mpregoriginals · 10 months
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mpregoriginals · 10 months
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mpregoriginals · 1 year
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Looking in the fridge for something to eat bc eating for two
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mpregoriginals · 1 year
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mpregoriginals · 3 years
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I love being a paternity photographer
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mpregoriginals · 3 years
The minute you’re through the door, the panties come off.
Ryan knew the drill by now. He’d been going over to his coach’s place for a few months already, and it obviously showed.
The two always had a congenial relationship, but there was never any obvious tension during the sweaty workouts and training sessions. It wasn’t until Ryan had his first period, right after a really intense leg session. He’d noticed his hips widening and ass getting thicker, but he was just assuming it was all the gains from the new training regimen and supplements.
Right as Ryan was about to enter the shower, he felt an intense twist in his stomach and an urge to push, and out his ass came a sticky, odious fluid in a burst. Ryan lurched over, his rectum still spasming uncontrollably while the fluid dripped down his toned thighs.
David ran over in concern, putting his firm grip around his shoulders. “Oh my god Ryan, are you alright?”
“Yea, I’m ok. I think I just shit myself.” Ryan was flush with embarrassment and exhaustion. He suddenly felt extremely weak and hot in the face.
“No, that’s definitely not it. Do you… smell that? David’s grip tightened as he started intensely sniffing the 23 year old, slowly moving his way down to Ryan’s lower half. They’d never been that close before, and suddenly Ryan felt warm in even more places.
David was mere inches from his ass, the bath towel long forgotten. David’s breathing got noticeably heavier as he continued sniffing, but Ryan remained still.
With two fingers David scraped some of the fluid off Ryan’s inner thigh. His skin felt ultra sensitive, and he started feeling his dick rise, and quickly realized it was time to grab the towel again.
Still staring intensely at the fluid, a sly smile flashed across David’s face as he finally returned his attention to the cowering athlete “It’s absolutely nothing to be ashamed or afraid of, many men have started going through this phenomenon.” He let out a small laugh, noticing the tension in Ryan’s body. “It’s pretty exciting when you think about it, you are able to carry life inside of you!”
“What the hell are you talking… ugh!” Another surge hit Ryan's abdomen, but it started feeling different. Not so much a pain, and more of a… craving?
“Ryan, you’ve just had your first period, you’re in heat!”
“Wait, what, you’re saying I can, get pregnant?” The recent news stories started coming to the front of Ryan’s memory. He hadn’t thought much of it before. It was believed to only be occurring in men that already had sex with men, and well, Ryan was never much into guys.
“How do I get it to stop?”
“Well, you can’t, you can either push through the heat and have to deal with this every few months, or you can give in.”
“Give in, like have sex and get pregnant?!” Neither choice sounded very desirable at that moment.
“Well there’s no guarantee you’ll get pregnant, and I heard once you have sex during heat you’ll be able to control it better.”
For a moment, Ryan sat and pondered the idea, not entirely buying into his coach’s proposition. However, he wasn’t allowed much time to think it through as a few moments later, Ryan watched as David stuck the two fingers of sap in his mouth. Ryan gaped as he watched David’s eyes roll back in a kind of ecstasy. The rest was a blur as David pounced on top of the newly breedable boy and immediately started licking the source.
Ryan didn’t have much time to struggle as he was quickly overcome with the sensation of David’s tongue. He immediately felt intense pleasure, but also an urge for more, to be filled. He had no idea where these feelings were coming from, but just followed his biological instincts, soon bending over further, begging to be filled. The period fluid worked as both a lubricant and relaxant, causing David's dick to slide in with ease. The session lasted only a few minutes as David came near instantly, after already being so high on Ryan's new scent.
Despite his coach’s assurances, Ryan did indeed get pregnant and he was never able to stay on top of his sex drive. He started visiting Coach more and more often through the week, sometimes staying at the 50 year old’s place multiple nights in a row. It was at that point where he met some of the other athletes that were also in a strangely similar position.
Turns out the supplements Ryan was taking were for increasing fertility, and he was not the only one David’s been giving them to. At that point, Ryan no longer minded that he was one of many mothers in his coach’s breeding harem. David was a hot silver fox that knew how to satisfy the needs of his mommy boys, ready to relieve them at their beck and call.
So there he was, month 5, back at his coaches doorstep for another booty call. Coach had a few sessions that night so there was no time to lose.
The minute he was through the door, the panties came off and he was back to getting filled.
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mpregoriginals · 3 years
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Follow @mpregoriginals for mpreg morphs and fics
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