movedbyspirit · 4 years
Life is meaningless without heartfelt love. -E.Z
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movedbyspirit · 4 years
Achieving great accomplishments takes time.
It's a lot like weight training.
You can do it if you take your time. 
The most important step you can take every single day is being honest with yourself. Meet yourself where you really are and grow from there. 
Success is not about “faking it till you make it” 
Lift weight that you can honestly handle at a steady rep pace. Overtime you will see favorable results. 
If you try lifting too much weight at a rep pace faster than you can handle, you will end up injuring yourself and accomplish nothing.
Fall in love with each step in the process and success will attract itself to you.
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movedbyspirit · 4 years
God is not done with you.
Let's get real.
You hate waiting and truth is this is only the beginning...........
Could you possibly believe that God would design you with SO much fire, so much LOVE, so much passion, intelligence, talents, gifts, drive, abilities, such an openness to learn, a desire to serve others, a desire to grow, grit, a connection to the supernatural, a wild imagination, the list goes on... to not deliver when its time???
Girl, EVERYTHING is about timing.
Keep developing. That’s on you.
He is going to exceed any/all your expectations.
That is who he is.
That’s on him.
Stay faithful.
He already is.
I’m jussss saying though... you are going to be blown away sooner than you know it.
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movedbyspirit · 4 years
You ever wake up to the realization that your current life is the life you one day were daydreaming of and praying for.
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movedbyspirit · 4 years
You got this.
Don't depend on your own strength.
Abba, your father is the source of ALL your strength.
May you rest in him continually.
He holds you up, so high. From heaven. 
Know you belong in his arms.
He is perfect love.
Perfect love surrounds you always in all ways.
When you don’t feel it, you must know it.
You don't need to have all the answers.
We weren't designed to have them.
It would be too overbearing for us to hold.
God loves us so deeply.
He designed us to know just enough.
We are free.
If only we believe. 
God is powerful beyond measure.
You are his child.
Be an influencer.
Be a game changer.
God alone can transform us
Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit.
I am surrounded by God’s grace.
I am surrounded by His goodness.
I am his temple.
I am a walking breathing church.
I am who he says I am.
I am a vessel that echoes God’s glory.
I can do ALL thing through CHRIST who strengthens me.
I am not fueled by motivation.
I am fueled by doing the right thing.
I am doing the right thing.
I am being an example for someone out there.
It’s not about me.
It has never been about me and it won't ever be about me.
Someone out there needs me as my best self.
So yes, I will continue to fight for what is right when feelings get overbearing.
I will fight to put my best face forward every single day.
When I am tested I shall REJOICE.
When I am weak I shall KNOW he who is strong.
When I am tempted I shall know WHO I am.
When I fall short I shall LIFT his name.
When I struggle I shall CLING to the father.
When I doubt I shall TRUST with all my might.
It is not me, but CHRIST who lives in me.
Less of me, more of you Lord.
It’s about you.
I surrender Lord.
I give my life to you.
You are more than enough.
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movedbyspirit · 4 years
Insight, foresight and hindsight are developed only through the art of living. Another golden maiden story has been added to the books. My crone heart is full, blessed & grateful.
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movedbyspirit · 4 years
It feels good to be in a state of clarity.
I know what I am yearning for.
But even better that that, I know my worth.
I’m not the type to settle into the lukewarm: maybe, like, ish, it’ll do.
I’m into the sacred: passionate, healing, multi-dimensional, disarming, intimate, real.
My commitment is to hold space for Truth, healing and evolution. To be of service. To make a contribution. To be true to myself. To know my worth. 
“Embody your philosophy.” -Devin. 
These words pierced my soul last night.
The man I am calling in cherishes me. Desires to ravish me. Sees me. Hears me. Values me. Adores me. Expands my being.
He will meet me and say to himself, I want to undress her soul as much as I want her intimately in my arms. He will rise up to the occasion with courage and a zest that captivates me. 
I dream of the day where I gracefully fall and begin this dance with another being calling in expansion. Where we are linked at first sight as we cascade into an abundance of growth undeniably destined to be fully embraced. 
Holy Spirit, thank you for supporting me in getting clear on what I am truly yearning for.
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movedbyspirit · 4 years
“Hindsight is a wonderful thing.”
