mrshudsonsficclub · 10 years
"Hacked" by SoftPurpleSherlockian
Sherlock has a bad habit of hacking into Johns email account and sending himself messages, which he later reads while pretending the doctor sent them to him.
**Warnings for light BSDM/S&M
I'm usually not really into BSDM johnlock fics, but I made an exception and gave this one a chance, and I am SO glad I did. Its a WIP and I'm not sure how fast the author updates, but I'm pumped for the next chapter. So much sexual tension. Ah.
Word Count: 41,376 and counting (25 chapters so far)
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mrshudsonsficclub · 10 years
"The Pursuit Of Discovery" by lookupkate
Sherlock is a lonely scientist, his loneliness self imposed. John is a lonely veterinarian, his loneliness due to his neglectful husband. When John's husband accidentally takes Sherlock's lunch Sherlock takes his in revenge. What he finds inside takes his breath away.
So this general plot for this fic is loosely based off an Indian film called The Lunchbox which I have never seen but it looks really good (it got a 96% on rotten tomatoes). Like the summary says, Sherlock accidentally takes one of his asshole coworker's (who is married to John but is a complete jerk to him) lunchbox and finds a lovingly-prepared meal with a little love note inside, and decides to write back. They start corresponding and it all goes from there. It's all around cute/tragic. While Sherlock and John may seem a little OOC at times, the idea and plot are so original and great, its addicting. Plus the author updates with the speed of light, which is always a big plus when it comes to a WIP fic. Very fluffy (to me) with a slight twinge of angst and pining.
Word Count: 8,970 and counting (10 chapters so far)
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mrshudsonsficclub · 11 years
"A Wound to the Heart" by SMQueen
“Leave John out of this,” Sherlock growled. “This is not about John.”
“Oh, I think it is very much about John.” Moriarty smirked, stepping away from John and staring down at him. “I want to hurt you, Sherlock….”
“Then do it. Hurt me,” Sherlock said, a little too quickly.
“I believe I have found,” Moriarty paused, reaching down to slap John roughly across the face. The hit echoed throughout the large room. Sherlock closed his eyes. Tried to collect his thoughts. John gritted his teeth. “That hurting John is hurting you.”
Lately I've become semi-obsessed with the kidnapping trope– namely ones in which john is being kidnapped and Sherlock discovers he will do anything to get him back/save him/keep him alive. This fic is a fantastic example of that. It just the right amount of angst and desperate confessions to make me squeal with happiness and agony. Can't wait to see where it goes!
**Warning: this fic contains mild torture and is a WIP.
Word Count: 8,463 and counting (6 chapters)
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mrshudsonsficclub · 11 years
Do you know of any Swan Princess AU fics?
why yes actually!
the only one i can think of right off the top of my head is the swan triad series by pennin_ink
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mrshudsonsficclub · 11 years
"Nine", by kres
He would go anywhere for a nine.
This is a great oneshot if you're looking for a) a quick read that doesn't feel rushed b) sexual tension and c) SEXUAL. TENSION... of the unresolved kind.
Word Count: 1,058
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mrshudsonsficclub · 11 years
"Notes" by Kryptaria
It had begun innocuously enough, when Sherlock had found a scrap of paper under the armchair that had become reserved solely for John’s use. Sherlock Holmes, it read, with 221B Baker Street underneath.
Think fic is def one of my favs. Pining!Sherlock at his finest.
Word Count: 2,757
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mrshudsonsficclub · 11 years
"Human Error" by LitLocked
Everything Sherlock does not say.
Short, sweet, glorious angst.
This fic may be short, but it packs a fucking punch. Its written so beautifully, I literally sighed and clutched my breast like (i'm having trouble finding appropriate similes) Mrs. Hudson would if she were to read this fic. I'd give you a little taste, but its so short and so amazing I don't want to spoil any word of it.
Word Count: 591
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mrshudsonsficclub · 11 years
"The Vibe" by ms_soma
Based on this prompt on the Sherlock BBC Kink Meme.
(Mostly straight) John is desperate for a change in vocation. Along comes the imposing, and slightly intriguing, Mycroft Holmes with an offer for John to join his brother's shop. Sherlock is doubtful his brother is capable of hiring anyone who is not prudish, squeamish or a complete prat, yet maybe he's on a winner with the good doctor. Not that he'll admit it. Yet.
Featuring all the regulars you know and love (and hate), a trip to Sexpo, pining of the requited and unrequited variety, and lots of talk of butt-plugs and dildos.
Hooray for recently completed multi-chapter fics!
I definitely thought this sounded a bit crack-y at first, but after the first chapter I was HOOKED on this AU. Sherlock runs a sex shop (a shop that sells sex toys) and John becomes his assistant manager. The slow-build of Sherlock and John's relationship is well-done, and the sexual tension is plentiful and fantastic. 
Also... Anderson....Just...Anderson.
Word Count: 34,289 (8 chapters)
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mrshudsonsficclub · 11 years
"Best of Three" by SilentAuror
“You want to have sex with me,” Sherlock announces one evening about a year after John's divorce. John's vigorous denial sparks a three-day wager wherein Sherlock is determined to prove his point, and John is determined to hold onto his heterosexuality. Set well after HLV. (Canon-compliant-ish). PORN. With feels.
