizes attorney general Jeff Sessions’s disagreement with California’s open immigration policy. The author of this blog is justinspoliticalcorner. In the blog, there is a link to the New York Times news that directly states the speech Jeff Sessions gives. Jeff Session claims California is violating the law by not following federal policy. The intended audience for this blog is people that are far to the left and want to have sanctuary cities and states. The author of this blog is very biased and he/she believes California have their own will to become a sanctuary state. The significance of this blog is that it shows what the left side think about having sanctuary states and what will the states become. Personally, I do not agree with this author’s side of view because I think the living environment of the American people should be protected and government should be able to control who lives in the border. I will continue to follow this blog in order to get different perspectives on the issue. Five people that I followed on twitter is The Washington Times, Jerry Brown, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and Fox News. I followed a lot of different News in order to get perspectives from all sides. I also followed Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton because they are people that are at the opposite end of the political spectrum and I would like to hear what they think about sanctuary cities and states. I followed Jerry Brown because he is the governor of California and I want to see his explanations to why California is a sanctuary state. The Fox News posted a blog stating that California is “out of control”. I think the blog was very interesting and I do agree with some of the points that the blog made. Although the 10th amendment increased state’s power, states are still under the control of the federal government. California is undermining the federal government by not following federal policy on immigration. 
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