-William Blake
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movedbyspirit · 4 years
plot twist x plot twist x plot twist x plot twist
to be continued...
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movedbyspirit · 4 years
i dont know what i dont know
but i always keep it real
especially with myself.
there's a bug in my mind
it created an idea of sorts..
and somehow i started to really like this idea.
the mere possibility in something turning out wonderfully.
i don't like missing out from anything great.
I hope i'm at least a bit memorable.
what i do know is,
we can only live life forwards.
and we can only understand backwards.
I can make peace with that.
Idk what’s to come, whats to change, whats meant to be or not.
But at least i know i'm getting smarter, wiser, hotter and even funner and nothing is stopping me from fully living this dream wholeheartedly.
so cheers.
cheers to a great time.
to what was
till is wasn't.
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movedbyspirit · 4 years
change what you can
accept what you cannot
and be grateful for it all.
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movedbyspirit · 4 years
It is what it is till it aint
-Mac Miller
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movedbyspirit · 4 years
when i was a little girl
i remember watching the senior company ballerinas practice and practice
watching from the open window 
I grew more and more inspired every week
hungry to become as gracefully skilled as them one day.
I watched them as I waited for my own class to begin.
I always demanded more from myself 
so I pushed harder, worked harder 
to be the best dancer in the room.
i was my own coach.
and my own cheerleader.
I had to be, for my dream to be realized.
I would daydream of the day I finally got to own my first pair of pointe shoes.
I worked and I trained.
I waited and waited.
until one day... that day came.
A soul lesson from the archives: Keep pushing, one day closer, keep your eye on the burning desire.
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movedbyspirit · 4 years
Dear self please just remember one thing.
Through it all please just remember to never stop falling in love- with God, life, the universe, yourself- while you wait for all the great things you know are coming your way. Keep the faith. It works ;)
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movedbyspirit · 4 years
I hate waiting.
HATE it.
I might be the most impatient person in the world.
In this quarantine life, I feel as though i've been forced and shoved into a cocoon.
But I do NOT feel like going in. 
As I follow God’s instruction, I experience resistance all around me.
That is, to go inwards- AGAIN.
Whirlwinds of chaos spell out what is going on behind the scenes of my mind.
Hello subconscious.
We meet again.
I feel my body speaking to me.
She says I need to surrender.
“It’s not your’s. Let go”
This year -2020- I’ve been assigned the soul lesson to learn what it means to surrender.
It’s been tough to say the least.
I like to feel in control.
But I’ve awakened from my silly human slumber.
The truth is we never really are.
I don’t like to to complicate things so I’ll just leave it as that.
J Balvin said it best in his new song Amarillo:
 “Yo no me complico, ¿Cómo te explico? A mi me gusta pasarla rico”
It was as if i just landed on a whole new groove and it was about to get really good.
I can’t blame myself.
No one saw this coming.
I believe we’re all learning a key life principle: Adaptation.
A Global life lesson.
Class is in session.
What’s next?
I repeat to myself these mantras to feel a little less anxious:
“Just worry about the next 5 minutes.”
“Just do the next right thing.”
“its okay to relax. Let go of the reigns for now.”
I feel so.. vulnerable.
so unsettled.
I’m not sure of so many things.
Or maybe that's the very nature of adulting.
The more you grow up the more you learn how little you really know. 
If that’s the case that’s a little comforting.
To know I’m not the only one who feels this way.
I’ll admit, the biggest mental battle I struggle with daily is “I don't know enough” which roots come from “I’m not enough.”
I miss my friends, smiling at strangers, hugs, random conversations with people, weight lifting at the gym, going to church, making money, going to the beach, having fun out, meeting new people, getting dolled up, spontaneity, adventures.
None of this stuff is the answer, but I genuinely do love these pieces of my life.
I’m a mess.
I went all over the place but man do I hate waiting. 
God, I need clarity of mind. 
Jesus please reveal. 
Jesus please help.
Jesus make me well.
Jesus give me health.
Jesus give me strength. 
All the demons, overcome em.
I’ve been inside for weeks.
I feel the pain of the world, my family and my own.
I’m holding on to hope.
Hope that I will be a better person than I’ve been.
Better than I am now. 
Lord, grant me the opportunity to hear and understand from your wisdom. My counselor. My light. 
I need a lighthouse. 
Grant me your peace Lord.
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