First of all, LOVE this author's work. Second of all– Porn. Well-written, slightly angsty porn. With a dash of John-denial and a whole lot of seduction. Also, one of the sexiest Sherlocks I've ever read. You just gotta read it. 
Word Count: 17,473
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mrshudsonsficclub · 11 years
Hey! I'm having a little trouble finding a fic I read on my phone (but forgot to bookmark -.-) I know it's about Johnlock going to a fancy spa at Mycroft's request to find out about the 'fancy' package it offers. It's pre-relationship to relationship and there's a scene where John has a foot massage and gets "flustered" and Sherlock storms out b/c he's jealous. There's another scene where they makeout in a jacuzzi tub thing and the ending has something to do with drugs... any help?
Sorry It took me so long to get to this. I believe that would be Corpus Hominis, by mycapeisplaid. I haven’t read it it but is in my to-read file.
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mrshudsonsficclub · 11 years
"Working On the Edges" by earlgreytea68
No matter where you put Sherlock and John, they click. Including the Winter Olympics.
I've been looking for a good figure-skater!lock fic ever since the olympics started. And finally one of my favorite fic writers has delivered. I mean seriously, how she can crank out this beautiful 18+k alongside her regular updates of Nature & Nurture is beyond my comprehension.
In this AU, John is a hockey player on the US hockey team who is (was?) injured, and Sherlock is a british figure skater who choked at all his previous attempts at the olympics. It only has 4 chapters so far (its a WIP), but each chapter is pretty long and FULL of sherlock figure skating and tension and pining and fluff and of course, some smut...
Word Count: 18462 and counting
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mrshudsonsficclub · 11 years
"One Espresso, Seven Sugars" by mydarlingbenedict (LiraDonne)
A madman named Sherlock enters the coffee shop one day. Despite apparently hating coffee, he starts coming in every day.
John's definitely not interested in an idiot who's rude to half the staff. And even if he were, Sherlock's too busy with his mysterious paperwork to notice a lowly barista. Right?
This is a cute teenlock coffee shop AU with some great smut at the end. Great if you're looking for a quick read!
Word Count: 3741
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mrshudsonsficclub · 11 years
"Eternity is a Long Time to be Sober" by betweentheraindrops
John finds the lad again sometime that week, and asks him to take him along next time he went to “work” (what a funny concept, members of their little hive of drugs and grime and hopelessness pretending to be functional members of society and working), and promises to be sober. Afterwards, he goes outside and chugs whatever had been in his pile of nameless things – he can’t tell by taste what it is and his brain is too fuzzy for him to read the label, if there even is a label – and licks the starless sky and thinks how happy he is that he gets to stay in London.
Response to the following prompt from arthurdentistry on Tumblr:
AU where John never found a roommate, lost his tiny bedsit apt from lack of work/depression and ends up a homeless alcoholic (instead of Harry being the drunk). He hears about Sherlock and his homeless network and decides to get involved so he can make a bit of money. They connect and he slowly starts to clean up and turn his life around because Sherlock gives him something to want to live for again.
I was a little skeptic about this at first, this John seemed like it would be a little OCC to me. Then I actually thought about it. This could have actually happened to John. He's obviously got an addictive personality (I said dangerous and yet here you are) and a predisposition for alcoholism (see, harry). And in the US (not sure about the UK) almost 9% of homeless are veterans.
This is the second (I think) homeless!John fic I've ever read, and I think the author portrays him in a fantastic way. The only criticism I'd have for this fic is that I wish there was more in depth interactions between John and Sherlock, because to me the relationship seemed oddly distant because the focus was so much on John's life as one of the homeless. But that's just because I have a taste for heavy emotional angst/fluff and I feel this trope has big potential for that.
Nevertheless, this is a fantastic fic, and you should all go read it!
Word Count: 7296
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mrshudsonsficclub · 11 years
"The Hollow Ones" by antieamfalls
The dead walk. Mangled corpses of the deceased rise and mindlessly feast upon the flesh of the living. John wakes up, alone and confused, into the remnants of a city gone mad. He will search for answers. He will find Sherlock at any cost. And he will learn that the living are far more dangerous than the dead. Fusion with AMC's The Walking Dead.
You guys have NO idea how much I've been craving a "Walking Dead" AU with John as a Rick-esque character. This only has 3 chapters so far, but I can't wait to see how this turns out!
Word Count: 13915 and counting
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mrshudsonsficclub · 11 years
"Winter In London" by wearitcounts
He supposes, in retrospect, it was always going to end up like this.
A quick and beautiful oneshot based of the start of series 4. Read it. You'll be squealing like a idiot afterwards.
word count: 671
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mrshudsonsficclub · 11 years
Sorry for the lack of activity folks! I've been a little busy with school/writing my own fic this week. I'll post several recs tonight to makeup for the lull! -poppins
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mrshudsonsficclub · 11 years
"The Paper Burns, But the Words Fly Free" by sariagray
If the words you spoke appeared on your skin, would you be more careful of what you say?
I'm a big ole sucker for this sort of magical realism, and this author definitely does this trope justice. The descriptions are beautiful. I especially love the descriptions of the Arabic words on the people in Afghanistan and how John envies them a little bit. But the entire thing is so beautifully written... I know this may sound strange, but this is one of those fics I want to wrap myself up with and sleep in.
Word Count: 1,998
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